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Authors: Stephanie Julian

Over Exposed (26 page)

BOOK: Over Exposed
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Even though her legs felt like they had lead weights attached to her ankles, she did what he wanted.

And knowing Sebastian was watching her every move, she shimmied her hips, rocking Greg's cock the tiniest bit farther inside her.

She felt sexy. And so aroused her muscles ached with it.

Fingers tightening on her hips, Greg held her still, though she could tell his control was starting to crack. His mouth had flattened into a straight line and the muscles in his arms bunched and flexed.

“You want to play dirty?” His voice had dropped to a low growl. “I can do that.”

He shoved inside her in one thrust, until she felt his balls brush against her ass.


Now he'd pound into her like she wanted. Now—

Damn the man. He held steady, grinding his hips against her in slow, mind-splintering circles that tormented her clit.


She'd never experienced anything like this in her life. Having sex with Greg didn't feel like having sex. It was something else entirely. It filled not only her body but that place inside that had been empty before him.

And with Sebastian as a witness . . .

“What do you want, sweetheart?”

This time when Greg pulled out, he didn't leave her completely. She felt the head of his cock remain lodged inside the delicate opening, spreading her.

“For you to fuck me.”

When he slammed back home again, she moaned and let herself sink into the table. Let him have her however he wanted her.

Greg sensed her surrender. His mouth pulled into a hard-ass grin and he started a rhythm that felt like punishment.

And she didn't mean that in a bad way. It was the most sensual form of punishment she'd ever endured. He wound her up like he was winding a clock, fucking her slow and steady. He never looked away, didn't acknowledge Sebastian's presence at all.

His entire attention was focused on her, on bringing her the most intense pleasure he could manage.

And he did, so much so she thought she might actually black out. Even though she knew her lungs were working, she felt like she couldn't get enough air. Every inward thrust forced her to exhale but each time he pulled out, she didn't have enough energy to inhale. Because every muscle in her body was waiting for that release.

That he was in no hurry to give her. He kept that steady pace going until she simply couldn't take it anymore.

She released the table and let her hand slide down her body until it rested on her mound.

Off to her side, she was pretty sure she heard Sebastian mutter something that sounded like, “Fuck yes.” She almost turned to make sure he was watching but she couldn't look away from Greg.

He didn't say anything but his lips curved back into that smile that made her shiver with delight.

With one finger, she touched her clit, flicking it in time to his thrusts. Greg's gaze fell to watch her play with herself as she watched his cock disappear inside her.

She was so close, she knew if she pressed just the tiniest bit harder, she'd come. Instead, she let her finger slip off her clit so her nail grazed his cock as he pulled out.

He groaned and his next thrust was harder than the last, pushing her finger back against that tiny bundle of nerves.

“Go ahead, honey. Make yourself come. Show us how fucking sexy you are. Then I'll let go.”

With her gaze locked to his, she rubbed her clit, playing with herself, knowing how much Greg, and apparently Sebastian, enjoyed watching her.

Greg's rhythm increased, giving her the internal friction she needed. The pleasure intensified and finally her eyes closed as she gasped, her body convulsing around his, pulling him deeper.

His fingers tightened on her hips until she felt his nails bite into her and then she could feel nothing but the sensation of his cock pumping deep inside her.

Her eyes opened as she felt him move, only to see him bending over her. He kissed her with a rough tenderness that threatened to crack open her heart. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she kissed him back with unreserved emotion.

His mouth became more demanding, his tongue tangling around hers as his arms slid beneath her back to take her with him as he straightened.

When he had her seated on the edge of the table, her head pressed against his chest, she felt him nod.


For a second, doubt rushed in as she heard a door close behind her.

She'd just had sex with her lover in front of her friend.

And holy hell, it'd been amazing.

She wanted to tell Greg how she felt, wanted to know what he was thinking, but she didn't get to say anything before he wove his fingers through her hair to cup her head and tilt it back so he could kiss her again. And again. Until every thought left her head and she felt nothing but his desire for her.

When he pulled away, he stared down at her. She realized he was looking for something, some indication that she was okay.

Reaching for his head, she pulled him down again, then let her hands pet his shoulders, his chest.

Relaxing against her, he pressed a kiss to her cheek then straightened.

“Come on, babe. Off to the shower. Then we'll order up some food. You want to invite Sebastian to stay?”

She blinked up at him. “Uh . . . sure. If you want.”

He stared straight into her eyes. “Better to just yank the bandage off.”

She understood what he was saying, though it was going to require a hell of a lot of bravado on her part to walk back out into this room, sit down at that table, and have a meal with the man who'd watched her and Greg have sex on it.

Then again, she liked Sebastian. He'd become a good friend over the past few weeks and she didn't want to lose him. And the stuff he'd told her he'd done . . . He was lucky he wasn't dead from the amount of alcohol he'd consumed, the shitty things he'd done to his body, and the crappy way he treated it. Not to mention the women . . .

And there she went again, sounding like his mother.

She really needed to stop that.

You will. They'll both be leaving soon enough.

The thought hit her like a two-by-four and she dipped her head for a second.

“Hey, we don't have to—”

Forcing a quick smile, she shook her head. “No, it's not that. I want him to stay. I just . . . I need a shower and a few minutes to breathe. You can be a steamroller.”

She pressed one finger to his lips as he opened his mouth, probably to tell her he was going to kick out Sebastian.

“That's not always a bad thing. Let me take a shower.” She gave a pointed look at the table. “And maybe we want to get pizza so we can sit on the couch and eat.”

Laughing, Greg picked her up and carried her to his room. “Pizza it is. Whatever you want, hon.”

*  *

Greg deposited Sabrina in the bathroom, kissed her hard, then left before he pushed her up against the shower wall and had her again.

He'd probably pushed her to her limit and a few miles past it in the last half hour. But she didn't want to leave and she appeared to be handling the fact that she'd just had sex in front of another man fairly well.

You're corrupting her.

The thought gave him pause.

The sexual games he played with women had evolved over the years. He hadn't started out liking three-ways and performing in front of others. Hell, he'd had a pretty damn pedestrian sex life until he'd gotten to Hollywood. And at first, even there it'd been vanilla.

Until Daisy. She'd introduced him to threesomes. And he'd liked them. A lot. Then he'd met Tyler and been invited into the Salon, where he'd discovered his inner hedonist. And embraced the shit out of it.

But he'd never forced it on anyone else.

And I didn't force Sabrina.

He'd given her a choice. She'd made her own decision.

Hadn't she?

Hell, he needed to be having this conversation with her and not by himself. And that wasn't going to happen right now.

Heading for the phone he'd left on the breakfast bar, he made the call for pizza to be delivered then knocked on the door to the second bedroom.

Sebastian yanked the door open. “Thank fuck you're dressed. Christ almighty, man, warn a guy before you decide to make him hornier than a bull in mating season and leave him hanging.”

“Don't tell me you didn't just get yourself off in the bathroom?”

Sebastian's grin made Greg laugh.

“Took like three strokes for me to blow.” His grin faded. “Wanna tell me why the fuck I got to watch? Not that I didn't find it hot as hell but you don't seem like the kinda guy who likes to share.”

With a jerk of his head, Greg motioned for Sebastian to follow him to the seating area. “I'm not sharing her, so don't get any ideas. But yeah, I get off on other people watching. And I gambled on Sabrina enjoying it.”

Sebastian dropped into the chair across from the sofa and sprawled. “Looks like your gamble paid off.”

He nodded as he sat on the couch. “What about you? You like to gamble?”

Sebastian gave him a wry look. “What? It isn't obvious?”

Now was as good a time as any. “Score my movie.”

Sebastian's mouth dropped open and for the first since he'd met him, the guy looked much younger than his twenty-eight years.


“Do you really think I'm the kind of guy who would fuck around with something like this?”

Sebastian sat forward, elbows on his knees, staring straight at Greg. “Why me?”

“Because I love the work you're doing. It's hard but it's not inaccessible. It's melodic but it's got bite. It's exactly the tone I want for the film.”

Sebastian continued to stare at him but Greg saw the excitement in Sebastian's eyes.

“I don't have the first clue about scoring films.”

“I'll help you through it. Just say yes. I wouldn't ask if I didn't think you could do it. I'm not a philanthropist.”

Sebastian huffed. “No, you're a fucking crazy man.”

Greg smiled, knowing he'd just gotten Sebastian to agree. “It's not crazy to know what you want and do whatever it takes to get it.”

Pausing, Sebastian's gaze slid to the door to Greg's bedroom. “That include women, too?”

He didn't hesitate. “Yeah. It does.”

“And what happens when you leave?”

“Who says I'm leaving?”

Sebastian's eye widened. “Does she know that?”

“No one knows. Hell, even I don't. I haven't made a final decision yet.”

“But you're thinking about leaving Hollywood. Because of her?”

Greg shook his head. “It's been in the back of my mind for a while but after the last year, I've been thinking about it a lot more.”

Sebastian paused and Greg swore he saw the guy's brain churning. “You going to leave the business altogether?”

“No. I'm going to bring the business with me.”

“Can you make that work?”

“I'd sure as hell like to try.”

His phone vibrated and he grabbed it out of his pocket. The text from Trudeau covered the length of the screen and kept going.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I've gotta order a hell of a lot more pizza. We're about to have company.”

*  *

Greg had warned her, but Sabrina hadn't realized just what he'd meant by “working dinner.”

He'd told her his assistant, Trudeau, would be there and a few crew members.

Fifteen minutes later, Greg and six other people sat around the dining room table, shoving pieces of paper around like pawns on a chess board.

Greg had introduced her and Sebastian by name only to the three men and three women who'd shown up. She'd gotten a couple of double takes from the men. The women had smiled and shaken her hand. One had actually smacked one of the men on the back of the head when he'd stared at her a little too long.

Then Trudeau, who until now she'd only seen but hadn't spoken to, had started to rattle off action items like she was running a meeting of the joint chiefs of staff.

Greg's assistant was only a few years older than her, but had the poise and confidence of a woman twice her age. Apparently, a couple of the actors and a few crew members had come down with a violent case of food poisoning and couldn't film for at least two days, which meant they had to redo the shooting schedule.

While Greg's entire attention was focused on work, she and Sebastian had grabbed one of the pizzas and retreated to the second bedroom. Sebastian turned on the TV while she laid out paper plates, napkins, and drinks on the small table near the window.

“So, you want to talk about it or are we just going to ignore it?” he finally said.

Sabrina carefully chewed the piece of pizza she'd just bitten off and forced herself to look at Sebastian. He looked curious but she saw no hint of a leer. He just looked like Sebastian. As if nothing had changed between them.

Thank God.

“Did you get off watching?”

He nearly choked on his beer. “Well, shit. Do you really want to know?”

“I wouldn't have asked if I didn't.”

He narrowed his gaze at her, his attention honed to a fine point. “First tell me something. Did
like being watched?”

Holding his gaze, she nodded. “More than I ever imagined I would.” She paused. “Do you think I'm weird?”

He wrinkled his nose, which made him look like a teenager. “Nah. Everybody's got kinks, even the people who say they don't. And those are the ones you have to watch out for.”

“I never wanted to do anything like that before . . .”

“Before Greg?”


“And . . . ?”

“And . . .” She looked out the door, just able to see Greg sitting at the table. “I'm worried that I'm doing it not because I like it, but because I like

BOOK: Over Exposed
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