Oracle Rising (6 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

BOOK: Oracle Rising
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He found it funny.

Some people, like Jagger, didn't. It could be…awkward.

What a normal person might blush over, Avalon didn't. It was like each day she was learning more and more about being free and a woman.

Since Maura was on her honeymoon, Nate had been the one answering all the questions.

Some made him stammer, and some made him blush. When she’d ask the sexual ones, he wanted to thank a higher power for such an amazing gift.

Show and tell was his favorite thing.

Yeah, he was a wolf alright.

Just that morning, she had asked about babies, and how not to make one. While it would seem like a crazy question, Nate had to take the time to explain it.

Yes, he’d fielded the birth control questions without batting an eyelash. Someone had to. Before their team, a governmental doctor handled it. Avalon was given regular shots. The last thing the president wanted was to lose his weapon to motherhood.

Not that it mattered.

Before him, no one dared to go there. It wasn’t because she wasn’t beautiful, because she was, but Avalon was sexually off limits. Everyone guarding her knew it. Jagger had spilled the beans, informing them that the Marines had been warned not to partake in the forbidden fruit or the penalty was so stiff no one dared question it.

Nate was glad.

Since the birds and the bees eluded her, he would take one for the team.

Granted, the conversation didn't exactly please him. Not because he was freaked out, but because he was forty one years old and would like nothing more than to get Avalon pregnant.

Here was more proof that he was a wolf.

He’d been having sex with her the last couple of weeks with no protection for just that reason. There was no doubt in his mind that he was a horrible person.

Who did things like that?

Obviously him.

A part of him wanted to lock her to him, and this was a sure fire way to do it. The other half wanted something he never dared to dream about.

Nate wanted a wife and family.

He saw his sister and Quinn’s happiness, and before Avalon, he didn't think it was possible.

Now he knew the truth.

He could have that too.

Damn his soul to hell for not talking about birth control sooner, but he didn't care. He was entitled to needs and wants too, and Avalon was the center of them.

As he ran his hands through his hair, he thought about her carrying his child. It set off this craving in him that he couldn’t explain.

That was a lie.

He knew why it did.

Nate wanted to claim her. It was more than longing. It was simple possession.

Truth be told, he didn't want her to ever get sick of him, stray, or move on. He wanted something to make her his for all eternity. He was pretty sure that without her, he’d be lost. If Avalon dumped him, moving on to someone else, he’d be destroyed. Nate had never loved like this before, and he was afraid to lose her.

So, after the conversation, he’d admit that he was flustered. He’d told her about the options available and waited for her to decide what she wanted to do.

Again, he was giving her some of the freedom that had been stolen from her. She should be able to decide what she wanted to do with her body.

He loved her more than his need to trap her by his side.

When Avalon didn't say anything more about the birth control, he was curious as hell as to what she was going to do.

While he wanted to ask, he held back.

She was accustomed to being under the microscope, so he was giving her space.

It was the least he could do.

Immediately, he started thinking about her as his wife and giving him a child. The heat rushed through his body, like blood pumping through his veins.

He glanced down at his lap and the tenting in his trousers. Just the idea made him all hot and bothered.

Nate wanted to be in bed with her in the worst way.

What he needed was a distraction.

As if timed perfectly, Jagger sauntered into the room. He was wearing camo pants and a super snug t-shirt. It showed off his physique, proving that Nate was getting old.

He remembered his body looking like that with minimal exercise, and now he had to sweat his ass off in the gym to even get close.

“Yo, boss!” Jagger said, greeting him warmly. “It’s all clear outside. I wrapped the patrol.”

Nate was glad.

Even though they were off the grid, and everyone believed Avalon was dead, he still didn't want to take chances. They patrolled the area each and every day just to make sure. A part of him was wary that the Blackhawks knew she was still alive. His fear was that they’d turn on them.

Yes, that was crazy, but before Avalon so was the idea that she existed.

“Thanks. I appreciate it, Jagger. Do the patrol again in a couple of hours.”

The young Marine stared at him. Something wasn’t right. He could hear it in his boss’s voice.

“You looked flustered. What’s up?” he asked.

Nate liked the man, but he was still cautious around him. While he trusted Luke implicitly, Maura too, this guy was new to his team. They’d only been together a few weeks, and he was still trying to gauge the man’s loyalty.

Was he a Marine, loyal to the government, or was he one of them, dedicated to Avalon and her safety?

Yeah, he was paranoid, but when it came to Avalon, he didn't like to take chances. He’d done all his research, even asking Elizabeth for Jagger’s military records.

Before the day Avalon ‘died’, they were spotless. When she had been lost to the man stalking her, he’d been honorably discharged. In Marine speak, the president booted his ass for failing at his mission.

Yeah, it sucked to be him. Jagger and Maura had been the scapegoats.

“I was thinking about things.”

“Avalon would be offended if she knew you were calling her a ‘thing’,” Jagger offered, grinning wickedly. There was no doubt in his mind what had Nathaniel Carter all tied up in knots.

Love was wicked.

All he could hope was he evaded it as long as possible. Jagger didn't want to end up some sappy mess.

Nate said nothing. How did you argue with that, especially when he was right? He had been daydreaming about the woman he loved, and sex.

Still, he wasn’t admitting that out loud.

Nate wasn’t crazy.

Jagger snorted. “I’m not an idiot. In fact, we’re both guys. It’s hard not to notice that Avalon is hot.”

Nate lifted a brow.

“In a taken and in love with you kind of way,” he added with a grin.

Nate didn't speak.

He was trying to figure out whether to kick his ass, or take it with a grain of salt.

He didn't have to wonder long.

“I was only kidding, Nate. Director Hot Stuff said you had a sense of humor, and I was only yanking your chain. Avalon is like a kid sister to me. She reminds me of my sister, Jaxon. I won’t be poaching your girl. Chill.”

Oh, he could bet on that. Jagger looked harmless, but Nate knew the truth—it wouldn’t be easy to take him down, but for Avalon…he’d do it.

Nate closed the Braille book and stared at the man. “You have a death wish if you’re talking about Elizabeth Blackhawk like that. If either of her husbands hear you saying that, you’re a dead man, son.”

He shrugged. “Maybe, but she and I have an understanding.”

“What? That you’re an asshole?”

He grinned, knowing that the man before him had a short fuse when it came to Avalon Miller. That’s what made it all the more fun to bust his balls. “Yeah, how did you know?”

“Let’s call it a hunch, Jagger.”

The man headed his way, taking a seat not far from Nate.

“What are you doing?” he asked, changing the subject. Nate’s ears were red, and that was a surefire sign that he was close to losing it.

“I’m learning Braille.”

He stared at the book, flipping through the pages. “Holy shit, boss man, that’s a lot of dots. You have to memorize all of them?”

Nate was well aware. “It’s not easy. I have to learn them by touch.”

“Maybe you should just get her one of those reading apps to read to her. It might be easier for you and less work.”

Nate felt his temperature rise.

He struggled to control his temper.

“She’s not a pet, Jagger. I don’t want her to be distracted by a story. I want to give her some of her power back. She wants to learn how to read, and I’m going to teach her.”

“I get it.”

He wasn’t sure the man did.

At Jagger’s age, he didn't get it either. Women were all about jumping, and he’d had his share of indiscretions. All the men in the house had.

“I hope we go out soon,” Jagger admitted. “I’m going stir crazy. I need to see some action before I lose my edge.”

They all were, but there was nothing they could do. It all came down to Avalon giving them their information. Nate wasn’t going to pressure her. Already, she was starting to worry that she’d lost her gift, and she didn't need him on her case.

No, it wasn’t happening.

For years, she was at the government’s beck and call, and she was now free. Even though they were a team, they were leaving it up to her.

“I hear you. I am too. Hopefully, Luke and Maura will be back before we head out.”

Nate didn't really want to go anywhere with only Jagger. While he was a super soldier, he was a tad bit…douche-y. The man liked to yank just about everyone’s chain—including his.

Elizabeth had warned him.

It was probably to keep him from killing the man. Sadly, he could see himself losing control and snapping.

“I hope it’s a hot one,” Jagger added.

Just as Nate was about to make a comment, he felt it. He could swear he heard her voice whispering through the room. When he looked around, Jagger stared at him like he was crazy.


He heard it again, only this time, she sounded like she was in distress.

“Avalon,” he blurted, pushing back from the table so fast that his chair flipped backwards.

Then, he was off.

Jagger was right behind him, already pulling one of the many guns he had strapped to his body—just in case.

Nate raced through their new home until he got to their bedroom door. Inside, Avalon was alone and on the bed. It appeared that she was having some kind of…episode.

“Honey,” he called, climbing onto the bed as Jagger stood guard at the door. His heart pounded. She looked to be in so much pain.

Yes, he’d seen Avalon ‘receive’ information before, but it was never this violent. Whatever she was picking up was forcing her body to fight it.

That worried him.

Nate pulled her into his arms, forcing her to open her eyes. As she stared blindly at him, pale blue eyes empty of anything but pain, he was worried.

“Juliett Deveraux,” she hissed out between clenched teeth. “Her name is Juliett, and she needs our help.”

It was all she could get out. While she wanted to tell them more, the pain was too much. It had a hold of her body, and at any second, she was going to slip into unconsciousness.

She didn't know how long she could hold on.

Nate glanced over at Jagger. “Research her. I want everything you have on the woman. Get me location, name, and any details of her life.”

Nate knew if Avalon was spouting names, it was going to begin, and soon. It looked like their new career was kicking off, and in a big way.

“Yes, sir!” Jagger said before spinning on his heel. 

As he raced out, Nate held the woman he loved in his arms. It killed him how frail she looked, trapped in the clutches of some sort of horrifying episode.

“Honey. Come on, Avi, speak to me.”

She shook, trying to pull out of it. At that moment, she was trapped somewhere between the crazed killer hunting victims and the woman on his list of prey.

It sucked.

As Nate crooned to her, whispering words of affection and love in her ear, she focused on it. As he lowered his lips to hers, there was a calm forced into her body.

He was safe.

He was protection.

He was hers.

Slowly, she began pulling free of the horrible visions. Instead of focusing on them, Avalon fell into the kiss. It helped pull her free.

In fact, she never wanted it to end.

As he set her free, his mouth moved across her pale flesh, leaving warm openmouthed kisses in the wake. “I’ve got you, Avi. You don’t have to worry. I’m here.”

That was her only saving grace.

“Nathaniel,” she whispered. “I hurt.”

He hated that she was suffering. “What can I do for you, sweetheart?”

She wasn’t sure.

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