Read OVERTIME Online

Authors: T.S. MCKINNEY

OVERTIME (41 page)

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“If anything else gets in your way, just get rid of it, too. By all means,” Colton added playfully.

“I want two of the dogs to be tiny ankle biters and then one big giant tough guy—like a Great Dane or something. Rescue dogs, of course. I’m not going to be picky on the cats—other than I want two of them. I’ve got to have some pussy in my life somewhere. I used to be straight, you know?” His tongue swirled around Colton’s nipple until it hardened obediently.

“Thank goodness you aren’t any more and I’ll try my best not to hold it against you,” Colton answered. “Fuck but that feels good. I think I really like this new, aggressive Jagger.”

Colton’s eyes were growing lazy with arousal as he watched Jagger’s tongue flicker across his nipple…and then suck.

“Thank goodness. This would be…weird if I were straight, yeah?” His hands reached around and gripped Colton’s hard ass. “I like your boat. I mean, I really like your boat and I love the memories we’ve made there but I want us to buy a house together. I want to live in a small house with our three dogs and two cats and I want there to always be plenty of food in the cabinets and I want it to always be a safe place for both of us.” He looked up at Colton, tears in his eyes. “I’ll always feel safe with you, Colton.”

“We’ll buy a house tomorrow, babe. If that’s what you want, we’ll buy the first place you pick out.”

“Nope,” Jagger countered. “We’ll buy a house after I get my job and can help pay for it.” When Colton started to argue, Jagger silenced him with a glare…and a tight squeeze to his balls.

“When you get your job,” Colton agreed. “I understand.”

Jagger smiled. “Oh, and one more thing—I love you, Colton Tyler Montgomery the3rd.” A tear rolled down his cheek. “I haven’t said those words to another person since I was eight years old but I’m saying them to you. I fucking love you so fucking much. I didn’t think I was capable. I was scared God had forgotten that particular gene when he’d made me but you know what? He didn’t.
I love you

He heard Colton’s gasp. He saw the tears slide down his lover’s face. He saw the love in his eyes and knew he was finally home. He knew he’d found the person that would never leave him…would never hurt him. He’d found love and wasn’t ever going to let it go.

“You…you don’t know what that means to me, babe. I’ve loved you forever and I would have loved you even if you’d
been able to say the words to me. Your eyes tell me what your mouth hasn’t been able to say. Unlock the cuffs so that I can show you just how much I love you.”

“I don’t think so.” Jagger placed a heated path of kisses from Colton’s collarbone, down his chest, across the flat planes of his stomach, and stopped only when he reached the waist band of his shorts. Once there, he dropped to his knees and looked up from beneath his lashes. “I think I like you just the way you are.” His fingers unsnapped the button of the shorts and he carefully eased the zipper down.” I believe I might need to see if I have a taste for this,” he placed a kiss
on the head of Colton’s cock through the thin fabric of his boxer briefs. He looked up again, “Because it’s the taste I want to have on my lips for the rest of my life.”

“Oh, shit,” Colton gasped.



Chapter 23





Colton lay on his side and watched Jagger as he slept. They’d loved each other until the wee hours of the morning and until they were both too exhausted to try to make it home. The wooden floor of the stage beneath him should be hurting every bone and muscle in his weary body but, instead, he’d never felt more comfortably happy in his entire life.
I did it
, he thought to himself. He’d dreamed of this moment, of hearing Jagger say he loved him for all his teenage years and his entire adult life. His parents had laughed him off when he’d told them, at the ripe old age of fifteen, that he would one day marry Jagger Jameson. When they’d taken him away from Kentucky, from Jagger, they’d sworn to him that he would forget about Jagger…but it had never happened. He didn’t begin to understand his feelings but all he knew was that he had loved this beautiful boy his entire life and he knew that would never change. He’d thought his heart would probably burst with love when Jagger finally found the strength to love him but it hadn’t - he’d merely felt the most wonderful sense of peace and happiness. It had been the moment he’d waited his entire life for.

He smiled as he studied the man next to him. His head was resting on a wadded up pair of shorts and a thin table cloth covered him from the waist down. He could watch him sleep forever. So peacefully beautiful with those gorgeous long lashes resting against his pale skin. His finger mapped the contours of Jagger’s face, focusing on the beauty there instead of the trails and torments of his past. Not picturing those bruises – it was a constant struggle for Colton. He supposed it was the fierce love he felt for his man that caused him to be overprotective but he also knew it was that same fierce love that would help him put the past behind them…where it belonged. Jagger might misinterpret that over protectiveness. He might think Colton saw him as weak or incapable of taking care of himself and that couldn’t be any damned further from the truth.

Jagger was the strongest person he knew. So, because of that strength, Colton allowed himself to just focus on the full lips that were almost heart-shaped and so damned kissable, the
high cheekbones, the nose that had a tiny dent in the middle, and then, his personal favorite, those lashes. So much beauty.

All his.

Colton sometimes thought his life had been nothing more than one worry cycle quickly followed by yet another wave of worry – worry he would never have Jagger in his life. Now, as he carefully trailed a finger down his jaw and neck, Colton stopped worrying.

Peace. Love. Happiness.

It was all his.

Unable to wait any longer, he gently nudged Jagger’s leg with his knee and waited for his exhausted lover to awaken. Jagger stirred but then settled back into a sleepy slumber. His plump lips were parted slightly and a cute little snore would escape every few seconds. He wiggled around until his head was resting on his arm and then Colton held his breath as he watched Jagger snuggle up closer to his warmth, plastering their bodies tightly together. He’d found Heaven and he would cherish it until the minute he drew his very last breath. This gift, this perfect man, would be a challenge to keep settled and calm, wild and free, innocent and still deviously sensual but he knew he was up to that challenge. He welcomed it. His happiness was so strong and overwhelming he felt tears threaten to fall.


Lazy, sexy blue eyes fluttered open slowly. Colton feared that might be a hint of denial when daylight intruded on the love nest, but it wasn’t there. There was nothing but contented happiness. Oh, and the look of a man that had been thoroughly fucked through most of the night. It was a look Colton wanted to wake up to every day for the remainder of his life.

“Hey, beautiful,” he whispered to Jagger. “Did you sleep okay?”

Jagger yawned and then snorted softly. “I don’t recall sleeping much longer than a grand total of about two hours…on very hard wood,” he quipped before leaning over a placing a warm kiss on Colton’s lips.

Colton glanced down. “Yeah, it’s pretty hard wood. Want to do something about it?” He teased, referring to his morning arousal that was currently burning with desire. Before even giving Jagger a chance to respond, he climbed up onto his knees, knocked the tablecloth aside, and settled between Jagger’s spread legs. “I think you might need some help with the same issue, pretty boy. I’ll be more than happy to scratch your back if you’ll scratch mine.” He
waggled his eyebrows like a total lovesick nerd. His lips dropped to place fairy-dust kisses to Jagger’s chest and then started edging his way lower, lower, and lower.





Jagger growled in disappointment when he bypassed his throbbing cock and moved to the insides of his thighs. His tongue, warm and wet, tickled the sensitive flesh and when Jagger tried to squirm away, Colton held him tightly in place, spread and splayed just the way he wanted. Tiny kisses and wet slurps teased Jagger’s ears as Colton played with him. Suddenly, he realized Colton’s foreplay wasn’t quite all it appeared to be—no, it was much more than that. For a second, he was angry and ashamed, but thankfully it didn’t last long. This was Colton. This was the man that loved him and that he loved. This was the one person that would eventually know all his secrets, dark and shameful, and he would love him anyway. He supposed he might as well face the music on the first day for the rest of their lives.

doing, Colton?” He murmured as his hands tangled in Colton’s hair, playing with the soft curls while he tilted his head so that they were able to look into each other’s eyes.

Colton, to his credit, tried to look innocent. He failed miserably. It was, Jagger had to admit, cute.

“If I have to explain it to you, then I don’t suppose I’m as good at it as I thought. Ouch,” Colton answered with a shy grin. There was a pretty blush staining his cheeks. The role reversal was nice for a change.

“Oh, no! You’re
good at
,” Jagger answered. “You’re just not very good at the covert investigative work you are doing down there. Did you find what you were looking for?”

Colton chuckled and dropped his head to place a quick kiss on the head of Jagger’s cock. “No new cuts. I’m thankful. I would have understood but I’m happy you were able to handle the situation without having to use the razor.” Another kiss but this one was on his right thigh, on an old scar that was so faint Jagger had hoped Colton would never notice.

“Landry rat me out?” Jagger asked.

Colton frowned. “Landry? Do I even want to know how the hell Landry knows about the scars on your inner thighs, close to the cock that belongs to me?”

Jagger rolled his eyes. “I told him, dickhead.” He tugged on Colton’s head until the other man slid up the length of his body and then rested on top of him, their muscles tantalizing each other. While Jagger had never really been into chicks, he still found himself surprised by how much enjoyed the feel of Colton’s hardness against him. He rubbed his cheek against Colton’s stubble and it felt so good his toes wanted to curl. “You probably aren’t going to like what I’m about to say because I’m pretty sure it isn’t healthy, but it’s the way it is right now,” Jagger said, tossing his head back and moaning when Colton hit a particular sensitive spot on his neck. He was beginning to have a difficult time focusing on what he was wanting to say but was determined to get it out anyway. “Cutting was my old drug, what I needed to help me stay focused and feel like I was in control. Cutting helped me forget about the pain in my life by making me focus on the pain of the knife. I was addicted.” He thrust his hips upward, causing their cocks to bump one another.

“Was addicted?” Colton asked after moaning his desire when their cocks danced together.

“Was, yes,” Jagger confirmed. “I have a new drug. You’re my drug now. I’m addicted to Colton. Being with you helps me feel like I don’t need the control. This new drug makes me feel safe… like I can finally trust somebody…and love. Hell, this new drug makes me feel a love I never thought I would be capable of experiencing. It doesn’t make me forget my childhood. It makes me cherish my future.” Jagger looked down and whispered, “I’m planning on being addicted to this drug for the rest of my life.”

A tear splashed down Colton’s cheek. “I love you, Jagger. Thank you for loving me back. I’ll be yours forever.” He placed a soft kiss on Jagger’s lips and tasted his own salty tears. Tears might be staining his cheeks, but he’d never felt stronger in his entire life.

“Forever,” Jagger whispered back, then smiled and said, “You wanna
mess around? This is going to be a sex club, right?” As he watched Colton’s eyes darken with desire, Jagger found that he rather liked the new, more adventurous side that was beginning to emerge.

“As a matter of fact, I’m very interested in messing around,” Colton answered. His eyes still glittered with unshed tears and pure undiluted love.

Jagger still couldn’t believe a man this perfect could possibly love him…but he
. He was finally loved. He finally allowed himself to realize he was worth loving.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake! Get a room, would you two?” Landry screeched from the spot where he leaned against a column that, of course, held shackles. He was grinning from ear to ear—
pretty much looking like the stupid little cupid baby since he felt somewhat responsible for the lovers in front of him. Riley might have been responsible for bringing them together, but he was responsible for keeping them there.

“What the hell are you doing here this time of morning?” Colton barked as he draped the tablecloth back over Jagger’s lean hips. Jagger rolled his eyes and Colton answered with a playful smack to his ass.

“I’ve come to take you two to breakfast. I figured you would need to replenish your strength…or at least I hoped you would need to. When I went by the boat and saw nobody had staggered home after your club confrontation, I figured I would find you here—naked and probably engaged in some very naughty, very sexy sex moves.” He arched his brows up and down. “Let’s just say I wasn’t disappointed.”

“Peeping Tom-ery is just gross, Landry.”

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