Out of Promises (34 page)

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Authors: Simon Leigh

BOOK: Out of Promises
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The gun clicked and within a second Cyrus launched forward, grabbing his revolver and punching Matherson.  He pressed it hard into Matherson’s temple.  The gamble had been a bad one.  That was one shot down so now there were a maximum five shots left.

‘I don’t want to die,’ Matherson cried.

‘Neither did I at Amber Heights!’ yelled Preston.  ‘You left me for dead.  It’s as you always say, people are replaceable.’

He nodded to Cyrus. 

Sweat and fear washed over Matherson.  ‘Please don’t, please,’ he pleaded.

Bill covered his face.  Lucy covered Chloe’s ears but it wasn’t enough to mask the sound as Cyrus pulled the trigger. 
Click, click,
and then the single round in the cylinder flew through Matherson’s skull like jelly.  Lucy and Chloe screamed as blood spray hit them.

Cyrus slammed the gun on the table again.

Matherson was no more.  His ruthless regime was over and his body just hung there to the left with blood and skull seeping out, dripping on the floor like a leaky tap.

‘Who’s next?’ asked Preston.







At 20:00, the scene at the house was nothing short of shocking.  A minimum of thirty officers swarmed the area interviewing neighbours with forensics desperate to gather what they could from the snow that had made its way inside before their arrival.  McGowan stood inside a tent that had been erected to the front and rear of the house, dumbstruck at the sight before him.  Bullet holes dotted the walls, evidence markers covered the floors and almost everything was damaged to some extent.  Twelve bodies were being zipped into body bags along with the dog from the rear.

Someone’s been busy.

He walked out and listened in on one of the interviews, to a neighbour describing the sound of gunfire, lots of gunfire.  ‘...when it all stopped, the van closed up and off it went like there was nothing wrong.  We were all afraid we were next.  I’ve never seen anything like it.’

McGowan’s phone rang.  He answered it.

‘McGowan, its Baker.’

‘This place is a mess.  Dead bodies everywhere and the place is shot to hell.  I personally didn’t think Matherson could pull something like this off.’

‘I don’t think he did.’

The media arrived at the police cordon.

‘I hope you’re right.  The whole neighbourhood is out here giving statements and forensics are combing the place.  This place is turning into a media circus.’

‘Well you need to leave them to it.  I just heard reports of an explosion on Chapel Street Industrial.  I need you over there as soon as you can.’

‘Yeah, I think I heard it from here.  It’s no coincidence these two events happening so close to each other is it?  It’s almost like Valerie and Bill are on a rampage.’

‘Give it a rest,’ Baker said.  ‘Look, we’re almost finished here about to leave for The Truman building.’

‘Looks like you’ll be doing it without me.’

‘Seems that way.  Get over there as soon as you can, all right?’

‘Sure,’ he said.

‘Oh, and McGowan.  My undercover guy is at that warehouse.  He’s a priority, get to him as soon as you can.  He’ll respond to the name Cook.’







Matherson’s body was discarded into a corner like a piece of sour meat.  Blood was left on the floor and the splatter wasn’t touched, left there to ignite fear into them.

Lenka sat Bill in the same chair and another bullet was placed in the revolver.

‘Your turn,’ said Preston.

‘No!’ screamed Lucy, still holding Chloe.  ‘You’re a monster.’

‘Why do you like him so much?’ Preston asked.  ‘This man, along with Cyrus took Michael from your house.  A defenceless baby no less.  This man ruined your life.’

Lucy cried, ‘You’re a liar.  Michael is dead.’

‘Tell her,’ said Preston.

‘It’s true, Lucy.  We did it under Preston’s orders.’

Preston laughed.  ‘See.  I’m not a liar.’

Bill said, ‘Michael’s alive, Lucy.’

‘Enough!’ Preston yelled.

‘No.  She needs to know the truth.’

‘The truth is she will never see Michael again.’

‘Lucy, he’s alive and you need to find him.  He’s being cared for by a foster family.  He was kept alive to be uses as ransom, but Freddie found out too much.  These toys were his and so was that bed.’

Preston slammed his fists on the table.  ‘Shut your fucking mouth.’

She looked at the bed, imagining Michael at one year old sitting on it, playing with the toys so innocently, unaware of what was really happening to him.  ‘Is this true?’

‘Yes.  This man also ordered Cyrus to shoot Freddie in cold blood.’

Preston said, ‘He should have killed you at Ada’s house like he was meant to.’

Cyrus lowered his head, ashamed.

Bill picked up the gun and pressed it to his temple.  He said, ‘I’m not afraid anymore,’ and pulled the trigger.


He dropped the gun back on the table.

‘Get him out of that chair!’ shouted Preston.

Lenka and Cyrus pulled him off and pushed him to the ground.

‘What are you going to do?’ he asked.

‘Put Chloe in the seat.’

‘No!’ shouted Bill and Lucy.

Lenka grabbed her, but Lucy wouldn’t let go.  ‘Please, she’s just a child.’

Chloe screamed as Lucy kept a tight hold.  She stood up and Lenka backslapped her, making her lose her grip.

‘We’re going to play a game,’ said Preston.

Chloe was placed on the chair crying hysterically.  The sound went through Preston.  He hated it.

Chloe jumped off the chair and ran to Lucy.  ‘Mommy.’

Now angry, Preston yelled, ‘Lenka, get that child on that chair and make her stay there.’

She grabbed her again when Bill got to his feet and pulled her away from Chloe.  ‘Lenka.  We can end this now.’

‘Bill I will shoot you if you don’t let me go,’ she said and pushed him back.

Cyrus grabbed him from behind, holding him tight.

Lenka picked Chloe up and held her down on the chair.

‘Please,’ Lucy pleaded.  ‘Please don’t do this.’

‘Oh, I’m not.  You are.  Put this revolver here against her head and do it yourself.’

‘No, I won’t.’

‘You will or I’ll get Cyrus here to do unimaginable things to her before you both die.  It’s your choice, a slow death or a fast one.’

Her face was streaming with tears.  ‘Please,’ she begged.

Lenka stood her up and placed the gun in her hand.

Preston said, ‘Pull that trigger now.  I’ll count to three.’

‘I can’t.’


‘You’ll get what’s coming to you,’ said Bill, still in Cyrus’s grip.


Lucy was shaking so badly that her whole arm was moving.  ‘I’m sorry,’ she yelled, closing her eyes and squeezing the trigger.  The gun fired and missed, skimming through Chloe’s hair.

‘You did that on purpose,’ said Preston.

She didn’t say anything.  She just dropped the gun and hugged Chloe, both of them in uncontrollable tears.

‘Do it again,’ he ordered.

‘Preston,’ said Bill.  ‘Give it a fucking rest.’

The door opened and they all stopped, watching as Valerie was tossed inside before the door was slammed shut.

‘Well look who’s here,’ said Preston.

Bill broke free and he ran over to her.  ‘Valerie?’ he said, softly.

Pale, weak, and shivering, she screamed, ‘No,’ and pushed him away. 

‘Valerie, it’s me.  Bill.’

She spat at him.  ‘Get away from me.’

Cyrus pulled him back.  ‘Valerie, I’m sorry.’

Preston clapped his hands.  ‘How touching.’

She looked around.  Lucy was holding Chloe at the table, Bill was held by Cyrus and Matherson lay dead in the corner.  She recognized Lenka straight away.  She hadn’t changed much over the years.  But Cyrus was the one who stood out.  He terrified her, gazing down at her from behind Bill with the same demonic, perverted look that she saw in the church.

‘You should have died in that explosion,’ said Preston.

‘You arranged that?’ she asked.

‘Who else could pull of something like that?  Rodriguez has been a thorn in my side for a long time.  He should have died at Northbrook with all those bastard kids.’  He looked at his watch.  ‘Time to go.  Lenka, you’re with me.  Cyrus, you stay here and keep an eye on our guests.  Have some fun with Valerie if you like.’

‘My pleasure.’

‘We need him with us,’ Lenka protested.

‘We can manage on our own.  Even animals need time to play once in a while.’

Lenka rolled Preston to the door and helped him onto the stair lift.  She carried his wheelchair up the stairs and came back down to help with Valerie.  Cyrus released Bill, collected his weapon from the table and grabbed one of Valeria’s hands.

She kicked and screamed to break free.  ‘No, please don’t do this.  Help me!’  Lenka took the other hand and they dragged her to the door.

Bill ran over.  ‘Cyrus, don’t.’

Lenka pulled a gun on him.  A Beretta M9, her preferred choice of hand gun.  He stopped.

Preston laughed from the top of the stairs.

When Valerie was out of sight, the door was closed and they were left in silence.







McGowan approached the warehouse, met by police, fire trucks, paramedics, and the FBI.  It seemed the whole of the Southbrook P.D. was out in force tonight.  The fire trucks were being closed up and the smouldering embers of the warehouse lay as no more than a pile of wasted ash.  As with the house, people were being interviewed and pictures were being taken while the media tried to get the next day’s headlines.

He walked up to a paramedic and asked, ‘Any survivors?’

‘Just one.’  He pointed towards a stretcher being lifted into an ambulance.

‘What’s his name?’

‘Sounded like he said Cook, but couldn’t understand from the noise of the fire.  Plus he can barely talk.’


He walked over and held up his badge.  ‘I need to question him.’

‘Not a chance,’ said the paramedic.  ‘He needs treatment and the FBI said nobody is to talk to him.’

‘I’m questioning him.’

‘He needs treatment.’

McGowan pushed the paramedic inside the ambulance and followed him in.  ‘I’ll do it on route,’ he said, closing the doors.

The paramedic stood in front of him, blocking access to Cook.  ‘You can’t question him.  He’ll die.’

‘I’ll have you arrested for obstruction of justice if you don’t piss off.  This is important.’  He banged on the side of the ambulance and it started up with its sirens screaming out.

He looked down at Cook’s wounded face.  The oxygen mask was dotted with blood and he was a mess, flicking his eyes open and closed, trying desperately to fight it.

‘Can you remove the mask?’

‘He needs it.’

‘Yes, I know,’ he said.  ‘But I need information from him.’

‘Can I see your badge again?’

Having taken just about all he could of this guy, McGowan grabbed him by his collar and said: ‘I need to talk to him, now.  He’s got information and you’re pissing me off.’

‘All right, but if he dies, it’s on you.’

‘So be it.’

He bent down and gently lifted the mask.


He coughed up blood through laboured breathing.

‘Cook, Baker told me who you are.  Can you tell me what happened?’

He coughed again and said, ‘The warehouse.  It exploded.  Valerie...’

‘Did Valerie do this?’

Coughing some more, he finally said, ‘No.  She, she was taken.’

‘By who?’

‘Preston.  The guy doing the deal.’

‘Not Matherson?’

‘No.  I already told Baker Matherson is missing.’

‘Do you know where they went?’

Cook’s eyes closed as he fazed in and out of consciousness.

McGowan shook him.  ‘Stay with me.’

‘Hey!’ warned the paramedic.

‘Was it worth it?’

‘Was what worth it?’

‘All these years undercover.’

‘After tonight, you’ll be a hero.’

Cook smiled.  Then clutched his chest as a sharp pain pierced through him like he was being butchered from the inside out, followed by another coughing fit.

‘Do something,’ McGowan said.

The paramedic jumped up, grabbed the defibrillator paddles and attached the pads to Cook’s torso.  He charged the machine.  ‘Clear.’

He pushed them into him and he bounced, though the machine still sounded a steady monotonous tone.

‘Come on,’ said McGowan.

He tried it again and the same thing happened.  After one more try, the paramedic gave in.

‘God fucking dammit!’ yelled McGowan.

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