Our Cosmic Ancestors (7 page)

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Authors: Maurice Chatelain

Tags: #Civilization; Ancient, #Social Science, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Prehistoric Peoples, #Interplanetary Voyages, #Fiction, #Anthropology, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #History; Ancient, #General, #Occult & Supernatural

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There seem to be a number of other conclusions that could be derived from the discovery of Duncan Lunen; but I have no room left here to discuss them and they will be the subject of another book. Let us just say for the time being that the discovery of the Izarian spaceship seems to explain the origin of the constant of Nineveh.

One may ask why the constant of the solar system should have been calculated 64,800 years ago, and the answer may be that it was the time of a special configuration of the planets in our solar system. If my calculations are right, there was at the time a five-fold conjunction of five of the outer planets - Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - an exact alignment of these planets with the sun which is so rare it takes place only once every 4,627 years. Personally, I like this number '64,800' because it is exactly six times the number 10,800 that was the sacred number of the Chaldean and Hindu astrologers; so the number 64,800 must have been the sacred number of cultures long before the Hindus and the Chaldeans.

The number 360 and its different multiples like 10,800, 86,400, and 432,000 are found in many sacred texts and legends of the distant past. Why did the Mayas, the Sumerians, the Chaldeans, the Babylonians, and the Egyptians use in their calculations enormous periods of time that were all multiples of 360 days or 360 years? Their choice must have had some reason and I can see only two possible explanations. Either the number 360 was given to their ancestors by astronauts or at that time the solar year was exactly 360 days long. The first explanation is very possible, the second one less so - but not totally impossible.

The laws discovered by Johannes Kepler say that for the solar year to be exactly 360 days, the distance of our planet Earth from the Sun would have to be 1.009684 times shorter than now. That seems to be impossible at first glance, but less so if one remembers the theories of the planet Venus being a planet that wandered into our system at some time in the past and was captured by our Sun. Earth certainly had its part in this capture and was possibly pushed farther out from its original orbit, giving us a longer year.

So it is possible that our year was exactly 360 days long ago and that the constant of Nineveh represented at that time exactly 6.3 million years of 360 days of 86,400 seconds each. As we will see later, there is another possibility, namely, that of a longer day of 24.35 hours as the result of a stronger pull of the Moon which was at some time much closer to our planet. That could also explain why the constant of Nineveh was calculated in stable seconds instead of days which could vary slowly over the ages.

When after a while one gets used to the idea that all that takes place in the solar system is regulated by one constant, the mind is ready to start understanding one of the great mysteries of human history, namely, the regular returns of ice ages, that have played a very important part in the existence of the primitive man and in the development of our present civilization.

We are nearly certain now that the periodic invasions of ice from the polar caps are caused by several overlapping astronomical cycles. Some of these cycles are well known while others are objects of heated debates and therefore of particular interest to me.

The first of these cycles is the precession of equinoxes, or the rotation of the axis of our planet around the pole of the ecliptic. The duration of this cycle is about 26,000 years. The second cycle is that of the variation of the eccentricity of Earth's orbit around the Sun. Its duration is about 104,000 years. The third cycle is the combination of the first two and causes changes of temperature and humidity on our planet. This third cycle is about 21,000 years. The fourth cycle is that of the variable obliquity of our Earth's rotational axis in relation to the ecliptic and its duration is about 42,000 years. The fifth cycle, a combination of all previous cyclic changes and possibly one or two more unknown factors, is that of the ice ages. This is the cycle that no two scientists explain in the same way. Each geologist has his own theory and refuses all the others.

I am not a geologist and therefore can say what I think. Let me just state that the glacial periods repeat themselves every 126,000 years or so, with a shorter warm period of about 42,000 years in between the two severest periods of ice, and then a longer and warmer period of about 84,000 years with a slightly colder period in the middle. It would take five such periods or about 630,000 years for the whole chain of events to be repeated.

The theory is in harmony with the constant of Nineveh. You have possibly noticed already that all the above cycles are approximate multiples of a common factor - a time span of 5,175 years that I call the 'building block' of ice ages. When we divide the constant of 2,268 million days by 1,200, we obtain a construction block of 1,890,000 days or 5,174.648 years. This is very close to 5,175 years and also noticeably close to the Great Cycle of the Mayas that was equal to 5,163 years. So our ice age block is close enough to simplify it to 5,175 years; and if we use it, we obtain results that, except for the Mulberg and Wurm glaciations, are very close to the dates given by certain geologists that 1 do not want to name here.

Of these two, the Mulberg glaciation shows only one glacial period, while the Wurm has three. That seems difficult to explain unless the great glaciation cycle of 630,000 years is accepted with alternate very warm and very cold periods every 315,000 years. That would have precluded the first ice age of the Mulberg from occurring 350,000 years ago and would have caused the third ice age of the Wurm that ended only 20,000 years ago and caused the Great Deluge by sudden melting of the ice sheet.

We can calculate then, under these conditions, that the peak ice ages occurred in the following approximate numbers of years ago: Gunz - 599,600 and 558,200; Mindel - 475,400 and 434,000; Mulberg - 309,800; Riss - 227,000 and 185,600; Wurm -102,800, 61,400, and 20,000. If this chronology is correct and nothing changes in our solar system, we do not have to worry much at present about the two next ice ages. These should come 21,400 and 62,800 years from now, allowing us plenty of time to prepare and to emigrate to tropical zones, if it becomes necessary.

The constant of Nineveh has many more surprises to offer and I cannot cease to marvel about it. One example is the case of the planet Pluto. Its orbit has an inclination of 17 degrees from the ecliptic where the orbits of other planets are. It was discovered in January 1930 by the astronomer Clyde Tombaugh only because it crossed the ecliptic at that time - an event that will occur again only in the year 2048 when this planet will return to the southern hemisphere. We might add that Pluto is visible only with the most powerful telescopes and its planetary movements can be detected only by successive photographs, all proof that our ancestors could not have known about the existence of this planet.
Yet it seems that they did know.

The sidereal year of Pluto has been estimated by American astronomers to be 90,465 solar days. But sometimes, as in the case of the comet Kohoutek, in 1975, astronomers too make some mistakes. Since its discovery, Pluto has made only about one fifth of its voyage around the Sun, so a slight mistake in observations is possible. A negligible error in the calculated long year of Pluto would be perfectly excusable. So let's suppose that the true year of Pluto is, in reality, 90,720 solar days. Now the constant of Nineveh represents exactly 25,000 revolutions of Pluto and this can be no more of a coincidence than the fact that it also represents exactly 240 cycles of precession of the equinoxes. Without a doubt, our ancestors knew about the existence of Pluto and used its sidereal year together with the Great Year as the base of the great constant of the solar system, the constant of Nineveh.

We will have to wait until 2178, when Pluto will conclude its first revolution around the Sun since this planet was discovered, to know the precise length of its sidereal year. If it is 90,720 days and not 90,465 as preliminary observations indicate, we will have more proof concerning the Nineveh constant. Strangely enough, the number 90,720 days can be found in the Sumerian mathematical series of the constant.

What we still do not know is who the astronauts were who brought knowledge about Pluto to our ancestors. But whoever they were, these astronauts also instructed our forefathers about the existence of Proserpine, a planet much larger than our Earth at a distance of almost ten billion kilometres from the Sun, with a revolution period of 512 terrestrial years.

Nobody on Earth can say for sure that he has seen Proserpine and I doubt very much that it ever will be visible from a terrestrial vantage point. Yet our ancestors had knowledge of its existence. Some people might be surprised about my assurance that our ancestors knew the planets Uranus and Neptune as well as the precession of the equinoxes. This assurance is shared today by many authors trying to explain our ancestors' astonishing knowledge of astronomy.

A good example is the planet Uranus, which is usually not visible with the naked eye, but sometimes shows up for a few weeks with an apparent diameter larger than Mars at its greatest distance from Earth. Uranus was well known long before its official discovery by Sir William Herschel in 1781, but it took some time to make sure that it was a planet and not a star.

The ancient astrologers also could have noticed the acceleration and slowing down of a known planet when it passed another unknown planet. At the last conjunction of Uranus and Saturn on 4 May, 1942, the acceleration of Saturn was 2 minutes a day in February, 4 minutes in March, 6 in April, 8 in May, then 7 in June, 6 in July, 4 in August, and 2 in September when the conjunction of these two planets was over. By this same method Neptune was discovered in 1846 by Urbain Leverrier in France and by J. C. Adams in England.

There is some talk at this time about the big conjunction of planets that will take place on 10 May 2,000. Seven planets will be lined up with the sun. Some people have expressed fear that that combined force of attraction could cause tidal waves and earthquakes on our planet. Some even predict that California will break off along the San Andreas fault and drift away into the Pacific.

For me, a resident of San Diego, such thought is not very reassuring; but neither does it upset me much, since I have decided to retire to Tahiti anyway. However, for sheer fun, I have made some calculations to see how much influence the combined gravitational forces of the various planets could exert on our Earth.

As everyone knows, the gravitational force is directly proportionate to the product of the masses of the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The planet that exerts the strongest attraction on Earth is Venus, but this force is no more than 1/180 of the gravitational pull of the Moon. Jupiter has about 1/4 of the pull of Venus; Mars is about one hundred times weaker; Saturn is the same as Mars; and finally, Pluto has but one twomillionth part of the gravity that the Moon exerts on the Earth. Some might ask if the orbits and revolution periods of comets also agree with the Nineveh constant. The comets that frequently return to our Sun do not prove the validity of the constant, but the revolution periods of the rare ones fit perfectly into the cycle of the constant. Whiston's comet, for example, makes 10,800 revolutions around the Sun in 2,268 million days, while Crigg's comet makes 37,800 revolutions during that same period of time. As for Halley's comet, which passed its closest point to the Sun in February, 1986, it makes exactly 81,000 revolutions in 2,268 days!

I could not close this chapter without a word or two about the possible existence of some more planets out beyond Pluto. At this moment there are to the best of my knowledge at least three candidates. First there is the planet which Brady named Proserpine - the same name that our ancestors gave to this body. According to him, the planet is sixty-four times farther away from the Sun than we are and needs 512 years for one revolution around the Sun. The constant of Nineveh indicates a revolution period of 187,005 days.

Next is the planet of William Pickering that, according to the constant, should have a year of 238,536 days corresponding to 653 terrestrial years. Third and lastly, there is the planet of Schuette and, as the constant of Nineveh shows, it should have a sidereal revolution period of 246,951 days or about 676 years. It could very well be that all three of these planets are one and the same -- the famous Proserpine that has been seen by three different astronomers on three different occasions in three different positions, and at three different distances.

All that, however, does not explain how our ancestors knew about the existence of Proserpine any more than it explains who told them that Mars has two satellites, Jupiter four, Saturn seven, and Uranus two. And how did the Dogons, a primitive tribe of Mali, know that an enormous planet circles around the star Sirius, with a revolution period of fifty years? I certainly do not want to give the impression that I am entirely devoted to extraterrestrial civilizations and flying saucers; but in all honesty, one has to wonder how our distant ancestors of the Stone Age could possibly have had all of this knowledge of astronomy and mathematics?
They could not have found It all by themselves. Somebody had to have helped them, a god or an astronaut.


The mystery of the Mayan calendar has always been a hotly disputed subject among archaeologists. Everyone had his own theory and defended it firmly. But most of the time this dispute went on between the French and the German archaeologists and that is probably one of the reasons why I became interested. The situation was complicated by the fact that there were two Mayan calendars - one that was quite well known and another that no one had yet deciphered.

To measure short time spans, the Mayas used a cycle of 104 years and this cycle was well known and accepted so that everybody could agree on it. This cycle of 104 years or 37,960 days represented for the Mayan astronomers 1,285 cycles of the Moon, 327 cycles of Mercury, 219 cycles of eclipses, 146 sacred years, 104 profane years, 65 cycles of Venus, and 48 2/3 cycles of Mars.

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