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He spread my legs
across the desk again and pulled my body closer to him, ready to fuck me in the
middle of the office on a desk like the bad boy he was. He stuck his huge cock
inside of me slowly, rocking back and forth at first until he had worked it
inside of me completely.

One time didn’t
make me used to it and I was still shocked at how big he was and how good it
felt once he was inside of me. He clutched my hips to him and ground my ass
back and forth on his dick, getting off.

“Oh, god,” I

Link grinned and
panted. “You like that, huh? You like when I fuck you?”

“Yes, yes. I love
it, I love it.”

He grinned even
more and started pounding me harder and harder until my whole body started to
ache and I felt like I might explode. My eyes were rolling back in my head as I
moaned and I could tell he loved it.

“Cum for me Lacey,
come on, cum for me like a good girl.”

The words put my
already close to ecstasy body over the edge and I felt myself cum all over his
huge cock.

He looked down,
grinning and laughing. “That’s so fucking hot.” Then he started pounding my
pussy again, harder and harder until the whole desk was shaking roughly back
and forth as he pushed into me. He started gasping deeply then gives two final
thrusts inside of me before he released all his juicy cum inside of me.

He pulled out of
me slowly, his breathing starting to slow down now that he had been satisfied.
I found myself unable to look at him as I readjusted my panties and skirt. By
the time I stood up and started to walk toward the door his huge cock was back
inside of his pants.

“Where you going?”
he asked me, his voice just as husky as ever.

“Back to work,” I
told him.

What did he think
I was going to do? Stay back here and fuck him in different positions all day
long? Ugh, he probably did. I was sure he was used to girls who had nothing
else going on in their life besides him. He probably liked it that way. Link
leaned up against the desk he was just fucking me on and licked his lips. “I
thought you wanted to talk.”

I laughed loudly.
“I have to get back to work, I can’t just stay back here all day talking to you.
I only had time for one or the other and you picked fucking.”

Amusement crept
into his eyes. “Okay, then, let's pick talking tonight. I’ll pick you up around
six, and we can go out to dinner.”

He had got to be
kidding. The Ford brothers didn’t take girls out to dinner, they took girls to
bed. He must have been messing with me like this whole thing was some kind of
joke to him or me.

“You want to take
me out to dinner?” I asked him, disbelief taking over my voice. I laughed
loudly like what he just said was more of a joke than a legit offer. Link
looked curious like he wondered what was amusing about a dinner invitation. But
the Ford brothers didn’t go out to dinner with girls, and our whole process was
completely backward. It usually went dinner and then sex, not sex then dinner.

“Why not?” he
asked, shrugging like it was no big deal.

I huffed. “The
Ford brothers don’t take girls out to dinner.”

Now it was Link’s
turn to laugh, his sound was bouncing back and forth throughout the office, and
I worried that it was going to travel down the hallway to the main kitchen,
letting people hear us. I was worried about people hearing us laugh but I
hadn’t been worried about people hearing us when we were just having loud sex,
made sense.


“Well, this Ford
brother wants to take you.”

“I can’t just take
off and go to dinner with you, I’m working a double today.”

Link shrugged.
“So, I’ll let them know something came up and you need to leave early.” He shot
me a cocky smile filled with satisfaction like he was doing me a huge favor and
I would be lost without him.

“I can’t just
leave early, Link. I need this money. Damn, some of you all MC members really
live in a fantasy world don’t you? I have bills to pay, kids to take care of,
and a real life outside of this building. A real life outside of these streets
and this city.” I threw my hands up in the air and let out an annoyed sigh.
Link lived in a fantasy world. Money wasn’t anything to him so he assumed it
wasn’t to other people, too.

Link paused, his
intense brown eyes burning into me. “Do you know what would happen to any other
bitch who talked to me like that?” His eyes were wide and curious, begging for
an answer.

I gulped.

“Do you?” he

“I’m assuming they
probably wouldn’t come home ever again.”

Link didn’t answer;
instead, the same intent gaze stayed on his face as he studied me. “Fine, when
you get out then. I’ll pick you up at close.”

I paused, what was
he trying to pull here?

“Look, I can’t
just take off for the night-“

“Figure it out,”
he snapped, cutting me off. His eyes were filled with annoyance now. He wasn’t
used to anyone saying no to him or questioning his authority and it was
starting to really piss him off.

“Why?” I demanded.
“You could take any girl in this city to dinner, they would probably kill for
that chance, ask one of them! I actually have a life!”

Link sighed loudly
and ran one of his hands over his head. Then he looked up at me; anger and
dominance burned through his eyes into me. “Because, Lacey, I don’t want any
other girl in the city, I want you. Now get out of my office.”

I wanted to stay
something else. I wanted to challenge him again.

But somehow I knew
better and I opened the door to leave.

Once I was in the
hallway I closed the door behind me, took a deep breath, smoothed out my skirt
and turned around to head back to work. But I didn’t make it very far because
on the other side of the hall looking at me like I was some type of slut that
should be thrown out into the trash was Jay. He looked me up and down slowly
and let out an evil laugh that turned into a snarl and then slinked over toward
me slowly.

His light features
were puckered up into a look of pure hate as he looked me up and down like I
was damaged goods. I could tell he was trying to make me feel gross and I was
trying to not give him the satisfaction. There was a fresh bruise forming over
the top of his head from where Link knocked him in the head with a gun for not
listening to him yesterday.

“Well, well, would
you look at what we have here?” Jay said, puckering his huge lips out in
distaste. “Now what could little Lacey have been doing in the back office in
the middle of the day?”

I went to move
past him back toward the kitchen of the restaurant but he grabbed my arm,
pulling me roughly back in front of him. “Where you going? What? Why you trying
to run away from me, sweet thing?”

I moved my arm out
of his grip and took a step away from him. “What do you want?”

Jay snickered,
pure evil burning through his eyes. “What do I want? What do I want? I want you
to stop walking around like you own this place just because you get to suck
Link’s dick.”

I didn’t even know
what the hell he was talking about. I had just started hooking up with Link a
day ago. I wasn’t acting like I owned anything. I didn’t even want anyone
knowing Link Ford knew who I was.

“I’m not-“

“Don’t bother
denying it. Club hoes always try to deny that they a hoe. In fact, what do you
say we go out to my car and I can show you how much of a hoe you are, huh?” He
ran his fingers over my neck and started sniffing my hair. “You’d probably like
getting treated like the nasty little slut you are.”

“Fuck you!” I
snapped, pushing him off of me and taking off down the hall.

He grabbed me with
little effort, pulling me back toward him. He threw me against the wall in the
hallway and wrapped one of his fat hands around my neck. “You think you’re
special? You aren’t, you aren’t nothing. You’re just another club whore that
Link sticks it in. Remember that, bitch.” He pushed his hand against my neck
harder and I started to choke.

He laughed and
released his grip a little.

“Let me go right
now or I swear to god I’ll start screaming as loud as I can,” I whispered
between choked up gasps.

Jay released my
neck and smirked. “Go ahead.” I took off down the hall and he laughed at me.
“I’d be careful if I were you, Lacey. The world can be a scary place for a girl
like you. You never know who’s hiding in the darkness just waiting to pop out
and get you.”

I could still hear
him laughing when I rounded the corner back in the kitchen.


Jay stared at me
for the next four hours of my shift. He really did. He literally posted up at a
table in the back of my section with a coffee and a bunch of paperwork. Every
time I would look up from being with a customer or walk back into the dining room
with an order his creepy eyes were there, burning into me and undressing me
with their evil gaze.

I didn’t
understand what the hell his problem with me was. It wasn’t like I had done
anything to him directly. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong
time yesterday. And now I had to pay the price for that, for going to fucking

The only thing he
had on me was the fact that he had gotten hit in the face because of me with a
pistol, but maybe he should have listened when Link told him what to do the
first time. And I didn’t feel bad about that, I mean the guy was trying to
fucking shoot me in the head.

If it wasn’t for
Link I would probably be dead right now.

And who cared if I
had fucked Link? Why the fuck did Jay care about that? It seemed like he had no
problem getting any pussy, especially since he had a girl. She seemed like the
type who kept his sexual needs well fed.

Still, his
obsession with hating me was creepy as fuck.

Who sat in a
corner stalking someone all day long as they worked? As the hours dragged on it
seemed like his look of hatred seemed to grow more and more. I wanted to tell
Link about it but I was scared. Who knew what Jay would do to me if he knew I
was running around telling on him like a rat? I was a grown woman I should be
able to handle business on my own. So why was my heart racing all day?

Yeah, it was
because Jay was one corny ass motherfucker, but it was more than that,
What he had said to me about
Link fucking mad girls had gotten to me as much as I had wanted it not to. It
made no sense since I knew we didn’t have anything real, it was just sexual,
and even the sexual part had only happened a few times. But it still got to me,
almost made me jealous and I hated myself for it. Not to mention I didn’t want
Link sticking his dick inside of me if he had just stuck it in some other girl
a few hours before.

I didn’t know how
my already crazy life had gotten even crazier in such a short amount of time.
But one thing was for sure; I needed to stop stressing the fuck out over it. It
was taking up too much of my energy that was supposed to be focused on more
important things. Like work, my little brother and sister, and bills.

I had a real life
and people to look after, I couldn’t be getting caught up in Link’s club or
whatever else sketchy business him and his brothers were involved in. I didn’t
want anything to do with that world; I wished I had never been in that supply
closet at all.

But if that were
true why had I had sex with Link?

And why had I gone
back and had sex with him again today?

God, something was
seriously wrong with me.

I needed my life
back; one day of being caught up with Link was enough. I couldn’t be leaving
work to go have hot sex in the middle of day, or pay extra for a babysitter to
stay late so I could go on dinner dates with the scariest man in our city. And
I definitely couldn’t have Jay always showing up to pretty much threaten me. It
was pretty clear he wanted me dead and that knowledge was pretty scary for
someone who had tried so hard to stay the fuck out of the street business.

If I got killed my
siblings would have no one and they came first.

I was just going
to have to go to dinner with Link and end whatever the fuck it was we had going
on. It shouldn’t be that hard, we had only been fucking with one another for a
few days. That meant nothing in his world. He had probably had drug deals that
lasted longer than that.

I was sure he
would be pissed at first since his pride would be hurt but once I explained
myself I was sure he would understand. He seemed like a somewhat reasonable
human being.

The key word being

I called home
around dinner time and told the older woman who lived next door that if she
watched the kids through bedtime I would pay her extra that week. I really couldn’t
afford it but it seemed like I had little choice in the matter. When I clicked
off my cell phone and turned back to the booth that Jay had been posted up in
all night was empty and he was nowhere in sight.

I thought that his
absence would make me happy but for some reason, it only made me more on edge.
At least if I could see him I knew where he was, I knew what he was doing. Him
being out of my sight meant that he could pop out on me at any time and wrap
his hands around my neck again.

As the night went
on, though, my anxiety level started to go down. It was getting later and later
into the night and pretty soon Link would be there to get me. I would hang out
with him for a while and then I would go home. Hopefully, when Jay realized
Link wasn’t fucking with me anymore he would lose whatever weird interest it
was he seemed to have in me.

“You okay today?”
my manager, Carl, asked me later on that night as we rolled silverware and did
the rest of the side work that had to be done before close.

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