Out of The Box Regifted (34 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Theriot

BOOK: Out of The Box Regifted
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Alan is arranging his silverware anxiously, as he looks up, “So Ash, it’s great to see you again. You’re looking well. And Olivia, you look lovely as ever. I don’t remember when I’ve seen you look so beautiful, except when you were pregnant.” He closes his eyes then opens them, “You were so damn beautiful when you were pregnant. I can’t believe we’re going to be grandparents, can you?”

This small talk is getting old. Fast. Ash to the rescue please?

Ash commandeers the conversation, by putting on his glasses and looking at the menu. “Alan, why don’t we order drinks and an appetizer, and then we’ll get down to business? My condolences to you, I’m sorry about your fiancée and the baby. Liv said you had some pretty bad injuries.”

Alan lifts his right elbow on the table with his left hand, looking self-conscious, “I did and I’m still having a hard time physically. I’ve got muscle damage in my right arm.” He nods and looks at his arm on the table. “And I’ve got this goddamn cane I have to use to walk.” He takes a sip of his water and clears his throat. “One of the reasons I called Liv the other night was to tell her how sorry I am about what happened. My therapist said I have to face my demons and make amends.” He leans back and closes his eyes before looking at me, then at Ash. “I’m not going to lie to you Ash, I still love her and I always will. I made a huge mistake and I’m going to have to pay the price and own up to it.” I start to speak and Alan holds his hand up. With a defeated look, he continues, “I know that you two are engaged, and I don’t think I’ve seen Liv look happier, but the fact remains that I do still love her.”

The waiter finally arrives with our drinks, thank God. I’m going to need at least three glasses of wine to get me through this uncomfortable ordeal, and I’m questioning now why I even agreed to it.

Ash looks confident, as he folds his elbows on the table and leans forward. He inhales, looks down, and then at Alan. “Alan, I certainly see why you still love her. She’s beautiful inside and out and I’m lucky to have her. The fact remains though, that you did give her up.” He smirks and sits back in his chair, looking over at me and smiles. “We were actually kind of thrown together, and I guess I should thank you for that.” Alan holds his head in his hand, looking off to the side and nods as Ash resumes. “So here’s the deal Alan, and Liv, feel free to step in and say what you’re feeling as well. You two will have to maintain a cordial relationship for the benefit of your grandchild. Alan, I don’t know what your relationship with your kids is like, but if I were you, I’d start with them and try my damndest to fix things.” He takes my hand and kisses it softly, “Olivia’s taken care of, that I can assure you. And you’ve let her know how you feel. My opinion is just that, but you’d do well to start mending fences with your kids.”

Ash and Alan both look to me. My leg is nervously shaking under the table and Ash reaches down and rubs it. He’s rubbing it softly and smiles approvingly at me. “Alan, what Ash says is true and I feel the same. You’ve got to make things right with the kids. They were devastated by our split; the boys especially. They’re bitter and the longer you let this fester, the harder it will get down the road.” I take a sip of wine and run my finger around the rim of the glass. “The boys will marry one day and have kids of their own. There’s gonna be weddings, birthdays, holidays and other special occasions that you’ll want to be a part of.” I look at my left hand, “Ash and I are getting married and I don’t want you causing trouble. I won’t have you calling me telling me you still love me and want me back.” I look him in the eye. “It’s got to stop Alan. I don’t mean to be hurtful. But I’m telling you to move on with your life.”

We finish eating and the conversation lags, so Ash pulls out my chair and stands, extending his hand to Alan as a conciliatory gesture, “It’s getting late, so I think we’ll head out. We wanted to air a few things and I feel we accomplished that tonight, don’t you?”

Alan puts his good hand on the table and looks dejected. “Fair enough Ash. Can I at least hug my ex-wife good bye?”

Caught off guard by his question Ash looks to me and then back at Alan, as he smiles. “Alan, you’ll have to ask her that.”

At this very moment I know the answer. It’s not hard at all. They’re both looking at me wondering what I’m about to say. Looking confident, Alan holds his hand out and looks at me waiting for that hug. I look back at Ash, smile and extend my hand to Alan. “Alan, I do wish you the best. You’ll do just fine.” Ash puts his hand in the small of my back as we make our way out of the restaurant. When the car is brought around, he opens my door and before I get in, he puts his hands on my shoulders and kisses me passionately. “Liv, thank you. Thank you for doing the right thing. Never ever doubt my love for you. Promise me?”


The next morning over coffee, Ash tells me that he is going to take me to see his plane. “It’s time for me to introduce you to the other lady in my life. She’s a beauty, Liv.” He takes a sip of coffee, looks over his glasses, and puts the newspaper to the side. “I was thinking we would drive out to the hangar, see the plane and spend the day together.” He has an excited look on his face.

He tells me that his plane is a Gulfstream IV and seats eight and, was purchased by his company when his partner was alive.

He smiles, as he fondly reminisces, “Elliot was like a father to me. We went into business together just after my dad died and Elliot took me in.” He takes my hand and leads me into his office. He stands at his book shelf, admiring the photos. “He was the very best in his field and we started Paradigm Consulting together.” He picks up a crystal etched award bearing the Paradigm logo. “He had the money and we built the business together from the ground up.” Replacing the crystal piece, he takes a photo from the shelf and shows me. “This is Elliot just after his wife died.” I look at the picture of this handsome man, who has a Sean Connery debonair look, with his arm around Ash. They’re both smiling and I feel the closeness between them. He takes the photo and carefully returns it to its spot. “Sadly, they didn’t have any children. We had this incredible bond. He was my business partner, but he was also like a father to me and I loved him dearly.” He runs his fingers through his hair and has a sad look on his face. “When he died, he left everything to me; the plane was paid for and he made sure there was no debt on the business.”

He says nothing for a few minutes, as if he’s lost in thought, and then puts his arm around me, as we leave the office. “He bought the plane and we used it extensively for business.” He laughs, “I can’t wait for you to see her. God I’ve missed flying, Liv. Flying was my life for so long. I’m gonna get back into it and I want to take you with me.”

“Let’s go get dressed. Wear a dress, if you don’t mind. Nothing fancy, just a casual dress.” I smile and give him a playful salute, as I go into the bedroom. With a devilish look in his eye, he smiles and winks. “Oh, and no panties please.”

I look at him flirtatiously and cock my head, “A dress? No panties? Why?”

He ruffles my hair, “You’ll just have to trust me on this.”

Once at the hangar, we’re met by Chuck, one of the technicians, as Ash takes my hand and leads me to see his beautiful shiny plane. I’ve never been on a private plane before, and I’m giddy with excitement.

“Afternoon Mr. Harper. Good to see you again. It’s been a while.” Chuck wipes his hands on a rag he’s pulled out of his pocket and smiles, “And this is?” He extends his hand in a welcoming way.

“Chuck, this is Olivia, my fiancée. I want her to see my baby.”

“Well, she is a beauty Miss Olivia. Ever flown on one of these?”

I giggle like a teenager, “Never Chuck. I’m excited though.”

He pats Ash on the shoulder, “Well, Mr. Harper, I’ll leave you two alone. I’m around if you need me. Nice to meet you Miss Olivia.”

Once inside, I don’t know what to say. It’s gorgeous. The seats are plush brown leather, with complimenting carpet. There are flat screen televisions on each of the tables. Ash takes me into the cockpit and shows me all the instruments.

I put my hands on my hips amazed. “So you actually fly this?”

He laughs loudly, “Of course I do. I’m a pilot honey.”

He leads me to the back of the plane and sits in one of the plush brown leather seats, pulling me onto his lap. He looks into my eyes and seductively bites his lip, as if we’re about to embark on a forbidden pleasure. He begins to kiss me softly and I’m caught up in the moment. I trace his lip with my finger and he playfully bites, then sucks it. I pull up my dress to straddle him. He softly growls, as he pulls my face to his, “Umm. This is getting better by the minute.” He reaches under my dress and rubs his hand over my spot and I flinch in pleasure.

He grins and nips at my ear, “Just checking.”

“And?” I teasingly ask.

He taps his finger on my nose, “And I love that you’re bare under there. Just what I wanted. I wasn’t sure you’d actually do it.” He winks and pats my behind.

I can tell he’s aroused and tenting, as I nimbly unzip his jeans. I put my hand inside and feel the soft hair leading down his happy trail, and feel nothing but bare skin. My hand moves to feel his full erection. As I slide his pants down, he eagerly helps me and I watch with desire, as he springs free. I playfully cock my head and open my mouth, pleasantly surprised, “Why Ash Harper, are you commando?”

He laughs and looks down at himself, “You know it. Whatcha ya gonna do about it?” He asks, as his brow arches.

I realize what’s about to happen and I’m hesitant. “What about the staff? They won’t come in here?” I look him in the eye and give him a silly scared look, “I don’t know about this, Ash. What if we get caught?”

He slowly shakes his head in my face and holds up a finger. “No worries. We’re solo Liv.” He grinds his hips into me and gives me a daring look, “Why don’t you just hop on, take it for a ride? I’ve been fantasizing about this for a long time. You have no idea what a turn on this is.”

With his pants around his knees and me on top of him, I take him in my hand and he closes his eyes, takes a deep breath through his nose and throws his head back. “God woman, do you even have a clue what you do to me?” He opens his eyes and looks at me. “Of course you do. I tell you all the time. Let me just get inside you, but I’ve got to tell you, that this isn’t going to be one of my better performances because I’m dangerously close to coming.” He moves my hand and with his own, guides his length into me. Wet with desire, I begin to move. This feels incredible. He thrusts into me, and I ride him slowly in circular motions, as his breath hitches. My hands rest on the wall above the seat, as he grips my backside and moves me to his own rhythm. I’m rocking back and forth and the sensation of him being in me, rubbing my spot, is sending me over the edge. “Gaw!” I cry out, as I release. I’m throbbing and I throw my head back, as he pounds up into me. I can tell he’s close, as he looks at me and grabs my hands, locking our fingers tightly together. He moans, as he reaches his climax, filling me. It was short, but so damn erotic. Yet another first for me and I’m beginning to really like these firsts.

I remain on top of him and he’s staring into my eyes. “God I could stay inside you forever.”

I hear Chuck in the front of the cabin, and I freeze as he calls out, “Mr. Harper, you still here?”

Ash, still inside me, snickers as he whispers in my ear, “Uh oh, busted.” He clears his throat and then calls out, “Give us a minute Chuck, would you?”

“Oh, sorry Mr. Harper. Didn’t mean to disturb you.”

I quickly climb off of Ash and feel embarrassed, as my face gets flush. I giggle, as I put my head in my hands. “Oh my God. That didn’t just happen, did it?”

He playfully takes my hand and grins, “Yeah, it kinda did. No worries though, he didn’t see anything.”

Ash this is totally embarrassing! He knows exactly what we were doing. You realize that, don’t you?”

He opens his eyes really big and gives me a silly face, “What - that we were doing ‘the nasty’? I don’t know about you, but I could do a repeat. Maybe not today, but I’d love to revisit this sometime soon. This is definitely on my to-do again list.”

We talk about our upcoming L.A. trip and Ash tells me that he’s got a flight attendant booked for our flight, and his friend Gates will be the co-pilot. Ash has gotten us all rooms at the swanky hotel where the band is staying. Emily and Kyra are giddy about the trip. They, like me, have never been on a private plane and I have a feeling they are going to be in hog heaven when they see Ash’s plane.

I’ve gotten several texts from Todd making sure we’re still coming. I know something’s still bothering him, and I can’t wait to talk to him and hear what this big mystery is.

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