Read Owning Corey Online

Authors: Maris Black

Owning Corey (19 page)

BOOK: Owning Corey
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“It’s wrong. I’m not supposed to feel the way you make me feel. I have to stay away from you, because if you touch me I might like it too much. I might want you to touch me more, and to never stop touching me. Then what will I do?” The words tumble out, and as I’m talking it’s becoming clear to me for the first time.

him to touch me, and I’m terrified of that need.

Corey seems to sense exactly how I’m feeling, and he pulls me close, squeezing me tightly to his naked chest so that the warmth of his body begins to penetrate me. With his free hand, he rubs along the length of my thigh, my arm, my side, sending chill bumps dancing all over me.

“Everything is going to be okay, Doc,” he whispers against my hair. “Whatever this is, we’re in it together. You are not alone.”

We sit that way for a long while, watching TV, laughing, drinking beer.

At around nine, I get up to go to the bedroom. My body is stiff from being in the same position for so long, because I was afraid if I moved too much, he’d let go.

“Stay with me?” I’m as nervous as a virgin on prom night, and I’m sure he can hear the quiver in my voice.

“Hell, yes.” He jumps easily off the couch and follows me into my room. “I’d like to shower, though. I’ve got nurse all over me, you know?”

“Yeah, I think that’s just an excuse to get into my amazing shower.”

He chuckles as he strips out of his jeans and turns the water on, and I feel like I’m seeing him naked for the first time. It’s a good thing I’m wearing pants, or he’d see my extreme reaction.

I try not to watch him through the glass as he showers. He is cut and contoured in all the right places, and the water traces sensual, sudsy white rivulets down his buttocks and thighs. When the glass fogs up too much to see any more than a tan blur, I busy myself with turning on the sound system and getting some good tunes playing. It feels like a classic rock kind of night, so I set it on my seventies playlist and kick back on the bed to a little Led Zeppelin until Corey pounces onto the bed in nothing but a towel.

I take a deep breath, inhaling the woodsy scent of the expensive body wash I have auto-shipped because I can’t live without it. “Mmmm… My soap smells good on you.”

“Yeah, I like smelling like you.” He smiles self-consciously, training his amazing blue eyes on me from beneath his lashes. I’m coming to recognize that coy look, and every time he flashes it at me, I feel a tightening in my groin.

He pulls the covers up to his waist and slips the towel from beneath, dangling it from one finger before dropping it to the floor. “Does that make you crazy, Mr. Neat Freak?”

“Hmmm… Not for the reason you think.” I reach beneath the covers and wiggle out of my underwear, dropping them to the rug on my side of the bed. The look on his face is definitely worth the clutter.

“Does that mean you like me, Doc?”

“Like?” I kick the covers off of both of us, sending them cascading off the bottom of the bed, and suddenly we’re both completely exposed. I roll over and climb on top of him, straddling his belly, feeling the warmth of his freshly washed skin cradling my balls. “Like doesn’t begin to cover it.”

I’m wild with desire now, the cacophony of doubt that’s been filling my head for days silenced by an urgent craving that will not be denied. I lean down and claim his lips in a searing kiss, trying to devour him, needing to have his taste on my tongue.

When I finally give him a chance to breathe, a slow smile spreads across his face and he folds his arms behind his head. “Surprise the hell out of me one time, why don’t you?”

He bucks his hips, toppling me back down onto him, and we kiss for a long, lazy time. I let my hands explore his body, learning every hot inch of it, committing the feel of him to memory.

My cock is thick and stiff between our bodies, our frantic movements rubbing it almost to the point of finishing. I’m suddenly aware of the fact that he’s got one, too. A really big one, and it’s teasing up and down the crack of my ass. I reach behind me and grip it for the first time, loving the weight of it and the silky feel of the skin.

Corey gasps. “Ben… Be sure, okay? There’s no turning back from this.” I begin to stroke him gently behind my back, and he grits his teeth and squeezes his eyes shut.

“How much do you want me?” I ask, reaching back with my other hand to cup his balls.

“From the first time we met, I haven’t been able to think of anything else but you. Not for one second.”

I bend and kiss his lips, trying to convey all of the passion I feel for him. “It’s the same for me,” I whisper just before I slide down his body, all the way to his cock. It’s straining for me, and I can tell it won’t take him long to climax. I’ve never had any part of a man’s anatomy in my mouth, but I’m pretty sure I know what to do with it, considering I’m the proud owner of one myself.

I grip the thick shaft in my hand and wrap my lips tentatively around the head. His tortured moan gives me the courage I need to go for it. I snake my tongue out to tease the ridge, tighten my lips around the shaft and apply a light suction, moving my mouth up and down and following with my hand, using my mouth to lubricate the way. I work up to a nice rhythm, and before long Corey shudders beneath me, his dick swelling impossibly bigger.

“Suck it, baby. God, I’m not going to last… Held back too long.

He comes in my mouth, a big, warm blast that jets down my throat and nearly chokes me. The taste is salty and strange, but I love it because it comes from him.

I hover over him in a cloud of ecstasy, watching him convulse and sigh in the aftermath of the orgasm I just gave him, and I’m vibrating with a feeling so new I can’t describe it. I’m not the same man I was a few days ago, or even a few hours ago. I’m so alive and filled with warm light that I feel like I must be glowing.

“Was that okay?” I ask. “I’ve never done that before.”

His eyes flutter open, and he smiles sweetly. “Come here.” He pulls me into his arms and kisses me softly on the lips, trailing kisses along my jaw and down my neck.

Before I can even register what’s happening, he flips me over and has me lying on my back with my legs hanging off the bed from the knees down. He stands looking down at me with a wicked gleam in his eyes that wasn’t there a moment before as he languished spent on the bed. It’s a look that tells me I’ve asked for something, and now I’m going to get it.

He grasps my cock firmly in his hand, and every muscle in my body tenses in reaction. He doesn’t wait, but dives right into sucking me off with his hot mouth. He’s aggressive, every move laser targeted to getting me to finish. He drags his tongue up my shaft, pumping me with his hand, and sucking me so perfectly I think he must be tapped into my brain. The sensations rippling up my cock with every pull of his mouth and hand are pure overwhelming pleasure, taking me over body and soul. I’m being physically
to come, and almost before we’ve even gotten started, he snatches my dick out of his mouth and stands up, and I’m blowing my load all over his belly.

. My head is spinning so fast, everything goes black for a few seconds, and I wonder if I’m passing out.

“You okay?” he asks with a knowing smile, standing there all cocky with my semen running down his abdomen.

“Yeah.” I’m so breathless and flooded with endorphins I can barely speak. “Is that all you’ve got?”

He laughs and retrieves his towel from the floor, using it to clean himself up. “Not by a long shot. Eventually, I’m going to fuck you, Ben. You can count on it.”

“With that thing?” I eye the thick slab of meat between his legs with a mixture of desire and trepidation, and my heart rate picks up noticeably. “I don’t know, Corey…”

“It’s the only one I’ve got. What’s the matter? You don’t like it?” He puts one knee on the bed beside my hip and drops his heavy member onto my thigh.

“Sweet Jesus…” I blush and cover my face with my hands, squirming as the tingle of desire crawls across my skin and my dick twitches back to life. “What are you doing to me?”

“I’m trying to seduce you. Isn’t it obvious?” He grabs the lube from the table drawer and climbs all the way onto the bed, straddling me, and sits on my thighs, inching his way up until his cock is even with mine. Then he takes both of them in one hand and begins stroking slowly, drizzling lube onto them as he goes. He sets a slow pace back and forth, and the feeling of his hand on one side of my dick, and his stiff cock slipping against it on the other side is exquisite. Just the idea that he’s rubbing our most private parts against each other is taboo enough to make me painfully hard. Again.

Just when the stimulation is almost too much to bear, he stops, leaving me straining for an explosive orgasm that’s just beyond my grasp.

I’ve already come once, and against all odds he’s made me ready to do it again almost instantly. Multiple orgasms is something I’ve only been able to pull off a few times in my life, but apparently it’s something Corey takes for granted. He’s certainly not lacking in the readiness department, even after his own climax only minutes before.

“Get up on the pillow,” he says, his voice rough with need, and I immediately scramble to the top of the bed, still on my back. Still ready for whatever he wants to do to me.

He slides easily up over me, stretching his body straight out above mine in push-up position, and drops down to his elbows. When he angles his head to kiss me, I’m eager and hungry, nipping at his lips with my teeth until he growls and covers my mouth with his. His kisses are like a drug to me, potent and all-consuming. I can’t remember a time when my conscious brain switched off so completely and gave way to instinct. That’s what he does to me.

“Are you ready to come with me, Ben?”

I nod emphatically. “Are we going to have sex now?”

“You’re not ready for that yet. But soon… Right now, we’re going to share the hottest, raunchiest mutual orgasm either one of us has ever had, okay?”

Instead of answering, I lift my head and capture his lips in a kiss and moan against his mouth. I don’t think I could possibly be any more turned on.

He grabs the lube again and squirts some onto my belly. The coolness of the gel hitting my skin makes me laugh, and Corey pauses to stare at me. “Hmmm… so ticklish. I’ll have to remember that.”

Still in the push-up position and leaning on his forearms with his elbows bent, he settles his cock right next to mine on my belly and lowers himself until our members are sandwiched tightly between us. My mouth falls open in shock when I realize what he’s about to do, and he flashes a wicked little smile as he starts to move.

He slides his body smoothly up and down mine, the lube slicking the way nicely, both our dicks getting a full-body massage that has me making noises I never would have made if I’d been in my right mind. He kisses me rhythmically, latching onto my lips when he slides forward, letting go when he slides back. The concentrated onslaught of slippery sensation between our bellies is surreal. I’ve never felt anything even remotely like what he’s doing to me— to us. At one point, it seems to transcend the physical world and morph into some new type of experience, and my brain becomes mush. Desire rises higher and higher in me, raw and untempered, until we both tense, and a delicious warmth spreads between our bodies. Then I’m shuddering down from a mind-numbingly juicy orgasm, and we’re both soaked and clinging to each other like two non-swimmers trying to save ourselves from drowning.

My breath is coming in gasps, and his is even more ragged since he was doing most of the work. He collapses heavily onto me, and I’m surprised to find I don’t care. The feel of his weight on me is comforting in a strange way, and I close my eyes and pant in shallow breaths until he grunts and rolls off onto the other side of the bed. We’re both bathed in the evidence of our desire, and I’m thinking I don’t ever want to wash it off, but he grabs his towel and wipes us both down before I can protest.

“Damn. Was that as good for you as it was for me?” he asks.

“Ask me later. I don’t think I can speak English.”

He laughs. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Shit.” I moan and cup my worn out, deliriously sated cock and balls and curl into a fetal position. “What the hell are we doing? This can’t be good. What’s gonna happen to us now?”

He rolls up behind me and pulls my back to his front, wrapping an arm warmly around my midsection and cinching me up to him. “What do you mean? I don’t understand. I thought… We like each other, right?”

“How can you be so na
ve? You know what I’m talking about.”

He’s silent for a moment, and I’m sensing I’ve hurt him. In fact, I’m sure I have. He said he liked me, and I called him naive. “I’m sorry, Corey. I didn’t mean to be insensitive. I—”

“No, it’s okay. I guess we can just call this a mistake and try to forget it ever happened.”

I twist in his embrace and stare at him. “I can’t possibly forget this happened. I’m trying to tell you I’m totally fucked up now. Like screwed fully into the goddamn ground. Maybe this isn’t that big a deal to you— ”

“Not a big deal?” His voice is louder now, his eyes hard. “How can you say that? This is a huge deal for me. Probably even bigger than it is for you, because I’m not the one freaking out and trying to figure out how to keep it on the down low. I’m happy, Ben.” He lets go of me and stands abruptly, stalking naked to the bathroom and slipping into his jeans.

BOOK: Owning Corey
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