Read Out Of The Ashes Online

Authors: Diana Gardin

Out Of The Ashes (15 page)

BOOK: Out Of The Ashes
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Suddenly, I cupped her bottom and rolled her onto her back, hovering over her, supporting my weight with my arms. I slowly lowered myself down over her, positioning my face over hers, aligning my body with hers.


I stared at her for a full minute, not moving. She was frozen beneath me, her eyes like emeralds reflecting the moonlight outside the window. She was so beautiful I had to gasp in order for air to enter my lungs. I swallowed.


“Are you ready for this?” I finally asked.


“Ready for what?” she asked, slyly.


She knew what I was talking about. She wanted me to say it.


“For me to make love to you,” I answered, looking down at her.


I leaned down and kissed the crevice between her neck and her shoulder. Her skin called out to me and I had to listen. I kissed her collarbone and let my lips make a forge along her satiny skin until I reached her other shoulder. She tugged at the hem of my shirt impatiently and I obliged, pulling it over my head.


“Yes,” she said, breathless.


“Say it again,” I ordered.


I needed to hear her say yes to me one more time.


“Yes, Clay,” she said clearly. “I want to make love to you. Here in my bed. Over and over again.”


I groaned softly and buried my head in her neck. I would never get sick of hearing her say things like that to me. Paige Hill would be the death of me, and I was going to enjoy every minute of my demise.








These emotions were brand new. I had never needed to make someone feel my love the way I needed Clay to feel it. There was nothing I wouldn’t do to make him understand the depth of it, and that he was it for me.


I worked furiously at the button on his jeans, wanting them off so I could feel more of him against me. He supported himself above me on his arms, and I achieved victory as I pulled down the zipper and wiggled the jeans over his legs down to his ankles where he kicked them off distractedly. I reached up to his boxer briefs, rubbing the soft cotton beneath my fingertips.


I moaned as I felt his lips find a spot just at the swell of my breasts. He looked up, a flirty smile on his face. Keeping his eyes on me, his tongue traced a trail down to one pebbly nipple, pulling it into his mouth and sucking. I bucked beneath him, crying out. Concern etched wrinkles his forehead.


“You’ve never done this before, right?”


I shook my head, unable to speak. I wanted his mouth back on me. I had never done anything close to this. At this moment, I was so happy my first time would be with Clay.


“I’m going to go slow, really slow,” he assured me. “I don’t want to hurt you.”


“Okay,” I whispered. “Could you…could you do that again?”


“Do what, baby?”


“Kiss me again. Everywhere.”


“Paige,” he said in a strained voice. “You’re killing me.”


He bent his head low again, moving down my body slowly. Touching me with his lips, tasting me with his tongue. Every place he kissed and licked left a little flame burning when his lips left me.


I let my head roll back on the pillow, and closed my eyes in pure pleasure. I could hear little sounds of ecstasy escaping me, and it should have been embarrassing. But I was too far away floating on the ocean of my first time with Clay that I didn’t care how much noise I made.


My hands roved over Clay’s bare back as he explored my body with his tongue. The muscles contracting and expanding under my hands was the single sexiest thing I’d ever felt. My nails scraped gently along his back and his answering shiver fueled my fire. I repeated it, and he groaned in delight.


Clay let me go to raise himself up onto his knees. I grumbled my protest, unable to restrain the disappointment and he grinned. He pulled a condom wrapped in silver foil out of the discarded jeans pocket and opened it. Then I watched in fascination as he slipped out of his boxer briefs and threw them on the floor next to my bed.


Oh wow. Clay told me I’d see more of him in this position, but I’d already forgotten how delicious a sight it was. A gush of heat pooled in my core, and I was ready for him to fill every part of me. Now.


He rolled the condom on over his erection, never taking his eyes off of mine. Then he raised his eyebrows, as if to ask if I still wanted him.


I reached out and pulled his neck down to me again, tasting his lips greedily. I closed my eyes. The anticipation created a tingling flurry of excitement all over my body.


As he floated above me, he leaned down to whisper in my ear. “Eyes on me, Paige.”


His eyes darkened when I complied and he eased gently into me. I gasped, and he froze, staring down at me. As the sweet pain subsided, I nodded, and he pushed deeper.


“Are you okay?” he asked, holding himself still above me, gazing worriedly at my face.


In answer, I began rocking my hips ever so slowly, gazing at his well-defined chest as I moved. I brought my eyes up to his, and the awe in his clear blue gaze was shocking. He began rocking with me, matching my rhythm.


The perfect compatibility we’d naturally developed was total. And my joy, as he continued to make love to me, was complete.


I whimpered softly as a bubble of pleasure rose inside me. I rocked faster, arching my back so I was even closer to him. His grunts mingled with my moans, a cacophony of ecstasy.


As the wave of pleasure washed over me, I cried out Clay’s name, and my world began to fall apart around me.


I belonged to this man.








I lay next to Paige, panting for breath, wanting already to repeat that act again and again.


“Paige,” I said.


“Hmmm?” she murmured sleepily.


“That was amazing, right? It’s not just me?”


“Well, you’re the one with all the experience to compare it to.”


“I have nothing to compare that to, baby. That wasn’t like anything I’ve ever done before.” I reached out for her, pulled her against my chest.


Having her inches away from me suddenly felt too far.


“Well, how many times have you had sex with a girl you loved?”


“Once. Tonight.” I kissed her hair, letting my lips linger at her temple.


“There you go,” she said, yawning. “This changes everything.”


“Everything had already changed the minute I figured out I loved you. I’m through. Done for. You know that, right? No girl has ever done this to me…made me feel this way. I never even knew it was possible.”


She looked up at me, a serious expression darkening her face. “Clay, there was a point in my life not too long ago that I wasn’t even sure I’d wake up the next day. So falling in love definitely wasn’t in the cards for me. You’ve changed my whole life. How’d you do it?”


“I could ask you the same thing. Now we’re unbreakable, Paige. No more secrets, no more barriers between us. It’s you and me from now on. Okay?”


She snuggled down close to me, and I loved the feeling of having her tucked against my chest. I always wanted her that close.


“Okay,” she agreed.









“Hey,” I whispered when I awoke to find Clay’s blue eyes staring into my own green ones.


“Hey, yourself,” he replied softly. “You know, this is the second time I’ve woken up next to you. And I’ve decided I’m never going to get tired of the feeling.”


“Me neither,” I said, stretching like a kitten next to him and cozying closer into his side. “No early class this morning. God bless the weekend.”


“Amen,” he answered. “Let me take you to breakfast.”


I yawned. “That’s a good idea. Should we ask Gill if she wants to come?”


“Sure,” he replied. “I’ll call Drew and Rob, too.”


He leaned in close and pressed his lips to mine in a gentle good-morning kiss.


Which I returned, and not so gently. I pulled him closer and sank into the kiss, deepening it. He groaned softly when I pulled his bottom lip into my mouth.


He pulled back and growled his words. “So, no breakfast?”


“Oh, yes, I definitely want breakfast,” I answered. “I just want an appetizer first.”


He rolled me over until he was lying on top of me, pinning my wrists back onto the bed. “I knew you were the perfect girl.”


He lowered his lips to my neck and I sighed in pleasure.


“If you keep that up, I will want to skip breakfast and stay in bed with you all day,” I moaned.


“That’s the idea, Paige,” he murmured, nibbling the soft skin of my shoulder. “Now you’re getting it.”


He trailed kisses down my collarbone and pulled one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking hard. I squealed in delight, not expecting the sudden pleasure it brought to my body and I rocked against his evident morning wood.


“Ah…Paige. You can’t do that during foreplay, sweetheart. I won’t make it to the next step. Now I need to be inside you.”


“I want you, Clay,” I said in a strained voice. “I don’t want to wait.”


“Damn right,” he said, and reached down to pull another condom out of the pocket of his jeans.


He came up empty.


“Oh, dammit,” he muttered. “No condom, Paige. We have to wait.”


“I can just go ask Gillian—“ I began.


“Shhh,” he said, silencing me with a kiss. “I have a better idea.”


I watched as he lowered his head and licked a trail from my chest to my stomach. He concentrated on swiping a circle around my belly button with his tongue, and I shuddered with shivery pleasure.


“What are you doing?” I gasped.


“Making my girl feel good,” he replied. “I don’t think you’ve felt this before…but I think you’ll be very pleased with the results.”


“What--“ I had to stop talking when I felt him kiss my hipbone and his hand tickled the inside of my thigh.


Oh. That felt better than good. He caressed my thigh with one hand while holding onto my hip with the other. All the while he trailed a line of kisses lower and lower. And lower.


He couldn’t be…


“Clay!” I breathed his name. There was nothing else I could do; my breath caught in my throat as his tongue did magical things to parts of my body I’d never thought anyone would touch.


“Baby, you are the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted,” he said in a low voice.


At first I couldn’t believe he was doing…that…to me, but I quickly got over the shock as my body began to hum with pleasure. With each little moan I couldn’t control, Clay’s attention to my most sensitive area became more intense and brought me more pleasure. I didn’t want him to stop.


I grabbed the sides of his head, my hands brushing against his short hair as the pressure working it’s way through my body began to build. I welcomed it; I wanted to explode in his hands again.


“Clay…I can’t…oh my God…” I panted, clutching his hair in agonizing glory.


“That’s it, baby,” he encouraged. “I want you to fall apart. I promise I’ll catch you.”


With one last swipe of his tongue, I didn’t have a choice. I screamed his name, loud enough for the neighbors to hear, and sank back onto the pillows, breathing hard with my eyes squeezed shut.


He moved, coming to lie next to me on the pillows again. He rubbed my stomach gently, and I opened one eye to look at him.


“Was that…a normal reaction?” I asked him. “Did I hurt you?”


“Um, that was an amazing reaction,” he answered, grinning. “I just helped the girl I love fall to pieces with my tongue. I will never--I repeat, never--get sick of doing that. Ever.”


I smiled and sat up in bed. “Good, because I definitely want to do that again later. Let’s go eat some breakfast.”








I’d gone and fallen in love with Ms. Right. Sitting across from her in the little diner across the street from campus squeezed into a booth with our friends, I kept pinching myself to make sure I wasn’t asleep somewhere, dreaming an impossibly vivid drunk requiem.


I hadn’t expected to meet someone in college that I could picture spending my life with. And I was still afraid that this couldn’t possibly last forever, that this feeling must be temporary. That I’d turn back into the old Clay at any moment, only focused on fun and living in the moment.


But knowing the way I felt when I was with Paige, the way my mind crawled back to her the moment I left her, I knew I was a goner.


“So Paige declared on a major this week,” Gillian announced to the table.


Tima glanced at Paige. “That’s great! What is it?”


“Psychology,” Paige replied.


She shot an irritated glance at Gillian for placing her at the center of everyone’s attention. I loved that about her. She didn’t need the spotlight, but she always ended up usurping attention naturally.


I studied her, wondering if she would ever share her story with anyone else. The fact that she wanted to help people, kids going through the same type of trauma she did only made her more incredible in my eyes. I wanted everyone to know how inspiring she was, but it was her story to tell.

BOOK: Out Of The Ashes
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