Outing of the Heart (27 page)

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Authors: Lisa Ann Harper

BOOK: Outing of the Heart
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‘You would need to work especially on the legs and hands, although the back is very important too, for posture and turns. Castanets are your weakest component. When there are so few of us on stage it shows if you can't play well.' Raoul fished in the bottom of his smart, leather purse and handed over a glossy business card.
‘My sister Nina works at this gym. It's at High Park. It is a long way out for you, but she can give you a good deal.' She took the proffered card and read: BODYSHAPE: The Gymnasium exclusively for women where the shape and price are right.
‘Nina works in the front office and has access to passes at special rates. Right now there's an offer of three months at half price, for weights and aerobics. You would only need the circuit training so that would come out to even less, I think.' He was certainly being persuasive.
‘The gym is located just across the street from the subway exit. It's out of town, but easy to get to. How about it, Tenille? Can I call my sister to expect you?' Raoul's earnestness was touching.
‘Yes, I'd like to give it a go,' she acceded, smiling back at him with her melting smile. She sure did things to him.
‘That's the spirit. Can you start Friday?'
‘How much time would this take?'
‘Only about an hour to begin. It's best not to overdo things. You can work up as your ability develops.' He warmed to his theme now he knew he had her on side. ‘You'll see, it will bring your dancing on very fast. This is good Tenille. The only other thing to tell you is that you must get plenty of sleep.' His face took on that stern, rather forbidding look, she sometimes caught when he was concentrating especially hard. However, her eyes never left his face.
‘Don't let Devon keep you up late gallivanting on the town.' She was taken by surprise with this. ‘I know she likes to double end the candle, as you say, but her
is lenient with her. For you it is different. Also, in your work you must be on your feet all day. Right?' He shot the question at speed.
‘Yes.' She wasn't about to argue with anything he said whilst in this mood. However, what she did with Devon was her own affair and none of his beeswax.
They paid the checks after this and tonight, travelled their separate ways. On the empty train, she had her pick of seats and sat alone, letting her brain play over the evening's surprising developments.
“Raoul sure is all business when he puts his mind to it,”
she thought.
“You have to be like that if you're determined to get ahead, I guess.”
She could identify with his sincerity. She would progress, if only to show them their faith in her was not misplaced. She too, was capable of resolute dedication.
April saw winter's vice-like grip beginning to slip. People raised their heads and looked about, becoming aware of the early birds making their presence felt in uplifting song, on the bare branches. Soon that delicate, gentle shade of green would cloud and obscure their stark winter shapes. The parks, where more help was needed to remove the massive piles of snow, already sported beds of snowdrops with the green tips of bulbs poking above the soil. It wouldn't be long before the yellow of the daffodils and the various shades of red of the tulips would be delighting the eye. Tenille liked hyacinths, but her sinuses could not tolerate their pungent perfume.
Tomorrow would be her first visit to the gym so she was getting her things together tonight. Unsure of what was appropriate, she picked her black leotard. With a pair of shorts she could probably pass muster, but the hunt for them was unsuccessful. Had she packed them away in her trunk with the rest of her summer clothes? She would buy a pair tomorrow at the store; make the most of the staff discount. Her swimsuit, a purple Lycra, low-rise one-piece, was easily found, but it might look out of place. She bought a cute pair of fluorescent pink shorts with black trim. With bright pink pushdowns she could probably blend in. Her joggers were grubby looking, but no money was going out for a new pair. She might not keep this up.
Next evening she was on her way to BODYSHAPE feeling nervous and excited, but wishing she didn't have to go on her own. She would meet people though and hopefully, make friends.
At High Park she rode the escalator and saw the tall, corporate building, kitty corner from the east end exit. BODYSHAPE was at ground and basement levels; reception off to the side of a high ceilinged lobby. She tapped the bell and a bright, pert, young girl popped her head out of the back room, offering to help. She asked for Nina Losada.
‘She'll be back any minute if you care to wait.'
Sinking down into one of the amply cushioned wicker seats, she looked about and took in the understated elegance. Mature palms grew through the floor. Tree ferns were scattered around, plus the odd potted bamboo palm giving an exotic effect.
There was no mistaking this was Raoul's sister. The sensuous curve of the lips, prominent black eyebrows and her thick black hair free flowing, had the Losada look, but softer. Not so eye-catching, but she was still very attractive.
Tenille returned to the counter and introduced herself. ‘I phoned yesterday. I'm a friend of Raoul's.'
‘Yes, of course. I have the pass ready. It's good for a month. By then you'll know if what we have to offer will suit you.' Her accent was not so pronounced as her brother's. Had she been here some time already? Perhaps sponsored his residency?
‘Raoul said something about a three-month pass?' she queried.
‘Yes, that's right. After the trial period, we go through some more paper work, but you're still on the three-month offer.' She nodded, satisfied she'd got it right. Nina launched into her sales pitch, promoting the gym to new clients. ‘Most of the women like the fact of the exclusivity of the club. They feel totally free. No constraints because men are around or watching?' She looked knowingly at Tenille. This friendliness put her at ease and she didn't mind being on her own. After signing some papers she paid up and Nina abandoned her post for the tour.
They proceeded along wide corridors, the noise baffled by thick carpet and down the stairs to the next level. Everywhere was spacious. She pushed open swing doors into a large change room.
‘You rent a locker each visit. It's just a quarter to use the key. Drop it in the slot … and turn,' she demonstrated as she spoke.
‘There you go. Pop your grip in there and I'll take you to the gyms.' Tenille hadn't seen any women, but when they entered the aerobics room, there they were, hard at it. The circuit gym housed the heavy equipment and weights. Carpet was featured throughout and everything looked clean. Some women talked quietly together, but for the most part, they worked on their program.
‘Will you want swimming as well?' She nodded.
They went back downstairs and along another corridor. ‘I think I could get myself lost here,' she remarked. Nina laughed. ‘Yes. It's a bit of a warren, but once you get into your routine you'll develop your familiar pathways.'
The pool was not as large as the one at Sir Sandford Fleming College, but very tastefully set-up. Cedar decking surrounded it, even going half way up the walls, on the diagonal. Small groupings of occasional chairs and tables, with canvas umbrellas rising from the centre, provided islands of relaxation. Drinks were permitted, but not smoking. Again more greenery relieved the starkness and lent a tropical mood. She would enjoy herself here.
Lastly, they visited the lounge area, housing the soft drink dispensers and a small snack bar. ‘We try to keep it supplied with reasonably healthy eats and beverages, but some people must have their junk food fix, so it's eclectic in its offerings,' Nina observed wryly. Back in the lobby, she called for someone on the intercom.
‘I'll leave you now, but I hope I'll see you around,' she added in parting, as the bubbly blonde, Tenille had first encountered came into view. She introduced herself as Ashley. She would be responsible for her program. On closer inspection, she realized Ashley was not as young as she had at first thought. She had glimpsed the form-fitting, lime green muscle shirt, tucked into orange bike pants, stretched tightly over her thighs and automatically classed her as juvenile. Not so … just in good shape. A brilliant yellow, plastic banana tied back her blond hair into an animated ponytail.
“You jump to conclusions, Ten,”
she admonished herself.
They settled into easy chairs and Ashley asked her what she was after. Before she could answer she remarked, chuckling: ‘I don't think it's weight loss. I can design a program to build up power, or muscle definition. You can increase your stamina. We can monitor your heart rate if you just want overall improvement.' She produced a progress card out of her folder and began filling in the required details, then was ready for specifics. Tenille told her what she wanted, Ashley nodding her head and making jottings.
‘Good. We'll start prudently. We can increase later as the body becomes attuned. Do you swim?' She nodded.
‘Well, that will be great for your over-all fitness, right there. It's the perfect cool down after weights and will give your muscles their final stretch. Ladies often want to skip on the stretch at the end, but that is equally as important as the stretches in the beginning.' She paused for a moment. ‘Some house rules. You must shower first between gym and pool. There's no nude bathing, although we are an exclusive club.'
‘Oh, it's okay, I'm not into nude swimming anyway, thanks.'
‘Oh, you'd be surprised how many women do like it – and it's not just the beautiful bodies.' Ashley shook her head as if at some graphic mental image. ‘There are special times when the pool is used by other than BODYSHAPE. This is usually in the morning when the gym isn't operating, but a notice will be posted in that event. Now for your program. You will always start with the stationary bicycle. Go for ten minutes.' She closed her folder and continued: ‘I'll let you change and do your warm up. Then come and see me, either here or in the gym. Okay?'
Tenille launched into her stint on the bicycle with no difficulty. She was fit enough for that. While she peddled rapidly, she noticed other women were into the latest designer gear. Colored tights seemed to be all the go, worn under these stretch body suits, some of which were very high cut. She couldn't go that far. They sure did look good, though. How long had it taken to get a body like that? Then there were others, obviously still in the beginning stages of the long journey.
Ashley must have been watching out for her because she came up as she was finishing. She showed her the leg press apparatus, starting off at ten kilograms. Then the leg curls and the adductor machine. It was only one plate on each of those. She finished up with the pulleys and here she was given two plates. She returned after each piece to guide her through the use of the next. For the torso, she selected pullovers in front and pull-downs in back. On the bench press, it was one plate for fifteen repetitions. Following that she had to stand with feet apart and lift weights to the side and in front. She began with four kilograms. Ashley explained that holding the weights would also work her forearm muscles, which controlled the fingers. She finished that section with preacher curls. The last part of her program concentrated on the trunk again. Lying on her side she did twenty-five leg raises, each with weight, then fifteen crunches going elbow to knee. Finally stretching's for the inner thigh muscles and that was it. She didn't have to go through a cool down on the bike; she was onto the pool.
Tenille returned to the locker room to change and shower. There were no cubicles. It was a big, open room with benches along either side of four central rails, providing hooks for clothes. Only the smaller, personal things went into the locker. The showers were on the same open plan, plus two cubicles. Toilets were opposite. She stood under the shower before entering the pool area, which brought her to the shallow end. Out of the eight lanes, four were occupied. There was a swimmer coming towards her so she took the next available and jumped straight in. No messing about. The temperature made her shudder, but once settled to her rhythm, it was perfect. The crawl first, then to breast and back strokes, then the crawl again to finish. This was the sequence she followed when she wasn't in for distance and she wasn't today, not after the workout she'd just gone through. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she sat alone at the deep end, dangling her feet in the water, daydreaming.
Sidonie shoved open the heavy door and stepped through. She saw the woman immediately and being a regular Friday-nighter knew instantly she was new. She was looking down, it seemed to her pensively, but she did notice the olive complexion, enhanced by the purple of the one piece, which covered a curvaceous, slim body.
“Had she chosen that as the women's color?”
she thought fleetingly. Well, she couldn't stand there speculating, she had to get her laps in and be out. She'd not left herself much time if she were to get to the bar by nine-thirty. Jumping lightly off the side of the pool, she waded towards the middle, ducking under the ropes as she went. She would have stayed in the outside lane; more secluded, but the girl was over on the other side … and what the hell, she might as well take a closer look.
“A new face is a new face Sid, wherever you find it.”
Not to appear obvious, she stayed just left of centre. Her body was powerfully built, the effortless strokes surging her forcefully through the water. She'd been working out for over a year now and it showed in every move she made.
It had started when she'd gotten involved with the Volleyball team. She was not a tall girl and until she decided to develop her body, she had not been particularly strong. But she loved the game and wanted to be a key player. That was when she was sixteen and had first heard of Women's Volleyball, apart from high school. There was an older girl, well a woman really, who was also a bit on the short side, but obviously fit. Much fitter than she, with more control over the ball and excellent court ability.
“That's what I want,”
she had vowed. After about a month of turning up to practises, she'd gotten into conversation with Milka, beyond the usual game talk. Milka Jenikova, she remembered, whose parents had come from Czechoslovakia when she was two, had a slightly foreign cast to her features. Broad cheekbones and fair hair, but she had been unable to identify her origins. Milka explained she worked out at the gym; Vic Tanny's in Scarborough. She made her wishes plain so Milka offered to take her with her one time and introduce her around. It was a mixed club, but mostly the guys used the weights; Scarborough chicks were into aerobics. Not like the downtown types.
Milka more or less took Sidonie under her wing and guided her through those early days. Her experience and know-how were of great help. She had blossomed under her tutelage, developing rapidly, being keen and adept, taking to the workouts like the proverbial duck. Like many a new convert, she became almost fanatical in her attendance; the day didn't feel right unless she'd put in her time. The changes she noticed in her body and the developing control over it, kept her dedicated. In other words, she was hooked. But Milka had given her words of caution regarding fanaticism.
She brought her mind to the present. Milka was still out on the east side, but now she'd moved to the west. But then, Milka had settled down with her girlfriend, Edina.
As her body ate up the laps, she let her mind drift to the past again. In her naiveté, she had developed emotional and physical interests in the other woman, but Milka soon pointed out their similarities and their differences and as far as she was concerned, two butches wouldn't hit it off successfully for long. Apart from which, though she really liked Sidonie, she wasn't nearly femme enough for her. But good buddies they became and her influence on Sidonie's life was undeniable.
She smiled inwardly as she recalled that first kiss. It had been electrifying. Not least, the shock of the softness of Milka's mouth upon hers. A scalding fire had consumed her, like a fever in her secret centre. It had left her shaken and trembling. Always aware of her attraction to women, Milka had still been her first physical encounter. Nothing had developed past that kiss, but her feelings for the woman ran deep, even now. She was her firm anchor. If ever she were in trouble and needed help she knew Milka would be there for her, no matter what. By the great Goddess, no matter what.
Breaking the surface for her kick turn she noticed the newcomer had gone. So much for strategy, she laughed mentally. Continuing her laps, she went through her sequence, crawl, butterfly and breaststroke, each one in turn for two lengths each until she'd swum for thirty minutes. Would the new girl be back next Friday? Or even on her own next visit, usually Monday. This helped her over the weekend's excesses.

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