Orson Welles, Vol I (115 page)

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Authors: Simon Callow

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Gance, Abel, 384

Garden, Mary, 19

Garrick, David, 178, 316, 324

Gassner, John, 212, 218, 355

Gate Theatre, Dublin, 83–107, 108–9,
111, 112, 146, 162, 169, 325, 363

Geddes, Norman Bell, 262

Geer, Will, 296

Geiger, Miriam, 465, 510

Gellhorn, Martha, 236

Gibbons, Cedric, 472, 473

Gibbs, Wolcott, 524

Gielgud, John, 169, 170, 266, 348, 425, 427

Gieseking, Walter, 10

Gilder, Rosamond, 349, 552, 558, 564, 570

Gill, Roma, 277

Gillette, William,
Too Much Johnson
, 309, 380, 383–6, 387, 389,
390, 391, 392, 396, 418, 446, 449, 503, 568

Gilpin, Charles, 221

Giotto, 186

Thami el Glaoui

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 281

Goldbeck, Eva

Goldstein, Malcolm, 213, 294

Goldwyn, Sam, 450, 451, 500, 520

Goodman Theatre, Chicago, 53, 94, 99, 156

Goodman Theatre Amateur Drama League, 53

Gordon, Eric A., 288, 291

Gorky, Maxim, 19

Gottfredson, Edward, 63

Gottfredson, Jacob R., 62, 64

Gottfredson, Mary Head Welles (grandmother), 5–6, 8, 15, 63–4

Graham, Martha, 145, 201

Grand Detour, 184; family trips to, 23–7, 50–2; burning down of Sheffield House, 52, 57

Grand Detour Players, 26

Grapes of Wrath, The
, 464, 499, 552

Grasi, Giovanni, 210

Graves, Rupert, 148

Great Crash (1929), 210–12

Green, Paul, 221, 555;
In Abraham’s Bosom
, 542;
A Hymn to the Rising Sun
, 542;
Native Son
adapted by Wright and, 540, 542–3, 546, 547–8

Green Back, The
(Wallace), 112

Green Goddess, The
(Archer), 386, 469; radio adaptation, 445–6; Welles’s vaudeville tour with, 446–8

Green Hat, The
, 19, 143

Greet, Ben, 19

Gregory, Lady, 83, 101

Grisman, Sam, 357

Group Theatre, 213–14,
262, 313, 347, 416, 423

Guggenheim, Paul, 41–3, 45, 52, 68–9

Gunga Din
(film), 498, 505

‘Gus and Sadie Love Song’ (Blitzstein), 292

Guthrie, Tyrone, 46, 328

Habima troupe, 340

Habimah, 19

Hairy Ape, The
, 19

Hall, Peter, 309

Hamilton, Robert, 523

(Shakespeare, 50, 106, 111, 112, 113, 139, 140, 150, 154, 178, 266, 315, 320, 348, 353, 405, 425, 427,
492; Houseman’s direction of Leslie Howard in, 266; Welles’s radio production of (1936), 304; Woodstock Summer Festival production (1934), 157, 158, 159, 168–72

Hammerstein I, Oscar, 19

Hammond, Percy, 238–9

Hampden, Walter, 181

Hannah, John, 151

Hardy, Joseph, 432–3

Harlem, New York, 277, 340, 554; Negro Theatre Unit in, 219–47, 249, 543

(Thurman), 221

Harpers, publishers, 184–5

Harris, Jed, 215

Harris, Robert, 112

Harris (London
correspondent), 133–4

Hartung, Philip, 565

Harvey, Frank, 94

Hawks, Howard, 521

Hawkins, Jack, 379

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 213

Hayes, Helen, 143, 348, 423, 445

Hayes, J.J., 99–100, 104–5

Hays Office, 476, 534–5, 539

Hayworth, Rita, 472

He Who Gets Slapped
, 19

Head, Orson (great-grandfather), 6, 11

Hearst, William Randolph, 275, 473, 484–7, 493–6, 505, 516, 524, 530–5, 538–9, 549, 550, 552, 555–8;
see also Citizen Kane

Hearst, William, Jr, 533

Heart of Darkness
(Conrad), radio adaptation of, 412, 418, 463

Heart of Darkness
(unfilmed screenplay), 463, 464–72, 476–7, 480, 481, 487, 501, 503, 504, 558

Heartbreak House
(Shaw), 114, 309,
359, 362–6, 367, 381, 382, 390, 425

Hearts of Age
(Welles short film), 176, 383

Hecht, Ben, 16, 221, 517, 518

Heifetz, Jascha, 342

, 112

Hellman, Lillian, 250, 300

, 259, 386, 435

Hemingway, Ernest, 136–7;
Death in the Afternoon
, 136

Henderson, Mary, 145

Hendrickson, Carl, 44

Hendrickson, Nanette, 40

Henri Christophe I, Haitian Emperor,

Henry IV
, Pts I and II (Shakespeare), 112, 162, 358, 423, 427, 431

Henry V
(Shakespeare), 358, 423, 427, 431

Hepburn, Katharine, 423, 503

Herald, Heinz, 391

Heron, Constance, 174

Herrmann, Bernard, 304, 375–6, 419, 420, 422, 525–7, 573

Hexter, George, 310

Heyward, Dubose, 221

Heywood, Thomas, 349

Higham, Charles, x, 8, 14, 29, 58, 61, 64, 575

Park News
, Welles’s column in, 47–8, 54–7

Hill, Benny, 350

Hill, Hortense (‘Horty’), 37, 38–9, 40, 53, 60, 63, 68, 76, 79, 98, 99, 100, 110, 117–18, 161, 167, 199, 474, 496

Hill, Joanne, 39

Hill, Noble (‘the King’), 12, 35, 37

Hill, Roger (‘Skipper’), 35–40, 41, 43, 44, 50, 53, 71, 151, 199, 337, 361, 515, 561–2;
Everybody’s Shakespeare
, 127, 129, 154, 177–85, 474;
, 115, 116, 117–19; The Mercury Shakespeare (on discs), 358, 474, 515, 529; Todd/Woodstock Theatre Festival, 155–6, 158, 160–2, 165, 167, 176–7; Welles’s letters to, 74, 75, 76, 85, 87, 91, 94, 102, 110, 115, 129, 140–1, 154; Welles’s relations with, 37–8, 39–40, 43, 52, 53, 57, 60, 209, 474–5

Hillside Farm Long Island, 31

Hillyer, Katherine, 437

Hindemith, Paul, 288

His Honor
the Mayor
(radio play), 555–7

Hitchcock, Alfred, 422, 452, 507, 509

Hitler, Adolf, 324, 358, 422, 485, 539

Hoffmann, E.T.A., 176

Holinshed, Raphael,
The Chronicles
, 427, 429

Holland, Joseph, 313, 337, 347

Holloway, Joseph, 99, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 110–11

Hollywood, 211, 306, 368, 382, 391, 413, 448–53, 554, 555; movie community’s reaction to Welles, 457–9, 472,
473–4; Welles in, 457–539, 543;
see also

Hollywood Masquers’ Club, 458

Hollywood Reporter, The
, 472, 562

Homer, Louise, 19

homosexuality, 10–11, 33, 66, 89, 138–9, 143, 174–5, 206, 288, 444, 460

Hope, Bob, 285

Hopkins, Arthur, 306

Hopkins, Harry, 216, 249, 285, 299

Hopkins, Perry, 219

Hopper, Hedda, 167, 473–4, 516, 530, 532, 549

, 571

Horse Eats Hat
(adaptation of
An Italian Straw Hat
), 250–62, 263, 265, 270, 287, 315, 380, 397, 434

Horton, Asadata Dafora, 223, 234, 239

Houdini, Harry, 58, 447

Houghton, Charles,
I Am Jonathan Scrivener
, 484

Houseman, John, 108, 193–204, 210, 215, 242, 251, 265, 285, 312, 422, 423, 425, 431–2, 449, 465, 483, 518–19, 557;
Campbell Playhouse
, 417, 445, 461, 462, 464, 483;
, 485, 487, 488–9, 493, 494, 496, 497, 514–15, 519, 524, 542, 548, 554;
The Cradle Will Rock
, 290, 293, 294–6, 297, 299, 300, 301, 303, 357;
Danton’s Death
, 390, 391–2, 393–5, 398, 408;
Doctor Faustus
, 273–4, 275, 277, 278; dismissed from Project 891: 301; directs Leslie Howard in
, 266; early years, 193–4;
Five Kings
, 423–4, 426–7, 428, 430, 433, 438, 440, 441, 443–5;
Heartbreak House
, 363, 365, 367; in Hollywood, 459, 460, 461, 468, 477;
Horse Eats Hat
, 254–5, 257, 259, 266;
Julius Caesar
, 322, 323, 325, 333, 334, 336, 340, 343;
Liberty Jones
directed by, 546–7; Mankiewicz’s friendship with, 488–9; Mercury Theatre, 308–11, 343, 344, 355, 356, 357, 358, 360, 366–9, 370, 384, 385, 386, 390, 391–417
, 423–4, 426; Mercury Theatre of the Air, 370, 374–5, 376, 377, 387, 413–14,
415, 417;
Native Son
, 539, 540–3, 546, 547–8, 550; Negro Theatre Unit run by, 219–44, 246;
, 196–7, 198, 200–4, 325; Project 891: 247, 250–62, 265, 286–7, 290, 301; returns to New York from Hollywood to run radio show, 464;
(Vol.I of memoir), xi, 195–6, 311–12, 336, 445, 477–8, 543, 548, 555; ‘The Summing Up’ (article in
New York Times
), 366–7; Vassar College teaching job, 306–7,
310, 333;
The Voice of America
: appointed head of, 554–5; ‘Voodoo’
, 222–44
, 249;
The War of the Worlds
, 398, 399, 400, 401, 404, 406, 411–12, 490; Welles’s relationship with, 195–200, 206–7, 209, 227–8, 243–4, 246–7, 254–5, 266, 267–8, 273–4, 286, 303, 306–8, 334–5, 374–5, 444–5, 459, 464, 477–80, 488–9,
529–30, 537, 546, 554–5

How Green Was My Valley
(film), 577

Dear Abigail
, 344

Howard, Leslie, 266

Howard, Sidney, 286–7, 322

Howe, Irving, 540

Hoystradt John, (John Hoyt), 145, 313, 362

Hughes, Langston, 219

Hughes, Richard, 131;
A High Wind in Jamaica
, 131

Hugo, Victor,
Les Misérables
, 304–6, 320, 372, 373, 445

Hull House settlement, Chicago, 9, 18

Humorous Lieutenant, The
, 349

Hunchback of Notre Dame, The
(film), 451, 523

Hurston, Zora Neale, 246

Huston, Walter, 445

Hutchens John K., 341–2, 343, 435–6

Hutton, Edward, 130, 135

Huxley, Aldous, 549;
After Many a Summer
, 473

Ibsen, Henrik, 19, 536

Idiot, The
, 158

If You Know Not Me, You Know Nobody
, 349

If This Be Not a Good Play, The Evil Is in It
, 349

Imperial Theatre, New York, 201, 203

Importance of Being
Earnest, The
(Wilde), 368

Ince, Thomas, 495

Independent, The
Dublin, 99, 102, 104, 105, 106

‘The Index of American Design’, 218

Ingram, Rex, 384

Insull, Samuel, 505

Ireland, 150; Welles’s stay in (1931–2), 75–111, 131, 135

Iris Theatre of Velva, North Dakota, 575

Irving, Henry, 281, 313, 316, 318, 375

Isaacs, Edith, 202, 214, 275, 339

It Can’t Happen Here
(film), 451

It Happened One Night
(radio play), 463

It Won’t Be Long Now
(musical), 45

Italian Straw Hat, An see Horse Eats Hat

It’s All True
(film), 577

I’ve Got the Time
(radio play), 302

Ives, Lucy (grandmother), 7, 10, 13–14, 15

Jacobsen, Sigrid (nanny), 14

Jane Eyre
(Brontë), radio adaptation of, 418, 489

Jane Eyre
(film), 422

Japan, Welles’s visits
to, 55–7, 131

Jarry, Alfred, 259

, 50

Jerome, Jerome K., 82

Jerome, V.J., 203

Jew Süss
(Feuchtwanger), 84, 85–7, 93–100, 103, 105, 107, 110, 111, 139, 148, 280

Jewell, Richard,
The RKO Story
, 450

John Citizen, USA see Citizen Kane

John Meade’s Woman
(Mankiewicz), 487

Johnny Belinda
, 553

Johnston, Alva, 301, 475, 476

Johnston, Denis, 100, 101

Jones, Errol Aubrey, 239

Jones, Inigo, 67

Jones, Robert Edmond, 138, 154, 169

Jones, Mrs Robert
Corrington, Dorothy

Jonson, Ben, 286, 309, 349

Jordan, Joe, 219

Journey into Fear
(film), 528, 577

Jouvet, Louis, 173

Joyce, Phyllis, 363

Julius Caesar
(Shakespeare), 53–4, 114, 177, 183–4, 275, 282, 286, 287, 309, 344, 394, 398, 409, 516; on disc, 474; Mercury
Theatre modern-dress production, 309–10, 313, 320, 321, 322–43, 346–7, 348, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 359, 365, 367, 368, 382, 388, 392, 435, 438, 448, 500, 545; nation-wide tour of, 357–8, 362, 428; radio adaptation of, 336–7, 377, 418; Schintzer’s production at Delaware of, 322; transferred from Mercury to National Theatre, 357, 362

June Moon
(radio), 463

Juno, Beverly, 271

Juno and the Paycock
(O’Casey), 348

Kachalov, Vasili Ivanovich, 50

Kael, Pauline, 488, 506, 524, 570, 571

Kaltenborn, H.V., 336, 418

Kanakee state sanatorium, Dick Welles Jr incarcerated in, 58, 74, 119

Kane, Whitford, 94, 156–7, 158, 160, 164, 208, 209, 348, 352, 356, 359, 368, 496

Karson, Nat, 219, 222, 229–30, 231, 237, 238, 241, 255

Kaufmann, George, 214

Starting Out in the Thirties
, 342

Kean, Edmund, 110, 316, 378

Keen, J.H., 438

Kemble, Charles, 178

Kenosha, Wisconsin, Welles’s birth, childhood and family in, 3–15, 17, 23, 474; funeral of Dick Welles Sr in, 63, 64, 65

Kenosha City Club, 9

Kent, Amalia, 465

Kilmer, Joyce, 81

King, Alexander, 140

King Lear
(Shakespeare), 31, 110, 112, 138, 208, 306,
315, 317

Kingsley, Sidney, 262, 263–4

Kingsway Theatre, London, 113

Kiri Te Kanawa, 526

Kitty Foyle
(film), 496

Kline, Herbert, 200, 203

Koch, Howard, 402, 406;
War of the Worlds
, 398, 399–400, 401, 406, 490–2, 517

Koenig, John, 365

Komisarjevsky, Théodore, 92, 112

Korngold, Erich Wolfgang, 526

Krauss, Werner, 50

Kreisler, Fritz, 10

Kris and Kurz,
Legend, Myth and Magic in the Image of the Artist
, xi

, 223

La Salle, Henrietta, 493

Labiche, Eugène, 250, 252, 253, 255, 259

Lac du Flambeau, Welles’s stay at, 115–17, 122, 135

Lady Has a Heart, The
, 348

Lady in the Dark
, 553

Lafayette Players, Harlem, 210, 219

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