Owned by the Dom: Part One (The Owners) (20 page)

BOOK: Owned by the Dom: Part One (The Owners)
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“Then Ravage.”


James frowned. “Then you can come to my home.”

“Okay, I’ll phone you in a few days
’ time to arrange a meeting.”

“What is going on, Stephen

“I don’t want to talk about it now. I’m not completely sure I’m right. I need all the facts before I talk to you.”

“Is everything okay?” James asked, concerned for his friend.

“It will be when I know all the facts. I look forward to meeting your woman.”

James nodded, and then the call ended.

He stared at the phone confused by the conversation he’d just had.

Glancing through his emails, he looked for something to occupy him. Sleep had been hard to come by for the last few months.

She’s all alone in your bed. Prudence needs you.

James shut down his laptop and placed it back in the safe before making his way back up the stairs to watch Prudence sleep.

He put a chair beside the bed, watching her for several minutes. When watching wasn’t enough, he threw his towel across the room and climbed in behind her. He pulled her into his arms and settled down, staring at the ceiling.

There was no mirror above his bed in this room. James made a quick note to get one installed. He wanted to be able to see her as she slept in his arms.

The hours passed
, and before he knew it, James fell to sleep with Prudence in his arms.



Chapter Seventeen


Three days later


The past three days had been pure heaven. James never left her alone. He called her all the time when she went home. He’d been trying to convince
her to stay at his place permanently. She wasn’t ready to give up her house. Anya and Becky kept calling him the weirdo boyfriend. They didn’t understand how much she loved his attention. The constant texts he sent and the phone calls made her feel loved and cared for. With each phone call she remembered him talking about possession and ownership. She loved the thought of being his.

She fingered the silver cross necklace around her neck.
He’d demanded she wear it every day. Every time she walked into Ravage he’d pull the chain out of her shirt letting the cross dangle between her breasts.

The love she felt for him was growing every day. The way he made love to her every day, sometimes with a condom and others without, made her yearn for his touch. James reached for her whenever he could. She lost count of the
number of times he’d reached for her at his office. She imagined there was a print of her ass on the top of his desk. In the middle of the night, he’d find her core and sink inside her. She’d wake in the morning with his cock still inside her pussy.

She closed her eyes thinking of that very morning. He was picking her up later today to take her to Possession. Before then,
she wanted to go and visit her sister.

Prue stared at the paperwork that
had just been delivered through the letterbox. She was ready to go out and visit her sister. The longer she waited to tell her sister, the harder it was for her to be with Jams. She needed her sister to know what was going on and to also reassure herself that Veronica no longer loved him.

She opened the envelope reading the paperwork. Frowning, she read through the document. It was the deeds to her house with her name on. The only problem with the paperwork was the fact the house had been paid for.

Pulling her cell phone out of her pocket, she dialled James’s number. Her gut was telling her he was responsible for buying her house.

He answered on the first ring. “Are you missing me already?”

“I’m not sure. Why do I have the deeds to my house?” she asked, cutting to the chase.

“I told them to fucking wait.”

“So you did buy my house and put it in my name?”

He was silent on the other end.


“Because I wanted to. Do not question my reasons when it comes to you, Prudence.”

She sighed rubbing her temples.

“It is already hard for me to be with you
. I know you’re rich, but you buying houses for me is hard to deal with.”

“Don’t, Prudence. This was for you. The money doesn’t bother me. I want you, baby. Not a bank balance. You complete me.”

Prue smiled, being won over by his kind words. “You always know what to say.”

“Have fun with your sister
, and I’ll see you later.”

“What if your friends don’t like me?” she asked, knowing her own friends didn’t like him.

“Then I get you all to myself.”

She laughed. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Miss you already. Send me a text to let me know you got there safely.”

“I will.”

Flicking her phone shut, Prue walked out of her door and began the long walk to her sister’s house.

She knew Veronica would be
in. Her daughter was in school while her son was too young. Knocking on the door she waited for her sister to answer. Veronica had Thomas on her hip as she answered the door.

. Look, Thomas, your Aunty has finally decided to pay us a visit.”

chuckled, taking the bouncing baby out of her sister’s arms. “Wow, he weighs a ton.”

“He’s growing into a strapping lad like his father. Come in
. I’ve got the kettle on. It is freezing outside, and I bet you could murder a coffee.”

“I’ll take a tea if I can.”

“No problem. I couldn’t stomach coffee when I got pregnant.”

Prue followed her sister down to her kitchen. Thomas stayed on her lap for some time
; but boredom got to him, and he was fighting to get down.

Veronica put him in his high chair as she made a drink.

“How have you been?” Prue asked.

“Fine. I
had Mom and Dad ‘round the other week. They wanted to know how you were doing. I told them you’re doing fine.”

She nodded her head, accepting the cup from her sister. “I’m doing great, more than great.”

“I recognise that cross. Where did you get it?” Veronica asked, taking the seat beside her and pulling Thomas back into her lap.

Guilt assailed
Prue. What should she say?

“Do you love James?” Prue asked her sister. She saw Veronica pause with baby Thomas on her lap. Prue knew if the answer was yes then her world was going to be turned upside down. She was in love with James and had been since the first moment she met him. There was no one like him. The way he took her and made her feel so much was addictive. Prue knew her life was with him.

“I’ve been wondering that myself. He was different from what I was used to. There is something about the way he can command a room by his presence alone.” Veronica smiled. “No, I never loved James. I thought I did. He was just a bit of excitement before I met Daniel.”

Prue took a deep breath and closed her eyes hoping her sister wouldn’t hate her. “I’m in love with James.” She’d been practising the words for several weeks
, and in the end she’d blurted them out. Prue whacked her hand against her forehead.

She took a
peek at her sister seeing what her reaction was. Veronica was smiling at her son on her lap.

“Say something,” Prue said.

“What do you want me to say, Prue? I knew you were in love with him five years ago. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He loves you as well.”

Prue shook her head. They
hadn’t talked about love. “How do you know he loves me?”

“I’m guessing that cross is his.”

She fingered the silver cross around her neck. “Yes, he’s told me to always wear it.”

“He wouldn’t give anyone his necklace, Prue. He loves
it, and that is his stamp of ownership.”

“You know about his connections,” Prue said, keeping as much to herself as possible.

“I know enough about him, Prue. Do you know enough?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Then all I ask is that you be careful. James is a good man, but there has been a lot of danger around him lately. Please, take care of yourself.”

Prue nodded her head. “You’re not angry with me?”

“Never. You’re in love, and I can appreciate that. I know we have no control over who we love.”

“I love you, Veronica.” Prue hugged her sister as Thomas glared at her. She chuckled at her nephew.

For the rest of her visit Veronica showed her pictures of trips away. Prue hugged Thomas and enjoyed every second she spent with her sister.

On the way out, Veronica reminded her she’d need to take James to meet their parents.

Prue groaned.

“I’ll warn them
, but they’re going to have a
with you.”

She nodded her head. “I better go and get ready. James is taking me out tonight. Love you, sis
, and see you soon.”


James glanced down at the ring he’d bought. He knew he’d gone overboard. They’d been together for three days, and he now owned a wedding ring. Closing the box he placed the ring on the desk in front of him. He knew she was the one. There was no need to fight his feelings. She was what he wanted more than life itself.

The times the
y were apart were hard to get through. Even now he was itching to call her and to see how she was getting on with her sister.

Give her time. You’ll have her for the rest of your life.

There was a knock at his door.

“Come in,” he said.

Veronica walked in, rolling a pushchair as she approached. She looked like she’d been running.

“I never expected to see you here,” he said.

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think it was important.

“What could be so important?” James asked.

“Prue came to see me. You’re in love with her.”

He didn’t say anything. James waited for her to finish talking.

“You’re not arguing with me?”

“I have nothing to say. My feelings for Prudence do not affect you. She is my world and if you’ve hurt her
—” She held her hand up stopping him.

“I’ve given her my blessing. I know you were never in love with me, James. I didn’t love you either. She is more than happy
with you, and I can’t argue with love.”

“Why are you here?” he asked.

“I know you’re not safe. That story coming out last year was evidence of that, James. I love my sister. Please, don’t do anything to hurt her.”

He ran his fingers through his hair, getting angry at her. James would never do anything to hurt Prudence. She was his world
, and he loved her.

Grabbing the box
that contained the ring, he slammed it down on the desk in front of her.

“Does this look
like I’ll put her at risk?”

She picked up the box and opened it. Her gasp was all the evidence he needed that he’d made the right choice. “You really do love her
, don’t you?”

“I’ve bought her house and put the deeds in her name. Prudence will want for nothing. If she doesn’t want me, I will make sure she is provided for. That’s how much I love her.”

“She won’t refuse you. Prue loves you.”

He nodded his head. James wanted to hear Prudence say the words for herself.

“I better leave you.”

“You’ve done your sisterly duty,” James said, mocking her.

“Yes. I’m still her older sister. I want to make sure she’s doing the right thing.”

James watched her sister walk toward his office. He waited for a few minutes and then pulled out the white envelope. James began to open the white flap when his phone buzzed. Prudence’s face appeared on the screen. He answered her call tucking the envelope into his jacket.

“She is happy for me, Sir. Veronica gave us her blessing.”

He chuckled, leaving his office. “I’m on my way to pick you up. Will you be ready?”

“Yes, I look forward to meeting your friends.”

“They’re not that much fun.”

She laughed. “You’ve met my friends. I think it is only fair that I get to meet yours.”

“I’m leaving the club now. I’ll be at yours in no time.”

“Good, I look forward to it.”

Leo was on the door signing some paperwork as James walked out the door. “What’s up, Boss?”

“I’m taking Prudence out. Will you keep an eye on things for tonight? I won’t be back.”

“Sure, I’m more than happy to look after things.”

James nodded, climbing in the back of the taxi. “Have you thought about my offer, Arthur?”

“Yes, Sir. I’d love the position you’re offering.”

“Excellent. I’ll have a car sent to you soon.”

BOOK: Owned by the Dom: Part One (The Owners)
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