Out Of The Night (25 page)

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Authors: Geri Foster

BOOK: Out Of The Night
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The madman
stood behind her, holding a gun against her head. “I’ll kill her unless you return Mitchell.”

“Tony,” Abby muttered, before her head fell forward, her long blond
e hair drenched in blood.

Tony counted three men
, including el Jibar.

“If you think I will not kill her
, you are sadly mistaken. I
to kill the bitch.” El Jibar gritted his teeth and snarled. “But I want Joe Mitchell more.”

“You can’t have him. He’s already on his way back to the States. Also, all that money you were expecting from Green Gulf Construction has fallen apart. Your partner isn’t getting a dime of American money.”
Tony watched as el Jibar paled and his face grew tight and distorted.

“No!” he screamed. “That is a lie.”
Face now red with rage, he pressed the gun against Abby’s head, and Tony fought to keep from panicking.

“No lie. You’re done.”

“I will at least get the satisfaction of killing the woman.”

Tony’s weapon remained outstretched in his hand
, but he had two guns pointed at him and one pointed at Abby. His finger on the trigger, he steadied his wrist and took aim. Just as he went to fire, Abby pushed with her feet and toppled the chair, knocking el Jibar backward.

Tony fired off two rounds and got both men in the chest before he turned his weapon on el Jibar. He was on his back, the chair across his legs, but his gun
still aimed at Abby. “I can kill her.”

Abby bucked and kicked her feet, knocking el Jibar’s hand aside.

Tony took the shot and got the terrorist in the middle of his forehead. He rushed to Abby and untied her. When he brushed her hair aside, he couldn’t believe her face. She’d been beaten so severely he wasn’t sure she’d survive. Blood covered her face and chest, and he saw a gash on her side as he gently picked her up and carried her outside.

, he placed her in the back of the Mercedes and drove toward Saul Bin Meir’s house. When he arrived, Saul met him at the door and the two men embraced. “I need some serious medical help. I have a beaten woman in the backseat.”

Saul took his arm and they went to the car. “I know a doctor. Perhaps he can save her. I don’t know.”

“Let’s go.”

Saul got in the car and gave directions to a small clinic where a doctor g
reeted them at the door. “I am closed.”

Saul pushed inside. “Now you are open. We need your help.”

Carefully, they carried Abby into the hospital. She moaned a few times, but other than that she remained silent as blood poured from her body.

The doctor carefully undressed her and looked for serious injuries. “There is much blood loss, but mostly she is badly bruised and is in a lot of pain. I also think her nose is broken,”
he said. His intelligent eyes flashed with sympathy. “My advice is to get her to a hospital as soon as possible. I will give her something for the pain.”

Tony looked at Saul. “I don’t care how you do it, but I need a Medivac copter in here now.”

“I’m on it.” Saul took a cell phone from his pocket and spoke Hebrew.

The doctor covered Abby with a sheet. He’d cleaned her face and stopped the bleeding, but there was nothing he could do about the swelling. When the doctor had done all he could, Tony sat on the edge of the bed beside Abby and stroked her damp hair. “You wouldn’t know by looking at her now, Saul, but she’s beautiful.”

“I know. You showed me her picture in Morocco. Don’t you remember?”

And suddenly he did. Memories flooded hi
s mind like an avalanche. For a moment, his brain felt like it might explode. He embraced his friend Saul and thought of all the missions they’d pulled off together. “What are you doing in Damascus? You’re a Jew.”

Saul folded his arms and frowned. “I know what I am. I
’m here for my government. We’ve been tracking a terrorist named el Jibar.”

That’s a joke, right?” Tony grinned at the irony. “I just killed the bastard.”

Saul threw up his hands, hugged him, and laughed. “You did?” He held Tony by the shoulders. “We have been keeping a leash on him for months and here you go and kill him.”

Tony nodded.

“He did this to your fiancé

“Yes, but she isn’t my fiancée anymore.” The words sounded strange coming out of his mouth.

He and Abby were going to get married. Her betrayal soared like a well-aimed arrow into his chest.

’d been at his house one night when Abby overheard a conversation between him and Frank. She must’ve written it down because two days later their raid was published in the newspaper. Consequently, a confidential informant had been gunned down. All so she could get a story.

’d denied it, and he’d wanted to believe her, but only the three of them knew about the sting. She’d lied through her pretty, white teeth.

Tony looked at her and wondered where all the love he’d had moments before
went. Even now, he knew her betrayal had ended their relationship. She’d known all along and never bothered to tell him.

Tony carried Abby outside wrapped in the blood soaked sheets

“Hold tight.” Saul searched the skies overhead. “We’ve been in tougher shit than this, Tony. I’ll get you out if I have to declare war.”

As he turned to Saul, the whishing sound of an approaching helicopter filled the air.

People poured from their homes, screaming and shouting. Several shots were fired.

Saul patted him on the shoulder. “Go home, my friend, for I shall tomorrow. My job is done thanks to you.”

A corpsman jumped from the door of the helicopter and helped Tony get Abby in the helo.

“Let’s get the hell out of here before we cause an international incident,” the pilot shouted.

“Archuletta,” a voice in the distance called.

Tony slapped the side of the copter. “Go.”

With dirt swirling around him, Tony saw Viktor ten feet away. Another man stood next to him that Tony didn’t know.

“Is that the fucking Russian who tried to kidnap you last year?” Saul asked.

“Yeah, that’s the bastard.”

Viktor had a gun pointed at Tony. “I want the truth from you. I want to know who gave you all the information you had to get me discharged from the SVR?”

The copter had left with Abby on board. She’d be safe now, but he wondered how much longer he could avoid Viktor. “Why is it so important now, after all these years?”

“I want to kill the fucker. I want him dead.”

Tony stepped closer
; Saul moved up next to him. “The man who gave me the information was Nicholas Belskavia.”

Shock f
lashed across Viktor’s face. “Nicholas? He was the one?”

Tony grinned. “It was him. You see how easily you were fooled
, Viktor? See how stupid you were to overlook such a powerful man? While you went around boosting your position, Nicholas was quietly cutting you off at the knees.”

“No!” Viktor shouted
. “I don’t believe you.”

“It’s true. Every single word.” Tony moved closer. “And even with all those drugs you gave me, I knew that name all along. You see, I’m not a man who gives up his sources.”

With the reflexes of a snake, Tony reached out and grabbed the gun in Viktor’s hand and spun him around. At the same time, Saul threw a knife and hit the other man in the heart.

Tony wrapped his arm around Viktor’s throat and squeezed as hard as he could. The gun dropped from his hand and Viktor went limp, but Tony continued until he was certain Viktor would never hunt him down again. Only then
did Tony release Viktor and step back.

Saul, put his hand on his shoulder. “Let me get you back to America where you belong, my friend.”







Anita showed Vince out, and as she closed the door, she leaned against the hard wood, knowing what had to be done. Joe had come home alive. He’s condition had been serious, but he’d healed enough to be released from the hospital and for her to take over his care.

The worse had been getting his blood pressure in check and treating his burnt feet. While he’d suffered unbearable pain, she’d remained by his side the whole while, praying and crying for his recovery. Their two sons had rushed home. Both had left yesterday to resume their studies.

Vince, Bea and several people from Joe’s office had visited, as well as Frank and Tony. Now, only she and Joe occupied the house. Anita knew she’d stalled long enough. It was time for her to come clean and tell Joe all the embarrassing facts that led to his capture.

She walked up the stairs
, knowing she could very well come back down for the last time. Yet, that’s the chance she was willing to take. Joe deserved to know, and her conscience couldn’t stay quiet any longer.

Shoving open the door to their bedroom, she noticed Joe’s eyes were open
, and he’d propped himself up on a pile of pillows. “How are you?”

He held out his hand. “Better. Much better.”

She couldn’t move. Her feet refused to carry her across the room to her husband. “I have to tell you something, Joe. When I finish, I know our relationship will be changed forever, but I can’t live a lie.”

He cocked his head. “You look so serious, Anita.” Patting the side of the bed, he smiled. “Come here. There’s nothing we can’t overcome.”

Tears soaked her eyes, and she brushed them away. “I had a one night stand with Brad Hall. I think he thought we could be a couple if he got you out of the way. That’s probably the reason you were kidnapped.”

His eyes stared at the covers. “I don’t and won’t hold you responsible for this, Anita.”

“But you should.”

“No. What would have prevented all this is if I had gone to Vince with my suspicions about Senator Parker and Green Gulf Construction in the beginning.” His head came up
, and his eyes captured hers. “I always thought I had plenty of time. I didn’t. We don’t.”

“Brad Hall?”

“Is a son-of-a-bitch. I told Vince just now that I’m retiring. I think it’s time you and I took that trip to the Florida Keys we’ve always talked about.”

“Joe, I had an affair.”

His intense gaze held her hostage. “Had is the operative word, Anita. As in the past.”

She went to him and sat on the edge of the bed. “Can you forgive me?”

“If you can forgive me. I never realized how important it was to be home with my family. You see
. We were both wrong.” He tilted her chin. “Can you forgive me?”

She leaned down and captured his lips. For the first time in
years, she felt like a wife.


Dallas, Texas

Abby woke up in Parkland hospital after being out of her mind on pain meds. Vaguely
, she remembered being in a German hospital, but she couldn’t completely remember when. The thing she did remember was that Tony wasn’t with her.

She’d feared he’d been wounded as well until they
’d handed her a plastic bag with her cell phone and a note inside.

The note came direct
ly to the point and hurt as badly as every punch el Jibar had given her. She’d cried until there were no more tears, yet she couldn’t bring herself to throw it away.

, she unfolded the note and looked at Tony’s perfect sprawl.

I remember everything.

Guilt scalded her cheeks when she thought how she’d deceived him when he had no memory—using him to create more memories and happiness, knowing all the while, at any moment, he would realize he didn’t love her anymore and never would.

The nurse came into the room,
which was covered with flowers and get-well cards. Falcon had been very generous in their appreciation of all she’d done. Also, her co-workers had visited and helped her pass the time. None could believe what she’d been through.

“It’s check-out time.”

When Abby’s sister had visited last night, she’d brought a change of clothes from Abby’s house to wear home from the hospital.

“Is my sister here?”
Abby stood, picking up her purse. She found the courage to wad up the note and toss it in the trash, where all past mistakes belonged.

Tony came in
to the room dressed in a sharp black suit, with an open-collared light blue shirt. She looked down at his Italian loafers and bit back a smile.

Their meeting here today couldn’t have come at a worse time. This morning she felt too vulnerable and weak from her ordeal to go over past mistakes. Why hadn’t he waited
until her face didn’t look like a purple and blue rainbow? The mirror never lied.

“Are you ready to go home?” he asked.

Abby’s brows dropped, and she took a step back. “My sister is taking me home.”

He pointed toward the hall. “I saw her downstairs and told her I’d see you got home.”

Did he feel guilty for all the pain she’d suffered? The last thing she wanted from him was sympathy. “You don’t have to bother. I’m fine.”

“I know you are, but I think it’s best if you stayed at my house for a few weeks.” He nodded toward her bed. “You’ll need lots of rest
, and I can take care of you.”

Abby shook her head. “Tony, I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but it’s not funny.” She grabbed the bed rails. “I can’t go to your house.”

“Then we can go to yours. We’ll stop by my place, and I’ll grab a few changes of clothes and—”

“Stop it.” She closed her eyes and prayed for strength. “We’re not a couple and I won’t have you feeling
like you need to care for me.” She balled her fists and glared at him. “I can take care of myself, Tony. And don’t you dare feel sorry for what happened to me. You hear?”

cleared his throat and said, “I think the whole hospital can hear you very clearly, Abby. And I’m not taking care of you for any other reason than I love you with all my heart.” He dropped to one knee and pulled out her engagement ring. “I’d planned to do this tonight over a nice meal and an expensive bottle of wine. But I guess this will have to do.”

…what are you doing? Stand up.”

He smiled. “Will you marry me, Abby Williams?”

Abby’s knees collapsed and they both knelt. Tears soaked her eyes. She clutched his outstretched hand. “Tony, I don’t understand.”

“I know we had a major argument. If you say you didn’t write the article, I believe you, Abby. I believe you’d never betray me or anyone else you love.”

“I wrote that article, Tony,” she confessed. “I swear to you I couldn’t turn it in, but I wrote it. Then I thought how much that could endanger your life.” She looked away. “But I had to do it. I had to write it out of my system. I’d never needed something so badly in my whole life. That man murdered my best friend. I wanted the whole world to know him for the monster he was.” She wiped away tears. “I realized I loved you more than I wanted revenge.”

“Good because you’re killing me right now. Are you going to accept my proposal or do I have to take you home and hold you hostage until you change your mind?”

She took the ring and slipped it on her finger. Holding up her hand to admire the diamond, Abby laughed and cried at the same time. “I love you and I will marry you, Tony Archuletta.”

He rose, bringing h
er with him. “Are you ready for the future, Abby?”

“We’ve been through the worst night of our life
; the future holds all the promise I ever dreamed of.”

He took her hand and they headed for the elevator. When they reached the bottom floor, Tony’s phone rang. He answered and stopped to stare at her. “You’re kidding, right?”

He slipped his phone in his breast pocket. “Abby, I owe you an apology.”


“That was Frank. It appears a reporter by the name of Jason Lamb called and told Frank to pass a message to me.”

“I know Jason.”

“He confessed to submitting the article to your former editor.”

“The one that caused us to split?”

“The very one. It appears he’s trying to clear his conscience.”

“I wonder what brought that on.” She glanced at
Tony unable to believe her luck.

“I don’t care. You’re my girl
. You’re everything I’ll ever want or need.”

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