Out of the Blues (11 page)

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Authors: Mercy Celeste

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Gay Romance, #Sports, #Genre Fiction, #Lgbt, #Gay Fiction

BOOK: Out of the Blues
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“Harper’s the only one with any discernible balls in this spitting match, and she isn’t even here,” Kilby interjected into our standoff. He grabbed his brother by the back of his neck with one hand, and me with the other. And his touch did things to my balls that I had no idea how to explain so I just let him guide me to the car and then I drove Hunter to the jewelry store and tried not to smirk too much when Harper eviscerated him. Made my blood proudful, and shit, until I realized that Kilby was probably right, Harper really did have bigger balls than me.

Chapter Fifteen



Kilby takes a backseat.

“So,” Mason said as we watched my brother get read the riot act by his sister. It was painful, and hilarious at the same time. “You think they’re going to last a year?” I could hear amusement in his voice.

“Five tops, unless she kills him,” I said when Harper reached up and stroked Hunter’s face, all forgiven; then she glanced back at the car and flipped Mason a middle finger. “She’s got him wrapped so tight around her little pinky and Hunter doesn’t even know it.”

“Oh, he knows it,” Mason said with a sigh, he didn’t return fire. Instead he backed out of the parking lot and sat idling at the red light. “They’ll be together forever or like you said, kill each other. I haven’t decided.”

I leaned back in my seat and shifted more to the right so I could see him better. “I’d lay odds on Harper. Hunter never was much of a fighter.”

He laughed, “I like Hunter. He’s…not like I expected.” Mason stopped laughing, the humor gone now. “I mean, he’s not this prince charming of a guy to her princess. I like that she found someone who keeps her real.”

I wanted to point out that he was more of a princess than his sister, but he probably wouldn’t appreciate that. “Hunter is a good kid. Always was. His mom died giving birth to him. His dad did his best, but he worked all the time. Hunter was always at my house, even before my dad…” I had a flash of memory of the day when I was about eight and my dad pushed my mom down the back stairs. “Hunter’s dad was the reason my dad didn’t kill my mother. He was a drunk and all around asshole.” I couldn’t stop thinking about that time now that it was in my head. “I’m sorry, shouldn’t say shit like that.”

Mason drove quietly for a while. I had no idea where we were. The town looked different in the daylight. “Arden had a dude who liked to knock her around. He liked to knock Harper around too. That’s how she met Cody. Cody just kind of came into our lives because of that guy and stayed.”

“Yeah,” I said, because that’s what happened. Hunter’s dad had come into our lives and stayed. “My dad is still alive somewhere. I haven’t seen him in years. He came around when I was fifteen. He tried to take my mom’s farm away from her. It was her family’s you know. The judge ruled against him. Anyway, he came back when I was fifteen. He said he wanted to be in my life, that he’d changed. He found out I was gay and Hunter was there when he…” I wiped at my eye. “Hunter’s a good man. He’s never going to hurt Harper. I swear that on my mother’s grave.”

I could see him watching me from the mirror. “He hit you? Your father, I mean?”

“Yeah.” I could still feel the shame of it. My family had accepted me and that man who didn’t give a shit about me tried to teach me a lesson. “Hunter stopped him from beating the shit out of me. He was ten, I was fifteen and I couldn’t keep my fucking father from…” I couldn’t say the words, not after last night when I practically begged the man sitting in the front seat to hurt me yet here I was whining about an ass kicking I probably deserved.

“Nobody deserves that shit. Especially not from the ones who are supposed to love and protect them,” he said and pulled onto a tree-shaded road, the fall colors here were incredible.

“Where are we?” I asked, sitting up to look around at the passing landscaping. There were no houses out here. I didn’t remember leaving town.

“The public entrance to the boat landing. We used to drive up here all the time and park. Of course, that was at night. Keep driving along this road and you’ll come to the back of the hotel near the boat house.” Mason drove slowly along the road. Small glimpses of water were visible through the trees for a couple of miles. When the lake came into full view, he pulled into a parking space a couple hundred yards from a boat ramp. Being the middle of a Thursday in November, there was no one out here but us.

“So, this is where the kids went to make out?” I had to grin at that. Mason’s face went red and I had to bite my tongue to keep from asking if he had ulterior motives.

“I can’t remember ever making out up here, but we did get into other kinds of shit.” He cut the engine and let the windows down. “I’ve given you the five cent tour and there’s nothing else to do, but go up to the hotel and listen to Aunt Ethel talk about…” he stopped and leaned the seat back a click. “I have no idea what that woman talks about. She scares me.”

“She’s a hoot, that is for sure,” I agreed stretching out on the seat. The sun was still warm on my face, the breeze carried a hint of an early winter. “So we’re just going to sit out here and look at the lake?”

“I can drive you up to the hotel if you want. There’s a hiking path in there somewhere. I think Harper told me they had a boat in the boat house if you want to take it out. I am out of ideas that don’t include taking a nap somewhere.”

Most days I was up with the sun, and down long after sunset. I didn’t do naps. Of course, the prospect of a nap meant with Mason Foxworth in a queen size bed and my dick was thinking that naps weren’t really a bad idea. “Or we could make out.”

I am not sure what demon was in control of my mouth when I said that. After last night, I had no idea what to think about Mason. He’d fucked me until I couldn’t move. He was good at sex. I wanted more. More sex, more Mason, just more.

“I wasn’t drunk last night,” he said without looking at me.

“I didn’t think you were.”

He nodded, still looking out the window at the lake.

“I’d had one beer that had no alcohol in it.”

“Seems about right.”

“I fucked you.”

“You did.”

“I…” he stopped speaking and turned in the seat to face me. He looked afraid, confused and unsure of what to say next. “Did you…I mean…was it…” he couldn’t say what he wanted.

“It was good, Mason,” I said leaning forward between the seats.

“Okay.” He seemed relieved. “At least I didn’t embarrass myself.”

“Were you worried about that?” I had no idea what sort of sexual confusion Mason Foxworth had eating him. I was beginning to wonder if it was actually a closet he was in, or… “You’re confusing me here.”

“I’m confusing you?” He snorted and leaned back against the car door, he stretched one leg across the console to rest on the passenger seat. “I get wood whenever you’re around and

My turn to blush. He was hard and probably really did bring me up here to try to figure out what the hell was going on in his pants.

“Show me.” Oh, fuck yeah, if he wanted to experiment, I was definitely on board with that.

He didn’t make a move to do as I asked. He bit his bottom lip and looked around the deserted lake. “I can’t go back to the hotel with you because I am afraid we’ll end up like last night, naked and sweating on the floor.”

I got it. “There’s too many relatives around that might think we’re actually sleeping together, is that it?”

“Ethel thinks we’re a cute couple as it is.”

“And you’re not gay.”

He shook his head and averted his eyes.

I gave up. Seriously. Straight men, confused men…I was fucking tired of dealing with men who couldn’t fucking admit that they…I didn’t finish that thought. Mason pulled his shirt up to his waist and slowly freed his dick. He was hard, very hard. And now I was in the exact same shape, hard as fuck with my dick confined behind two layers of clothing when all I wanted was to be up there riding his fat dick.

“Fuck, I want you so fucking much,” I said, practically panting I needed him so badly. “Don’t fucking play with me, Mason,” I warned him because I was tired of wondering what his deal was.

He reached out and wrapped one of his long hands around the back of my head. “Kilby,” he whispered my name and I shivered. “Will you,” he bit his bottom lip again, worrying it between his teeth while he screwed up his courage to say, “suck my dick?”

* * * * *

And Mason goes public.

I had lost my goddamned mind, I had. I gripped the back of his head with one hand and my damned dick with the other, hoping somehow to bring one closer to the other.

He was a fucking Marine, one who intimidated the shit out of me when he wasn’t making me want to do things I’d never done with another human being in my life. Not that I’d done things with other living things. Pillows, or pocket pussies…or oh hell, he had that closed off look in his eyes that made me wonder if he was contemplating mass murder or…he licked his lips and my dick all but sang the Hallelujah Chorus.

“You have the most luscious mouth I have ever seen,” I said, meaning every word. Maybe that was it, maybe it was his damned mouth. He smiled and something tingled in my belly. “Seriously gorgeous lips.”

I was going to beg, soon and he didn’t seem to acknowledge that I was sitting here with a raging boner at all. He simply stared me down, and every ounce of courage I’d cobbled together just to get to this point tucked tail and started to look for a place to hide.

“You have to return the favor this time,” he said in that husky voice he got when he was turned on. “If you’re going to experiment you should…at least once.”

Sounded reasonable. I could suck a dick, maybe. I don’t know. I’d never wanted to. I mean, I like the taste of my own cum, but another dude’s? Not really something I’d ever considered. I nodded but hurried to add, “I am not ready to be…to take it…not sure I want to know that much.”

He nodded in return. “I prefer to bottom, Mason. I thought you understood that last night.” He reached out a hand; I didn’t flinch when he brushed my lips with his fingertip. God, that felt good. I tried not to shiver. I felt my lips part and I licked the tip of his finger as if…oh, fuck me, I wanted to taste him. Any part of him, I didn’t care. Just didn’t fucking care that he was a man, a big man. “We agreed last night. No strings. You can fuck me. We go home and that’s it. No one hurt. No one…” he stopped talking when I sucked his finger into my mouth. “That’s good, Mason.” He closed his eyes, his lashes were dark and spiky against his skin. He licked his lips again and I think I fucking moaned. He added a second finger to the one in my mouth, sliding them in and out.

I closed my eyes. I was going to fucking come from sucking on his fingers. I was… “Lift your foot out of the seat.” What? My mind screamed. His fingers slid from my mouth and I couldn’t form a coherent thought. I lifted my leg up just as he’d told me to do. He leaned over the other side of the passenger seat and pulled the lever to lay it forward against the dash. When it was over I had no place to put my leg so I reached down and slid my seat all the way back and draped my knee over the console onto the floor in back, right between his legs.

I was spread awkwardly with my dick out in the middle of the day where anyone could drive up and I didn’t care. I just wanted him to touch me.

“Let your seat down.” He moved into the far right side of the car and waited. I reached behind me and found the lever and dropped the seat. When it was down he moved onto his knees in the back seat and leaned over the console until he was hovering over me. “I’m going to kiss you.” He told me and I had enough time to nod that I’d understood before he did just that.

His lips were soft. Much softer than I’d imagined a man’s lips would be. He’d kissed me last night, I remembered, but that was different. That was fucking kisses. This was…nice. Almost sweet. Like I was…I sighed and parted my lips. He traced my lips with his tongue, flicking into my mouth lightly before delving in to search for mine.

I met him, sliding the tip of my tongue over his. The heat of his mouth made my stomach lurch. His soft sigh of pleasure as his lips sealed to mine made my toes curl.

Kissing. I kissed him, letting him make me forget he was…I couldn’t forget his name. Kilby sucked on my tongue and my body wanted out of my clothes and I wished I’d driven up to the house and we could be doing this in our bed and… “Oh, fuck,” I whispered when he touched me. He didn’t touch my dick, instead he cradled my face in his large hands and pressed me into the door. I leaned back against the glass and even further back over the door because I’d rolled the windows down. I could feel sunlight on my face. His mouth, his fingers, sunlight, a breeze. Felt so fucking good. I ran my hands up his arms, wishing he wasn’t wearing long sleeves. I wanted to touch his skin. I wanted him to touch mine.

“Make love to me,” I whispered, knowing it was stupid the moment the words were out of my mouth. Like some girl begging for some prince charming to claim her. He chuckled against my lips and his tongue slicked the roof of my mouth and I forgot about everything as the urge to fuck took over. Tender gave way to hot and I damn near bit his tongue off when he grabbed my dick.

“Thought you wanted me to suck this?” Fucker was messing with me. He seemed pleased with himself. I was sprawled in the front seat of my car with fuck me eyes just for him.

“Been waiting for you to stop playing around and get to it,” I shot back, but oh hell, I could kiss him some more.

He pulled hard on my dick, his wicked smile stretching across his luscious lips and I pulled him close to me and licked the fucking smile off him. He growled into my mouth and I swear I heard him say, “Fuck it”.

I felt his hands slip under me, I felt the door fall away, I felt the roof of the car brush the top of my head, I felt him drag me over the console and I felt my legs straddle his legs, but I didn’t lose the tongue I sucked on like it was candy.

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