Read PacksBrokenHeart Online

Authors: Gwen Campbell

Tags: #Romance

PacksBrokenHeart (31 page)

BOOK: PacksBrokenHeart
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“Did he kill him?” Owen asked without censure.

“Yes.” She leaned forward and sighed when his fingers moved over her neck. “From the sound of it, and I checked with their sheriff to confirm, Lowell had no choice.” Looking up at Tom, she felt her back relax even more. “Lowell recognized the four names I gave him. They were his father’s inner circle. His band of enforcers. Apparently they got to gobble up almost as many goodies as his father did. Lowell sounded sick with himself when he told me he’d banished them instead of killing them.

“And it looks as if they moved around the periphery of a lot of packs, hunting for weaknesses they could exploit. Looking for a way in so they could start up their psycho-were ways all over again.”

Falling silent, she rocked slowly in time with the movement of Owen’s fingers. For a while she thought about getting dressed again and going down to the station. But Tom had assigned a full contingent of weres to guard the prisoners. She realized it was mostly nervous energy she was feeling. That wasn’t much of a surprise. So much had changed over the last day and a half. Yet one thing remained in a holding pattern.

Loosening the towel she’d wrapped around herself after her shower, she handed it to Tom. He carried it along with his own into the bathroom and when he returned he slapped Owen’s shoulder, urging the big male to get up so he could turn the sheets down.

Owen had wandered around the house naked after his shower. He did that sometimes. Not that she minded. Frowning, she reached out and tested the edges of the cut on his hip. One of the young males he’d fought the night before last had bitten him. Although it was more of a deep scrape than a puncture, she still shivered at the idea of him being hurt. There was another cut on his cheek but that one was already healing.

Her battles hadn’t been nearly as brutal. All she had to show for them was a stiff knee and that would probably be better come nightfall.

After crawling up toward the pillows, she stretched out on her back. Owen lay down beside her. Tom took the other side. They were quiet for a while, staring up at the ceiling and thinking.

Lifting herself up on her elbow, she flicked her still-damp hair back and leaned into Owen’s body. She didn’t bother to disguise her sigh of pleasure. Owen was big and solid and she loved the feel of her breasts nuzzling into him. Liked the way he looked at them, all round and swollen against him. She got told she was beautiful, more than was probably healthy, but when Owen said it—when Tom said it—she really felt it.

She put her hand on Owen’s chest and let her palm coast the sharp rise of his pecs. That soft furring of pale hair tickled the spaces between her fingers. Leaning over him, she opened her mouth to kiss his throat.

He stiffened, put his hands on her arms and pushed her away gently.

“Oh yeah,” she said quietly. “You always want to be on top. Don’t you.”

It wasn’t a question. Behind her, Tom popped up. He kissed her shoulder, stroked her hip then snorted dismissively. “Alphas. Stuck up and too good to be mounted by the likes of us.”

Owen’s expression darkened. “I’m not stuck up. And I’m
an Alpha.”

She huffed. “
are one dense male,” she said and planted her hand in the middle of his chest. “Recap of last night. Fight with multiple opponents.” She started counting off on her fingers, which earned her a scowl. “Win fights with multiple opponents. No further challengers. Winner equals Alpha.” Leaning back, she kissed Tom, inhaled sharply when that first hit of citrus reached her taste buds then pulled away. “He’s really big so we’ve got to expect him to be a little stupid at times.”

“Why you…” Whatever Owen was going to say was cut off when he rolled on top of her, sat up so he was straddling her hips and drove his fingers into her ribs. Squirming did her no good against a were that huge so she settled for swatting at his hands and laughing like a pup.

When he finally relented and rolled off her she came with him. The body beneath hers stiffened as she sat up with her pussy nuzzling his cock. “I’ll say it once more and once more only.” Deliberately, she kept her voice quiet, perhaps even seductive. “You are this pack’s Alpha. You were challenged. You accepted the challenges. You won. It is just as simple as that so unless you want to call another pack run this afternoon, tie your hands together and let everybody who wants to beat the bejezus out of you, you’re going to remain their Alpha.”

He opened his mouth to interrupt but she kept on talking. He put his hands on her hips like he was going to lift her off but she started rocking. Light, subtle movements that made him inhale sharply and hold her against him. And get hard. Nice and hard.

“Being Alpha isn’t all about strength, although holding your own in a fight goes a long way in our world.” Her voice was still deliberately soft, still confident. Her hips kept moving. “Leadership is more about having an inborn ability to lead, having more of it than anyone else. Like so few, you have the ability to take command of a group just by showing up. You’re smart, focused and ruthless when you have to be.” Leaning down, she let her breasts press into his chest, kissed his shoulder then ran the tips of her fingernails down his arms until he shivered. “You fight like you face every situation—full-on and full-out.” She grinned deliberately to soften her next words. “That doesn’t mean you’ll be a good leader but others
submit to your leadership.”

“And, buddy,” Tom piped up, “that sound you hear is the pack breathing a collective sigh of relief because they’ve
an Alpha. You can screw up from now until round-up and they’ll still follow you because every wolf needs one thing—an established hierarchy.”

Owen rubbed his face and growled. “
horse analogies. Ever.” He rubbed his face again. “Why won’t you listen? I’m not the male for this job. I don’t
packs. I find creative and violent ways to make sure I’m not welcome in packs. I—”

“Oh enough with the sanctimonious bullshit, Owen.” Suzanne felt her temper snap. She grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the mattress on either side of his head. “Being a punk-ass whiner isn’t your style. Now man up and accept the responsibility you were born to handle.”

Owen blinked. He looked at the hands restraining him, one side then the other.

“And another newsflash, stud. I’m your top bitch. And as of yesterday he’s,” with a jerk of her head, she indicated Tom, who was stretched out beside them all relaxed and casual except for the hard flash of light in his eyes, “your Beta. I love you. Sure you could be a pussy and take off but I can’t follow you. Neither can he. We accepted the responsibilities of those positions when we accepted those challenges. You leave and we…” Her breath caught and she had to swallow hard before the words would come. “We’ll have each other. We’ll live our lives out as mates but we’ll never be whole. A part of us will always be missing.

Owen’s expression was neutral, like he was processing everything she’d thrown at him. Finally he opened his mouth.

“You love me?” he asked and for the first time since she’d met him, he sounded hesitant. Maybe even wary.

“Yes. I do. I love you even though I’ve lived every day knowing you might run off.”

“Tell me you love Tom too. God, please tell me you love him.”

She felt the corners of her mouth turn up. “I love Tom too.”

“Thanks, baby,” Tom said quietly. Those eyes that a second earlier had reflected nothing but anger were suddenly soft. He looked at her with unguarded warmth and touched her face. “I love you too. Have since about five minutes after I met you.” Leaning forward, he kissed her. His tongue touched hers in that slow, seductive way of his. His lips moved and made her shiver.

When he finally leaned back she tilted her head to the side. “Five minutes? Why did it take so long?”

“Because I was too busy being in lust with you.” His gaze trailed over her. Hair, face, breasts, the curve of her hip planted over Owen’s loins, all the way down to her pink-polish-decorated toes, Tom looked at her with a fire that made her pussy clench and spill moisture onto Owen’s cock.

The big male beneath her hissed then rocked his hips into her.

“And you love me too,” she barked down at him.

Owen stilled. When he finally spoke it wasn’t reluctance she heard but fear. “Yes. I do. And you’re a masochist for wanting me.”

“My issue to deal with, not yours,” she answered dismissively. Still holding his wrists, she started rocking her hips again, nice and slow, arousing them both. That smooth fat cock felt so good sliding against her labia, teasing her clit. “I’m going to mount you, stud. Fuck you good and hard until we both howl.”

His throat flexed as he swallowed.

“I’m going to take you because this body is mine. Every delicious square inch of it.” Because
body needed it she rocked a little faster. “No other female will ever touch you.”

“N-no ma’am.” Again Owen swallowed harshly. That rebellious expression he’d worn earlier had faded. Now he just looked a little stunned.

“That’s right. The only people with access to this fine body will be Tom and me. And when you’re old, flabby and flatulent we’ll still love you. We’ll still be making love to you. Got it?”

“Affirmative.” His gaze moved down her body and he moistened his lips.

“I’ll second that.” Tom got up on his knees, positioned himself beside his lovers and held his cock out to Suzanne in offering. He ran the tip across her mouth. The way he touched her, the way he bared his need was so…intimate. She ran her tongue over the smooth crest until the taste of warm skin and salt sparkled in her mouth. It was so good, arousing her males at the same time. She felt powerful, utterly feminine and desired. With one hand Tom held her breast. The other slid his shaft across her lips, smiling when they pursed and manipulated his delicate skin then he guided his cock into her mouth.

Semi-hard, the length of him fit inside without struggle. He held himself there, letting his balls rest on her chin and his hair tickle her nose. She licked and sucked, swirled her tongue around him. Owen shifted his hands so they were on her thighs. Still holding her Alpha captive, she was able to sit up straighter, use more of her weight to rub against his swollen rod, accommodate Tom’s growing shaft without choking.

Her males grunted, even growled softly as she used them. When she began bobbing her head in time with the subtle rocking of Tom’s hips he let go of his shaft for a moment, stroked her face and smoothed her hair back. Looking up through her lashes, she was blown away by the intensity in his expression. He watched her with enough lust to make her shiver but he looked at her with undisguised love too. Her shiver became a tremble as warmth cascaded though her body.

The easy roll of her cleft over Owen’s pole wasn’t enough. She bore down on him hard enough to make him snarl and make his abdominals clench. The fingers on her thighs dug in and urged her to move faster.

Tom was fully hard now. She pulled back for a moment, sucked in air then dove on him like he was sustenance and she was starving. He grinned and growled his appreciation. Glancing down, she saw Owen watching them, saw him lick his lips as if he was imagining her mouth on him or Tom’s cock in his mouth. She wasn’t sure which but both scenarios cranked up her arousal until she was groaning around Tom’s fat rod and rocking to appease the ache—the need—in her pussy.

Soon rocking wasn’t enough. She sat up, let go of one of Owen’s hands, held his cock up straight and lowered herself onto it.

Dripping with her juices, the head parted her folds easily then wedged tight against the mouth of her core. Hung didn’t begin to describe Owen and she groaned as she forced him inside. The stretching and the sting were exquisite. Arousal drove her close to the edge of control and she sucked Tom furiously, swirled her tongue around him, bobbed her head up and down until he moaned. His taste and the exquisite erotic scent of his skin filled her. She felt thoroughly seduced from her head right down to her pussy. Tom’s hand, still on her breast, homed in on her nipple. He pinched it then ran his thumb across it back and forth until she shivered and arched into his touch.

Owen slid his hands out from beneath hers, grabbed her waist and started pulling her down onto him. She felt nothing but pleasure as she ceded control of the joining to him. Her attempts to take him in had been too slow, too tentative. She didn’t have the strength to impale her much smaller body on his. Those strong arms moved her, pleasured them both but she loved him most for being able to harness that control-freak side of himself that had never let either her or Tom mount him.

And from the expression on his face it was clear Owen was getting into the being-on-the-bottom thing for a change.

She grunted when he was fully seated inside her, rubbed her loins against his tentatively, tried to breathe past the heavy cock threatening to split her in two
the one filling her mouth. They were going to be the death of her.

She couldn’t wait.

Suddenly Tom pulled out of her mouth. He kissed her hard, wrapped his tongue around hers then just as suddenly pulled back. With her head in his hands he said, “You’re the sexiest female I’ve ever known.” Then he was gone.

Damn but that male could move fast. She held on to Owen’s waist when the mattress shifted then she felt Tom’s hand on her ass, felt something oily being smeared over her rear opening. Leaning forward, she grinned and relaxed. She knew what Tom wanted and she loved taking both her males at once. They made her feel utterly feminine and so delicate when their much larger bodies sandwiched hers. She loved them equally, loved making love with them, but nothing compared to this sharing between all three of them.

BOOK: PacksBrokenHeart
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