Out of the Blue: Six Non-Medication Ways to Relieve Depression (Norton Professional Books) (26 page)

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music, finding connections through, 117, 132, 153

musicians, neurogenesis and, 183–84

name for depression, creating, 91, 92, 94

narrative therapy, 96

Narrative Therapy
(Freedman and Combs), 96

National Center for Health Statistics (CDC), 15

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 15


connection through, 130–31

healing time in, sample dialogue, 131

walking sessions in, 193

negative comments, over-noticing and over-remembering, 63

negative eventualities, conditional language and, 165

Nepo, M., 117

neuroatrophy, defined, 185

neuroatrophy/neurogenesis hypothesis, of depression, 177, 181–92


encouraging, activities related to, 183–84

stimulating, brain studies on, 188–89

neurotransmitters, antidepressants and, 185–86

nicotine addiction, SuperBetter game and, 215

Nietzsche, F., 135

non-depressed experiences and identity, finding and hanging on to, 232–33


discovering times of, 45

marbling depression with, 22, 23–27, 227

Noonday Demon, The
(Solomon), 133, 208

norepinephrine, 12, 185

novelty seeking, 201

Nuland, S., 199

Nuon, P., 223, 224, 225, 226

nutrition, 56, 102

gamifying eating patterns, 74

preventing or relieving depression and, 216–17

obesity, SuperBetter game and, 215

Omega-3 fatty acids, depression and lower levels of, 216

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
(film), 198

127 Hours
(film), 133

online communities, depression prevention and, 222


apposition of, 41–42

inclusion of, 39–41, 47

practicing inclusion of, 43

optimists, life challenges and pessimists

Ortega y Gasset, J., 226

overexercising, cautionary note on, 192–93

oxymorons, inclusion and use of, 41–42

pain, chronic, SuperBetter game and, 215

Palmer, P., 119, 120

Pargament, K., 209

Parkinson’s disease, deep brain stimulation and, 220

partial reflections, moving from global reflections to, 31–32, 34


around experiences of depression, 54–57

of hunger, paying mindful attention to, 82–84

mindfulness and, 89

in The Viewing of depression, 64

perceptions, validating, but not unchanging truth or reality, 32–33


to and not to, 36, 47

sample dialogue, 39

suicide contract and, 37–38

personal connections

to the body and the senses, 119–21

to Core Self, 115–19

pessimism, learned helplessness and, 76

pessimists, life challenges and optimists

pets, connections to, 121, 122–23, 125, 140

physical activity, 145, 177

baby steps to, 194

brain growth and, 178, 179–81, 184–85, 235

in Cambodian refugee camp, 225

see also
aerobic exercise; exercise

Pissed energy, depression and, 109

placebo effect, antidepressants and, 9–10, 186

brain plasticity

poetry, connection through, 135

Pol Pot regime, post-depression thriving for survivors of, 223–26

Polyvagal Theory, 219

Porges, S., 219

positive emotions, sustaining, depressed persons and, 187–88, 212

Positive Expectancy Talk

sample dialogue for, 165

words and phrases in, 164

positive psychology, interventions with, 75–79

post-depression perspective

questions used in therapy from, 172–74

sample dialogue to use in therapy from, 174–76

starting therapy from, 170–76

Post-Depression Thriving, 206, 207–12

compassion and, 207, 208–9, 225

connection and, 207–8, 225

contribution and, 207, 209–10, 225

story about Cambodian refugees and, 223–26

Three Cs of, 207

using Three Cs in treatment, 210–12

Power Ups, in SuperBetter game, 214

prayer, 140

as ritual of connection, 141

self-connection through, 117

prevention, of depression, 221–22

Problems Into Preferences method, 159–62

attention shifts with, 159

sample dialogues for, 160–62

“problem talk,” increased cortisol level and, 21

“problem trance,” 48

Prozac, 192

purpose, larger, connection to, 135–37

Purpose Driven Life, The
(Warren), 144

Quaker meeting, 129

Quests, in SuperBetter game, 214

Ratey, J., 180

reconnection, seven paths to, 115

recovery from depression, cleansing clarity in wake of, 110

reflect in the past tense technique, 30–31

relapses, of depression, 222

religion, connection to, 126–27


depression recovery and, 222

externalizing, and projection onto the future, 92–95

Resilience Score, for SuperBetter game, 214

Rilke, R. M., 135

rituals of connection, 140–42

developing, 140

sample dialogue about, 141–42

Robbins, T., 131

Rowling, J. K., 234

Salazar, A., 192

Sciorra, A., 149

seasonal affect disorder, ameliorating, 130

Secret Identity, in SuperBetter game, 214

self, depression and lost sense of, 116

self-blame, externalizing and shift away from, 90


developing or increasing, 97–98, 232

Post-Depression Thriving and, 211

self-help groups, 128

self-loathing, 97, 98

Seligman, M., 75, 76, 77, 78, 79

senses, connecting to, 119–21

serotonin, 12, 185–86

serotonin deficiency theory, of depression, 177

sexual abuse, 137

sexual orientation, The Context of depression and, 66

Shelton, R., 217

shifting client’s relationship with depression (strategy # 3), 81–112, 227–28

externalizing, 89–97

follow your wound, 107–12

mindfulness, 82–89

self-compassion, 97–98

valuing depression, 99–107

slavery, Lincoln’s drive toward contribution and, 210

SMILE study, on exercise and reduced depression levels, 189–90

Snake Pit, The
(film), 198

social cohesion, depression and need for, 106

social connections

in Abraham Lincoln’s life, 204, 206

benefits of, research on, 113, 234

finding, 128

at risk, in modern societies, 127

social injustices, depression and sensitivity to, 210

social relationships, The Context of depression and, 66, 67, 68

softening, toward the suffering of others, 209

Solomon, A., 7, 80, 99, 100, 122, 133, 156, 208, 223

solution-oriented method, exercise and, 194–95

Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain
(Ratey), 180

SPARX game, for adolescents recovering from depression, 215–16

spiritual realm

connection to, 135–37

The Context of depression and, 66, 68, 69


fewer side effects with, 220

movement study and effectiveness of, 193–94

Standard Medical Intervention and Long Term Exercise.
SMILE study

state-dependent learning, 20

strategies for depression

challenging isolation and strengthening connections, 19, 113–51, 228

envisioning a future with possibilities, 19, 152–76, 228

marbling depression with non-depression, 18, 20–49, 227

restarting brain growth, 19, 177–202, 228

shifting client’s relationship with depression, 18, 81–112, 227–28

undoing depression, 18, 50–80, 227


externalizing, and projecting onto future-95, 92

valuing depression and, 100


inflammation and, 217

isolation and, 114, 128

neurogenesis suppression and, 185

reduced brain growth and, 177, 181–82, 228

vagal nerve system and, 219

Styron, W., 7, 10, 13, 23, 100, 122, 133, 170


cleansing clarity in wake of, 110

of others, feeling a softening toward, 209

suicidal ideation, 4–5

suicide, depression and, 6

suicide attempts

diagnosis of depression and, 4

survivors of, commonality among, 35

suicide contracts, 37, 38

sunlight, positive effects of, 130

SuperBetter game

elements in, 213–14

strengths built with, 214

“symptom trance,” 48

tag questions, 42

Taylor, J., 133, 146

therapeutic alliance, connections within, 123–24

therapy, starting from post-depression perspective, 170–76

Thompson, T., 133

Touching the Void
(film), 133

transpersonal connections, 129–40, 225

art and, 131–35

defined, 129–30

to God and the spiritual, 135–37

Mitzvah Therapy, 137–40

nature and, 130–31

treatment-resistant depression, exercise and, 191–92

Trivedi, M., 191

True Self, 116

trust, therapeutic alliance and, 124

undoing depression (strategy # 2), 50–80, 227

case example, 72–75

changing brain grooving and, 79–80

context of depression, 66–69

doing of depression, 53–57, 59–62

positive psychology and, 75–79

sample dialogue, 71–72

viewing of depression, 62–66

unemployment, SuperBetter game and, 215

United States, depression in, 6

vagal nerve stimulation, 219

validating perceptions, but not unchanging truth or reality, 32–33

validation talk, examples of, 58

Van Gogh, V., 132

vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), 185

Victor Frankl strategy, 153–57

video games study, depression symptoms and, 188–89

Videotalk, 59

Viewing, The, of depression, 62–66, 82

focus of attention, meanings assigned and, 62–64

positive psychology interventions and, 78

questions associated with, 64–65

sample dialogue for, 65–66

volunteering, Mitzvah Therapy and, 138–40

walking sessions, 193–94

Warren, R., 144

weight gain, depression and, 4

weight loss

anxiety and, 82–84

depression and, 4

Weil, S., 124, 151

Welser, B., 8

What Dreams May Come
(film), 133, 149

Whitman, W., 205

Williams, R., 149

will to meaning, Frankl and, 154–56, 158

women, antidepressant use and, 15

Woodman, M., 110

Woolf, V., 132

World Health Organization, 5

wounds, following, 107–12

Wright, F. L., 130

wrongness, permission-giving and, 36

yoga, as ritual of connection, 141

Younger Next Year
(Crowley & Lodge), 178

Zoloft, SMILE study and, 189–91

Copyright © 2014 by O’Hanlon and O’Hanlon, Inc.

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Production manager: Leeann Graham

The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

O’Hanlon, Bill, 1952–author.

Out of the blue : six non-medication ways to relieve depression /
Bill O’Hanlon. — First edition.

    pages    cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-393-70916-2 (pbk.)

1. Depression, Mental—Alternative treatment. 2. Mind and body
therapies. I. Title.

RC537.O36 2014

616.85'27—dc23    2013049421

ISBN 978-0-393-70930-8 (e-book)

W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N.Y. 10110


W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street,
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