Outlaw MC of Mars (2 page)

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Authors: James Cox

BOOK: Outlaw MC of Mars
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Chapter Three


pain was excruciating. Every time I moved a muscle, the agony would flare
through my body. There must be bruises. My face was cut. I knew by the dried blood.
stopped after the guards shoved my
torn pants back on me and threw me in this cell. I’d killed the beast. The thought
made me smile in the darkness. Well, not completely pitch black. There was a
single light above me that gave off a dull glow. I could see the room I was in,
rock walls, smooth
and bars. It
wasn’t my normal cell. The smell was certainly worse. As long as I didn’t move,
no misery ravaged my body and threatened my consciousness. So I stayed still even
as the noises outside got louder. I knew what they were. Beasts. At least two
of them. That slithering sound would haunt me forever. I inhaled deeply. My
lungs ached. Probably from a broken rib but I wasn’t sure. I didn’t have the
strength or will to check.
” I
whispered his name. Where was he? I didn’t know if I could take too much more
of this. My body was broken. My mind wasn’t far behind.

don’t know how long I was in that cell. I fell asleep and when I woke
my stomach was growling on empty. My
bladder was
but I had no energy to
piss. The wound on my face stopped
but there was a pool of drying blood under my head. Was I dying? That’d be a
fucking sin. Surviving the trip to Earth, surviving the beast only to die from
blood loss. I scoffed. It sent shards of anguish through my body. I opened my
eyes. Had the smell down here gotten worse? My nose scrunched up in revulsion.
I was still in the cell. What the hell was that awful racket? There was
yelling, screaming, chanting. I must be delusional.


” I muttered
weakly. Even lifting my head was a chore I couldn’t complete. “Here.” My lips
were cracked and my throat terribly dry.

told you this is where they put him,” someone was saying.

beast killer,” a deeper voice replied.

we let him out?” the first guy asked.

yes they should. Let me out. Get me patched and wait for the love of my life to
show up and save the day.

guards are gone. We ain’t got much food.” They were
a long time. I tried to move but couldn’t. Even my voice was
raspy and hard to hear
the roars of
the beasts in the other cells. “Nah, leave him here to rot.”

I’m alive. I’m awake. I’m right fucking here. The light over my head blinked
out. Darkness. So much blackness I couldn’t see the blood beside my face. They
left me here with the hungry beasts to die. My willpower was
but my body had taken too much of
the toll. I curled my legs up as best I could. The darkness held terrifying
noises. A deep breath. A slither of
I had visions of one slimy limb sliding into the cell and wrapping around me
until it crushed every bone in my body.

there I waited. It’s not like I had a choice. After a while, the only noise was
my stomach demanding food. There were no more footsteps. No more life. Even the
beasts had quieted down. This was it. Outlaw would come to Earth and find a
broken man on the edge of death. I closed my eyes and cried. The tears were
few. They washed the blood and dirt from my face in thin streaks. I passed out.
Hours. Days. I don’t know how long. I was starving, hurting, dying. I just had
to survive a little longer. Outlaw was coming. I had to
breathing for a few more days. When I peeled my eyelids open,
I’d stare out into darkness. Nothing. No one. I was so fucking alone. It hurt
too much to stay awake. I closed my eyes.


voice was a mere whisper. After such a long time in the silence, I thought
maybe I imagined it. Then someone was moving me. Pushing me onto my back. The
pain was so intense that I forgot how to breathe. It made me open my
though. Only a sliver because my head
hurt too much. All my energy went into that single motion and I found a pair of
striking brown eyes staring back. I knew those eyes. “Outlaw.” I couldn’t talk
much. The word was a feeble
but he
pulled me to him. At least I’d get to die in Knox’s arms. My outlaw. My love.
The man that never gave up. I inhaled sharply and the darkness of death pulled me
from his grasp.




I jerked awake liked I’d been shot.
My whole body shoved upward in the seat. The dream fell away slowly. There was
no darkness here. Light, lots of light. I stared into Reilly’s
. “What?”

“We’re here.”

Oh. Well, fuck. Reilly wrapped
around me from behind when I stood. His arms hung low, his hands rested below
my belly button. I savored his touch as the ramp opened, slowly lowering to the
ground. It was the beginning of winter on Earth. The breeze that drifted in was
cold but fresh. I inhaled deeply. Not all things on Earth were bad. Maybe I had
to try to focus on that instead of the bloody events. The oxygen wasn’t run
through filters or generators like on Mars. It was amazing to just breathe in.
The smell was subtle, like pine and fresh dirt. It was brown here, by the way.
Not red like on our planet.

The ramp touched down. “You ready?”

“Nope,” I mumbled but followed
Outlaw down the ramp anyway. Reilly clung to me like a fucking annoying flea. I
loved him for it. The prison looked as it always did. A large, high fence
around a cave opening. That hole led to stairs, cells, memories. This flat area
was where the ships landed, bringing more unfortunate souls. There was a single
boulder. Nothing more. I watched the entrance, flinching as the wind pelted me
with soft dirt. There was nothing in there. There were no beasts. Valentine had
let them go into the world before he returned to Mars. Oh, they were out there
but behind a sturdy fence. I doubt they’d remember I killed one of them anyway.

“Okay?” Outlaw glanced at me.

I gave a nod. My voice didn’t seem
to work at the moment.

“We’re going to walk through that
prison while Reilly sets up a few things.”

I swallowed hard. Back into the
prison? Reilly let go of me. He kissed my cheek and then ruffled some stray
sand out of his hair. Outlaw reached out and I grasped his hand. We walked to
the entrance where piles of dirt were beginning to form. I wondered
in a few years, the entrance would be
hidden, reclaimed by nature. Outlaw took the first step inside and tugged me
along with him.

I was back in the place of my
nightmares. Only this time, there would be no running.

Chapter Four


The prison was remarkably … empty.
Prisoners were cleared out when I was rescued, all returning to Mars. Cells
were vacant.
had seeped into the
lower levels and filled the mines, forming an underground lake. If we’d still
been here, a lot of
would have
. The meal room was turned over chairs
and tables. Nothing stirred. No evil force reached out the grab me. It was
surreal and yet it helped. Truly it did. Those phantom creatures in my dreams
had no hold. This prison was void of life and I vowed to forget them. It would
but I wouldn’t let the past
try to control me anymore. Not with such an amazing future ahead. Outlaw walked
with me, sometimes behind, sometimes in
but he never left my side. When we emerged from the prison a few hours
I took note of how much the prison
changed. Big, bad monsters meet the President of the Outlaw
… and run.

At the entrance was a tent. It was
the large opening. The outer
lining was a waterproof material and sheer. I could see Reilly inside on his
back, dozing. There was a small fire in the courtyard and the smell of burning
wood wafted through the breeze.

“Are you sleeping?” Outlaw asked as
he finally let go of my hand.

Reilly jumped to his feet. “No.” He
stared at us through the sheer tent. “The tent is up. Fire is hot. I was
waiting for you guys.”

Outlaw walked into the tent and
grabbed a handful of his black shirt. His smile was dark and menacing. “You
were playing with your dick weren’t you?” When Reilly blushed, Outlaw planted a
kiss on his lips. I think it went on longer than intended. Reilly had that
effect on us. A simple touch would turn into so much more. I watched as their
mouths opened against each other. There was a hint of tongue. Outlaw pulled
away. His gaze shifted to me. Outlaw winked. His smirk made the horror around
me fade away.

“What are you thinking about?” he
asked, sounding genuinely curious.

Reilly kissed down his tan neck.

“I’m thinking … loving you guys was
the best decision of my life.”

Reilly paused and glanced at me.
“That’s nice.”

Outlaw smiled. The bags under his
eyes had diminished. His hair was still long but pulled back with a black tie.
Outlaw’s muscles bunched and flexed as he tugged the shirt over his head. The
fire crackled
but it didn’t take
my attention away from the show. Outlaw removed his pants. Even in the limited light,
I could see his broad shoulders and hairy chest. His abs were dips and curves
made of pure muscle. The boxers he wore hugged his bulge and cupped his ass.
Wait … were those hearts? I squinted. It looked like the black fabric was
sprinkled with fire-colored hearts. I lifted an eyebrow.

Outlaw sighed. “Reilly’s early
Christmas gift to me.”

“I got a matching pair for you,” our
former prospect said eagerly.

Oh good, because I was worried we
wouldn’t match. I kept the sarcastic comment to myself and enjoyed the way they
looked on Outlaw. Just as I got used to the idea of him in them, Reilly planted
kisses along Outlaw’s collarbone.

“Take my boxers off … without your
hands,” Outlaw ordered.

Reilly moaned. The sound was louder
in the silence around us.

Earth. Prison. My gaze strayed to
the fence that kept my nightmares from turning in

“Liam. My lover. Eyes on us.”
Outlaw’s brown irises were darker in the moonlight.

I pushed fears aside and fought off
those memories. Reilly was on his knees in the sheer tent. A cool breeze blew
past me as I stood there looking in. Reilly ran his tongue around Outlaw’s
belly button, eliciting a groan from the big guy. He caught the rim of Outlaw’s
boxers between his teeth and eased downward. There’s nothing quite as sexy as
seeing a hard cock spring free. Outlaw’s erection bobbed as Reilly drew them down.
He let go and they fell to Outlaw’s ankles. His dick was thick. It
out from his body with a tip covered in
foreskin. It was pulled back slightly,
revealing a wet tip. The firelight behind gave them an artistic appearance.

The dark, brooding Outlaw stood
naked with the blond, blue-eyed twink on his knees. The height difference was
extremely noticeable as was the age. Outlaw had lines at the corners of his
eyes and some around his handsome mouth. It showed his forty years. Reilly was
still fresh-faced, smooth skin, and showing his twenty years. I was closer to
but Reilly never made our ages an

I watched as the young man in
question took a lick of Outlaw’s shaft. Well, there goes the comfortable pants.
My cock had been
but now it felt
squished in the crotch area. I opened the buttons, giving my precious appendage
room to breathe. But I didn’t take him out.

Outlaw groaned deep and short.
Reilly was teasing him. A lick at his slit, tongue probing his foreskin, and a
kiss to Outlaw’s balls.

I peeled off my shirt and being
shirtless made me pause. That was what we wore in prison. Only pants. That’s
how I was when they left me in that cell. A shiver ran up my spine.

“Liam.” Outlaw was in front of me
but still inside the tent. I think he did that on purpose. It made me feel
alone and yet, not isolated.
” he
said more firmly.

I jerked my gaze to him.

“Don’t fucking zone out on me.”

I nodded.

“I mean it.” He lifted his hand, splaying
his fingers wide.

I did the same. Only the thin tent separated
us. I took a deep breath. That’s when I noticed Reilly. He was on his knees
beside Outlaw. His blue eyes were wide with concern. “I love you both. Very
much.” I’d never spoken truer words.

Outlaw’s hard expression softened.
“Then take your clothes off for us.”

I felt vulnerable already out here
at the prison entrance but when Outlaw gave an order, he expected it to be
followed. Either as his boyfriend or as a member of the club. Besides, I knew
we were here for my benefit. I tugged on my pants, sending them to the floor.
Then came my plain
boxers. My cock
slipped out at half-mast.

“Reilly, make him forget,” Outlaw
whispered then locked gazes with me.

The tent was pliable so when Reilly
pressed his hand against it, the material stretched outward. Being that I was
only a few inches away, he could reach. The cool tent material brushed over my
flesh. Behind it hid Reilly’s warm hand. He brushed his fingers up and down.
Pleasure rushed through my nerves. I groaned. He moved closer. Reilly used his
hand to hold the tent against my shaft then he ran his tongue along my length.
My bottom lip quivered. “Oh, that’s…” The sentence was lost. Reilly gently
his teeth against my rounded tip. I
hissed out a breath. My head
back. I
lost sight of Outlaw. My Knox. Love didn’t begin to describe my feelings for
him. Thoughts were hard to process as Reilly pressed his tongue against the
tent. I felt the flat area under the material. It rushed up my cock and then
back down.

“Nothing will ever hurt you again.”
Outlaw’s whisper startled me. He was behind me, wrapping his tanned, hairy arms
around my waist. One slid up to pinch my flat nipple. The other slid lower. I
gasped as he grabbed my dick. His fingers wrapped around the shaft, holding it,
pressing the tip into the tent. Reilly opened wide. I cried out as the tent
enclosed my cockhead followed by his mouth. Outlaw’s larger frame blocked out
the cool breeze. I wanted to see him standing behind me, naked, confident, and
remarkable. His bare body was a thing of beauty. But I had a hard time focusing
on anything but pleasure. Outlaw’s fingers tugged on my beaded nipple. His
mouth clamped to my neck. Reilly sucked and wiggled his tongue under the tent,
against my dick. Outlaw let me go, well, he dropped my erection. His palms
curved over my hips. They stretched across each ass cheek. He spread them and
moved to his knees. How was a man supposed to last with two sexy fuckers on
their knees? Reilly kept playing with my cock. Outlaw’s teeth scraped against
my thigh. His finger swept across my back hole. I hissed out a breath. There
was a wet pop and then two damp digits slid inside me. My vision blanked.
Outlaw nipped at my lower back as his fingers mimicked fucking. He placed
kisses along my spine until he was back on his feet. I gasped. Reilly was
killing me. His teasing touches were going to be my undoing. I’d have to
torture the blond twink but afterward. I was too close to coming to exact my
sexual revenge on him right now.

Outlaw tilted me slightly forward.
He widened my legs further. I felt something bigger press at my entrance. Much
bigger. There was the subtle sound of Outlaw spitting then he pushed forward.

Breath whooshed out of my lungs. My
cock leaked pre-cum against the tent. My ass burned for a moment. Outlaw
grabbed my hips. He eased inside. Slowly, methodically driving me to insanity.
There was a ripping sound. I glanced down. Reilly had ripped the tent. He stuck
his head through the hole, mouth wide open. I cried out as he sucked my cock.
Outlaw moaned, pushing harshly. I grabbed Reilly’s head and held on. He took me
deeper between his lips. I squeezed around Outlaw’s cock. The president of the
MC gasped and slammed inside me. There was a blend of moans. The pleasure was
too great. Reilly sucked my dick enthusiastically. Well, was there any other
way to suck it? Apparently, not for him. Outlaw plowed into my ass like a man
on a mission. His grip kept me on my feet. My orgasm burst through every nerve
in my body. Cum shot out of my slit and into Reilly’s mouth. He kept sucking,
swirling the jizz around his taste buds and on my shaft. Outlaw pounced. His
fingers dug into my flesh. His cock stabbed me over and over. I thought I’d
pass out with a smile etched onto my face. Then Outlaw cursed. He bent me over further.
Reilly watched us from inside the tent. Outlaw pulled out then violently back
inside me. The angle shoved him deeper. I squeezed.

“Liam!” he growled.

” I yelled his
true name.

Outlaw came. He grunted, pushing
into me with a force that’d leave me walking funny for hours. He loosened his
hold and pulled me to him. His hairy chest pressed against my sweaty back. “I
fucking love you.”

“Mr. Romantic,” Reilly murmured
with a smile.

I jerked when Outlaw’s softening
cock slid out of my body. Feeling empty, I grabbed his hand. The fire crackled
and fears were absent as we joined Reilly. He was already undressing. Outlaw
and I stood at the tent entrance naked, watching him.

Reilly had the most stunning blue
eyes and with our light source the fire, they seemed to sparkle. With the blond
it wouldn’t surprise me if he had
some Viking DNA. But he was short, only reaching five three. It was a fact that
I liked. At this height, Outlaw and I could stare
down at
him and watch his blue eyes roll up at us.
he was naked. This time, almost naked.
His hair was spiked, but partially flattened since he took off his shirt. He
didn’t have the muscle mass we did. Reilly had the body of a lean dancer, the
flexibility too.

I felt the first
along my inner thigh. Outlaw’s cum. I’d
clean up in a minute. Right now, Outlaw and I stood holding hands as Reilly
pulled his pants down.

“You’re a pale fucker,” Outlaw

I was busy watching Reilly’s cock
bob and bounce. His balls were beautiful, nearly even and pulled up tight to
his body. His fingers wrapped around his shaft. It was so insipid I could see
the veins beneath his long shaft. The tip was rounded like mine. You wouldn’t
believe the sounds he made when a tongue probed him there. Reilly was also
hairless. He shaved every day, giving him this ridiculously silky touch. Reilly
walked up to us. He rubbed his palm against the head of his cock. I placed a
hand on his hip and so did Outlaw. We stood in a naked circle. Reilly rubbed
his dick up and down.

“You gonna spray your fucking jizz
on us?” Outlaw asked. His cock was flaccid, hanging against his balls. The
foreskin was scrunched up, covering his tip. But I swore I saw it twitch as
Reilly groaned. “Pump it harder, Reilly.”

I glanced at the blond. His gaze
was locked with
. Sweat beaded
his hairline.

“Come on, Reilly.” Outlaw leaned
closer to him. “I’ve already fucked his sexy ass. All I want is for you to come
me. Give me that tasty, creamy, messy…”

Reilly gasped. He lifted to his
toes as he came. Long jets of white decorated Outlaw’s torso. He groaned. We
held him up as the last few spurts dribbled out. The drops slid down his fingers.
I took his hand and licked him clean.

“Good boy,” Outlaw praised in his
deep voice. Then they kissed. It was an intense collision of teeth and tongue.
Outlaw turned to me. He ran his wet lips along my facial scar. The one that
almost killed me. The one that happened here.
slipped my mind where we were. Earth. I stared around as we all untangled. My
gaze scanned the dark shadows outside the fence to see if we were truly alone.
I wasn’t sure if we were. But I also wasn’t afraid. Outlaw dragged us toward
the prison entrance. We all cleaned up using an old water pipe that creaked
loudly. When we were done, we walked back to the tent hand in hand in hand. The
fire was still high. The flames danced as we settled on the inflatable bed.
With the tent being
I stared up at
the stars and a giant, white moon that reminded me of a glob of cum. Outlaw was
naked to my left. Reilly was naked to my right. We lay
quietly. After a few minutes, Reilly turned toward me. He
threw an arm over my chest, half asleep. Outlaw grunted and tucked his head against
my neck. Our body warmth kept the cool breeze at bay.

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