Read Out of Bounds Online

Authors: Kris Pearson

Tags: #romantica, #contemporary romance, #sexy romance, #alpha hero, #exotic setting, #racy read, #the joy of sex, #sexy adventure, #new zealand romance

Out of Bounds (18 page)

BOOK: Out of Bounds
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“Not been used for a few years then? And you
checked inside it?”

“No! No—not really. Just a bit.”

Anton ducked his head and grinned to himself
before he looked up again. “Which bit?”

She closed her eyes, shutting him out, surely
blushing in the darkness. “Um…this bit in reverse.”

The pulse in his groin picked up speed. “The
woman bringing the man off?”

“Uh-huh. I think so. I couldn’t look.”

“Why not?”

“It was
.” She opened her eyes
again and he smiled at her horrified expression.

“It’s not rude. Does this feel rude to you?”
He ran his tongue over her again, exploring until he found her

She jerked against him, and her thighs parted
a little more. “It feels like a secret,” she murmured. Her nails
dug into his scalp and then scraped pleasurably down the back of
his head. Soon her fingers kneaded his neck in time with the
strokes from his tongue.

He laved her slowly, enjoying her fractured
breathing, her soft moans. With infinite care, he pushed a finger
up into her slippery heat.

“Anton…” A horrified whisper.

He withdrew the finger.

“Oh! No…um…”

He pushed it home again, pleased by her
grudging encouragement. He kept his tongue moving dreamily and
added a second finger, teasing her open by degrees, backward and
forward in a lazy sensual invasion. Small murmurs of pleasure
rewarded him. A little later, her hands slid out to clench on his
shoulders and her nails bit into his flesh.

You’re getting there. Wet as hell. Wound up
tight. Let it go, baby…

He’d no sooner willed her to come than her
hips bucked, her pelvic muscles convulsed, she gave an astounded
cry, and tried to wriggle free.

He held her down with an arm across her
belly. The magic contractions grabbed at his fingers, and she
gasped and groaned as she thrashed beneath him. Purest male triumph
rocketed from his scalp to his toes. “Go for it, honey,” he urged
between tender strokes. “That’s what you’ve been missing. That’s
what you need lots more of.”

Once she became quieter, he rested his chin
on her pubic bone and grinned up at her wide eyes. “All good?” he
asked, reaching up to touch her face with his free hand.

“Anton,” she moaned, turning to kiss it.
“Thank you. Incredible.” A flicker of concern appeared in her eyes.
“And now—um—I guess we do it properly?”

He withdrew his deeply buried fingers and she

“That was properly,” he said. “There’s plenty
of time for what you’re thinking about.”

He moved up the bed and wrapped an arm around
her, pulling her close. “Anyway, there’s more than just ‘me-inside,
you-underneath’.” He tipped her chin up and kissed her—softly at
first, but at her eager response he slid his hand behind her head
and deepened the kiss.

God, he shouldn’t be doing this! Agreeing to
initiate her into sex was one thing, but gathering her into his
arms and doing the full romantic clinch was something else. His gut
churned with the risk of falling deeper under her spell. It was bad
enough having to share the house with her. Sharing a bed wasn’t
something he’d bargained on, and sharing his body had never been on
the plans. He needed a clear head with the apartment project
finally under way, not a tempting woman who required careful
handling and a gentle introduction to the art of loving. But…

Unable to resist her blend of innocence and
enthusiasm he parted her lips with his tongue, and went deeper and
deeper into unwise territory until they were both breathless and
pressed together, breast to chest, hip to hip, legs tangled.

Finally, he pulled away and tucked her head
under his chin, casting about for any sort of distraction. “Why
don’t we look at your book and get some inspiration?” he

She gazed up at him, wide-eyed. “Together?
No, I couldn’t! Anyway, it’ll be all smoky. I hid it in my
underwear drawer.”

“Did it get burned?”

“No… But—”

“Let’s have a look. I haven’t seen it for


“Baby, when I was a horny fourteen year old,
we all studied it minutely. Some of the guys pinched their parents’
copies. I guess curious kids these days find what they want on the
internet, but I remember all those drawings. They taught me

She rolled her eyes, gave him a very put-upon sigh,
and slid off the bed. Candlelight caught the planes and curves of
her body as she moved toward the door. Beautiful. Desirable.
Already holding a piece of his heart hostage.

Jetta carried one of the flickering candles
out into the hallway and opened the door to her inky-dark former
bedroom. The sickly smell of the smoke deodorizer hit her, bringing
back the horror of the roaring flames, her panicked escape attempt,
and Anton’s desperate rescue. Her heart picked up speed behind her
ribs, and she clutched at her throat to calm the nausea there. She
owed him her life—such a huge debt—how could she ever repay

She dragged in a determined breath and pushed
the door closed behind her to keep the stench from spreading into
the rest of the house. After she’d sorted through her clothes, the
book was the only thing she’d left in her chest of drawers. Now it
sat there daring her to share it.

How bad could it be after surviving the fire?
After finding the courage to bath with him? After letting him do
what he’d just done? Looking at sexy pictures had to be easier than
any of those things, surely?

She pressed her thighs together. The faint
echoes of hot ecstasy still pulsed deep inside. She’d never
expected him to kiss her and suck her like that with his beautiful
mouth. It had been so intimate, so shattering, so blissful. Far
better than she’d ever imagined.

How had it felt for him? And would he expect
her to do it in return? She bit her bottom lip. What would he taste
like? Could she do it at all?

Sliding the top drawer out, she grabbed the
book. Then she retrieved the candle and left, closing the door
tightly again. The horror of the fire receded a little, but her
heart still thumped as she thought about the hours left in the

Anton had mounded the pillows behind him and
pulled the duvet up. And he’d switched on the lamp by his bed.

He looks like a sultan waiting for a harem
girl to join him. That would be me.

Shy in the brighter light, she set down her
candle in a hurry, clutched a hand across her breasts, and lowered
the book to hide her groin.

He grinned at her discomfort. “No point
trying to hide what I’ve already touched and tasted.”

Her eyes skidded away from his amused gaze
and peered around the bedroom.

Where’s his towel? Has he taken it off? Is he
naked now?

Panic flooded through her, and she thrust the
book at him, dived under the duvet, and pulled the fabric up across
her breasts. Where had her bathroom bravado gone?

Anton reached out a long arm, drew her close,
and cradled her against his chest. Covertly she took a long slow
breath and sniffed his scent in. He smelled warmly and mysteriously
of more than body wash and clean sheets, and his skin felt so
personal against her face. “You smell nice,” she murmured, hating
that she didn’t sound confident and sexy.

The muscles in his chest flexed, and when she
flicked a glance upward, she found him smiling down at her. He
dropped a kiss on her brow and tightened his hand against her arm.
A brief flare of panic hit her and she closed her eyes, trying to
will it away.

He’s so much bigger than me. So much
stronger. What if he won’t stop if I ask him to?

He moved further, and her eyes flew open
again, but he was simply reaching out for the book.

“Now, Ms Rivers,” he began. “Let’s see why
you think this is rude. Because none of it’s rude, baby. We can do
any of it or none of it. Your choice.” He opened the book at random
and propped it up with one hand. “Can you hold the other side?” he

She reached out unwillingly to steady it.
Anton tipped it further toward the light. The soft pencil
illustration showed a man lying face down on a bed, and a woman
sitting on his thighs. Jetta breathed out slowly. That wasn’t too
bad. The man was naked, but apart from the swell of his butt,
nothing scary showed. The woman leaned her weight onto his
shoulders, kneading and massaging him.

Jetta bit her bottom lip and kept her eyes on
the page. It wasn’t like they were real people. Well—not
photographed people anyway. The drawing made it easier to look,
somehow. And the woman was beautiful, her face softly absorbed as
though she really loved the man. Her breasts were full, and a
little droopy because of the angle of her body.

I could do that to Anton.

“Turn the page?” he asked. She obeyed, and
embarrassment flooded her. This time the man lay face up, and his
pubic hair was finely detailed all around his big erect cock. She
slammed her eyelids down, and when she heard Anton’s chuckle she
cracked them open again.

“Is it him or her that worries you?” he

“Why would it be her?” She looked again.
“Oh…” Prickles of sensation rushed through her breasts. The woman
was bending forward and the man sucked at one of her nipples while
his fingers played with the other.

As she absorbed the details of the drawing,
Anton’s hand deserted her arm and moved to her breast. His thumb
found her nipple and rubbed to and fro. She gasped at the
unsettling sensation as her flesh puckered tightly.

Oh God—that’s lovely. Will he suck me

He kissed her hair, and continued to brush
over the sensitive peak.

Turned on but still nervous, she attempted to
flip the page over. It fell back into place. It seemed there was no
escaping that sexed-up man.

“Sit on me, like you did in the bath,” Anton
suggested. “Let’s do what they’re doing.”

“But—” her eyes flicked back to the drawing
of the big erect cock.

“You’ve seen one of those before.” The
corners of his mouth curled up in a teasing grin.

She huffed out a short annoyed sigh. “Yes,
but not one I

“You felt mine pressed against you in bed
last night, and in the bath. You didn’t get spooked like this.”

She gulped in a deep breath and released it
again, trying to relax. “I couldn’t see it. That made it easier

He nodded briefly. “Okay, we’ll keep me

Relief flooded through her, and the shiny
book cover slid from her hands and landed on the floor with a
thump. “Sorry,” she gasped, wriggling over to retrieve it.

Anton twisted, placing a firm hand on her
shoulder as she reached down. He kissed her spine, smoothing his
fingers out along her arm, back up to her shoulder. “Beautiful,” he
murmured, releasing her just before she went into full panic mode.
“Hop up,” he added, pulling her upright, grabbing her around the
waist, and lifting so she had no option but to land on him.

She squeaked, clutched the book tightly, and
tried to hit him with it. He evaded her easily, blue eyes twinkling
with sexy challenge.

The duvet was still tucked around her hips,
but she now sat on curly hair and a rod of smooth hot flesh. She
didn’t dare glance down, knowing she’d be able to see far too much
with the light from the bedside lamp falling across his belly. Did
he look as big and scary as the man in the book did? She attempted
to scramble away, but Anton held her on his lap with steely

“Get to know him,” he whispered. “You might
like him after a while.”

She pouted at his amused face, refusing to
look down. Then she tossed the book onto the far side of the

“You might like some more of this, too,” he
added, moving his hands up from her waist to her breasts. He
brushed his thumbs over her nipples, making them contract until
they were pebble-hard and thrumming with sensation. He held her
gaze as he stroked and rubbed

We’re just like that drawing now. What if I
moved up a bit higher? Would he slide in?

She squirmed with barely leashed hunger,
pressing down on him, craving more.

“Whoa!” Anton exclaimed, staring up at

“I think it would be all right now,” she said
in a small voice.

“I was hoping for better than ‘all

She drew a deep breath and held his gaze.
“It’s way better than that. I can’t stay still.” Pink embarrassment
flooded her cheeks as she ground against him suggestively.

Anton grinned at her eagerness. “You can’t
even bear to look at me,” he teased. “You’re nowhere near ready

look at you. I
look at you.” She steeled herself and glanced downward, and the
blush grew warmer. “Oh my God. You look just like the man in the

“What were you expecting, babe?” His query
contained amusement and a definite note of strain.


He stretched out an arm and grabbed a condom
from beside the lamp. “Are you brave enough to help with this?”

Jetta swallowed, and said, “Yes, of course I
am,” with much more confidence than she felt. She took the shiny
packet from him and tore it open, then looked doubtfully at the

Anton sighed, pulled her close, and kissed
her long and deep while he sheathed himself. “Wriggle all you like
now,” he murmured. “You’re in charge.” He lay back with his arms
pillowing his head, taut golden body half shadowed in the

Jetta inched a little higher up his thighs,
looking her fill at his muscular arms, his beautiful shoulders, his
lean waist and hips. Then she bent over, smoothing her face along
his skin the way she’d yearned to the night she’d found him

Anton caught his breath.

Did he like that? She kissed his chest,
stroked his nipples, ran her fingers over his hard abs. And pushed
down to intensify the sensation of him pressing exactly where he’d
licked her. Unable to hold still, she rotated her hips and he
flexed. He closed his vivid blue eyes. Maybe because he was
enjoying it too?

BOOK: Out of Bounds
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