Owned By The Alphas: Part Five (5 page)

BOOK: Owned By The Alphas: Part Five
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y the side
of the bed that now held two wounded, Ali’s wolf watched the healer tend to Red’s wounds. “He did a fairly good job. You should thank him.”

Red smiled, staring at the wood ceiling. “I did.” He closed his eyes.

Shaynah’s smooth voice caressed the air as she asked, “I think that will do it for now. Do you need more food?”

He sighed. “No. I’ve had enough. I think I’ll sleep. I’m halfway there already.” He reached over and found Ali’s soft, furry head, petting her slowly.

Ali had surrendered inwardly to not being able to speak. Now that they were safely returned and Red was on the road to recovery, she felt safer and calm, in general. So when the healer’s gaze fixated on her, she turned her head, but was unconcerned.

“I want to ask you how
feel, but I can’t.” At the silence, Shaynah turned to Lorn who was on the other side of the bed. Ali watched the elder rise and go to her, brushing the young she-wolf’s chestnut knots away from her eyes. “We need to brush your hair.” Lorn didn’t respond, her eyes on Lucin. “Why don’t you climb in with him and take a nap. You have not slept.”

Without a word, Lorn slipped under the pelts and lay on her side, facing her love. She whispered, “I have to be careful not to brush against his hurt places.”

Shaynah placed a gentle hand on the back of her head. “Rest now.” She met Ali’s watchful gaze. “Have you had enough to eat?” Ali nodded. “Good. I suppose you wish to stay here.” Ali nodded again. “I will be back to check on everyone soon.” She stood up and left soundlessly.

After a short while, Ali heard the soft breathing of three sleeping wolves, but she herself did not feel tired. They’d slept in the small caves for most of the day, and that was enough. The change in her body brought an unexpected advantage: less fatigue. She felt alert…all over. And when the scent of her other mate reached her, she met Calt at the doorway before he appeared.

Keeping his voice low, he glanced toward the bed, then down at her. “All well here?” He gave her a pet and went to look at Lucin, crossing his arms over the wide expanse of his bare chest. Closing his eyes, he listened. Ali focused as well, and heard the faint, low, thump of a heartbeat. It hadn’t changed, and that was not good. Calt sighed and opened his eyes again, staring at the young wolf with a heavy frown. He left to return to Ali and kneeled down, scratching underneath her jaw. “Come out for awhile.”

She glanced to the bed and saw Red’s sleeping face. He looked at peace for the first time since the attack and she knew he’d sleep for a long time. He needed that. To see him here was the last thing she expected when she’d run away with him. But so much had changed since then.

Meeting Calt’s beautiful two-toned eyes, she saw intricate flecks of light dancing in them as he waited. She stared up, amazed by the love staring back at her. He’d handled her and Red with such care when he’d found them holed up and shivering. To think of how he was the night after the challenge, how he’d had to claim her and set his mark on her…to this.

She loved him. And while she’d known that for a while, she felt it now even more. She bowed her head and followed Calt out of the room, walking through the long hallway back to the common area, by his side. The sound of the wolves talking grew louder as they approached and when they joined the two packs–or was it now just one?–the room grew quiet. Dak and Calus reacted to the sight of her. They came over and circled her wolf, muttering under their breaths, “Holy cow.” “That’s a fine lookin’ animal right there.”

Ali couldn’t help but smile inwardly. She caught the steady gaze of Tawny and held it. The she-wolf smelled like sex. Ali could smell her on the protectors, too, and that was very interesting. Pale blue eyes lit up and Tawny waved her over. “Let’s go for a run, Ali.”

Calt objected, “I will take her for a run.”

The other wolves watched with interest, and Ali could feel Calt’s awareness of that. He might have been more aggressive had they been alone. Tawny’s eyes were patiently fixed on the alpha as if she knew this, but did not choose to taunt him and draw his ire. With respect she bowed her head slightly and explained, “Since I was human once, too, I thought I might be able to be of service. But if you want to go with her instead…”

“I can come with you,” he said.

Ali looked from one to the other and padded over to Tawny, throwing a look at Calt, hoping he understood. He watched her, mouth agape, getting her meaning.

“Fine. Go.” He forced a smile and said to the room. “Females. It is a secret club.”

Everyone laughed and most nodded, too.

Ali followed Tawny out the door, watching the she-wolf change en-route. Envious of the ease with which she could do that, Ali walked into the forest at a light trot. She had not run yet, but the desire to do so took her over. She broke into a jog. Tawny’s wolf picked up speed, steadily, and she glanced to Ali often.
She knows this is my first time. Do I look timid?
Not happy about that,
Ali ran faster and passed Tawny. Tan and white fur zipped past her an instant later, and Ali raced harder, desperate to prove herself. The snow giving way beneath the strength of her paws was almost as wonderful as the wind whipping through her fur. Her legs pounded harder as she tested her limits. She felt strange, a surge of power rushing through her as if her wolf was excited for the challenge.
What am I capable of? How fast can I really go?
The forest became a blur as she and Tawny raced together. Had she been able, Ali would have laughed and whooped. Even the fact that Tawny was faster did not dampen her spirits as they pushed deeper into the woods. She’d never felt this free. Not ever.

When Tawny slowed down in a thick grove of Whitebark pine trees, Ali struggled to gracefully stop, and failed. She tumbled into the snow, getting a face-full, coughing and sputtering, as she lay buried in it.

Tawny shifted to her human form, bending down to help the new wolf up. “It’s not easy to switch from that kind of velocity, back.” Ali shook the snow off her fur and hung her head. “Oh, come on!” Naked, Tawny flopped down onto the snowy ground. “Stop moping. You were so fast! Didn’t that feel good?”

Ali threw her a glance and held it, locked in by those striking eyes. Unaware of the effect they had on the new wolf’s sharpened vision, Tawny cocked her head and regarded Ali for a moment, then smiled. “You know what? I’m going to take advantage of this silence of yours.” She sighed. “I’m like Calt that way. Not the best at expressing myself. Always comes off a little harsh. It’s not going to be pretty, but it’ll be the truth. Ready? Okay. I didn’t like you at first. Now don’t look at me like that. I didn’t. Because Calt and I used to fuck. A lot. Which I’m sure you’ve figured out by now. But you? You were the end of that. I knew it when he brought back with him. Boy, I didn’t see that coming.” She threw her gaze to the stars. Squishing up her mouth, she stayed quiet for a while. “And I stuck with that. Blamed you for what happened to me. Etcetera, etcetera,
. But when you changed…and went after that grizzly all by yourself? Fuck!! I was impressed. No. I was fucking in awe of you. That noise you made, man! So feral and vicious. And the change itself… I’d never seen what happened to
, happen to someone else. I got to see what I looked like, through you.” She leaned forward and said in loud, excited whisper, “And the way you went after that bear to protect your man. It was what a woman
, you know?” She shrugged and gave a shy smile. “I can’t help but respect you now. Do I like you? Not sure yet. But I respect the fuck out of you.”

Ali stared at the she-wolf, shocked and moved. Even if she could have said something, she would have been speechless. She’d had girlfriends in high school and college, but they’d never been as brave to be that honest and lay it all out on the line. She’d known Tawny didn’t like her, and she guessed why, but to hear it aloud validated her.

Standing up, Tawny announced, “Okay, so let’s get you changed back, huh?”

Ali backed away from her.

“No, no. It’s going to be okay. My first time, how I got back to my human form? I imagined myself in it. I pictured my skin, my hair, my eyes, the dirt under my nails. The sound of my voice. Everything. So, I want you to try it. Remember what you look like? I know you haven’t seen a mirror in forever, but you remember…you’re a curvy brunette with big tits.” Tawny laughed, but lost the smile quickly. “Try it. Focus.” Ali looked down at her furry, muscular legs and Tawny snapped, “NO! Don’t look at how your body is now! Close your eyes and remember your other body. You are both. They live together. Remember!”

Ali closed her eyes and remembered herself, her skin, the shape of her fingernails, the peach fuzz on her pale arms. Her pudgy stomach, her ample hips, and the curly pubic hair that had grown back between her thighs. She pictured her legs, stronger from months of conditioning. Her feet and tiny toes; she had small feet, and loved them. She imagined wiggling her little toes. She envisioned running her fingers through the length of her hair, so long that it ran almost to her middle now. She pictured Calt and the last time they made love. The way he held her, the emotions she saw in his eyes. She saw his hands tracing down her body as he lifted her leg and kissed her calf.

A heat spread through her blood, a quickening that felt like fire laced with ice, mingling and dancing together as they shot up and down her veins. Her bones began to grow. But fear bubbled up and the bones detracted again quickly.

“Do it! We’re not leaving here until you do, do you hear me?” Her voice softened. “Let your wolf go, Ali. You’ll get her back. Don’t worry.”

That was what she was worried about; only she hadn’t realized it until Tawny said it. She didn’t want to be just human anymore. She wanted to be special. Ali flashed a look at the other she-wolf, and made the choice to believe her.

The change continued, the lava-like heat switching back and forth with what felt like crystalized icicles in her blood. She stretched up on two legs, her face compacting and her long hair growing fast. All of it felt desperately strange and scary, but the most peculiar sensation was the fur vanishing into her pores. Even her paws spreading into fingers and toes could not compare to it.

Cracking her jaw, she touched it with her newly formed hand and moved it around a little before she said, “Fuck.”

Tawny exploded with a laugh. “Yup! That’s about right.”

Ali threw out her arms, looking down at her naked body and turning in a circle. “I did it!”

“You fuckin’ did!”

Ali got serious and took a step. “
did it.”

A more intimate smile appeared as Tawny shrugged. “
did it?” Ali threw her arms around her unlikely teacher, giving her a very grateful hug. Surprised, Tawny hesitated before she patted Ali’s back. “Okay. That’s enough. Calt will kill me if he smells me on you.” She pushed Ali off of her. “Seriously. He would.”

“After I asked him to stay there, he might not like that.”


Sucking deep breaths of cold air into a fresh pair of lungs, Ali grinned. The sensation felt so good! And the forest looked the same as when she was a wolf. Everything was crisper than before the change. She’d always been far-sighted, but not anymore. And even though the moon was high and the sky clear, she saw things she could never have seen as just a human, perfect details as if it were daylight out, with a dark-blue hue cast over everything. She was naked, but she didn’t feel cold.

Ali ran her hands up her torso and grabbed her breasts. “Wow.”

“Feels good, doesn’t it?”

“It’s like every cell is awake!’

“Yeah. Sometimes I forget that.” Tawny stepped away, her eyes on the world around them, seeing it through the new wolf’s eyes. “It’s a pity, but you get used to it.”

“NEVER!” Ali cried out as she ran and tumbled in a somersault, leaping up and yelling “Woohooooo!!!!”

Tawny crossed her arms. “You’re a goofy chick.”

Ali ran at her and leapt through the air, taking them both down in a snowy, rolling heap. They burst up at the same time, laughing and Ali left her again to run around the trees. She raced round and round, enjoying the feel of crisp air licking her all over. After several happy moments, she came to a stop and tossed her arms to the sky. “THANK YOU!” A tear slipped down her cheek and she whispered the heavens, “
Thank you for this

The other she-wolf was watching her with not only understanding, but also envy. Ali caught it, but didn’t ask why the change. This moment was hers, not Tawny’s.

She was a werewolf now.

For Real.

For Ever.


n order
to get back home quickly, they had to go through the shift again. Ali’s transformation was graceless and choppy, but she was able to let her wolf out again and become it, just as Tawny had promised. Now they ran back, but this time at a more leisurely pace for the sheer enjoyment of it. She wanted to learn the forest, her home, through new eyes.

As they neared the sequoia, Calt appeared outside. He’d heard them, or had been waiting, or both. He wore a pelt now and, like Red, he looked even sexier in it. Two alphas! She’d wanted them both…and now could it really be that she got her wish? She hoped it lasted. Neither of them seemed to be the types who liked to share what they felt was theirs.

“Still not turned back then?” He called out.

She and Tawny shared a glance and Ali’s competitive streak kicked in. She’d seen and envied the others on many nights when they’d shifted forms mid-run. She didn’t know if she could manage it, but it was worth the try just to impress him.

With twenty more feet to go, she pictured her human legs running, her back straight and her arms pumping at her sides as though going for a jog. She imagined her long, soft hair blowing behind her, her breasts bouncing. The fire and ice spread through her again, a liquid sensation that coursed through her body and lit her up all over. She rose up on her hind legs and the shift began. So as not to make a fool of herself, she used laser-sharp focus to keep her mind on her human form taking the place of her limber wolf, and it worked. Her legs did not lose a single step nor falter as she arrived at where he stood, the transformation complete.

As he watched, Calt’s eyes were large and his forehead crinkled. A grin of amazement spread on his sexy lips. He made an impressed sound and opened his arms for her to run into. She hit him hard, and when his arms encircled her, he did not even bend or sway to the impact. She loved that about them both, her alphas, they could handle her plump size as though she were a feather. It made her feel so feminine…even now that she was wolf.

“Well now!” he laughed. “Welcome back.”

She laughed happily into the fur that covered his strong chest. “Tawny did it.”

The she-wolf in question argued behind her, “Credit is hers.”

“Ours,” Ali smiled to her, leaning back to meet her new friend’s eyes.

Tawny nodded and cast a sideways glance to Calt, one that had quite a bit of weight to it, Ali noticed. Curious, she looked for his reaction and found the same look in his eyes. Something had clearly happened between them, but what she didn’t know. Tawny mumbled, “I’ll leave you two alone.” She smacked Ali’s shoulder as she passed, and the friendly gesture relaxed Ali’s jealousy.

Bloo stuck her head out and gasped, “You’re back! How does it feel?!

“Great. Weird. Unbelievable. Awesome. Take your pick.” Ali grinned at her.

Tawny grabbed the Asian beauty’s arm and tugged her inside as she went in. “Give them a minute.”

Calt carried Ali to the other side of the boulder. He backed her up against the sequoia with lust in his eyes. Palming her naked breasts, he rubbed the tightening, pink crests with his thumbs. “I missed these.”

She smiled at him from under heavy eyelids, feeling the familiar ache begin down below. Her body after these past months was conditioned to respond to him within seconds. “You just saw them a couple nights ago.”

He grunted, bending to take one in his mouth, licking and kissing it all over. “Feels like forever.”

Her stomach tightened and heat pooled out from within her sex. She clutched his long hair in her palm as he tongued her nipple and ran his other hand up her thigh, scratching it with his nails. Her breathing shortened as she began to throb. But then images of Red when they escaped together snuck into her mind as though from a dream. His fighting the grizzly to save the young wolves who were not even of his own pack. His hopeful, playful smile when he begged her to leave with him. The pain on his face that he tried to hide, when they holed up and he told her of his youth, when he’d had to fight for his life. The way he’d been good enough to agree to Calt’s offer and allow himself to be brought here, to his home.

His home.

“This is wrong,” Ali breathed. “Stop.”

“Mmm…” Calt murmured into her flesh, slipping his thick fingers into her folds. “So wet.”

Her head fell back a little as the power of her need for his touch threatened her. She pushed but barely moved him. “Stop. We can’t.”

Confused, he looked up at her, his hand still tucked into her pussy. “What is it?”

Blinking her way back from desire, she whispered, “It’s not fair to Red.” At Calt’s expression, the hardening of his eyes and clenching of his jaw, she added, “If we’re going to do this, we can’t leave him out. I need to be with you both until we all feel…comfortable.” She searched his eyes, relieved as the logic hit home.

He removed his hand and sighed deeply. “You are right. It could unsettle the packs as well, with him in there, wounded and helpless.”

A corner of her mouth turned up. “I don’t know about helpless…”

He smirked. “Maybe I like to picture him as such.”

She chuckled and squirmed away from him, whispering, “Oh you’re so tempting, don’t think you’re not. My wolf is cursing at me as I speak.” He grinned at her. She rose up on tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.”

As she went to walk back inside, he grabbed her arm. She looked over her shoulder at him, with a questioning look in her eyes. He licked the fingers he’d just stroked her with, his voice husky as he announced, “I will look forward to when he is healed.”

“Oh my…” she breathed. Sucking in air through her teeth to control her need to mount him then and there, she walked back into the den, this time proudly on two legs rather than four.

As soon as she appeared, everyone cheered to see her back in this form. It was the second time they’d cheered but this one was just for her, and it made her very happy to be accepted…and maybe even loved by some of them. She winked at Bloo and turned in a circle, throwing up her arms and sauntering. The cheers grew louder, but it was Dak and Calus who whooped the loudest.

Calt pushed the air down with both hands, calling for quiet, but he clearly was very pleased. “Alright. She has enough mates as it is. Someone get this she-wolf a pelt!” At the words ‘she-wolf,’ the room went up again into a loud roar of claps and whistles. Ali laughed and Kyren came forward with a pelt and rope in her outstretched grasp.

Ali quieted as she met the unfamiliar wolf’s eyes and was pleased when Kyren hugged her out of the blue. The black-haired beauty threw a glance to Calt and chided him, “I had to get in at least one hug, and touch that newly formed flesh.”

He rolled his eyes and shot back, “Since I hear you are partial to men, I will allow it. But hear me, the rest of you!” He sliced a hand through the air and swung his arm around Ali’s shoulder as she tied the rope around her waist. “She is mine!” He paused for comedic effect. “And Red’s. Mine…and Red’s.” They all laughed.

Ali smiled up at him, leaning up for a kiss. He planted a firm one on her lips and the crowd cheered again.

Shaynah stood by the stone wall and waved her over as the crowd spread out and resumed getting to know each other. Ali glanced around as she walked to the healer and saw Tawny and Gypha chatting with the protectors. Calus had his eyes locked on the Jamaican she-wolf as though he could not look away. Gypha in response was animatedly telling them a story, throwing flirtatious smiles up to her new admirer. Kyren walked back to Motis and slipped her hand into his hair as she spoke to him. Jal and Thanot approached Calt. Bloo was with the baby bear, following it around, bent over as she tried to control the uncontrollable.

“What are they going to do with the cub?” Ali asked Shaynah as she arrived in front of her.

White eyebrows rose above a wry smile. “Keep it as a pet until they can’t any longer, I imagine. But they’re going to have to find something else for it to eat…if you get my meaning.”

Ali blanched and followed Shaynah out of the room. When they were in the dark hallway, she asked, “How is Red? And Lucin? How is he?”

Somber, Shaynah answered, “That is why I summoned you to me. I need your help.”

“My help?” Ali asked, confused. Shaynah kept walking, and Ali waited for an explanation. As they entered the beta’s den, she scanned both sleeping faces. Lorn was back to keeping vigil and Ali gently asked her, “Couldn’t sleep?”

She glanced toward the voice and saw Ali back in her human form. Rising, she embraced her friend and whispered, “I slept awhile. But I was so scared of hurting him.”

Ali glanced over to Shaynah as she quietly suggested, “Why don’t you get some food? We’ll watch over them for now.” She had the feeling the healer wanted her alone. The look on her face cemented that.

Lorn hesitated, pulled away and looked at Lucin. “I don’t want to leave him.”

Laying a reassuring hand on her shoulder, Ali said, “We’ll be here. You need to eat. Be stronger for him, right?”

Lorn glanced to Shaynah. “Should I?”

“Yes, love. Go get fed. Return as soon as you are done.”

Lorn rubbed her eyes and turned away, walking out of the room after one last glance behind. Ali and Shaynah watched her. When they heard her footsteps fade with distance, Ali turned to the healer. “I have a feeling something’s going on. What are you up to?”

“I need you to help me heal Lucin.”

Ali cocked her head, flabbergasted. “Why me? I can’t do anything.” She eyed the elder wolf suspiciously. “You’re looking at me like you know something. It’s freaking me out.”

Shaynah crossed to be at Lucin’s side, kneeling down. As she did so, she explained in a low voice, “Remember when I told you that you had magic? I did not mean your wolf. I meant you were like me–a healer. There are many wolves in the world, but very few who can see the healing light. You can! I am hoping that means what I think it means, for his sake. He is not improving. I must try everything I can.”

A disbelieving huff exploded from Ali’s lungs. Keeping her voice down, she insisted, “That’s just crazy. I’m nobody.”

Shaynah stared at Lucin. “I don’t have time to wait for you to grow into it or believe. And I do not have time to argue.”

“I’m not a healer!”

Shaynah cocked an eyebrow up to Ali. “Who brought two enemy packs together? You are not a healer? Think again.” Struck dumb, Ali stared with her mouth agape. “Now come. If you are not a healer, show me! Make me believe.”

Ali went to her and kneeled down, too, looking at poor Lucin’s pale face. This was insane. She had no healing gifts. Sure, she could make people laugh, and that was something, but to revive Lucin? That was impossible. She didn’t want to disappoint Shaynah, especially after she’d just abandoned Calt for Red, since she didn’t think she could have them both. What must the elder wolf think of her? She didn’t even want to think of it!

She had to try.

“What do you want me to do?”

Shaynah held her steady hands over Lucin’s head. “Like this. But over his heart. Good. Now picture your light. Focus, Ali. Can you see mine again?”

With her hands hovering over Lucin’s chest, she glanced over to the healer’s hands. “No. I don’t see anything!”


Ali squinted and strained, but there was still nothing. She dropped her hands and whispered hoarsely. “I can’t do this! I’m not what you think I am!”

Shaynah’s pale green eyes flashed with rage and her serene voice took on an intense menacing hiss. “I knew you were selfish, but this I would never have believed possible! I will tell Calt that you must be eradicated from our tribe. You are not welcome anymore! GO!”

Fear and shock ripped through Ali, and her eyes went wide. From Shaynah’s hands, a white hazy glow appeared, growing stronger as terror pulsed through Ali’s heart. She whispered, “I see it!”

Shaynah sighed and relaxed. “And all you had to do was get afraid…now focus!”

Ali blinked at her. “You did that on purpose!”

“Do not lose it by thinking too hard now…FEEL.”

Ali gulped and suspended her hands above his heart. After a few charged moments light spread out from her skin. It was like a fog at first, but at Shaynah’s guiding urges, it brightened. Ali slipped away from her mind, into her own heart, into the energy that fused her own body.

“Send the light to him. Picture him filling with white healing light. Close your eyes.”

Ali did as she was told and, needing a visual to help her, she imagined the light to be the waterfall they’d visited, the cascade just as powerful and unstoppable. She pictured Lucin diving into the water with his sideways dive, his permanent grin as always shining from his happy face. She pictured him swimming, his wounds vanishing one by one, his face returning to its healthy pallor once more. She pictured he and Lorn coming together in the watery light, kissing and telling each other they were safe.

“That’s good, Ali. Keep going!” Shaynah then chanted a repeated prayer that Lucin’s strength be returned, that his body and spirit be healed, that it be the will of the universe. That he was still needed here on Earth.

“What are you doing?” Lorn asked, in a voice so loud that Ali’s eyes flew open and her hands dropped to her knees.

“Uh…I was just…”

Shaynah cried out, “Listen!”

Lorn and Ali both turned to Lucin, and went silent. His heartbeat picked up speed and his skin flushed pink. Lorn rushed over and pulled up at Ali’s hands. “Do it again! Don’t stop!”

Flustered, Ali threw her hands back up to hover, shaking over his heart. She struggled to breathe and tried to focus, but she was too stunned to do anything but tremble and sputter, “I can’t! It’s gone!”

“Ali, Look!”

Ali squeaked her eyes open to peek at Lucin’s face. He was looking at her. She gasped and both hands flew to her mouth. “Oh my God!”

“Lucin!” Lorn practically screamed, falling to him as Shaynah rose to let her by, barely escaping being shoved. Lorn showered his face with kisses and a slow, weak smile spread on his lips.

He whispered, “Where am I?” his voice hoarse.

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