Paper Cranes (22 page)

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Authors: Nicole Hite

Tags: #novel

BOOK: Paper Cranes
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“Don’t touch anything. I’m coming,” he shook his head as he rolled his eyes. “I’ll be right back.”

Watching him walk away, I felt a ping in my chest of what could be. This could be my life…if I wasn’t sick, though.
Who was I kidding?

“Never a dull moment in this house. I hope you’re accustomed to chaos, Kat,” Jim chortled, “cause we got a lot of it.”

“This is cake compared to the eighty or so giant babies I deal with on a daily basis.”

“That’s right. Lee said you worked for the Saints. That’s got to be exciting work.”

I grinned just thinking about Lee talking about me to his dad and son. There was something so touching about him wanting to share with them my very existence.

“It’s incredible. Time consuming, but I’ve worked very hard to get to where I am today.”

“You gotta keep the lights on somehow I guess,” he grinned.

You could see the tired lines in Jim’s face. The man probably hadn’t had a day’s rest in years.

“I feel I need to apologize for Lee. I should have reminded him to turn his phone up after the meeting. You shouldn’t have had to leave your trip just to pick him up,” I said giving him a weary stare.

“Oh, honey. I would do just about anything for those two in there. There will be plenty other times to catch fish. The love of family only comes around once, maybe twice if you’re lucky,” he winked.

Jim patted my hand as he reached into the fridge for a bottle of cherry soda.

“You want one, honey?”

“Yes. I would love one.”

Jim popped our caps, tossing them into the trashcan.

“Lee talks about you a lot. He’s pretty fond of you. I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time.”

I swirled the fizzy pop around in my bottle, feeling suddenly awkward. How do I respond to something like that? How was I supposed to tell him,
“Hey, I know your son caught feelings but..OH..did I mention I’m dying?”
For all I know, he already told him.

“He’s okay I guess,” I tried to play if off.

“He wears his heart on his sleeve, bebe. Be gentle with him…but if he gets out of line, feel free to smack him around. I give you permission,” he laughed as he squeezed my bicep. I laid my hand on is, admiring the years of wear and tear on his fingers. He smelled just like Lee – oil and pine.

The microwave went off with a bing as Lee came into the kitchen. Placing a kiss on my cheek, Jim made his departure.

“You kids be good. I’m headed to bed; very nice to meet you, Kat. Come back anytime, bebe.”

“Nice to meet you too, Mr. Daniels. Thank you for the cola.”

He didn’t respond, but instead snuck out of the room and down the hallway.

“Sounds like you and dad hit it off. He didn’t tell you any embarrassing stories about me, did he?”

“No, but now I’m intrigued!”

“Maybe another time,” he smirked.

Lee tried to pull me into his side again, but I sidestepped his advances. Instead, I went to a wall full of pictures. I didn’t want to embarrass myself anymore then I had already done tonight. Ironically, being caught by his son and father was far worse than singing on the cash register half naked. At least I wouldn’t see those people again.

Pointing to a picture closest to me, “Oh my God. Is that you?”

Before me was a nerdy little boy just about the same age as Jackson. He had giant glasses, a mouth of braces, and an atrocious plaid shirt on.

“My style was on point,” he laughed, “besides, it was only dad raising us then. He tried his best to raise us.”

“And this little guy,” I pointed to a mirror image of Lee, only a little smaller.

“That’s Gage,” he snickered as he filled the bowl with popcorn.

“My God. He looks just like you. The resemblance is uncanny!”

“People always think we are twins – it’s annoying as shit.”

“I’m warning you right now, if JoJo gets her hands on him, you’re screwed. You think she’s a pain in the ass now? HA. You just wait.”

“How does JoJo feel about casual sex?” Lee laughed.

“I think that’s all she knows to be honest.”

“They’ll be perfect for one another then,” he smiled.

“Commitment phob?” I asked.

“Big time. I’m not sure he’s ever had a steady girlfriend. Truthfully, he’s missing out.”

“I thought you were supposed to grow out of that,” I chuckled.

“One would think. Not so much.”

Just then, the sound of plastic flapping on the kitchen floor got our attention. Jackson’s little footie pajama’s pattered their way directly to us.

Placing his hands on his hips, “Are we going to watch this movie, or not? I’m getting older every second.”

His sassy little self clearly came from Lee. Jackson was one hundred percent Lee’s, all the way down to his mannerisms. It was adorable.

With our giant bowl of popcorn, we made our way into the living room. Spinning in rotation was the start up screen. Jackson was being very patient not to hit play, however the second we appeared in his line of sight it was game over.

“Kat, I wanna sit next to you. Sorry, Dad.”

“Kat’s only been here an hour and already you’re taking over my girl? What’s that about, little dude?”

“She said I was cute. Didn’t you, Kat?” he flashed me his innocent smile.

“I did say he was cute,” I raised my eyebrows, stifling a laugh.

“Yeah, Dad. She’s my girlfriend. Right Kat?”

I had to laugh out loud. Only a five-year-old would say something so darling.

“I am A girl who is your friend,” I winked at Jackson.

“Oh okay. Can I share my popcorn with you?”

“Sure, buddy. Hit me with a kernel.”

Jackson’s little fingers, literally, tossed me a piece in the air. Sticking out my tongue, I let the fluffy corn land on my tongue.

“Yummy!” I chomped.

“Can you teach me how to do that someday?” Jackson asked.

“Yeah, Kat, can you teach me how to do that thing with your tongue too,” he suppressed a laugh.

Looking at Jackson, “Sure, bud. I then turned to Lee, “Nice try.”

“A guy can hope, can’t he?”

Rolling my eyes, “He can hope, doesn’t mean it will come true.”

Jackson practiced his kernel toss until he could barely keep his eyes open anymore.

“I can put him to bed. I don’t mind.”

“Are you sure you can handle it?” Lee questioned.

Scooping up Jackson’s tiny, tired body, I padded my way down the hallway. Placing him down on his Spiderman bed, I pulled the covers up nice and tight. I even wiggled Gus under his arm, and flicked on his Captain America night-light. The actions felt so natural, as if I’d done it a thousand times over.

Right as I was about to shut his door, a little voice called me back.

“Kat, are we still going to the pound? I was a big boy, right?”

“Yes, yes you were, buddy. Now go to sleep,” I said, cracking the door.

“Any problems,” Lee asked as I made my way back into the living room.

I knew he was worried about my arm, but he was so little, he felt virtually weightless.

“Nope. Peachy keen, jellybean. Jackson’s a really great kid you know.”

“Thanks, Dove. That means a lot. I’ve definitely had challenges, but I don’t regret a single second.”

With that, I plopped down next to him on the couch. Pulling me toward him, I reclined into his side as we watched the end of Clue.

“So what’s next on the bucket list?” he asked as he twirled a piece of my hair.

“Hmm, I have a few, but they seem lame. I’ve never been very outgoing.”

“What are they? You already know I’m not going to judge you Dove.”

“Well, there’s this crazy fortune teller on Bourbon. I know it’s lame, but I’m intrigued. I know what she’s going to say, but the experience would be neat. Besides, I’ll be able to tell if she’s full of shit or not,” I laughed.

“I really like that. I’ve never been to one myself. I could get down with that. What else you got?”

“I’ve always wanted to swim with pigs in the Bahamas.”

“Wait. Is that really a thing?” he looked confused.

“Yep. It’s this island in the Bahamas called, Big Major Cay. I saw it on the travel channel one time.”

“That sounds…awesome,” he tried to hold back a laugh.

“Shut up, asshole. They seem so cute and innocent.”

“Yeah, until they bite your face off. But, who knows, I could be totally wrong. They could be sweet and docile creatures. This surprises me to be honest.”

“Why is that?” I looked confused.

“Well, you love bacon, like, a lot. Seems a little masochistic, but hey, if that makes you happy, I’m all for it. But can’t I just put you in a bathtub and throw bacon at you?”

“You. Are. An. Ass!” I crowed.

“I aim to please, baby!”

“Perhaps I should stick to adopting a dog,” I winked.

“Oh, Lord. Don’t say that too loud, you’ll wake up spawn of Satan.”

“I just think you need to bone up and get him a puppy.”

“That’s another conversation for another time, Dove. It’s complicated.

“Okay,” I said shortly.

I wasn’t sure why Lee would want to switch topics so quickly on something so frivolous, but I wasn’t about to test the limits. We were having a great night. No need to spoil the fun.

“What else you got on that list?”

“Um, well, I’ve never gotten a tattoo before. I’ve always been too chicken shit to allow someone to purposefully stab me over and over.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“I have a few in mind, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise yet.”

That was a lie. There was only one tattoo I had considered, but I didn’t want to freak him out by telling him what it would be.

“It’s okay. It won’t bother me if you get my name tattoo on that rump of yours. I give you permission,” he laughed.

All I could do was roll my eyes as his arrogant comment.

“You know, you never answered my question,” he pulled me closer toward him.

“About?” I play dumb. I knew exactly what he was asking. I just wanted to hear him say it.

“Well, can we?”

“We what?” I asked giving him a cocky grin.

“Oh come on, Dove. You can’t kiss a guy like that and expect him not to want to do it again. So can we at least be friends who kiss?”

“I’ll think about it,” I teased.

Lee started kissing my neck, getting desperately close to my earlobe.

“Do you really need to think about it, Dove?” he persisted.

“Don’t make me regret this, Daniels.”

“Trust me. You won’t,” he said, placing a sweet kiss on my neck.

“I just thought of another bucket list wish,” I spoke up.

“Oh yeah. What’s that?” he bent down to listen, nestling into my neck. He placed his lips to my neck where I’m sure he could feel my erratic heartbeat.
Oh, what this man does to me.

“A kiss in the rain.”

“Consider it done. Now, I guess we wait for rain,” he smiled.


urns out getting the team on a float was a lot harder than I had anticipated. From what I found out, some sort of Krewe orchestrates each parade. They have a voting process that begins, practically, the day after Mardi Gras concludes. The voting is to choose themes, colors and whom they want on their float for their official King. Whatever that means.

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