Outside The Lines (Love Beyond Reason Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Outside The Lines (Love Beyond Reason Book 2)
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“My boy gets a surprise visit and three days later he’s a married man? Pregnancy is no reason to get married in this day and age. Just be careful. I won’t have him hurt. He’s already been through enough.” The woman sent a quick glance her way. One that didn’t scare Maria. Instead, it reminded her of the tough love she’d gotten from her own mother when she was a child.

“I’ll be watching you.”

“Well, then, watch away.” Maria got out of the car exasperated by the turn of events, yet also endeared. David did have someone who loved him—a lot. She wanted an ally and she believed the housekeeper, who’d been with the family for so long, could be it.

But that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to have to prove herself, the same as David had when he’d been in California.

A little girl was exiting the store with her mother, her eyes widened as she took in the sight of Maria in her wedding finery. Even though it wasn’t the formal, floor length, white gown she’d dreamed of, the dress screamed fairy.

“Pretty princess!”

The mother took the girl’s hand with a tentative smile and nod for Maria. Then she spoke to the child as they walked by. “I told you the snow fairies would be out today, didn’t I?”

Snow fairies
? Maria chuckled, finally smiling for real. And she wondered if someday she would tell her child stories of fairies…

Mrs. Kraus came up behind her with a hmph.

…and ogres.

Maria grabbed a cart and made her way up and down the aisles. The housekeeper had her own agenda so she took off in another direction, and they didn’t meet up until they both reached the cashier.

Maria had gotten ingredients for tamales. In California, David had devoured them in abundance. Hot, mild…no matter, he’d eaten. And she remembered how pleased her mother had been when he complimented her on them.

The recipe had come down from her mother’s grandmother.

He’d surely made a small place in her mother’s heart then, and she wondered if it would be enough to win her family over…after, after this whole marriage thing they’d jumped into.

After Mrs. Kraus set a pile of items on the conveyer belt, Maria placed the plastic separator down and did the same. Mrs. Kraus picked up the bar and put it back where it came from. Maria picked it up and set it on the conveyer belt.

“There’s a budget for food, and I have it.”

“I don’t need your money.”

The woman’s lips thinned as she eyed her. Then her nose went up as she turned to the cashier and set her purse on the little counter in front of the scanner.

Maria shook inside. She wasn’t used to going against convention, raising conflict. Her head hurt a little, and she longed for a nap, one that she could wake from to realize that this had all been a dream.

The ride home was filled with silence. She hated herself for missing him. She didn’t expect a honeymoon or anything sentimental, but…hit and run?

She sighed.

“It will get better,” Mrs. Kraus said. “You’ll learn how things work here.”

Maria turned to look out the window, watched as the country side passed by, and out of the blue, had a deep sickness for home.

No matter what, the woman was right.

She’d let David walk away last fall, never thinking to fight for what she’d believed was love. The baby had thrown them back together. This was her chance to be brave—take chances, cut a few strings, live her life the way she wanted.

Was she going to cower?


“It will get better,” Maria agreed.

And Mrs. Kraus smiled at her.

And it was enough.




David worked as fast as he could. He spoke with his contacts in Greece, then spoke again with the manager of the hotel in Florida. They wanted to sell.

He’d have to take another trip south.

Bad timing.

But no help for it, either.

The oddity of being accountable to another human being sat like lead in his gut.

Damn it!

He didn’t need to make excuses for himself.

The chains of marriage
. His dad’s words and beliefs.

David frowned; the numbers in front of him blurred a little.

He needed a break. He wasn’t getting anything done at this point anyway.

He looked at his watch. 7:45. 

“Shit!” He jumped up, his chair behind him faltering. “Dad!”

Papers covered his desk, his phone sat crooked, even the monitor in the corner sat slightly askew. He’d worked his ass off today, hoping to not have to come in tomorrow.

“What is it?” His dad strolled into the doorway, as he flipped through the stack of papers in his arms.

David looked up. “Why didn’t you warn me?”

“Warn you?” The blank stare made David groan in frustration as he shoved his arms into his coat.

“Shit, I lost track of the time. Today!” He ran a hand through his hair. “Of all days.”

“Oh.” His dad’s mouth slowly rose in a grin. “Right. The wife. Ball and chain, son. Ball and chain. It all starts now.”

He scowled. “It’s not like that. Maria and I made a choice, we have an arrangement, and we’re promised to each other.”

“Did she sign a prenuptial?” His dad’s smile was gone. “Did you?”

“This was kind of sudden.”

The sigh from the doorway grated along David’s nerves. He reached for his gloves and made to leave, but his father didn’t budge.

“You’ve been making decisions for a long time, David. You run our investments with skill and experience. I’m proud of what you’ve done and who you’ve become.”


“It’s why I can’t figure out why you’d do something so damned stupid!”

David straightened to his full height and stood in front of his father. “This doesn’t have to come between us, Dad. Maria and I can handle it. We’re agreed. It’s the best thing. Now, I need to leave.” David waited. “Or do you suggest I start being rude as well as stupid?”

His dad rolled his eyes, but he moved out of the way. “I’ll expect you here first thing in the morning. Business as usual, son.”

“I’m leaving as soon as I can on Friday. We’re going to California to talk to her parents.” David passed his father and headed for the elevators. “I’ll be back on Tuesday.”

“Don’t forget—”

“I have a ticket to Florida for Wednesday afternoon.” David called over his shoulder. “Stop worrying.”

As he drove home, the irritation at losing track of the time quickly turned to nerves, anticipation. Having her around since Saturday had begun to wear on his good will. Willpower, that is. He never expected the lust to merely disappear. She hadn’t changed so much. She was still beautiful, still soft in the center, uncertain yet wanting to please him.

It was why he’d refused to let those carnal thoughts rule his actions.

And yet, his life was so different here. He wanted the arrangement to work and believed they could create a stable lifestyle for—for the child. In the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but wonder at what point she’d realize she had enough. She put her heart into everything, which made this even more difficult for her.

And then there was the fact that his mother was a lesbian. Would she object? He couldn’t imagine it. Maria had an open heart and was strong and kind.

But she was human.

And every human had limits. His mother was proof of that. As was he…

He left—to get away, to relieve the stress, his breaking point. Since he’d come home from college, he’d left town once a year and travelled the country. Montana, Florida, South Carolina, California, even Oklahoma once. He’d pick up an odd job or just plain relax, depending on his mood.

He drove quickly out of town, and fifteen minutes later, his tires spun on the slick surface of the driveway as he hauled ass up to the old carriage-house garage his grandfather had built when he was
master of the house
. His dad had built a breezeway from the carriage house up to the main house. With the cold still biting, he was grateful.

“Whoa.” His reaction was instant as he walked through the mud room and into the kitchen. He’d never smelled anything like it before in his kitchen. Once, when he’d been in Cancun he’d eaten at this most amazing restaurant on the beach.

This smelled even better than that.

But the kitchen was dark. “Damn it.”

He crossed to the fridge and opened the door for a beer but was stopped by the vibrant color that caught his gaze in the breakfast nook. The table was alive with a red table cloth and settings for two in the white square dishes Mrs. Kraus purchased last year—to mix things up, she’d said. A ring of flowers were set in the middle. He couldn’t tell the kind, but they were incredibly colorful—pinks, reds, purples, oranges and even a little bit of blue.

A pair of short, thick candles were on either side of the flower arrangement. Usually if they were going to eat formally, Mrs. Kraus would set the dining room table with all the finest china and linens. There would be tall candles in those silver candle holders that his great, great, grandfather had brought over from the old country. And everything would be white. Or off white, depending on the season.

He hated eating in the dining room.

Looking around, as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw that the kitchen was clean. Not even a pot in the sink. And his heart fell. He was so late. Anger at his father, at himself…mostly himself, filled him.

She’d gone to so much trouble, and she’d made a special dinner, and he’d been late. “You are such a douche,” he said to himself, forgetting the beer and heading upstairs.

Maria’s presence the last few days had created a coiling need within him. But, they were walking this line between full-blown, adult relationship and tentative, newbie status, and each morning this week, he’d woken to her in his kitchen, preparing food or baking her way into the housekeeper’s heart. He was getting used to her being there.

She must be so mad. Could he blame her? If it hadn’t been for this resort acquisition in Florida, he would have dropped the damn meeting.
You should have cancelled anyway.

He opened the door to his room, and through the dark, his fear was realized. The large burgundy quilt rested on his bed, flat and unused. She wasn’t there.

Did he expect her to be? She’d made herself plenty comfortable in the guest bedroom. Admittedly, he’d hoped being officially married would change their status. He was dying to sleep with her, wanted his hands on her hips again, her breasts. His fingers deep inside her or tangled in her hair. The tightening in his gut and the slight swell against his zipper heated his blood. “Shit.”

He shouldn’t be angry, though and forced it down with the guilt.

He turned and went down the hall to the guest bedroom. This time he opened the door more slowly, his heart skidding against his ribs when he saw her curled up in the double bed.

He blew out a breath. He’d always been a man with a plan. He was good with contracts and bullet points. Why hadn’t they sat down and talked about it? He wanted her in his bed. He should have personally invited her into his bedroom.

In the end, he had to wonder. Did she want space?

He’d made this arrangement in order to avoid the feelings that were now raging through him. She was to have been his exception to the rule of marriage. Affection. No love, no pain.

What ran through his chest now felt painful.

He turned away from her and from the moon that shone through the window and lighted upon her face, creating an ethereal vision. He rubbed a hand over his chest.

Maybe this was better; her in here, him across the hall.

No emotional connection, no strings; no pain.




Maria was sure she would be sick. It wasn’t morning sickness but it was definitely the pregnancy doing it. She’d been married only three days. She wore a ring on her finger that mocked her.

Despite the agreement that they would be a family, she and David weren’t any closer. He’d kept his distance, determined to keep things platonic.

And now they were a block from her parents’ home, about to announce to her family that she was a married woman—and pregnant to boot. Surely, he would sleep in the same room with her here. They had to maintain some kind of united front.

Or face humiliation—hers.

Her stomach turned again and a headache started behind her eyes. She closed them and let her head fall back against the rest. David clasped her hand in his own, and she jerked in his grip, but he didn’t let go. “You okay?”

She didn’t answer at first, taking a deep breath instead.
Be brave! Initiate.
“This might sound a little crazy, but...” Maria cleared her throat. “Do you plan on sleeping with me while we’re here?”

That awful shutter came down over his eyes but not before she saw a stroke of fear inside, and he took her hand. “I can.”

“Okay, good. Right.” The disappointment settled in her heart, and she squeezed her eyes shut. “Put on a good show, right?”

She opened her eyes and found him staring at her. He really was handsome. He’d been kind in the last week. Accommodating and generous. He’d even eaten her tamales after apologizing for being so late on their wedding night.

And when he was kind like that, it made her ache for more—intimacy.

“No, you’re right.” As if embarrassed, he hesitated. “I’m sorry. It’s just…that first night you went to the guest room. I thought you wanted space.”

“Geez, David.” She turned in the seat. “Why the hell would I want that?”

“Uh, ‘cause you’re mad?” Now he looked uncertain.

“Just because I’m mad doesn’t mean I stop liking you.”

“I know,” he answered too quickly with a shrug.

“Look.” She wanted him to understand, to know what she faced in here. “My family has seen me as a kid for a long time. I might not be the youngest, but I’ve been babied my whole life. I’m the quiet one, and that means I need them to take care of me, or some such…bull. They don’t even like that I work as nurse.”

His frown deepened. “Why the hell not?”

“They don’t like me being exposed to the horror, the gore of it all.”

His sound of disbelief soothed her ego.

“But, your parents love you, Ree. They might be mad, but they wouldn’t disown you.”

She threw up her hands. “They might, maybe, could possibly be okay with this, if—and that’s a big if—if we show a united front.”

Then again, she would have to deal with her brothers, too. And her brothers would be harder to fool.

“Just be yourself and be honest, right?” he stated plainly.

“Honest?” she croaked as he pulled up at the curb in front of her home. “Are you crazy? We’re married in name only, our union isn’t blessed by the church, and we’re expecting a child who is going to come three months too early!”

“I mean honest in that we want what’s best for the baby.” David frowned, as if he wanted to say something else, but her beautiful mother Anabel was coming toward them down the sidewalk.

“Show time,” she managed before Mom opened the door with a big grin and a hello. As if she hadn’t seen her in months. She got out and was quickly embraced in those warm familiar arms.

“You’re here.” Her mom held her face in her hands and paused, studying her.

Maria’s face heated and she turned the unwanted speculation to her companion. “You remember David?”

“Of course. Come in, come in. It’s so good to have you back in Red Bluff.” Mom linked arms with her and they went inside. David followed with their bags. “Carlos! She’s here!”

Her mom loved having company come to the house.

Of course, she didn’t know what else was coming this time.

Her dad came through the living room doorway and his eyes immediately went to David, then to Maria. His head tilted and a light came to his eyes, but she noted the reserve right away. Whatever he’d been thinking, he kept to himself as he crossed the foyer to kiss her. “Welcome home,
,” he said in his thick accent.

“Thank you, Papi.” She was swallowed into his hug then. She’d never had any hope of growing tall like him, like her siblings. More like her mother, she was short. Just one more reason to baby her.

When her dad let her go, Maria looked to David, relieved when he came forward to take her hand. “Sir. Ma’am, if you don’t mind, we’d like to speak to you.”

Her parents both looked at each other and something passed between them, something she was suddenly sure she’d never have with David. For some reason, the thought boosted her bravery. Why? She had no idea. Perhaps because it finally occurred to her that she had nowhere else to go but up. She was so far off the target; she could only get closer in the time to come.

Mom settled in her favorite chair in the living room and Dad came and sat on the arm of it. Everything about them said united.

She shook inside and outside, her hands drawn into her lap, clutched tightly. Quickly, she rubbed them against her jeans. Again, David’s perceptiveness comforted her as he rested his hand over both of hers.

He had big hands. She loved his hands.

David cleared his throat, looked at her then looked at her parents. “Maria and I have some good news to share with you. We—” His gaze found hers, but she couldn’t read it. All she knew was that he was playing a part. “I love your daughter, and asked her to marry me.”

Her mom smiled and took her dad’s hand.

Maria’s heart fell. She wanted her parents to believe she had something good, wanted to please them, but the lie from David, even to protect her, twisted something in her gut.

“We were married on Wednesday.” David added.

Mi amor
. No.” Her mother rose quickly and came to her. “You were not married in the church?”

Maria shook her head.

“We intend to be, Mrs. Rodriguez.”

Maria turned to stare at him.
They did?

“We just felt it best to take care of business as quickly and quietly as possible.”


Maria’s heart sank at the bite in her father’s tone. “Not like that, Papi. That’s not what he means. We are together because we want to be.” She took David’s hand, sending him a warning look. His gaze met hers, gave her strength to continue. “You know we met last fall and spent time together. We—” She wanted to say fell in love. She’d fallen in love. “We enjoyed each other’s company and found we had things in common.” Heat rose on her neck and she sent a fleeting glance back to David. “One thing led to another.”

Her dad stood, turned his back on them, and there was pain in his stance as his fists clenched at his sides.

Her throat closed, but she refused to allow the cowardice back in now. “We’re going to have a baby.”

Without a word, Papi walked out, and it hurt—more than she thought it would. Her throat closed painfully, and she wiped a tear before it trailed down her face. It was done.

Her mom came to sit on the coffee table, faced them, and took one of each of their hands. She gripped them, hard. “My baby. You know I love you, but you can’t stay here—not together. Will you come back tomorrow? I want to hear how you are doing.”

They wouldn’t let her stay here, not as man and wife, because in their eyes, she was not married. She felt like the biggest idiot. She shouldn’t let it bug her, because if she’d truly thought it through, the truth would have slapped her in the face. “I’ll come back.”

“Good.” Her mother rose and held a hand to Maria’s cheek. “He will need some time, Maria.”

On the front porch, Maria looked back. “Mom,” she called before the door shut. “Tell him…tell him I love him.”

Her mother nodded with a sad smile. “It will be okay, Maria.” Then she closed the door and Maria was alone with her husband, on the porch of the home she grew up in.

David put his arms around her. Through her jacket, the heat of him surrounded her, warmed her, comforted. She wouldn’t cry. Not now, maybe not ever. She definitely didn’t want to cry in front of him. He’d not shown her a smidgen of emotion in three days. He’d been nice and supportive. No more.

He had avoided touching her—

His hands threaded through her hair and he kissed her temple.

—until now.




“Where it all started.” She sipped her decaf coffee and wished it was regular. Wished it was a beer so that it could mask the sudden shame and guilt rushing through her veins. “That went…well.”

“It could have been worse.”

“True,” she admitted as a smile played at her lips.

“Your brothers might have been there.”

She was glad for his effort to keep things light. She wasn’t sure she could handle any more serious today. “We may leave without being able to talk to my dad again.”

“We’ll come back.”

Her heart softened even more. “Why? I know for a fact that you wouldn’t be married at all, if not for the baby. Why should you care what my dad thinks or does?”

He paused, thinking before he answered. “Easy. My goal is to keep you happy so we can live in peace. No roller coaster ride for this couple, babe.”

“You’re saying you have selfish motives,” she spoke deadpan.


His grin caught her off guard, made her heart stop, and her mouth fall open. “You should do that more often,” she said. “Geez, I know we don’t have a smooth road, yet; your sleeping in a separate bed, case in point. But I could just eat you alive when you smile like that.”

She wanted him more than just as a partner and companion. She wanted to relieve some of this incredible tension with him, wanted to find a room and rip his darn clothes off.

With a sigh, she took another sip of her coffee.

She wanted there to be a valid reason for hurting her dad the way she had. And so far, she didn’t even have a real marriage.

“Well, if it isn’t the happy couple.” Her almost brother-in-law Zack slid into the booth next to her. She should have known their respite from family wouldn’t last too long. Zack’s arms automatically came around her and she reciprocated by squeezing his middle. “Zack.”

And then she didn’t let go. He was like a brother to her, to the whole family—except for Lena.

David cleared his throat, and Maria reluctantly released Zack. “How’s Lena?”

“She’s doing great. Happy where she is.”

“Is she in town?” Maria blushed at the obvious yearning in her voice. She might have been in Vermont for a week, but it felt like forever.

Zack shook his head. “No. Couldn’t get out of work. Look, I have an extra room if you guys need a place while you’re in town.”

Maria brightened at that, but David spoke before she could. “We have arrangements elsewhere.”

“Oh, David, please?” She didn’t know why the sudden flare of panic or the need to stay with family. It didn’t make sense. She wanted to be alone with him, yet she was nervous, too. He was so full of secrets. First he’d told her mother they planned to be married in the church and now he had reservations somewhere?

Zack’s gaze lit from her to David as he scooted over to the edge of the bench. “It’s free...” he suggested, and David bristled. Not so much that Zack would notice—no. But, somehow she’d learned him. And he would be too proud to let anyone think he couldn’t afford a place to stay.

But then David’s gaze found her and she sent him a pleading look. “Please,” she whispered.

He gave in with a sigh and a shrug.

She smiled, too big. “Thank you.”

David’s brow lifted. “You’re welcome?”

And she blushed because she felt crazy, crazy with relief. Deep down, she’d been hoping to be truly home, in her parents’ house. Maybe she’d been secretly wishing to see if life could be the same as it had been in November.

Foolish, though. It would never be the same.

“Come on over when you’re finished.” Zack rose, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll be around all afternoon.”

“Thanks,” David answered, also getting up. He held a hand out to Maria.

She took it, for the first time truly grateful for his efforts to make her comfortable and keep their life on an even keel. She might not have the true love she’d always dreamed of, but she had a man who was generous, considerate, and completely willing to stand with her in front of her family.

Could she really ask for more?

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