Owned for Christmas (16 page)

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Authors: Willa Edwards

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

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His little brother would learn in time. Grant smiled. They would teach him.

Danny screamed out her name, holding her head tight to his groin as he spent himself down her throat. He quivered, shaking against the wall where he stood, his head thrown back, his eyes squeezed tight.

But Grant didn’t pause. He kept thrusting, pushing into Kate’s warm, receptive pussy. Sweat gathered across his brow, the control he prided himself on close to slipping. But it felt too damn good fucking her to let go just yet.

Without skipping a beat, Kate moved with him. She thrust back against him, pushing his cock farther into her body. She picked up the rhythm easily, slamming against him, fucking him as hard as he did her. Grant held onto her hips, gripping her tightly. He drove into her as deep as he could, pulling a series of whimpers from her.

If she wanted it rough and wild, he could definitely do that. He’d fuck her hard until the cows came home.

Kate released a soft little cry that made his chest feel three times larger than normal. She leaned against Danny’s thighs, needing the support, her arms still pinned behind her back. His brother dropped his hands, cradling her head, petting her hair.

“Does that feel good, sweetheart?”

She nodded against Daniel’s thigh, shaking and quivering between them. Grant groaned in response. Damn, everything she did felt amazing to him.

“Tell me, sweetheart,” his brother continued to coax. He slid his fingers down her neck in smooth, gentle caresses. “Tell me what he’s doing to you. Tell us both how good it feels. How much you like having him in your pussy.”

Kate moaned, leaning more heavily on Danny. “It feels so good, Grant fucking me. It almost hurts, but it feels amazing.” She panted against his leg, the speed of her breath increasing with each of Grant’s thrusts. “But it’s not as good as when you’re both in me.”

Danny dragged her close, bringing her lips to his for a long kiss. Kate purred against him. Her cunt quivered around Grant’s cock, giving evidence of exactly what the two of them were doing to her.

When Danny pulled back, he stared down at her, his eyes alight. “Don’t worry, baby, we’ll both be in you again very soon.”

Grant grunted at his brother’s words. Damn, just the image had his cock throbbing so bad he was close to losing it.

Danny looked up at him and smiled, almost as if he knew exactly how thin his control was. Maybe he did.

Danny twisted his fingers in her hair, yanking back on them so she had to ease away from him. She looked up into his eyes, her mouth open in shock. All this quality time must be rubbing off on Danny. He’d never seemed so dominant before.

“Come for us, baby,” Danny coached. “Show him how good that feels. How much you want him.” He skimmed his hand down her chest until he covered her breast. “I want to watch you come.” He pinched her nipple, and her pussy convulsed. “Give us a show.”

She screamed. Her body seized around Grant for the second time, and he couldn’t hold back any longer. With a groan, he followed her over, coming so hard his eyes rolled back and his head swam. He twisted one arm around her waist, holding her close as he spilled himself inside her. Spent, he tumbled to the blanket, tugging Kate along with him and curling her into his side. He was hardly even aware of Danny until he kneeled by her other side, cocooning around her. She shifted, wiggling closer into both of them, and Grant sighed in relief.

She was back in their arms. Exactly where she was meant to be.


Chapter Nine




After her climax, Kate lay limp and loose between them. She relaxed across the blanket while her mind still floated in subspace. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d gone so deep. Something about having Daniel there, knowing he’d protect her above all else, gave her the freedom to let go in a way she never had before.

Somewhere in the distance, a rooster crowed—she had forgotten she really was on a farm—and the men sandwiched around her groaned.

“We’d better get back to the house before someone comes to investigate where we’ve snuck off to.” Daniel smoothed his thumb down the side of her face, his eyes remorseful.

God, she’d never thought they’d get to this place. She not only had both the men she wanted but they both wanted her too. How had she ever gotten this lucky?

Grant nodded to his brother. He picked her limp body off the barn floor, wrapped her in her jacket and carried her back to the house. She held onto him tightly through the short trip across the snow-covered ground. She curled into his warmth, enjoying his embrace. His strength enveloped her. Daniel followed behind them, carrying what remained of their clothing. He didn’t seem bothered by watching her in another man’s arms. In fact, he appeared pretty damn satisfied.

The trip through the house was a blur, her drowsy eyelids hardly staying open. Once inside the small bathroom adjoined to their bedroom, Daniel and Grant both removed the rest of her clothes, along with their own, before pulling her beneath the shower spray. They held her up, taking turns washing her, careful of the mark on her thigh and her raw ass. They ran their hands over her body, so sweet, so gentle it almost made her want to cry.

“You don’t have to worry, baby.” Daniel cradled her head against his shoulder. “We’ve got you.”

And she believed him. She felt safe, loved and cherished as she never had before.

After thoroughly soaping her entire body, caressing and massaging each inch to blissful relaxation, Grant shut off the showerhead. He wrapped her in a towel, rolling her up in the terrycloth.

“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Daniel held her close, pulling her back into the bedroom.

She cast her eyes to Grant. He slung his own towel around his waist, his hair wet and wild. Droplets of water clung to the hair across his chest, detailing all the defined muscles of his body. Daniel made a similarly yummy picture, his hair smoothed back, his eyes burning brightly. The towel detailed his trim waist and fine physique.

Her mouth watered. She wanted to drop to her knees and explore his body all over again. How could she not be okay with two gorgeous men holding her, staring at her with such concern? She wasn’t the one they had to worry about. She was more afraid of how they felt. She’d loved both of them for a while now, but this was all new to them.

“I’m fine”—she shifted her eyes back and forth between the two of them—“if you two are.”

Daniel looked up at his brother, who gave a slight nod of his head, before returning her gaze. He laid his hand on her cheek, directing her eyes up to his. “We’re good, baby. As surprising as it seems to me, we’re really good.”

She smiled. “Then I’ve never been better.” She leaned up, kissing him with the full intensity of her desire. He tightened his arm around her waist. She leaned into him, loving the closeness. After everything they’d done in the last two days, he was still the same.

After a minute, Daniel pulled back. Kate blinked up at him in surprise. His eyes remained closed, a dreamy expression on his face and her insides twisted with something much stronger than desire. The corner of his lips turned up in a slight smile. He opened his eyes and the pure love reflected back in them thrilled her down to her soul. The love she feared her cravings might have killed was still there, strong and hearty in his eyes.

He gripped her shoulder and turned her to his brother, nearly shocking the breath right out of her. Grant smiled down at her, drawing her into his embrace. He found her mouth with his. The kiss was hot, scorching her through and through, but much sweeter than she would have guessed from Grant. She moaned into his touch and he tangled his fingers in her hair, holding her close. Daniel kept his arm around her, embracing her lightly, and it all felt perfect. Right. As if they should have been together all along. All three of them.

When they broke apart, Grant leaned his forehead against hers. His breath fanned her face. “I love you, pet, so much.”

Kate’s stomach quivered. Her knees shook at his admission. “I know.” He never would have accepted this arrangement if he didn’t. He never would have been willing to share her if he didn’t love her enough to see that she needed Daniel also. “And I love you too.”


He almost laughed against her cheeks, and she smiled. She’d never been happier in her life.

“Sorry to break up this touching moment,” Daniel’s joking voice broke through the fog. With his hand on her lower back he nudged her toward the bedroom door. “But we’d better get moving. If we don’t get out there soon, Mom might come looking for us.”

Kate couldn’t help but giggle as Grant paled a little at his brother’s suggestion. Good to see something could still scare the almighty Master.

They dressed quickly. Grant borrowed some of Daniel’s clothes. They were a touch too tight but they worked in a pinch. None of them wanted to take the chance of being caught sneaking to Grant’s room half-naked for something as silly as a pair of pants.

“Ready?” Daniel grasped the doorknob.

Grant tightened his arm around her and she nodded. Now was as good a time as any.

Daniel turned the knob and quietly they all filed out of the room.

“There you are, sleepyheads,” Gale called to them across the hall. They hadn’t made it more than thirty seconds out of the bedroom before being spotted. Gale must have been lying in wait for them. There was no other way she could have been so close and so ready to greet them.

Gale stood in the middle of the hallway, a plate of cinnamon rolls in one hand and three mugs of coffee in her other. “I thought you were never going to get up.”

Does everyone on the ranch always get up this early? The damn rooster only crowed a little while ago.
Though she had no idea how long they’d been in the shower, it hadn’t felt like that long. Then again, time with her men was never long enough.

Kate only smiled, staring at her two men. Grant wore a large grin on his face, maybe the biggest she’d ever seen. Daniel seemed to stand a little taller, his chest puffed out.

He reached between them, taking her hand and pulling her tight to his side. His comforting clean citrus scent washed over her. “Just enjoying this lovely morning in bed, Mom.”

Gale looked back and forth between the three of them, taking in their wet hair and happy smiles. Kate was sure she had noticed. She had to have. But Gale said nothing.

“Well, sit. Let’s get started. I’ve only got an hour or so before the turkey’s ready to go in the oven.”

“With your sausage-sage stuffing?” Daniel almost squealed with excitement.

“Of course.” Gale patted his cheek. “I can’t disappoint my boys.”

Kate loved how happy he was. Thankfully, he’d been a little happier when she’d had her mouth around him in the barn while Grant had fucked her from behind. But not much. Warmth flooded her from the inside out. She hoped he would never change. She cast a glance to her other side. The same was true for Grant.

They all sat on the couch with Daniel on her left side and Grant on her right. If Gale thought anything of their seating arrangement, after Kate had spent most of her trip trying to avoid Grant, she didn’t mention it. And Kate was thankful. She needed Grant’s comforting heat by her side right now.

Kate stared around the room. Everything looked like a scene out of a Christmas movie. The tree lit up the room. The twinkle lights cast a soft multicolored glow across everything, shining off the tinsel and ornaments. Presents lay beneath the tree. Four stockings hung from the fireplace. She was happy to see that none of the stockings looked worse for wear. Even now, she couldn’t be sure which one they’d used to gag her last night. But knowing Grant, it was the one he had grabbed from the mantel and pulled holiday chocolates and socks from. Almost as if he had read her mind, Grant winked at her, confirming her suspicions.

Gale passed around the hot cinnamon rolls and mugs of coffee. Kate clung to hers gratefully, enjoying the warmth of the rich brew sliding down her throat. The relaxation from the shower was fading fast. She couldn’t tell what Gale suspected about their behavior, but the fear of her knowing too much—and thinking poorly of her—had every nerve in Kate’s body twitching.

Each movement of her legs against the couch caused the marks on her leg to sting pleasantly. She could never forget it was there. The F burned across her thigh like a brand. They’d stamped her. Just like they did their cows. Kate smiled, and she’d never been happier to be owned by two men.

“Daniel.” Gale settled down in the armchair across from the couch, holding her own cinnamon roll and coffee. “Why don’t you hand out the presents?”

Daniel nodded, heading toward the tree and the generous gifts mountain, acting as if he handled this chore every year. And he probably did. He pulled the brightly wrapped presents from under the branches, reading each card and delivering them to the recipients’ feet. Grant and Gale quietly talked about the holiday as Daniel performed his duty, their murmurs and happy faces filling the house with love and affection.

Kate had always wanted a family like this one. Loving, open, honest. Now she might have her dream. Daniel wanted her, Grant wanted her, and they planned to stay here in Colorado. Her mother would create three new frown lines across her brow—making her dermatologist an even richer man—if she knew Kate was planning to quit her job and move to a backwater country town to live on a ranch for a man—or men. But it felt right to Kate. Perfect. And for the first time in her life, she didn’t see the point in fighting what she wanted.

The presents piled up at each person’s feet—tiny mountains grew next to Gale and Grant and to her other side where Daniel had been sitting. A few colorful boxes were placed by her ankles, warming her heart. They were probably from Daniel, but she appreciated each one.

Once all the gifts had been passed out, they began opening them. They took turns ripping apart the holiday paper to reveal the presents beneath. Gale almost cried after she had opened the heart locket from Daniel that held a picture of his father. She gave Kate a big hug for helping Daniel pick it out.

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