Read PacksBrokenHeart Online

Authors: Gwen Campbell

Tags: #Romance

PacksBrokenHeart (17 page)

BOOK: PacksBrokenHeart
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“Damn,” the other male groaned. “I can feel it.”

Owen was pretty sure Tom wasn’t just talking about those mind-blowing rings of muscle in Suzanne’s pussy. He hid his lust-driven grin in her hair then worked his shaft back into her.

The rhythm came easy enough. Maybe out of self-preservation, Suzanne kept still for the most part, although those quiet moans punctuated by gasps of pleasure sure did things for a male’s ego. He and Tom filled her in turn, took her a little faster when she started digging her fingernails into them, took her a little harder when she started to sweat.

Peering over her body, Owen watched Tom’s hand slide down her thigh until it reached her hip. His fingers pressed down on Owen’s for a moment, flexed hard then fumbled as if they were trying to find a good place to grip as he drove into her. Owen shook his head, trying to stave off the hunger drawing his balls up tight and hard. He needed to come soon, however he’d always lived by the creed of ladies first.

Sliding his hand forward, he followed that thin, silky pelt of hair to her cleft, stroked her swollen pussy then with his forefinger began drawing tight circles around her clit.

Suzanne bucked into him, snarled so authoritatively it made his balls ache then drove her head back into his shoulder and cried out.

Damn but he loved a vocal woman.

It was then he felt the hand grabbing onto his hip. Big, heavy fingers held him with far more strength than Suzanne was capable of. The angle of the grip was wrong too. With the head of his cock just inside her ass, Owen paused. Tom’s knee jerked against his and Owen knew the other male’s shaft was buried in her pussy. Using the torque of his grip on Owen’s hip, Tom held himself there and groaned. Owen’s big head had an instinctive urge to punch Tom in the mouth. But neither his little head nor his wolf protested. It accepted the intimacy, maybe even liked it. Since puberty, when Owen had been old enough to change and recognize his wolf as a separate being, his wolf had never wanted much intimacy. It got what it needed from sex. The three of them, together, pleased it in ways Owen knew surprised it.

A horndog at heart, Owen shrugged off his homophobic reaction and decided to go with the flow. For now. He could deal with these touchy-feely issues later. Or not. For now, he wanted to fuck.

With his hand anchoring Suzanne against him and Tom’s hand sandwiching the three of them together, Owen began to rock his hips hard. He put some of his strength into each thrust, shoving that sweet-smelling, feminine body wrapped around his cock into Tom’s. Felt the other were’s rod rub his, knew from Tom’s snarls and the way he tightened his hold on Owen’s hip that Tom felt it too.

Even the way the other male touched him was a revelation. Women didn’t have the strength to grip that hard. Most of them lacked the courage to, although he suspected Suzanne could twist his dick until he came…under the right circumstances. In his experience women were gentle when it came to sex. Their soft hands caressed and stroked until the pleasure stripped his senses. That was great and all but that sweaty, hard hold of Tom’s was making the base of his spine tingle.

How fucked-up was that?

Fucked-up enough that Owen’s hips started rocking faster.

“Oh yeah. Oh god.” Tom was moaning now, deep and rough. Each thrust into Suzanne’s body made Owen shiver with pleasure.

Suzanne apparently liked it even better because she was shaking and making sexy little mewling sounds. She gripped his forearm, hard, and her free hand clamped over his—the one over her mound—and forced him to rub her clit harder.

“I’ve got you, baby,” he whispered near her ear. When her ass bore down on him, when he felt the contractions of her orgasm through the thin wall that separated him from her pussy, he gritted his teeth, thrust into her like a mad dog and made himself think about stripping down an M16 to keep from coming too soon.

Holding her tight as she tensed, curled, cried out, Owen felt his reserve defrost…a little. Whatever else she might be, when it came to lovemaking Suzanne was uninhibited, generous and honey-sweet.

Tom grunted, drove into her and stayed deep. His pelvis crushed Owen’s fingers so he withdrew them but only so he could tug Suzanne’s labia open and let the other were’s pubic bone rub her clit. Her reaction blew him away. She shrieked—actually shrieked—and her hip flexor tightened so much Owen knew she had to be digging her heel into Tom’s back and pulling him into her with all the strength she possessed.

The pulses of her orgasm dragged on until her shriek rose in pitch then was cut off with a shuddering gasp. Owen’s reason slipped when he felt Tom’s rod swell and get even harder then felt the throbbing of the other male’s release.

“Fuck.” Owen groaned, held on tight and fucked them both as hard as he could. Suzanne whimpered but he was in no shape to stop now. He snarled and felt the animal in him rise as Tom shot his seed deep in the female. His lover…his
groaned one more time then the tension in their bodies eased.

Not for Owen. Still thrusting hard, he planted his shaft deep, obeyed his instinct to come when he was as far inside her as possible and let loose his control. The tingling at the base of his spine migrated to the base of his balls, drew them up hard and tight. His rod swelled until the skin around the head of his cock hurt. He felt as if he’d turned to steel, as if every nerve ending was riding an adrenaline shot of sensitivity. Tom’s cock, still buried in Suzanne, flexed and that was all it took to throw Owen over the edge.

Snarling, growling with the exquisite agony of it, Owen came. He lost the ability to think, leaving him a base sexual being. Every sense was heightened. He smelled her rich, sweet cream, tasted it in the air, felt it smearing his balls. Heard the pounding of her heart, saw her back bow so she could capture more of him. He gave her what she needed even as the first painful throb made his nuts draw up so tight they were practically inside him. Muscular spasms at the base of his groin heralded the shivery ecstasy of his seed shooting out of him. Holding her tight, Owen let his body pay its tribute to her until the mindless throbbing faded.

One by one his muscle groups relaxed. He let go of her pussy and gently pet her mound. When she sighed and rolled her head back into his shoulder, he smiled. He heard kissing…soft, moist sounds. Felt her body roll lightly, her back arch just a little and liked the quiet sound she made after Tom’s hand left his hip and settled on what was probably her breast.

As his cock deflated he eased out of her, rolled away and despite his complaining knees got out of bed. Heading to the bathroom, Owen told himself it was best to leave the postcoital cuddling to guys like Tom. He told himself it was because he just wasn’t very good at it. Letting the water run until it was warm, he wet a cloth and ran it over his rod and sac. It wasn’t until he was again standing beside the bed, a fresh cloth and towel in his hands, that Owen realized he’d never taken the time to bathe his partner after sex.

Sure he liked to watch but he’d never felt a pull to help. Until now. Suzanne turned her head and gave him a lazy, sated smile as he smoothed the cloth across her back, down her arm. She sighed with pleasure when he ran it between her legs.

Tom kissed her mouth gently then eased her knee up to make it easier for Owen to clean her. He snagged the cloth when Owen was done so he could run it over himself.

Tending to the two of them, even in that small way, satisfied something inside Owen. But like so many things recently, Owen pushed the feeling away. He watched Tom carry the cloth and towel back to the bathroom, heard the water run then the toilet flush. When the other were returned they both climbed back into bed.

“So why do you like me now?” Owen asked quietly. He brushed Suzanne’s hair away from her face.

She sighed and it didn’t sound happy. “Figures you’d remember that.” When she stretched out on her back and lifted her arms her breasts swayed enticingly.

To Owen the movement seemed wholly unconscious and simply more of the banked sensuality resting at the core of her being.

“You’re a strong were. One of the strongest I’ve ever met.” She sighed again. “I love your spirit, your energy. Hell, that ass of yours alone makes me wet every time I get a look at it.”

Owen chuckled self-consciously.

“My wolf wants a male like you. It’s unwilling to settle for less.” She glanced at him shyly. “Guess that makes me a greedy bitch.”

Owen shrugged noncommittally.

“But you’ve got wanderlust written all over you, Owen Wells,” she added and regret echoed in her voice. “My wolf might want you, might want to lick you all over but you’re not what I need.”

“Wow.” He exhaled. “That was blunt.”

“But honest,” Tom added quietly. He nuzzled Suzanne’s cheek then looked at Owen. The expression on Tom’s face communicated the same regret Suzanne’s voice had. Now Owen knew why she’d tried so hard to push him away.

Suzanne shivered and Owen was quick to pull the blankets up over her. Up over all of them. This was temporary. He’d accepted that. So, apparently, had they. Hell, he’d established his transience from the get-go. This just made him determined to enjoy the peace and happiness while it lasted. He pulled her into his warmth, arranged a pillow for her head and when Tom curled into her other side Owen accepted the odd ties between the three of them with drowsy contentment.


The sound of the shower running woke him. He stretched, hissed when his knees complained then flexed them gingerly. Suzanne mumbled, scratched the tip of her nose and snuggled closer, pressing her breasts into his ribs in a way that made his morning wood bounce like the happy camper it was. Lifting his head, he confirmed that the far side of the bed was empty. Good thing too because if anybody besides Tom was taking a shower it would be a hell of an interruption.

Easing his body away from Suzanne’s, he rolled her onto her stomach, eased her legs apart and ran his fingertips over her damp slit.

Hot damn but she felt good. Soft, warm and those sexy-as-hell sounds coming from inside her chest made his inner wolf sit up and pant. Propping his head up on one hand, he used the other to trace her folds, tug gently, graze her clit then ease inside her pussy. Her thighs flexed and that sweet, round ass of hers lifted to him. He kissed each cheek in turn then used his thumb to fuck her slowly and gently while his fingertips stroked her swelling bud.

The sounds she was making became more focused. Soon her head came off the pillow. She looked at him and the morning sky shone back at him in those beautiful blue eyes. He kissed her shoulder, her mouth, drew on her lower lip and, really gently, scraped his teeth over it. When she shivered he grinned like a smug son of a bitch.

His knees hurt less than they had the night before but even if they hadn’t he still would have kneeled between her legs and eased her hips into the air. She didn’t complain. Instead she rolled her torso, drawing his eye to the smooth, pale expanse of her back, the deep indentation of her waist. That was where he took hold of her and pulled until his cock nuzzled her pussy. She was warm and soft and Owen tried to figure out how he deserved such a perfect slice of heaven. Wet and open, she was beautiful and scented like a were’s wet dream come true. Vanilla. Cinnamon. Sun-warmed skin. Tom.

Shaking his head and grinning, Owen fit the head of his cock to her. He used it to tease her slit, held on to the base so he could rub her clit over and over. When she squirmed, when she shot him an impatient look over her shoulder and tipped her hips up to him, Owen growled and squeezed the head inside her.

She grunted like his size caught her off guard and didn’t that do great things for his ego. With one hand still on her waist, he let the other caress her back, spread over her stomach then drift between her legs so he could draw gentle circles over her bud. When she bucked then settled into his touch he groaned and focused on squeezing his way into that tight, hot pussy of hers. Rings of muscle layered around him, flexed, gripped, parted. Moisture teased his sensitive glans and he felt his lips part in a primal grin. He watched his shaft sink into her, pause, come out glistening with her cream, press forward again. Saw the mouth of her sheath stretch around him, hold him tight, tug him closer.

When he smelled her rising need, he snarled.

The delicate muscles in her back flexed as she lifted her torso off the bed. Braced on all fours, she angled into him. The unbearably soft thighs bracketing his coarse ones moved with subtle but unmistakable need. When he was finally buried in her as deep as he could go Owen sighed, leaned forward so he could kiss her shoulder then straightened. Wrapping his fingers around the strong feminine curve of her hipbones, he began thrusting. In. Out. Slow and careful at first then as the heady wetness inside her began to spill out and smear his groin he spread his legs and changed the angle of penetration, growled softly when she gasped in pleasure.

He was barely aware of the shower turning off, quiet and off-key humming coming from the bathroom.

Still fucking her gently, relishing the slow build of need, he let go of her waist to hold her breast. It swayed, keeping time with his thrusts. The weight settled into his palm as her nipple rocked into his hand. He sighed with contentment and was pretty sure she did too.

The scent of soap and water brought his head around. Tom was standing in the doorway, a towel draped around his hips, droplets of water making the hair on his chest glisten. Grinning like a demented fool, Tom dropped the towel and climbed onto the bed.

BOOK: PacksBrokenHeart
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