Owned By Her Alpha - Geno (2 page)

Read Owned By Her Alpha - Geno Online

Authors: Sophie Sin

Tags: #sophie sin, #alpha male dominate, #alpha male black white hot, #alpha male black white sexy, #alpha male black white strong, #alpha male dominant rich, #alpha male dominant stud, #alpha male powerful, #alpha male strong, #alpha male stud

BOOK: Owned By Her Alpha - Geno
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His hand slides down my body and under the
plain gray top I was given when I was thrown into the cells. Those
calloused fingers take my right breast and gently work it. He is
staring into my eyes and me into his. I can see myself in the
reflection of the silver mask and the creases that are forming
around them as a warm pleasure slowly wafts its way up through my
belly. I'm scared, of course, but this isn't my first time having
sex either.

He draws those fingers to my right nipple
and swirls it in slow long semicircles. I moan. He is clearly
skilled with women. Just looking at him tells me that I'm going
have a good time here. It might be the last little piece of heaven
I get before things go to hell.

“You arouse easily,” he notes.

His fingers go much, much lower. They travel
down the soft, smooth expanse of my stomach to the lightly haired
region of my womanhood.

“Is this wet for me?” the man mutters. He
clearly wants me to know that he is pleased by this. I can't say
that I'm not either.

The garments that I have been wearing since
leaving the slave pens are discarded. He looms over me in my
nudity. I am smaller than him by quite a lot. His shoulders are
double mine and his arms bigger than my thighs.

Stepping into me, he takes me in his arms.
They flow around me and are comforting. I feel like I know him from
this, but I can't say where. My mind trails through the various
lovers that I have had. None where his size. None had that
tightness of breath, that wanting desire. And NONE – not a single
one – had a dick this big.

Without even needing to be requested to do
so, I slip to my knees and work on the trousers that he wears. They
come undone and his fullness is revealed to my eyes.

“It might be a little big,” he offers in

My eyes travel up and down it.
... This could be used as a

I think to my wet and clenching pussy.

A weapon that could destroy me.

Both hands are needed. I spit down on the
head, which is swollen immensely, and work them back and forward
down the rock hard length of it. He lets out a long groan of

My lips curl upwards on hearing the

How long has it been, Mr. Customer? You
don't sound like you have had a woman in a long, long time.

The words aren't spoken. They don't need to
be. It is in the wicked way that I torture him that the message is
given. I bring his foreskin right back and run my tongue over it.
Long and hard do I work the eye until the shaft is jerking and the
veins are pounding with the force of the blood that is passing
through them.

Yet I don't stop. I never stop.

My mouth opens very wide and I pop him deep
down my throat to the furthest point. Most men I have been with can
reach this place, but he exceeds it. A simple thrust proves that I
can still gag. My choking becomes so much that I have to pull out
and spit the sticky liquid – his and mine – from my mouth all down
his rough and hairy balls.

Sexy,” he

My tongue finds the shaft once more and runs
down. I come to his rounds and suckle on them, drawing the left one
out and then the right.


Liquid – white, glorious cum – splatters
down all over my face. I am covered in his juices. They dribble
down my cheeks, flow over my jaw, splatter my breasts and feather
out to become an eternal trickle of filth. It is very pleasing to
feel. He liked that a lot.

Woman...” he whispers,
“you are going to get...”

Shock pounds through me when the man pushes
me to the floor, throws open my legs and buries himself deeply in
the folds of my pussy. I cry out and grab hold of his masked face
(the bottom half somehow molding upwards to allow his mouth its
freedom). His response is to go deeper and force his tongue down
the corridors of my tunnel.

Ha-ha-ha,” I pant. “I
can't take much more.”

I come so close to an orgasm that I nearly
burst. He stands, jerks his cock twice to remove any cum from the
shaft and sticks his now hard cock in me from the front.

Our mating is like two rabid animals. I
can't get enough of him. His dick is full and hard and has a new
stamina. I know he'll outlast me at this rate, so I do every trick
I know to draw out his juices. Sucking on his neck, working his
earlobe, whispering the type of filth that makes a man turn into a
devil, there is nothing that I hold back and nothing that he holds
back from me. Truly this man is a giver. He does not fail to
impress with every thrust.

Fuck me harder,” I'm

He turns me over. My butt is pulled up and
he enters from the back. Those hands of his are scarred and
calloused and dig into the soft flesh of my ass. Each strike is
strong enough to send me forward. I end up half against the wall
with my arms flung back and around his bull neck.

Outside I can hear nothing but quiet. The
room reflects my cries and his grunts. Time passes at a speed that
I can't count.

And then I cum.

And he cums.

Warm, hot, wet, squirting. Like fire sent
from heaven through my stomach to my mind. I release it all in one
long, strong cry and then fall still. He holds me until I come
fully back to the world.

Did you have fun?” he
whispers in my ear.

I nod quietly and lie still in his arms. I
have never felt more protected, more safe. In these arms I could
lie a thousand years and never feel a hint of fear.

It is not long before they are gone. He
stands, puts himself away and walks to the door. Without a word he
leaves. My life as a whore has begun.

I come outside to find the ugly nosed man
and his body guards. They glance at me and then away into the
distance. I wait quietly for their command.

When I turn, you will not
be here,” my owner says. “I will never see you again. Do you

I'm free?” I ask in

You don't understand

I shake my head and turn. I don't understand
what just happened, but if my owner is having a change of heart
then I'm happy to take advantage of it. No brand was given so far.
I wouldn't be the first one to get away before anything permanent
was done.

The road trudges under my feet. It's long
and very rural looking and there's nothing but farms on either
side. I think to my situation first.

In this world a woman is vulnerable. Without
money or means of transport, I am not safe. I need to secure the
prior as soon as I can to obtain the latter and through it

I scan the horizon. If I'm certain of where
I am then the other hick town that I was scoping out is in the
direction that I'm walking. I can't go back to the town where the
magistrate is because there are too many people that would
recognize me. I'll have to settle for the smaller score and head
back to the kids. That would be the smart thing to do. Time to lick
my wounds and think about the next mark.

These thoughts leave me quickly when I note
a man walking in my direction. He stops me cold.

I squint.

He's tall. Big. Really big. There's a rifle
on his back and a swagger to his step. A robber or a law man or
something else?

I stand still and try to think of where I
can hide but there's nowhere to go. He comes to a halt 20 meters
away and stands waiting. I stride forward in the hope that he'll
think me bold enough to leave alone. When I come to him, I find
that it is the magistrate waiting.

I see things have worked
out for you,” he notes in that powerful voice of his.

My eyes run up and down him. I shiver. Men
like this don't come around often. If he wasn't my enemy, I would
make a pass.

My owner had a change of

Did he? How

The faintest hint of sweat comes to me.
Sweat and... cum. A scent I know very personally because I stink of
it too.

My eyes widen. He smiles at me calmly.


We do what we do. I have
never met a woman as beautiful as you. The deception was worth

I reach out and throw my arms around his
wide waist. He pats my back and runs his jaw through my hair.

You will stop

I don't have the

The man grunts, but says no more.

You should go,” the man
says after a time. “It will be dark soon.”

I look up into his strong dark eyes that
seem the color of rainy day clouds right now and make a

Coming up on my toes, I kiss him once and
whisper to him a secret that I've never told any man.

When you are out that way
sometime, come and visit.”

I step away from him and start walking. Only
once do I look over my shoulder and only to smile and blow him a

Will I see him again – that man who saved me
from a life of terrors? That look in his eyes when I told him my
truth was telling. Maybe no. Probably no.

I stop and turn once. He's still there
staring after me from such a long distance away.

Probably yes.

Ha, who am I kidding? YES,

I almost consider heading back now to wait
for him, but sternly remind myself that there are other things to
do. In 2 long weeks I could be returning home to a sexy man waiting
at my door.

A woman in this harsh world could hope for
no less.

Jelly Ass Eruption

(M/F: Erotica, Anal, Jelly Fetish,


This is a standalone story
and does not relate to any other series. It is similar to what
Sophie writes in the
Tied To A Chair

Some customers have strange ideas about what
is erotic.

He warms the half sized jelly cups in the
small barely working microwave with the weird flashing light out
back in the tiny little kitchen of the two story
Erotic Play Bar
where I moonlight when I'm not pursuing my PhD in
Microbiology or stripping for tips.

What are you going to do
with those?” I ask again.

The tall man with a
startling good body for someone who has what appears to be a jelly
fetish of some kind shakes his blond haired head and smiles broadly
– all teeth present and perfectly white – when the loud
of the microwave sounds off to
indicate the start of whatever he has planned for me.

With that big smile on his face, he extracts
the sweet smelling objects, blowing on his fingers a little due to
the heat of the plastic tray they are on, and takes a long hard
whiff of the six variety flavored jellies, 20 cups in all warmed
and ready for our play.

Let's go back to where
the others are.”

I follow him out. 15 inch heels that
click-clack on the black tiled floor push me higher than him by a
half a head. My large d-cup breasts jiggle left to right with every
step from where they are squeezed into the tiny racy red bikini top
that I'm wearing that doesn't quite match the sexy black silk
panties are white wedding garter belt, the only other adornments
that I'm wearing, at all.

Some of the other worker's eyes follow us as
we sit back down on the long clear plastic covered three seater
leather couch next to the small black wooden coffee table with the
remains of our drinks on it that is my work space for the evening.
The girls and guys of the bar are wondering what the big mystery is
too I would bet. I'm not alone in being excited here.

I want you to squirt it
out of your pussy at me.”

I blink. Then I open my mouth. I close it
and find words.

Ummm... Did you

Yes. I love it when a
girl pushes jelly out of her pussy all over my face.”

I grin widely. And I thought tonight was
going to be a boring shift of oral and anal.

Sounds fun.”

He smiles back and says, “I think so

First, the jelly's temperature is tested. I
stick a finger in and confirm it's warm. Next, he brings out a
syringe from his pocket: No needle, around 80cc in size, a real bad
boy tool in the erotic market.

I shimmy out of my panties sexily, showing
off my wide womanly hips and admire the view. There's at least six
customers watching now. This is turning my womb warm and wet. I
love to be watched.


What's your name?” I

Ah... Fred. Why do you
want to know?”

I shrug.

I like to remember the
names of men that do freaky shit to me for the first time. It makes
it special somehow.”

Fred gives me an understanding look and
sticks the end of the syringe into a lime flavored jelly pack and
sucks some up with a loud slurping sound from the cup. He then
inserts it carefully into my already wet pussy and forces the
plunger down very hard.


My hands come to my large buttocks and I
bend right over to ease the swelling ache in my lower stomach.
Warmth is spreading through me like I've just taken a shot of the
bar's 99% proof vodka. I moan and reach to my pussy to open it.

Not yet. I want more

I think on
hearing that,
This guy is one hell of a perve.
Then again, I'm the one who agreed to have jelly
shoved up my pussy. Two perves coming together can make one hell of
a good perverted show.

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