Owning Corey (9 page)

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Authors: Maris Black

BOOK: Owning Corey
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I try to focus on her pleasure, reminding myself that’s why we’re here, but it proves to be very difficult. The combination of Corey’s height and her petite frame being crumpled against him puts me and him looking directly and awkwardly at each other. I try in vain to pull her body up between us, but she is limp and shaky, unable to control herself. I don’t think any of us envisioned things going down quite like this. We don’t look anything like porn. In fact, I’m sure if this
a porn, we’d be fired from the set for underacting. Christina is spineless, I’m trying not to make eye contact with Corey, and the cold blue intensity of his eyes is the only indication he’s feeling anything at all. Thank goodness no one suggested filming this fiasco.

Corey is apparently also aware of the flagging of our scene, and I’m grateful when he takes control. “I’m going to start fucking her, Ben, but not hard. We need to stagger our movements. When I pull out, you go in, okay? This is going to be very intense for her.”

I nod, feeling grounded again, but when he pulls out and I feel his hard length rub against me, I am undone. I concentrate on executing the move he’s described, and soon we have a piston thing going on. In, out, in, out… Our rhythm steadies and intensifies, and that’s when the magic happens. Christina stirs to action and begins to work with us, adjusting her bottom to give me perfect access. She’s mewling and panting now, holding herself up off of Corey with one hand and dropping the other between her legs to rub her clit. I bury my face in her soft hair, inhaling the sweet honeysuckle scent of her shampoo. Her muscles quiver around me, and Corey’s cock swells even bigger and harder, filling her up and up, and now I’m being gripped and massaged with a rippling ferocity that makes my dick feel like it’s going to explode.

Christina’s sounds become more desperate, more animal, and I know her climax is here. I’ve been with her enough to sense it coming, and I want Corey to know it, too. If we can pull off a simultaneous three-way orgasm our first time, that would be the most awesome trick ever.

While Christina shudders and moans her way to orgasm, I move my hand from the back of the sofa and wrap it around the back of Corey’s neck, grabbing on and anchoring myself, squeezing hard to signal him of our impending climaxes. When I touch him, my fingers sliding across his warm skin and into his hair, our gazes lock and he intensifies his movements down below without messing up the driving rhythm we’ve got going. I feel the friction of his cock against mine, the frenzied twists and pulses of Christina’s hot flesh around throbbing around us, encasing us, squeezing us both to climax. I have literally never been this turned on before. Never wanted an orgasm as much as I want this one.

Just as Christina starts the little rhythmic moan that signifies her climax, I feel Corey’s cock swell up and jerk, and it sends me careening over the edge with them. All three of us tense and buck against each other for a long moment. I can’t possibly pull away now. Our bodies are as one, bound together by our melded sex organs, driven by the undeniable instinct to mate.

There are sounds, words, exclamations, some of them even coming from me. But in my present state of exultation, I may as well be in a noisy airport in Moscow for all I’m understanding.

As the climax subsides, I feel myself sinking, deflating, becoming aware of my surroundings. I sense the other two stirring back to the present, as well. We have to extricate ourselves from each other, and it’s almost painful, as if I’m leaving something behind. Like something has broken open inside me, and a profound melancholy is seeping in and hollowing me out. I don’t know what it means, but I have the distinct feeling it’s going to get worse, and there’s not a damn thing I can do but hang on for the ride.



WORK is the last place I want to be right now. After leaving Christina lounging peacefully on her bed in a filmy bathrobe, I drop Corey at the ambulance shack and check in with the ER nurses. Julie gives me a funny look when she sees me.

“Is everything okay, Dr. Hardy?”

“Fine, fine.” I dismiss her with a slight wave of my hand, wondering how different I must look to her after the afternoon’s activities. I certainly feel different.

“I can help field calls and stuff for you tonight, if you like. Maybe help out a little more than usual?”

“Julie, are you asking me for more responsibility? I’m impressed.” I’m only teasing her, of course.

She smiles. “I just want to be here for you is all. Isn’t that what you trained me for?”

“Yes, and I appreciate your dedication.” When I touch her on the arm, her smile brightens and she drops her lashes. I’m beginning to think she likes me. Or maybe I’m just shooting off a boatload of post-threesome pheromones that she can’t resist.

“I’ll be on the floor if you need me.” I take my leave before she can press me for more conversation.

I check my patients on the floor and do my charting, hoping the activities will occupy my mind enough to drive out the demons that are frolicking in there, but no such luck. Concentration is not something I’m able to pull off right now.

I’ve made a mistake.

Something is different in me now, and I don’t like it. There’s an edge to my thoughts and feelings that I can’t escape. The thing today with Christina and Corey has now become a part of my history, a piece of who I am from here on out, and the permanence of that fact is disturbing on a level I don’t care to fathom right now.

Once I finish doing my half-assed rounds, I try to come up with an excuse to go out to the ambulance shack. Any legitimate reason will do. After brainstorming and coming up with nothing, I go anyway.

Fuck it.

The ambulance is there, and so are Corey and his partner. When she lets me into the gloomy back room, I spot him in the shadows of the bottom bunk, laid back watching TV.

“Busy night, huh?” I ask him.

“Ben…” He jumps to a sitting position and bumps his head on the metal bed frame. “Uh, I mean Dr. Hardy. What’s up?”

“Nothing.” I shrug. “I’m just bored as hell. Not much going on over there, either. But next time maybe I should call. If I keep surprising you, you’re going to end up with a concussion.”

He puts a hand to his head and smiles. “I’ll live. Denise, have you officially met Dr. Hardy?”

Denise shakes her head. “Been working night shift with him for months, but we ain’t never spoke a handful of words to each other as I’m aware.”

She must be right, because I had no idea she was so country. I like her instantly. Local country folks, especially the old-timers, have a certain way of expressing themselves that leaves no doubt as to what they mean. An endearing quality if you’re on their good side, otherwise not so endearing.

“Nice to finally meet you, Denise.” I extend my hand, and she gives me a suspicious look before shaking it.

“Well, I’ll be damned. A doctor in the ambulance shack.” She laughs, and from the wet sound of it I know she smokes and that she probably has stage two COPD. I also know from experience that she probably won’t acknowledge it for a while yet, and by then it might be too late. “What brings you to our humble neck of the woods, Dr. Hardy? You slumming it tonight?”

This is where I’m supposed to insert my great and logical excuse for coming here, but since I never came up with one, I stare at Denise like a complete moron, saying nothing.

Corey stands and walks over to us. “I’m renting Dr. Hardy’s pool house, Denise. We need to discuss the terms. You know, business stuff.”

“Ohhh,” Denise says, her face easing. “That’s nice, Corey. I’m so glad you’re finally getting out of that old motel. It’s a bad lot around there. Drug dealers, prostitutes, meth heads, you name it. Honey, you know if I had the room, you’d be staying with me no questions asked.” She looks pointedly at me. “Corey is very special to me. He’s had enough misery. He don’t need nobody making life hard for him, you know?”

I have to wonder what the heck she means by that when I’m just trying to help the guy. “Pardon my prying, but didn’t you two just meet a few days ago?”

She laughs her crackling wet laugh again. “I could ask you the same, as buddy-buddy as you two are. But no. For your information we did not just meet. I’m Corey’s aunt. I helped him get the job here.” There’s pride in her voice, as well as a healthy dose of defensiveness.

Corey moves closer to her side. “Denise was the only family I had, or at least claimed, after my grandmother died. But we didn’t know each other all that well, so I ended up on the streets.”

She wraps a protective hand around his arm and her eyes well up with unshed tears. “Corey, if I had known you had nowhere to go, I would have done more. If I could have, I’d have done more. You know that, baby.”

“It’s okay, Aunt Denise. No need to feel bad about it. I didn’t want anyone to know.”

“Told me he was going to live with his mother.” She appeals to me with shrill voice and animated gestures. “She and I hadn’t spoken in years, because we didn’t get along at all. You have to understand, I had no way of knowing he was lying.”

Corey laughs and puts a hand on her arm. “You came through when it mattered. Thanks to you, I had a job lined up before I even graduated.” He turns to me. “I used to live on the streets in Atlanta. There’s a pretty serious homeless underground there, you know. Almost feels like you’re living somewhere, especially if you’re doing drugs.” He trails off, as if he’s lost in thought and has totally forgotten where he is. In his mind, he’s probably back on the streets. “I haven’t been homeless in a while, but my living conditions were… Well, let’s just say they were less than desirable. I had to get out, so I borrowed five grand from Aunt Denise six months ago and took an online EMT course. Then I flew to Idaho for a five-day EMT boot camp. I didn’t even sit for the test until the day before my training started here at the hospital.”

Denise moves a stray lock of dark hair from Corey’s forehead with her finger. “When he decided he was going to become an EMT, he planned everything down to the second and stuck to it. I’m so proud of him, and I don’t want him to ever be in a bad situation again. I’ve been on him about getting somewhere better than that motel. I can’t help him. I gave him almost all of my savings and that old Harley his uncle had out in the shed. He promised me he’d find a place as soon as he got his first paycheck. Looks like he found one sooner than expected, thanks to you.”

“Yeah, Doc, I don’t get paid for another two weeks. If you can wait till then for rent…”

“Corey, I haven’t even mentioned rent.”

“I know,” he says. “And I haven’t asked how much. I’m trusting you wouldn’t frisk an underpaid EMT.” He flashes an obviously fake exaggerated smile, and I can’t help but laugh at him.

“Hmmm…” I pretend to think. “How does six thousand a month sound to you?”

The smile drops from his face, and for a second he looks genuinely horrified.

I put my hands on my hips. “If I had expected you to pay rent, we would have agreed on an amount up front. That’s typically how real estate deals are done. I don’t need a renter. I’m trying to help you save your money to afford a place of your own. Hell, if you save a thousand dollars a week, you could buy a small house after a year, and a pretty darn nice house after two. Fix your credit during that time, and you can finance your dream house with a hefty down payment. This ain’t Atlanta. Real estate is dirt cheap around these parts.”

“A thousand a week?” Corey laughs. “Ben, I think you’re spoiled on your doctor’s salary. I don’t even bring home a thousand dollars a week after taxes. But I do appreciate the opportunity you’re giving me, very much. I keep wondering if I’m going to wake up any minute in my motel bed and realize this was all a dream.”

Denise starts cackling and breaks into a rattling cough. “You guys are quite the pair. A doctor with a heart of gold, and a derelict-turned-EMT. Y’all would make a great book.”

“You think?” Corey asks, throwing an arm casually across my shoulders.

“I’d read it,” she says. “But then I read romance novels like they’re going out of style, especially when I’m stuck in this hell hole with nothing to do.” She gestures to the corner beside the bunk bed, where a huge pile of paperback novels looks ready to topple at any second.

Corey’s arm across my shoulders is uncomfortably heavy. I use the books as an excuse to shrug out from under it, walking over to get a closer look, as if I give a damn about romance novels. When I return, I can’t seem to look him in the eye, so I direct my focus onto his aunt. “Nice meeting you, Denise. I’d better get back before someone misses me.”

Corey retreats to his spot on the bed, grabs the remote and starts flipping channels. “See ya,” he mumbles.

“Alright.” I wave awkwardly. “If I’m not here when you get ready to leave in the morning, just come wait in the doctor’s lounge, okay?”

“Oh, the doctor’s lounge.” Denise wags her eyebrows. “Moving up in the world, ain’t ya Corey?”

He grabs one of the novels and throws it at her, and I get out quickly before I’m tempted to say longer. It’s much more entertaining over here than in the hospital.



After an eternity, seven a.m. finally rolls around. It’s fifteen minutes until the end of the shift, and I’m inside the big glass-encased nurses’ station charting a couple of patients. I’m pissed because I fell asleep in the on-call room for about an hour when I should have been finishing up my shift. Now I’m tucked into my usual corner at the charting desk, scrambling to get out on time. Two nurses stand at the front counter keeping watch over our three hospital hallways, which are all visible through the glass on the front and sides of the station.

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