Out of Darkness (22 page)

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Authors: Laramie Briscoe

BOOK: Out of Darkness
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Doc Jones waved a hand in her direction. “Things can’t be perfect all the time, and it’s good for your relationship if you have a few disagreements here and there. You know what they say about making up.”

A blush rose to Meredith’s face. “I don’t know really, I’ve never made up with anyone before. I’m really out of my element in all of this.”

“Then let me tell you, woman to woman. You enjoy the making up. That’s usually why couples fight.”

Meredith left her session with the doctor feeling like a completely different person. Instead of the flight feeling that had overwhelmed her the night before, she was back in the fight mode. She wanted to fight for her relationship, fight for justice, and fight for truth. She wondered if she should go to the clubhouse and see Tyler, but realized that he might need some more time to himself. The look in his eyes the night before had told her just how much she’d hurt his feelings.

Pulling into the driveway of the home she’d stayed in, she sighed. What she wouldn’t give to be coming home with Tyler there every day, every night. He had so quickly become a fixture in her life that it was scary, but she knew after her night without him, she needed him. She needed the stabilizing force he brought to her. It had quickly become something that she couldn’t live without.

Walking up the front porch steps, she put the key into the lock and turned it, opening the door and walking in. She gasped as she glimpsed Tyler sitting on the couch, looking like he had not a care in the world.

“You scared the ever-loving shit out of me,” she gasped, putting her hand to her wildly beating heart.

He got up from the couch and silently walked over to her. When he got so close her back pressed against the door, he put his hands up beside her head and shoulder, effectively boxing her in. A devilish glint in his eye, he leaned so that his mouth was even with her ear and whispered.

“I told you that I wouldn’t let you get away. I’ve given you a night, and now I’m here to tell you one thing. Don’t ever run away from me again.”

She moaned and closed her eyes. Without a doubt, she was in so much trouble.

Chapter Thirty

yler took his hands from the door and ran them down her body.

“I told you I wouldn’t let you run away from me,” he told her again.

“I know, and I’m sorry I ran,” she whispered.

Her eyes were still closed and that bothered him. “Open your eyes and look at me.”

She followed his order, and the look there stole her breath. It was so intense that she wanted to close her eyes again.

“Keep them open,” he instructed her. “Look at me, see what I’m telling you.”

The only thing she could do was nod.

“No matter what happens or what we find out, it’s not going to change how we feel about each other. We have to promise this to each other. I know that it’s not going to change how I feel about you, and I think you feel the same. We can’t let outside forces change the way we live our lives. There will always be outside forces if we let there be.”

She knew that he was right, everything about what he said was the truth. Couples faced challenges every day and they didn’t run from them. The ones that lasted stayed and fought.

“You’re right. I want this to last, I don’t wanna give you up.”

He put his hands at her waist and squeezed roughly. “Then fight for me.”

She put her hands on his shoulders and hopped up, crossing her ankles at his back. “I
fighting for you. I’m doing the best I can, but I’ve never had anyone to fight for before.”

“You have me now.”

She grinned saucily at him before tangling her hands in his hair. “I do, don’t I?”

“Don’t forget it again.”

Leaning forward, she took his lips with hers. His lips were always so soft, no matter when she kissed him, they were always full and kissable. Tilting her head so that they could remain connected, she coaxed his tongue out of his mouth. He relaxed against her, allowing their tongues to stroke against each other.

His hands trailed down her back and stopped when he got to her thighs. Gripping them with strong fingers, he hiked her up higher, making her bend her head to continue kissing him. It gave him an advantage when he widened his stance and pressed her harder against the door. Letting go with one hand, he brought that hand up to the middle of her chest. He broke the kiss as he hooked his index finger in the gap of the button down shirt she wore.

“Do you like this shirt?” he whispered.

“It’s not a favorite. Why?” she was confused. Why were they talking about this now and not continuing with the slow screwing against the wall he was obviously teasing her with.

“Just makin’ sure.”

With that, he gave a tug and the buttons gave way as the shirt hung limply from her body. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask if she had been okay with him doing that. If it caused any bad feelings because her breathing had picked up speed, but he was silenced when she attacked his neck. He moaned, feeling the little nips of her teeth and then the soothing coolness of her tongue against his flesh.

The same finger he’d used to rip the shirt from her body made its way to where her bra encased her breasts. Softly, he pulled the cups down under her breasts, effectively trapping them together. As she continued to work on his neck, he swirled his tongue around the hard peak of her nipple.

Her fingers gripped his shoulders as her core started a slow rock against his. This was different compared to how they always were. Everything in their lives always needed to be done right this instant, and in this they could take their time. His strong arms bulged as he took her weight off the wall and walked them over to the couch. She loved to watch the strength there, the corded muscles and the thick forearms as he performed any kind of task.

Tapping her thigh twice, he motioned for her to unwrap her legs and then helped her down. Not saying anything, she closed the distance between them and made short work of his cut as well as the shirt he wore underneath it. He stood in just a pair of jeans and his motorcycle boots. Without a shirt on, she could see all of his tattoos and for the first time, she took the opportunity to look at them. Some were MC related, others were obviously related to his culture. As she ran her lips around the circumference of his frame, she noticed one that gave her pause. On his left shoulder a dream catcher, inked in grays and blacks, had the date of her attack in its netting.

“What’s this?” she asked, running her fingers over it.

He turned so that they could see in each other’s eyes. Sometimes things like this made her feel like they were an old married couple. Other times, he continued to amaze her.

“It’s there to remind me of the night my life changed forever. And I’m not sure if you’re familiar with dream catchers, but they are supposed to keep the bad dreams at bay if you put them over your bed. I figure if I have you in my arms, those dreams get to me before they get to you. I want to stop them before they start.”

From any other man that would have been ridiculously clichéd and just a line to get in her panties. But not with this man. Anything he said, whether good or bad, he truly meant. Coming back around to the front of his body, she stopped and took a deep breath.

“I really don’t deserve you,” she whispered, burying her head in the curve of his neck and nuzzling there.

“You do deserve me. We deserve each other. There’s a reason I found you that night,” he told her.

His deep voice told her not to question his words, so she didn’t.

With more grace than she felt, she ran her hands along the waistband of his jeans. Once her fingers got to the metal button, she lowered her eyes and ran her tongue along her lips as she unfastened it. The tines of his zipper were loud in the quiet room as she fought to bare him to her eyes. After she pulled his underwear and jeans down, he sat on the couch to rid himself of the boots. While he did that, she worked on ridding herself of her remaining clothes.

When he was done with his boots, he hooked her around the waist and pulled her to straddle his lap. He could feel the trail of moisture she left on his thighs as she situated herself over his girth.

Fumbling with the jeans he’d put beside him, he pulled out a foil packet and suited up. Once the barrier that protected both of them was in place, he used the head of his cock to tease her with just a few quick strokes against her clit.

She ground her body into his, sighing as he seated himself completely inside her. This was getting easier, she realized. Being with him like this. She was starting to crave it, the intimacy and the closeness. Grabbing his hands, she used them for leverage as she gained speed to her rhythm.

Growling at her abandon, he buried his face in her neck. He wanted to mark her, show the world that she was his. Nipping at the sensitive skin just below her ear, he sucked strongly, hoping to leave his mark there.

“Ty,” she gasped as he soothed the sting with a stroke of his tongue.

“I want everybody to know you’re mine,” he told her, untangling their hands and then burying his in her hair. He pulled her close to him so that every inch of their bodies touched.

“I am yours.”

And with that promise, he pushed them both over the edge.

Chapter Thirty-One

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