Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances (77 page)

BOOK: Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances
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I sped across town, rushing to get to Isabel, but now that I’m here at the hotel she works at, I’ve slowed my pace considerably. Inching my way along the hallway, wilted flowers in one hand while my other hand runs over the velvet box in my pocket. I’m only a few feet away from where Isabel is yet I feel like the last few steps are miles apart.

The workroom door opens and the sound of women speaking Spanish flows out of the room. I turn sideways, pressing myself against the wall, almost hoping I blend in. I let out a sigh of relief as they all keep walking and none of them even notice me. The door slams shut but no Isabel has emerged. Concern takes over my anxiety and I waste no time hurrying through the door only to freeze on the other side as I’m face to face with Isabel. She looks up from folding towels and when she sees me, she drops the cloth back on the table.

“What’s wrong? Is Marcos okay? The baby?” Her voice is higher than normal from the fear that something bad has happened and her hands rest over her heart.

I shake my head, tears coming to my eyes as I set the flowers on the table. “I’m what’s wrong, Isabel. You should’ve left me years ago and I’m so very grateful that you didn’t.”

Isabel clutches her hands to her chest but doesn’t say a word. I walk to her, taking her hands in mine and looking into her eyes. “I didn’t fight my way to the top of major league baseball to get away from you and Marcos. At the time, I was a twenty-year-old with the same mentality as Dickey today. All I wanted was a job to secure our future, for us not to fall into the pattern of our parents. I didn’t want you to work ever. I wanted you to be cared for by me, Isabel. I was doing it all for us.”

She shakes her head hastily. “No, Benny. If that was true then why didn’t we get married when I got pregnant?”

“Honestly? Because we needed our parents help and you know if we’d gotten married, they would’ve left us to fend for ourselves.”

“And all the years after? Why haven’t you ever asked me to be your wife?  I know I’m no brunette goddess with fake tits and an hourglass figure. Is that it, Benny? Is that why you never wanted me to take your last name?”

I scrunch my nose and shake my head. “What? Gordi, that’s ridic—”

“There!” She shoves her finger in my chest. “Why do you always call me that? I know I have curves but there’s no need for you to remind me every time you address me.”

“Isabel, don’t be silly! I love you just the way you are, every perfect inch of you. You are
brunette goddess. Looks have nothing to do with why we’ve never wed.” I turn my back to Isabel, taking a moment to gather myself before I face her again. “Life wasn’t how I expected. I signed that first contract and I thought we had it made… but you refused to quit working, refused to move into a nicer place, refused to even acknowledge that I’d become a major league baseball player. It hurt, Isabel, it really did, but I didn’t leave because I love you.”

Her eyes cloud with tears and she shakes her head. “I’ve always been so proud of you, Benny, and everything you’ve accomplished. You were so happy playing ball and there were so many women around you. I just assumed one day you’d leave me for one of them which is why I never quit working. I didn’t want to mess things up for Marcos and myself if you left.”

Now I touch my heart as it feels as though a knife is slicing through it. “Isa! Never think that again. You are muy bonita and I will
leave you until you shove me out that door. You and Marcos have always been my world and you always will be.” I reach in my pocket and take a deep breath. Dropping to one knee, Isabel gasps as I look into her eyes. “Isabel Marguerite Soltero, please never make me call you by that last name again. Take my hand, take my last name, take my life, and be mine forever.”

My heart is beating wildly in my chest as tears trickle down Isa’s cheeks. I take her hand, tentatively placing the ring on her finger in hopes that she’ll accept my proposal. Her hands move to each side of my face and she takes a few seconds to gain control of her breathing.

“Benjamin Martinez, yes! Yes, I’ll take your last name!”

Jumping up, I wrap my arms around my Isabel. Why the hell did it take me so long to figure out this was all I needed this entire time? Now, we can officially enter the next chapter of our lives as married grandparents.









Six Months Later




Peeking into the sanctuary was a bad idea. Seeing people who are highlighted on Sportscenter and grace the covers of
Sports Illustrated
is making my palms sweaty. It’s not like it’s any surprise that they’re here, my mother and I hand addressed every invitation that was sent out for today. Still, it’s nerve wracking nevertheless and let’s not even mention my bridal party. The three of them put together probably are the same size as me. I sigh and run my hands down the front of my satin wedding gown.

I told Benny I didn’t want a big, formal affair. After all, we have another wedding to pay for in another three months when our grandson is born. Still, my fiancé, I love to say that, insisted on this big event, complete with tulle and glitter exploding in every crevice of this church. Hopefully, Jesus is a fan of sparkle as much as my soon to be husband.

If I’m completely honest, I never thought today would come. I’ve dreamed about it since our first date in high school when Benny pushed me on the swings behind my house. Deep down, I think I always knew that one day I would become Mrs. Benny Martinez, I just never imagined it would be almost twenty years later. Either way, my excitement to start this new chapter with Benny is overwhelming at this point, despite the intimidating guest list.

I spin around slowly at the gasps of my bridal party.

“Isabel…” Colie Adamson whispers. “You are gorgeous!”

Mia James walks across the room, air kissing each side of my cheek so as not to mess up my make-up. “Beautiful, Isabel. Benny is a lucky man.”

I blush at their compliments. These women have always been sweet to me and I know they take care of Benny when I’m not around. Tears tease at my eyes and I look toward the ceiling, blinking quickly to hold them back.

“Sorry,” Laurel Richards mutters as she enters the room, adjusting her breasts into her bra. “The twins were hungry and Jace can’t help much with that.”

I smile, my hand gravitating toward my stomach. “How are the girls?”

Laurel glances up from her dress and stops in her tracks. “Holy shit!” Her hands fly to her mouth and she shakes her head. “Sorry, my husband is rubbing off on me. Isabel, you are stunning in that dress… and you’re glowing” Tears roll down her cheeks and she waves her hands. “Sorry, my hormones are still all over the place. I’ll be glad when my body is back to normal, whatever that is. Breastfeeding has started to make me feel nauseous like when I had morning sickness with the girls.”

I place my arm around her shoulders and give her a light squeeze. “It’s okay, Laurel. You’re just giving me a preview of what I’m in for.”

Colie grabs my other hand, jerking it toward her. “What you’re in for?!”

Grinning, I nod and touch my tummy again. “Yep, grandparents and parents again in the same year.”

“And newlyweds if I can get you down the aisle.” Camila Lemos, Benny’s sports agent, who is doubling as our wedding coordinator, stands in the doorway with her hands on her hips. Her own flashy diamond commanding attention as she waits for us to take our places.

The music starts and my bridesmaids begin their walk down the aisle. My nerves start up again, or maybe it’s morning sickness, either way, I’m suddenly wishing we had just gone to the courthouse on Wedding Wednesday. I can’t believe my dream is about to come true. My hormones take over and I begin to cry happy tears.

“Mama, don’t cry. You should be happy,” Marcos says as he walks up beside me.

I take his face in my hands and kiss his forehead. “Oh, hijo, I’m more than happy. Your papa is retired, we’re about to be married, and we’re going to have two babies in our family by the end of the year.”

Marcos’ eyebrows touch his hairline. “Two? You... you’re…?”

Canon in D
pipes through the organs and I nod down the aisle. “Let’s go tell your papa.”


The End










And so ends my baseball saga… but don’t be fooled, you know these characters will show up in someone else’s book! Hopefully, you loved them all as much as I did. I honestly feel as though they’re my best friends and it’s kind of sad to have written ‘the end.’ Either way, I loved creating them, putting them their all the drama, and seeing them happy in the end.


A huge thank you to
K.S. Thomas
for the awesome cover. To Dawn Brock and
Jackie Ferrell
, thank you for beta reading and proofreading. To everyone that read any of these stories and left a review, thank you for your support. And to my
Lovers of Lyssa Layne
, even though I might be done with baseball players, keep posting pictures of those hotties in baseball pants!









Lyssa Layne is first, and foremost, the proud momma to her precious daughter, AR. In addition to working full-time and being a mommy to AR, she is also an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan, a runner, blogger, and an infertility survivor.

Having watched one too many medical dramas and being inspired by author
Rachelle Ayala
, who introduced her to the world of indie writing, Lyssa decided to try her hand at writing a romance story. Her attempt turned into the
Burning Lovesick
series. You can find Lyssa’s own interests throughout her stories although all stories are fictional.

Contact Her:








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