Out to Canaan (164 page)

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Authors: Jan Karon

BOOK: Out to Canaan
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“Harley . . .”

“Y'r boy did.”

“Good Lord!”

“But hit 'us my fault.”

“You're sure he wasn't hurt? Where is he?”

“No, sir, he won't hurt, but m' truck was.”

“How bad?”

“Tore up th' front an' all.”

“Any damage to your engine?”

“Good as new.”

“How'd you get home?”

“You mean after we hauled it out'n th' ditch?”


“You mean after we hauled it out'n th' ditch an' had t' help th' farmer chase 'is cow back to th' pasture?”

“What about a cow?”

“That's what come high-tailin' 'cross th' road an' made th' boy hit 'is brakes an' land in th' ditch.”

“I see.”

The rector glanced toward the driveway and saw Dooley peering at him around a bush.

“I'd sure hate f'r you t' worry . . . .”

Ha. Worry had just become his middle name—at least until Dooley Barlowe went back to school where somebody else could do the worrying.

The Fields Are White

He unlocked the office and went in, feeling an odd foreboding as he raised the windows and turned on the fan. Today's temperature was nearly what they'd had in Florida.

He heard the bathroom door creak on its hinges and wheeled around. Edith Mallory was standing there in something like a bathrobe.

“Edith . . .”

She smiled and moved toward him, smelling of the dark cigarettes she smoked, untying the sash . . . .


He opened his eyes and looked into the face of his anxious wife. “Thank God!” he said, sitting up.

“These dreams you've been having . . . it's scary. What was it this time?”

“I can't remember,” he lied. Bathed with perspiration, he reached to the bedside table and turned the fan on high.

“That's better,” she said. “Are you all right?”

“Yes. Sorry I woke you.”

“Don't be. I remember the times I used to wake in the night with bad dreams and there was no one to turn to.”

She switched off her bedside lamp and rolled over to him and held his hand.

Soon she was sleeping again, but he was not.

This wasn't the first dream he'd had of Edith Mallory. He distinctly remembered the one in which he was locked with her in the parish hall coat closet, pounding on the door for help.

While he was in Ireland a couple of years ago, her husband, Pat, had died of a heart attack. When the rector returned home, she had tried every strategy imaginable to seduce and dominate him. Always seeking to entice, always looking at him in a way that made him want to run for the hills, once detaining him overnight at Clear Day, her house on the highest ridge above Mitford.

He recalled the visit to Children's Hospital, where she gave $15,000 as imperiously as if it were a quarter million, and afterward being trapped in the backseat of her car while she stroked his leg. He had demanded that Ed Coffey, her chauffeur, stop the car, and had jumped from the Lincoln while it was still rolling.

After the miserable wrestling match over the Grill, which she had thumpingly lost, she had gone to Spain and, as far as he knew, hadn't returned—nor had she sent her annual contribution to Lord's Chapel. Fine. So be it. It was money he didn't want, though the finance chairman was certainly anxious about it.

He'd been able to put her out of his mind until someone at the Grill had brought up her name.

Suddenly he was feeling the old contamination he'd felt for years as her eyes roved over him in the pulpit . . . .


He rolled on his side and tried to imagine the breeze from the fan was an island trade wind somewhere in the Indian Ocean.

“My wife's house is nonsmoking. Will that be a problem?” Buck Leeper was known for sucking down two packs of unfiltered Lucky Strikes a day.

“No problem. I've cut back, anyhow.”

They walked into Cynthia's kitchen, where a faint breeze stirred through the open windows.

“The house is small, but—”

“There's something I've been wanting to tell you,” said the superintendent.

There was a brief silence while Buck looked at his work boots, then directly at Father Tim.

“I appreciate what you did for me.”

The rector nodded, silent.

“I could have killed you, slingin' th' furniture around like that.”

He remembered Buck's drunken violence at Tanner Cottage during the construction of Hope House. Unable to flee, he had sat, praying, as Buck's torrential anger poured forth for hours.

“Sorry,” Buck said, hoarse with feeling.

“Don't even think about it.” He hadn't expected an apology for that long-ago night, but it felt better to have it, somehow. He knew instinctively that Buck didn't want to say anything more.

“Well . . . you can see how cramped the house is. Built for one, really.”

“What are you lookin' to do?”

“We'd like to knock out this rear wall and add a large studio with a bank of windows, maybe French doors leading to a patio, perhaps connecting with a two-car garage and extra storage. I know you can help us figure it out.

“Also, we thought it would be good to have a fireplace at that end, possibly of native stone, with bookshelves on either side. Oh, and hardwood floors, of course, with another bathroom adjoining the studio. The only bathroom is upstairs, which reminds me . . .”

This was exciting. His blood was up for it.

“ . . . we're thinking of widening the stairway, if possible, and building storage closets on the landing, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Since we're in the kitchen, what would you think about a cooking island, and bay windows looking out to the hedge?”

Buck took the toothpick from his mouth and stared around the small room. “You want to live in it a year from now?”


“You'll have to haul ass,” he said.

Mack Struope
Already Working For
Improved Economy

“I'm not going to wait til I'm elected to work hard for Mitford,” says mahoral candidate MackStrouope at his downtown campaign headquarters. “I'm already working hard to bring in new growth and development.

“For example, I recommended the fine property of Sweet Stuff Bakery to one real estate company, and was able to get another realtor to look at Fernbank. When the Fernbank deal goes through, it will put big dollars in everybody's pockets.

“I'm not one to say if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I say let's make a good thing better.”

Strouple is running against mayoral incumbent, Esther Cunninghanm, who has seen eight terms in local office, with three of those terms unopposed.

Stroupe's free Saturday barbecues will be held until election week at his campaign headquarters on Main Street.

ThisSaturdzy will feature the live country music of everybody's favorit, the Wesley Washtub Band. All are invited.

He hadn't missed Mack's terminology, “when the Fernbank deal goes through . . .”

Part of Miss Sadie's letter had been running through his mind like a chanted refrain.

“I leave Fernbank to supply any requirements of Hope House,” she had written. “Do with it what you will, but please treat it kindly.”

Treat it kindly.

Was selling it for half its worth treating it kindly? All her adult life, Sadie Baxter had done without, so that her mother's and father's money could be invested wisely. Hadn't her penury and smart management provided a five-million-dollar budget for Hope House, and a home for forty people who needed one?

Who was he to swallow down an arrogant offer that robbed the coffers of a deserving institution?

But then, what was the alternative?

Back and forth, back and forth—always the same questions, and never any answers. At least, not as far as he was concerned.

He couldn't deal with this any longer.

He got up from the sofa and knelt by his desk in the quiet study.

“Lord, Miss Sadie's house belongs to You, she told me that several times. You know I've got a real problem here.”

He paused. “Actually, You've got it, because I'm giving it to You right now, free and clear. I'll do my part, just show me what it is. In Jesus' name, amen.”

“Poached, whole wheat, no grits,” he told Velma, as he walked to the rear booth and slid in.

“J.C., I've got a story idea for you.”

“Don't give me any small-town, feel-good stuff,” snapped the editor. “I've had enough of that to choke a horse.”

“I hear political candidates have to fill out a form that discloses the amount of a campaign contribution and who made it. I'm also told that anyone, including media, can ask to see that form.”

He could tell J.C. was getting the message, and didn't particularly like it, either. “So why don't you get Mack to show it to you?” asked the editor.

“So why don't you?” asked the rector.


It was Lottie Greer. Years of experience told him all he needed to know.

“I'm on my way,” he said.

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