Outlaws Of Phantom Canyon (Savage Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Outlaws Of Phantom Canyon (Savage Series)
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"I can't find Jules
!" Gabriel worriedly told Roark and Angel.

"She is safely on her way to Colorado City," Angel told Gabriel as she explained what happened with Clayton, Ted, and then their run-in with Barry.

"You let her leave with Barry! What in tarnation was you thinking?" Gabriel exploded.

"All the outlaws were wanting to get to her to use her for protection. I had to. Barry will not hurt her," Angel replied.

"How do you know he won't?"

"Just trust me. I


Chapter 13

Gabriel said his thanks and good-byes to Spotted Elk and his warrior brothers, as they took off towards their Ute Indian village with their wounded.

Once all the wounded outlaws were bandaged up the best they could, and tied onto the backs of a pack string of horses; the Calvary, Roark, and Angel herded them towards Canon City to the Colorado Territorial Prison where they would be held until their trials, for all the crimes each one was guilty of.

Heading towards Colorado City looking for Barry and Julianna was Gabriel after he had promised Angel he would not kill Barry.
But he did not promise he would not hurt him!
Gabriel thought darkly.

Gabriel winced in pain as his horse stumbled over some bigger rocks. The Calvary's doctor had bandaged his side from the bullet that grazed it during the gunfight. There was no real damage caused by the bullet, but it sure smarted.

After about a half hour, Gabriel was able to distinctly pick up Julianna and Barry's fresh trail. They were probably about two, maybe three hours ahead of him. He kept after them at as fast as a pace as his wounded side would allow.

*     *     *

It was well after midnight before Barry and Julianna reached the outskirts of Colorado City. Julianna had been grateful for the fast pace they kept, as it did not allow for any time to talk. She had become close to Barry while working with him every day, and wasn't sure she could keep up the lie if he questioned her.

They made their way through the back streets and alleys to Rex Weaver's Livery Stable, where they stalled their horses and Barry paid Rex well to keep quiet of their presence.

"Rex told me there is a train leaving in an hour for Denver. I'm going to go get us a couple tickets. You go ahead to Angel's room and I'll be along shortly. It's that building right over there," Barry told Julianna as he pointed to the hotel.

Julianna nodded her head and turned towards the O'Connor Hotel. She slipped around to the backside of the hotel building, and entered through the backdoor to avoid any questions. When she found the room, she used the key Angel had handed her to unlock the door and go inside.

What was she going to do if Gabriel or Angel didn't get there before it was time for the train to Denver? She didn't want to leave this room until they came for her. But Barry may get suspicious and hurt her if he found out the truth. Just then she remembered the .38 derringer in her skirt pocket. It still had one shot left in it . . .

When Barry walked through the hotel room door
almost forty-five minutes later he said, "Come on. It's time to go."

"You go. I'm staying here and waiting for
Angel," Julianna replied calmly as she slipped her hand in her skirt pocket in case she needed to use the derringer.

"I promised her I would protect you. I can't leave you behind."

"Then stay here," Julianna said flatly, not caring if he stayed or left. All she was worried about right now was if Gabriel was safe?

"Are you sure you don't want to go?" Barry asked again.

"I'm positive."

" Will you tell Angel I'm headed for Denver?"


*     *     *

Numb now from the pain in his side, Gabriel trails into Colorado City a couple hours behind Julianna and Barry. He rides straight for the O'Connor Hotel, and ties his horse at the hitching rail in front of it. Climbing down from his big horse was no easy task as fresh pain shot through his side.

After he managed to catch his breath, Gabriel went into the hotel and straight to Angel's room. At this early hour of the morning no one was working at the front desk. When he reached the room, he silently pulled his Colt Peacemaker from its holster and knocked lightly. Gabriel wasn't expecting Julianna to be a
lone when she answered the door and flew into his arms.

"Where is Barry?" Gabriel asked quickly.

"He took the train to Denver about an hour ago," Julianna answered.

Gabriel hugged and hungrily kissed Julianna for a few minutes as he held her in his arms, not wanting to let her go. But if he didn't want Barry to get away, he knew he didn't have time to waste. The train would be reaching Denver soon.

"Stay here. I've got to go to the telegraph office and wire Denver. Then I'll be right back," Gabriel said as he was already heading out the hotel room door.

Hurrying over to the telegraph office, Gabriel hoped he would reach Denver in time. He had to bang on the counter to wake the night operator. Luckily for Gabriel, Brent Saunders the head telegraph operator, and the Phantom gang's spy, only worked during the daytime.

Gabriel had the telegraph operator quickly send a telegram to the Denver sheriff, and the train station with Barry's description to apprehend him the moment the train stopped. As Gabriel left the telegraph office, he ordered the operator to bring his messages to the hotel room as soon they came in.

Once Gabriel was back at the hotel room, he hugged an
d held Julianna for a long time as the stress and anxiety of the day faded away, leaving them both exhausted.

"Gabe, let's lay down and get some sleep. You're completely worn out." When Gabriel pulled off his vest and shirt, Julianna saw he was wounded. "Oh my God! You're wounded. Are you alright?"

"Yes Jules, it is just a flesh wound. When we get up later I will go have the doctor clean it up and re-bandage it. Right now let's get some sleep," Gabriel said sleepily.

Julianna snuggled
up to Gabriel on his good side as he laid on his back and instantly fell asleep snoring. Julianna was only a few minutes behind him, as she relaxed knowing she and Gabriel were finally safe.

They were woke up at daybreak by the messenger kid the nighttime telegraph operator sent
. He delivered Gabriel a message from the Denver sheriff. Gabriel thanked the boy with a tip, and closed the door as he was reading the telegraph.

"What does it say?" Julianna asked half asleep.

"It says they were waiting when the train arrived, and that they searched it thoroughly; that Barry was not on the train."

"He didn't get on the train then?" Julianna asked, as she wondered if Barry was still in Colorado City?

"Maybe, or maybe he jumped off somewhere along the way," Gabriel thought out loud. "I will need to check with the train station here to see if he boarded the train.

"You go ahead and clean up, and go on down to the cafe' and get yourself some breakfast. When I get done at the train station I will join you."

*     *     *

After all that happened yesterday and no chance to eat, Julianna was starving. She had just finished her breakfast with Gabriel when her father, Governor Whitaker, walked into the cafe'.

"Father!" Julianna jumped up from the table she was sitting at, and ran into his outstretched arms.

"Oh Julie
! I am glad you are safe. I've been so worried, even though Angel Savage came and told me you was safe in Gabriel's protection."

"Yes father. Gabriel has taken good care of me."

Gabriel stood and shook hands with the governor. "Bill, it's been a long time."

"Yes it has Gabriel. I want to thank
you for protecting my daughter." Governor Whitaker eagerly shook Gabriel's hand.

"You two already know each other?" Julianna asked in surprise.

"Why yes, Mr. Savage has worked personally for me a few times," Governor Whitaker said to his daughter.

"Governor, why don't you get a room here, and stay with your daughter for a few days while I am gone. I need to go to Denver and see if I can track down the one outlaw we lost."

Putting his arm around his daughter's shoulders, the governor said smiling, "Sounds like a good idea. And when you get back we will discuss your future."

Gabriel smiled at Julianna, then he turned and walked out and headed for the livery stable to saddle up his horse.

She wasn't sure what she expected, but she thought Gabriel would have gave her a hug or kiss goodbye before he left. Her heart sank a little. Now that they were all safe and it was over, would Gabriel go his own way?  She thought he loved her as much as she loved him. But did he?

Worry began to invade all of Julianna's thoughts, as she visited with
her father up in his room. She was about to tell her father about her stay at Spotted Elk's village when Julianna all of a sudden became sick. She rushed over to the chamber pot to throw up the breakfast she had just ate.

"Are you alright my dear?" Julianna's father asked her.

"Yes father, it's probably just all the excitement, and not having eaten since yesterday morning. I'm going to go lay down for a while."

"Okay dear, just let me know if you need anything?" Governor Whitaker offered.

*     *     *

The next couple of days Julianna was sick again after she would eat breakfast. Not only was she suspicious that she may be pregnant, but so was her father. When Gabriel arrived back saying he could not find a lead on the outlaw he was looking for, Governor Whitaker asked him
in front of Julianna, "Julie has been sick every day since you left. I suspect she is pregnant. Is this possible?"

"Father! If you want to know such an answer, why don't you ask me?" Julianna said in shock at her father's bluntness.

"I'm sorry dear, but I'm afraid you would lie to me under the circumstances," the governor replied as he turned his gaze back to Gabriel, and he waited for an answer.

"Yes sir, it is possible." Gabriel said nervously.

"And what do you plan to do about it, Gabriel?"

"I do not want her reputation ruined. I will marry her," Gabriel replied nervously. He knew this conversation had been coming, even if Julianna was not pregnant.

"Good! I will talk to Judge Stone, and have him marry the two of you right away," The governor said sternly.

Julianna had been listening to all of this. Gabriel said he would marry her because he didn't want her reputation ruined! Not because he was in love with her. Well, if he didn't love her, then she was not going to marry Gabriel! "I will not marry him!" She said crying as she ran off to her own room and locked the door.

Confused, both men looked at each other. The governor was the first to speak. "Gabriel, why is she refusing?"

"Bill, I don't know.
I thought our relationship was good . . ."

*     *     *

A few days passed and Julianna still refused to see Gabriel. He kept going to Angel's room where she was staying, but she refused to see him. All she would say through the door was that she didn't love him, and wasn't going to marry him.

Gabriel was heartbroken. Unable to take another rejection from Julianna, he went to the livery stable and saddled up the big stallion. On his way out o
f town he ran into the governor. "Bill, if she changes her mind, let me know." And with that Gabriel rode out of town headed for his mother's village.

Angel had just got into town
and was in the cafe' getting a bite to eat, when her brother rode out of town. When she finished eating, she stopped at the front desk to get another key to her room, and went upstairs. She was surprised to find Julianna there, sitting with tears running down her cheeks.

"Julianna! What's wrong?" Angel asked.

"My father figured out I'm pregnant, and Gabe told my father he would marry me
because he didn't want my reputation ruined," Julianna cried. "So I refuse to marry a man that does not love me."

"Oh Julianna, you must have misunderstood my brother. I
he loves you deeply! He has told me so more than once." Angel was trying to cheer Julianna up. "Now why don't you start from the beginning, and tell me exactly what was said?"

After Julianna repeated what was said that day, Angel sat there smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" Julianna asked.

"Because silly, did you ever stop to think my brother was nervous, and just didn't say all the right words he should have? You have to remember, your father is the
!  Gabriel not only kidnapped the governor's daughter, but gets the governor's daughter
! Put yourself in his shoes and think about it."

Shocked, Julianna sat there trying to picture it
from Gabriel's point of view. "I . . . I never thought about it like that." Jumping up from the bed, Julianna said as she ran out the door, "I've got to find Gabe!"

*     *     *

Julianna checked the cafe' and the saloon, before she looked in the livery stable to see if his horse was there. When she saw it was gone she asked Rex, "When did Gabe leave?"

"Aww, I'd say about fifteen minutes ago."

"Which way did he go?" Julianna anxiously asked.

"He headed out to the west," Rex replied.

"Please saddle my horse quick!"

As soon as Rex had her horse saddled, Julianna was racing out of town.

She followed the road west out of town, hoping Gabriel had not taken a side trail up into the mountains, before she could catch up to him. After a while, she had to slow her horse down to a walk so she didn't kill it.

BOOK: Outlaws Of Phantom Canyon (Savage Series)
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