Pakistan: A Hard Country (85 page)

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Authors: Anatol Lieven

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10 Some vivid anecdotes of this approach (albeit carried out by a Pathan official in the British service) are to be found in John Bowen, Plain Tales of the Afghan Border (Springwood Books, London, 1982).

11 Interview with the author, Islamabad, 2/5/2007.

12 Quoted in Claudio Franco, ‘The Tehrik-e-Taleban Pakistan’, in Antonio Giustozzi (ed.), Decoding the New Taleban: Insights from the Afghan Field (Hurst, London, 2009), p. 272.

13 Ernest Gel ner, ‘Flux and Reflux in the Faith of Men’, in Gel ner, Muslim Society (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981), p.


14 Ibn Khaldun, The Muqadmimah: An Introduction to History, trans.

Franz Rosenthal, ed. N. J. Dawood (Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1967), p. 118.

15 Gel ner, Muslim Society, p. 53.

16 Fredrik Barth, Political Leadership among Swat Pathans (London School of Economics Monographs on Social Anthropology, London, 1959), pp. 61 – 2.

17 Brian Robson, Crisis on the Frontier: The Third Afghan War and the Campaign in Waziristan, 1919 – 20 (Spel mount, Staplehurst, 2004), p. 212.

18 Sana Haroon, Frontier of Faith: Islam in the Indo-Afghan Borderland (Hurst, London, 2007), p. 3.

19 Ibid., p. 79.

20 W. R. H. Merk, The Mohmands (1898; reprinted Vanguard Books, Lahore, 1984), p. 12.

21 Barth, Political Leadership, pp. 98 – 9.

22 Hussain Ahmad Madni, 1953, quoted in Haroon, Frontier of Faith, p. 93.

23 Caroe, Pathans, pp. 305 – 6.

24 Merk, The Mohmands, p. 33.

25 In Winston S. Churchil , Frontiers and Wars (reprinted Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1962).


1 Quoted in J. G. El iott, The Frontier 1839 – 1947 (London, Cassel , 1968), p. 229.

2 My notebook, 28/8/2008.

3 Interview with the author, Faisalabad, 12/1/2009.

4 Interview with the author, Islamabad, 19/1/2009.

5 See, for example, Brian Robson, Crisis on the Frontier (Spel mount, Staplehurst, 2004), pp. 84, 98; and Sir Olaf Caroe’s reminiscences of an incident of mutiny in the South Waziristan Militia in 1905 with which he was personal y involved, in his The Pathans (1958; reprinted Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006), Appendix D, pp. 468 – 78.

6 Interview with the author, Peshawar, 19/8/2008.

7 Andrew Smal , ‘China’s Caution on Afghanistan-Pakistan’, Washington Quarterly (July 2010), pp. 81 – 97.

8 Interview with the author, Mingora, Swat, 7/8/2009.

9 Interview with the author, Peshawar, 10/8/2008.

10 Sultani-Rome, Swat State from Genesis to Merger, 1915 – 1969

(Oxford University Press, Karachi, 2008), pp. 323 – 4.

11 Interview with the author, Mingora, Swat, 8/8/2009.

12 Human Rights Watch, ‘Pakistan: Extrajudicial Executions by Army in Swat’, 16 July 2010, at



1 Cable from US Embassy in Islamabad to State Department, 25/9/2010, WikiLeaks extract 224303, published in the Guardian (London), 1 December 2010, p. 6.

2 Reported via WikiLeaks in the Guardian (London), 1 December 2010, p. 7.

3 Ibid.

4 US Embassy cable of 23/9/2010.

5 Ewen MacAskil and Simon Tisdal , ‘Barack Obama Shifts Towards Talks with Taliban’, Guardian online, 19 July 2010, at

6 US Embassy cable of 23/9/2010.

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