Owned by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Mob Romance (21 page)

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“Alek,” she laughed. “This is our wedding, and we have to leave for our honeymoon soon!”

“Yes,” he agreed as he kicked the bedroom door open and carried her inside. “And I want to give you a small taste of what you’re going to be enjoying for the next two weeks.” He carefully laid her on the bed and stepped back to admire her. “You look absolutely beautiful, but the dress has to come off eventually.”

Slowly, placed his hands along her smooth legs and carefully slid the skirt of the dress up. Without a word, she lifted her hips before sitting up so he could slide the soft silk over her head. Grabbing his hand, she guided him to the bed, and he sat next to her.

“This bedroom has a lot of memories for us,” she said as she straddled him. Locking eyes with him, she slowly unsnapped her bra and let her beauties swing free. Dressed only in white satin panties, she swiveled her hips over his hardness, and his breath hitched.

“I’m sorry.” Bracing himself with one hand, he reached up and tangled the other in her hair. “I’m sorry for the all the times I made you feel scared or disgusted. If I could go back, I would do it all over again.”

Natalia leaned over and kissed him. “If you went back and did it all over again, we wouldn’t be here. And there is no other place I’d rather be than right here.”

He drank her in and moved his hand over her bare back. When she was in his arms, he felt like maybe he could forgive himself for all the things that he had done. He was aroused and loved at the same time, and it was a feeling he never thought he’d experience.

She continued to dance in his lap as she reached up to unbutton his shirt. When she leaned over to delicately lick at his bare skin, he shuddered. She was pure in a way that he could never be, and yet she still wanted him. She wanted to be with him.

The beauty wanted the beast.

Sliding off his lap, she continued to move her lips over his skin and down his body. The air around them grew thick and heavy with need, and by the time she reached the button of his pants, he was straining to be freed. He lifted his body so she could slide the pants off. Once he was naked, he had every intention of flipping them so he could enjoy her body, but she wasn’t done with him yet.

All she had to do was wrap a hand around his length, and he was hers. After running her thumb along his hardened ridge, she leaned over and slid her lips down him. Sinking into her hot and wet mouth, feeling her silky tongue slide up and down him, made him lose all control. He cried out and fisted his hands in his hair.

“I like you like this,” she whispered. “I like you under me, moaning my name. I like knowing that I can make you feel good.”

“Too good,” he grumbled as he carefully lifted her off him. “I’ve still got more things planned for you.”

“I’m not done,” she protested, and he grinned wickedly. Reaching over, he pulled two silk ties from the drawer of the night stand and pushed her down.

“If you can’t behave, then you’re going to have to be tied down,” he said softly. Her eyes rounded as she watched him work, and when he was done, she tugged at her silky restraints.

“Alek,” she breathed.

“Is this okay, baby? Do you trust me?”

She gave him the sweetest smile, and all he wanted to do was sink into her body. “I trust you with all my heart.”

Every shred of self-control left him, and he leaned over her and consumed her. She jerked under him as he devoured her sensitive breasts and slid down her belly. She cried out when he pressed his mouth to her center and showed her no mercy. Pressing his tongue to her clit, he listened as she fell apart twice under him and was screaming for him to enter her.

“Our guests will hear you,” he teased as he slid up her body.

“I don’t care,” she moaned. “Fuck me, Alek. Please. I need you inside me. I’m burning for you. Please.”

He’d had one goal his entire life, and it paled in comparison to the goal he had now. Enjoy his life. Enjoy his life, and make Natalia Primac Evanoff as happy as possible. And as he buried himself inside her and reveled in her warmth, he knew that making her happy was going to make him happy. His thrusts were teasingly slow and gentle, but then he could take no more. When he brought her to her highest point, he let go and took her until she screamed his name once again, and he let them both fall.

“I don’t think I can survive the honeymoon,” she panted, and he laughed and buried his head in the crook of her neck. Reaching up, he released her ties, and she immediately wrapped her arms around him. This was where he belonged, and this was where he would stay. Finally he had found his peace, and her name was Natalia.

The End!



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Russian Hitman's Innocent American

By: Bella Rose

Russian Hitman's Innocent American

By: Bella Rose


All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2016 Bella Rose,


To avoid spoilers, please read part 1 in the series!

Her Russian Mafia Protector

Chapter One

The ricochet of bullets never seemed to end. The little boy hunched over in the corner of a closet, clapped his hands over his ears, and rocked back and forth. Over and over again, he reminded himself of what his father had told him. “Don’t cry. Don’t scream. Don’t make a sound. Don’t cry. Don’t scream. Don’t make a sound.” He struggled to do as his father had asked, but in the midst of the fight, he could hear his father’s cries and shouts.

Then, finally, the bliss of silence. The little boy waited for what seemed like hours before he finally crawled out of the closet. Two men he didn’t recognize were lying still on the moldy carpet. He tried not to look at their faces as he slowly stepped past them. Another man was splayed out in the living room. The smell of blood was overpowering, and the little boy almost vomited.

In the foyer, stretched across the threshold, his father also lay unmoving. The little boy trembled as he reached out to touch him, but there was no response.

“Remember,” his father had told him. “If something happens to me, you must leave. Leave and tell no one. Find your Uncle Ivan. He will protect you.”

So the little boy, not even realizing that he was crying, wrapped his arms around himself and stepped out into the blistering cold.

And he was never the same again.


“Exams are over. Summer is here. Why do you look so glum?” Veronika asked Charley as she reached over to steal a dumpling.

“You probably aced your exam even though you had to take a month off. You are living in bliss and sin with one of the sexiest men in Russia. And you are probably going to some all-inclusive resort for the summer. I think I barely passed my exams, and I have to work all summer. And if you steal one more dumpling, I’m going to stab you with this fork,” Charley said grumpily as she eyed her beautiful best friend. Veronika was tall, lithe, and blonde. She was perfection all wrapped up to go.

“I already told you that I’m not going to a resort,” Veronika laughed. “And I told you that I’d pay you another year’s rent.”

“But you’re not living with me anymore. You’re living with Kaz. And I’m not here to take your charity. I have a few interviews lined up for a new roommate.”

“Oh really?”

Charley nodded. “Yup. And I’m only taking American applicants. Seriously. You Russians are messed up.”

Just last semester, Charley had taken on Veronika as a roommate, and the woman was a dream come true. She’d paid for a year in advance, she was dedicated to her studies, and she came with a security guard. Of course, that was before Charley found out that Miss Perfection was the daughter of Fedor Saiko, a well-known mob boss. When the security guard, otherwise known as Kazimir, discovered that Saiko had killed his son and Kaz’s best friend, Kaz was determined to end the man. He’d partnered up with the assassin Dmitri and conspired to take Fedor down.

But then Kaz fell in love with Veronika, and everything fell apart. Fedor, realizing there was no way out, ended up taking his own life. Veronika moved in with Kaz, and someone else took over the Saiko business of murdering and smuggling.

Charley wasn’t really excited about possibly being involved with all that again.

“It’s not like Americans are any better,” Veronika pointed out.

“Sure. We all have our problems. But I’m going for an American student who’s not the daughter of a mob boss and doesn’t have ties to assassins. It’s not a lot to ask for,” Charley said as she checked her watch. “I’ve got to get going. I’m going to be late. If you’re not going on vacation, does that mean that you’re taking summer classes?”

“No.” Veronika shook her head emphatically. “I feel like I’ve barely mourned. I’m going to spend some quality time with Kaz. It’ll be nice to not have to focus on studies or whether or not someone is going to try to kill my boyfriend. Just him and me and a lot of sex.”

“Good for you,” Charley said with a smile. “I, on the other hand, am going to have to buy new batteries for my vibrator.” She grabbed her tray of food and headed to the trashcan.

“No more one-night stands from the clubs?” Veronika asked as she gathered her books.

Charley scrunched up her nose. “It’s hard to look at sexy Russian men the same way now. Kazimir was a bodyguard for a mob boss. Dmitri was an assassin.”

“You thought Dmitri was sexy?”

She gave her friend a withering look. “I know you’re all head over heels for Kaz, but you’re not blind. Dmitri is beyond sexy.”

“And dangerous,” Veronika said in a low voice. “Don’t forget that part.”

“Please. You’re living with dangerous. Besides, Dmitri faked his death. He’s not going to surface anytime soon, and he’s not going to surface for me. He only met me once. He probably doesn’t even remember me.” She grinned wickedly. “But in my dreams, he knows every inch of my body.”

Veronika laughed. “You are incorrigible. All right, call me after the interviews and let me know how they went. We’ll get dinner later this week, and maybe we can go dancing.”

“Kaz would kill anyone who so much as looked at you. You would sentence some poor man to his death to go dancing with me?”

“If it means pulling you out of your funk, yes,” Veronika said as she reached over and gave Charley a hug.

“You’re a good friend. You almost got me killed, but you’re a good friend. Go have lots of yummy sex, and I’ll talk to you later.”  Charley waved Veronika off and stared after her.

The rest of the semester had been crummy, but Charley had managed to pull through. After Fedor Saiko had killed himself, Veronika withdrew completely. Charley helped her handle the funeral arrangements, and she dragged her back to school. It wasn’t until Kaz finally came back into her life that Veronika came back to life.

Charley had always enjoyed men. She wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous like Veronika, but she was pretty. Short and curvy, she had long, dark, curly locks and dark eyes. And she held her own when it came to men. There were times when she craved what Kaz and Veronika had. But Veronika’s depression was a reality check for Charley. She didn’t want to be dependent on a man. She wanted to just enjoy herself but still be in control of her life.

That control would have to start with her home life. Once she got a new roommate settled, she could get back into her old routine. She could get back to her carefree life.


Dmitri was a man on a mission. Normally, he only took on dangerous work after a large sum of money crossed the palm of his hand, but tonight he was working only for himself. He donned many disguises, but tonight he entered the home of a man who would immediately recognize his dark hair and light grey eyes. Although Dmitri had only been a teenager when he’d left, his cheekbones and jawline was striking. He could be easily recognized. But lucky for him, Dmitiri knew that Ivan Bobrov was spending a few days out of town. He knew that Ivan had moved into the old home of Fedor Saiko soon after taking over the business, and he’d been traveling between his old home and new home while he was getting situated. But just because Ivan was currently not at the Saiko estate didn’t mean the house was empty. It simply meant that no one at the house would recognize Dmitri. Not that it mattered. Dmitri the assassin was dead. He’d been shot to death moments before Fedor admitted to killing his son, Pavel, and Pavel’s lover, Nikolas. Dmitri was dead before Fedor Saiko took his own life.

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