Owned: An Alpha Anthology (5 page)

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As they wrap the concert up, I take in their fans. It’s pretty clear they’ve loved every minute of it, but at the same time are disappointed it’s over. I can relate for a couple of reasons. Number one, I think I’ve fallen in love with photography all over again, and I could keep going for hours. And number two, there’s a backstage party after the concert, and I really don’t want to go. Hanging out with groupies is the last thing I want to do.




5 - Presley

: I kicked ass.

: Knew you fucking would. Thank god my ass is spared.

: No your ass is still on the line because now I’m at the after party and these people are nearly as bad as those fucking models I hate.

: Leaving town now…


"What are you laughing at?" Jett asks as he comes up behind me and slides his hands around my waist. They settle on my stomach, and I look down taking that sight in. I like it. A lot.

"I wasn’t laughing."

His chin rests on my shoulder and his warm breath feathers against my neck as he speaks, causing a new rush of desire to pool in my stomach. "Not on the outside, but I can tell that something has amused you," he says.

I debate whether to be honest with him and then think to hell with it. I’ve never censored myself for anyone before, so why start now? "I was just texting my agent and told him I am going to kick his ass for this job."

"You didn’t enjoy it?"

"No, I did enjoy it. I just don’t care much for the people at your after party. I told him they’re almost as bad as the models I’ve been subjected to for years."

A voice booms from beside me. "Oh yeah, they are." It’s West. "I totally agree with you there, babe." I remember the day I met him at the airport. He flirted with me enough to piss Jett off, but even then, I could tell he was only doing it to rile Jett up. I don’t know him, but West seems to care for Jett a lot.

Jett’s hands tighten around my waist, and he pulls me closer to him. "Don’t you have a groupie to entertain, West?" His voice is deep and growly as he asks this, and I can feel his body has tensed up.

"Calm the fuck down, dude. I’m not after your woman, but she’s cool to talk to. You think you can handle it if I just talk to her for a bit?"

I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing, and West winks at me.

Jett straightens and he repositions me so I’m pulled tight against his side, his hand firm around my waist. "Yeah, I can handle you talking to her, but seriously, take your fucking eyes off her body."

West shakes his head and pins Jett with a glare. "You’ve never cared before."

"Yeah, well I care now."

They glare at each other for a few moments and then a scantily-clad woman sidles up to West. She gives me a filthy look as she puts her arm around him. "West, you said you wouldn’t be long, but you’ve been gone for ages. Are you coming back now?" Her voice has that breathy, sexpot tone to it, and I take an instant dislike to her. I don’t care what anyone says, women like that give the rest of us a bad name.

West rolls his eyes and removes her arms from his body. "No, I’m busy." He doesn’t tell her to leave, but his tone speaks volumes, and she understands it. Scowling at me, she huffs and then saunters off.

"Why is that my fault?" I’m pissed and have to restrain myself from following her to give her a piece of my mind.

West chuckles. "Because you’ve got my attention and she hasn’t. Clearly, it’s your fault." He throws a wink in while he says this.

"I like you, West. And that’s saying something because I dislike most people," I tell him.

A huge smile spreads across his face. Looking at Jett, he says, "Don’t fuck this up, asshole. She likes me, and I like her, which is more than can be said for all the other women you chase."

Jealousy rears its ugly head again. I hate this feeling and am reminded why I said I’d never date a rock star again. The constant state of wondering and worrying your man will stray is something I don’t want to have to deal with again.

I can hear the scowl in Jett’s voice as he replies, "Fuck off, dickhead, and stop flirting with her."

West holds his hands up in a defensive movement. "I’m out of here." His gaze shifts to the door, and his eyes light up. "Fuck me, I’m gonna tap that tonight," he says and heads off in that direction.

Jett and I turn to see who he’s talking about, and I’m impressed to discover West has taste. The woman he mentioned has a classy look to her rather than the slutty, groupie look.

I swivel in Jett’s embrace so I’m looking up at him. Smiling, I say, "West seems like a cool guy."

The scowl is gone from his face. "Yeah, he’s like a brother to me."

"So, all that stuff about him flirting with me was just mucking around?"


"What does that mean, Jett? I don’t want to come between friends."

He pulls me tighter to him. "You won’t come between friends, but West has this tendency to flirt with every woman he meets, and if he keeps that shit up with you, he and I will have a problem."

I’m surprised by his words. We’ve known each other for less than three days, and from what I’ve worked out, Jett doesn’t date. So, I’m left wondering why he’s gone all territorial over me.

"Jett!" Van, the other guitarist in the band is stalking towards us with a foul look on his face.

"Fuck," Jett mutters under his breath.

Van stops in front of us, his hard stare focused on Jett. "What the fuck is this fundraising dinner you’ve agreed to?"

"It’s to raise funds for cancer research. I thought you’d be all over it after what your mother went through." His voice is tight, controlled.

"Yeah, but why the fuck would you sign us up for it when you know full fucking well who else is going to be there? I told you I never want to see that motherfucker again."

Van is radiating anger, his green eyes flashing with wild intensity. He’s all edge and jaggedness, and I’ve seen the women flock to him tonight. Van’s pure rock star with his dark, shaggy hair, piercings, tattoos, and couldn’t-give-a-fuck aura.

"When I signed us up, I didn’t know who would be there, and we can’t back out now."

Van looks ready to explode with his anger and rakes a hand through his hair. "Fuck!" He turns and takes a couple of steps away from us before looking back at Jett. "If shit goes down there, it’s not my fucking fault," he declares and then stalks out of the room.

"Fucking hell," Jett mutters and lets me go. He rubs the back of his neck, and I don’t say a word because it’s clear he needs a moment. Once he gets himself under control, he says, "Sorry about that."

"No need to apologise."

The air is still tense around us as he calms down. Then he grasps my elbow and begins walking us to the door. "I need to get out of here," he says more to himself than to me, and I follow wordlessly. I have no problem with leaving this party. I didn’t even want to be here in the first place.

As we pass through the door, people slap Jett on the back and say goodbye. He’s not interested, though, and doesn’t respond to any of them. His intent to get us out of here fast is obvious.

He stalks through the corridors and leads us outside to a waiting limo. Without a word exchanged, he indicates for me to get in and I do. He still seems a little worked up about his run-in with Van.

As he settles on the seat next to me, he leans back and drops his head onto the headrest. Pushing out a long, heavy breath, he says, "Jesus, I could do without some of this shit today."

"You wanna talk about it?"

Angling his head to look at me, he replies, "Not really." His hand slides around my neck and he murmurs, "I just want to kiss you and get inside you again. You good with that?"

I nod and he doesn’t give me a chance to say anything before his lips come down on mine. I moan into his mouth. His kiss delivers bliss as if it’s being injected straight into my bloodstream. The effect is intoxicating, and I want a never-ending supply of his drug.

He ends the kiss and pulls away so he can watch as he slides his hand up my top to cup my breast. His eyes shift to mine, and our gazes stay connected while his hand pushes my bra cup aside so he can tweak my nipple. When his entire hand covers my breast, I feel it in my core. His gaze is still focused on mine, and that alone is enough to cause want and need to spiral through me.

Oh god, I have to have him now

I move so I’m straddling him, and press my lips to his. I kiss my desire into his mouth, and he groans as I press my pussy against him. He’s so hard, and I can’t wait any longer for him. I pull away and breathe out, "Condom?"

He reaches into his pocket for his wallet and gives me a condom. "You gonna fuck me, sweetheart?"

I rip the foil packet open and unzip him. There’s no time to waste, and I have his cock in my hand a second later and roll the condom on. "Yeah, baby," I say as I strip my pants and panties off. And then I straddle him again and push myself down onto him. He sucks in a breath as he fills me, and I watch as his eyes flutter shut in pleasure.

"Feel good?" I ask as I move up and down his length. If it feels as good for him as it does for me, we’re both in for a good time.

His eyes open to look at me. "Yeah," he grunts and then moves his hands so one grips my neck and the other takes a hold of my hair. Pulling my hair, he commands on a growl, "Don’t fucking stop. Your pussy is like paradise on fucking crack."

His dirty words work me up even more, and I fuck him with a relentless pace. We’re both chasing this, needing the release. Sweat slicks our skin as we careen towards heaven. As it starts to hit, I bend my head and bite his shoulder, swallowing the scream I can’t deny.

"Fuck!" He bucks underneath me and comes. His head leans against my shoulder as he surrenders to it.

I ride it out, wringing every last drop of what he’s giving me. When I’m done, I sag against him, exhausted. We stay like that for a while until he eventually lifts his head and says, "Fuck me, Presley, you know how to fuck."

"You sure know how to compliment a girl," I tease him.

"Just calling it like I see it." He winks at me and lightly slaps my ass. "Where are we at with that addiction of yours? Have I fulfilled that promise yet?"

I kiss him before giving my answer. "What do you think?"

That wicked grin of his lights up his face. "I’d say we’re doing a damn good job of it, sweetheart. But just to be sure, we’d better keep at it."

I grin back at him, which is so unlike me. It seems with Jett, I do all the things I never do with anyone else. "I think we should."

And just like that, it’s settled. I’m going to let Jett have his way with my body all night. I’m going to put all my hesitations about him out of my mind and enjoy all the pleasure he gives me.





6 - Presley

I wake up to sunlight streaming in the window, the rays fanning out across me on the bed.

Jett’s bed

We ended up here after the concert, and he spent hours worshipping my body. I didn’t get a good look at his apartment as he was so intent on ripping my clothes off and getting me into his bed, but from what I could see, it’s modern and sleek. He doesn’t have a lot of personal touches like photos, paintings, and plants, so it’s not the kind of apartment I would live in. I wonder how often he’s home, though, to even notice.

Rolling over, I find him on his back, still asleep. This is the perfect opportunity to admire his beauty, and I let my gaze roam over his body. His abs are perfectly chiseled and I wonder how many hours he has to spend in the gym to achieve that. And his V? Fuck me, I’ve never seen one so defined and so fucking delicious. I trace my fingers lightly down it, and he makes me jump when he growls, "You better be ready for me to fuck you if you’re gonna do shit like that, sweetheart."

For someone who was asleep, he moves pretty bloody quickly, and in an instant, he’s pushed me onto my back and is on top of me. He stares down at me, and says, "Morning." His voice is sleep husky, and I want to bottle that shit. It’s sexy and I want to play it over and over in my head for hours.

"Morning," I almost whisper, still distracted by his voice and those muscles.
Oh…those muscles

He bends his face to mine and softly kisses me. It’s a wake-up kiss, but I know it’ll quickly progress into something more. The sizzle between us is undeniable, and I doubt we could ever be in the same room without wanting each other.

He deepens our kiss, and I don’t even care about morning breath. I want this man and nothing could get in the way of that at the moment. My legs wrap around his body, and I push myself towards him, but he pulls away and murmurs, "Wait a sec, beautiful. I need to wrap it."

Fuck, he’s right, and I’m grateful one of us is thinking straight. I watch as he moves effortlessly off the bed and into the bathroom in search of a condom. A moment later, he returns, condom in place.

As he moves over me, he asks, "Now, where were we?"

I loop my hands around his neck and press my lips to his. "Right here."

He spends some time blessing my lips with his, and then begins to trail kisses down my body, stopping momentarily at my breasts before continuing down. His destination is clear, and when he finally gets there, he takes a moment to look at me. Then he shifts his gaze to mine and asks, "Do you have any idea how much I want to lock myself away with your pussy for hours on end?"

Oh, good lord

"Show me," I say, because truthfully I can’t focus enough to form more words than that. Jett has seen to that.

A growl rumbles out of his chest, and he buries his face in me. Warm breath. A tongue that knows what it’s doing. A mouth I want to beg to never stop. And I know there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. I throw my arms out to the side and grip the sheet as my back arches up off the bed. I’m thinking this kind of pleasure can’t be legal when he pushes his finger inside me and brings me closer to the edge. And it doesn’t take him long to tip me over that edge.

"Oh, my god, Jett…" I can’t even finish that sentence; the pleasure he’s giving me is so intense it’s all I can focus on.

He finishes bringing me to orgasm and then moves on top of me again. I love the wild look in his eyes. That look tells me just how much he wants me, and the feeling this knowledge induces is toe curling. He kisses me – a long, deep kiss – and I taste myself in his mouth. "See how fucking good you taste?" He’s staring at me intently, waiting for my reply.

I nod and bite my lip. His gaze drops to my lips, and he mutters, "Fuck."

He kisses me again and presses himself against me, his cock hitting my entrance. I wrap my legs around him and encourage him in. Jett doesn’t need to be told twice; he thrusts in, hard and fast, on a grunt. I swallow a scream and show him how much I want him with my kiss. He fucks me like a man possessed, and I’m sure I now know what nirvana is.

Nirvana is Jett

His head drops while he pursues his release, and I shut my eyes as it takes over me again. Ecstasy like I’ve never known wraps itself around my body, curling into me, reaching deep inside, and setting off a chain reaction of sensations that light every single nerve ending of mine with pleasure.

Jett is ecstasy

I drift off in a sex haze, and it’s not until Jett speaks that I come back to consciousness. "You good, sweetheart?"

I open my eyes and look up into his. "Yeah," I say, lazily.

He smiles at me before asking, "You wanna have a shower with me?"

"I don’t think I can stand just yet. You go ahead. I’ll have one after you, when I’ve got my legs back."

His smile spreads out into a full-on grin as he pushes up off me. "Addiction complete," he says with a wink and saunters into the bathroom.

I watch his sexy ass until I can’t see it any longer and then let out a long breath.

What the fuck am I doing

I don’t want Jett, and yet I want nothing


I need to get my head together. He’s a player, so chances are he just wants a short-term thing here. He probably just wants sex. I can do that. I just need to keep my heart out of it because Erin’s right; I do tend to fall fast and hard.



* * *


After I finish showering, Jett surprises me with a request. "Are you free today to photograph a party?"

"What kind of party?" I really just want to go home, lock myself away, and regroup. Being around him causes me to make choices I don’t want to make. Choices that are leading me further down the path towards spending more time with him.

His usual sexy grin is replaced with a serious look. "It’s a birthday party for a kid who has cancer. We’re his favourite band, and he requested us to sing at it. Photos weren’t a part of the deal, but I think it’d be cool for him to have them."

My heart melts a little at his generosity and kindness.
Damn, that wasn’t supposed to happen

"I’m kind of busy -"

He steps into my space, snakes his arm around my waist, and pulls me close. "I know what you’re doing," he whispers.

I feel tongue-tied. This never happens; men don’t cause me to struggle with my words. "What am I doing?" I manage to get out.

"You’re trying to avoid me. But see, the thing is, I’m your new addiction, so you
avoid me."

Oh god, if only he knew

"Is this how you charm all the women you sleep with?"

"I don’t charm the women I sleep with. I’ve never wanted to be an addiction for any of them. You’re the first," he admits, stunning me.

"So this is just sex, right?"


"But what if that’s all I want?"

"Sometimes you can’t have what you want, Presley." His voice is low, commanding. I hate it, but I love it more. It turns me on, and I resent the desire I have for him to use it more often.

"You’re kidding, aren’t you?"

His stare is challenging me to argue, like he gets the final say in this. "No. I told you what I want, and I’m going to get what I want."

I try to push out of his embrace, but he tightens his hold on me. "You know you want this as much as I do," he asserts.

"I know I want the sex as much as you do, but you’re wrong if you think I want to date you."

His eyes narrow on me, and he relents, letting me go. "We’ll start with the sex, but you still owe me at least one date."

"Uh-uh, we had that last night."

"You working at my concert is hardly a date."

"There was a party involved; that’s a date in my books." I know I’m pushing him, but I need to. I need to protect my heart.

He shakes his head and mutters, "You’re going to test me, aren’t you, sweetheart?"

"Not if you understand we’ll never be more than sex."

He chooses to ignore that and moves on. "So, about this party today. Are you really busy?"

"Yes." I’m not backing down; it’s not what I do, and I’m not starting now.

Nodding slowly, he murmurs, "I’ll let you get away with that this once." His voice is quiet but firm. There’s a warning in it, and I don’t miss it. He’s not going to be easy to persuade to my way of thinking, and I’m not sure if I’m annoyed by that or quietly excited.



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