Oracle Rising (24 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

BOOK: Oracle Rising
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It was a badge.

Well, shit.

It was the FBI.

They were there.

Suddenly, he was filled with wave after wave of fear, only to have it grip his heart in its cold fist.

He tried to breath, fighting the panic attack.

When he got it under control, he was able to think again.

“I can do this,” he muttered. “She’s out there, and I can’t let her escape. This has to be done. I’m doing a job. I’m righting the wrongs.”

He repeated it over and over again, trying to convince himself of the truth.

This just got so much harder.

If the Feds were in town, he needed to find them and watch them. There was no way he could blindly stumble around Crosspointe, killing women.

It was foolish.

It was insane.

And he wasn’t either of those two things.

No, he was clever.

He would find that man and go from there. Once he did, he’d know what they knew. He’d be able to figure out if he had to forget the woman in his head and escape, or stay and finish what he knew was right.


Payback was a bitch.

He couldn’t quit now.



His father raised him better than that.

Chapter TEN



Thursday Evening




She was as nervous as hell.

This whole date thing was new to her. Yes, she’d been out with men before, but it never went well. Juliett didn't believe in lying to men, and when they asked about her life, what she did for a living, and anything else personal, she would drop the bomb.

Then…they ran.


She’d had a man leave, ditching her with the tab and the cab ride home—alone.

Juliett refused to get too excited about that evening’s plans, since she was pretty sure they would end badly.

The odds weren’t in her favor. What were the chances that a sexy man would find her attractive, entertaining, and special?

Slim to none.

So, when she found herself nervously pacing, she wanted to take a pill, or a shot of something.


Why was she so stirred up?

Why was she tied up in knots?

Oh, that’s right. It was because Rhett Longfellow was a fine specimen of masculinity. His big shoulders, wide grin, and dent in his chin were enough to melt her into the floor.


She’d admit it.

She was wet with the prospect of what could happen. What woman wouldn’t be? If sexy had a face, it would be his. She’d always been a sucker for some cowboy. There was something so damn hot about a man with a drawl.

And his ass…

Christ almighty.

It was tight enough to bounce a coin off it. She was trying not to picture him in just his jeans, nothing beneath, but she couldn’t help it. Juliett wanted him.

There was something about him that drove her temperature through the roof. She knew he wasn’t doing it on purpose, but it was happening none the less.

He was gentle.

Why that made her hornier than a hooker with a rich man, she didn't know, but it did.

As she continued pacing, the two Feds and Avalon watched her. They tracked her erratic movements across the small cabin, and they were likely thinking she was out of her damn mind.

She couldn’t blame them.

It was just dinner.

If she understood correctly, the man just wanted to get to know her.

That didn’t scream sex, or….

Oh shit!

She had to keep her mind from going there. If she was thinking about his big, sexy body, naked in bed, then she was screwed. Juliett couldn’t recall the last time she’d slept with a man. It was like her girly parts were coated in cobwebs.

“I’m screwed.”

“What?” Nate asked grinning. He found it amusing that the woman was rattled, and she hadn’t even started her date. Avalon’s aura thing must be spot on.

This woman was worked up for a good reason.

Rhett Longfellow was his name, and sexy sheriff was his game.

“He’ll be here soon,” Jagger said, dropping his military boots on the corner of the table. “Now, remember. If he talks you into bed, use protection.”

“Jagger!” Avalon stated, swinging her arm out to slap him.

The Marine laughed. “What? Isn’t that the talk that you give to impressionable women? My father was a mob boss, so his talks were a little different. They were more like, ‘you take joey, and if he touches you, Jaxon, he’s a dead man’,” he teased in his best mob voice. “Then, nine out of ten times, the dude was dead.”

They stared at him.

“You’re horrible,” Avalon stated. “She’s freaked out as it is. The last thing she needs is you riding her ass.”

The men started laughing. Nate pulled her under his arm as he worked on some files.

“What did I say?” she asked.

“It’s nothing, honey. I swear,” Nate reassured, right before he glanced over at the Marine. He mouthed,
‘knock it off’
over her head.

The man obeyed.

“Maybe I should stay here,” Juliett offered. “You know, so I can help you.”

“No, you should go,” Avalon stated.

“What if something happens?” she countered.

“You’re with the town sheriff. I’m thinking he can probably protect you,” Nate added. “Go. Have fun. Get to know him. We’re only working on a profile here.”

She took a deep breath.

“Okay, you’re right. Do I look okay?”

“Yes!” they all said together.

She laughed. “Okay. I get it. I’m being a tad bit neurotic.”

She was.

There was a knock on the door, and she nearly knocked the lamp over when she spun around.

“I’ll get it,” Nate said, afraid the woman would run out the door and keep going. He was grateful that Avalon was calm.

When he opened the door, a totally different man stood there. He was still in jeans, but he was wearing a dress shirt and had shaved.

“Your date is here. Get her back on time, and no heading to Vegas to get hitched. Mom and I want to be there to see it. If we’re paying, you’re staying.”

Rhett laughed, offering the man a fist bump. “I got it, Dad. No eloping. I think I can manage to keep my intentions in check.”

Then he stared at her.

Maybe he was wrong on that one.

She stood there, watching him. It lit something deep within him that had been dormant. It had been a long time since he’d picked a lady up for a date.


Now, he’d tried to pick up women in a bar, but that wasn’t the same thing.

This was different.

She couldn’t speak.

Her tongue was tied in knots.

Rhett was so handsome. For some reason, she desperately wanted to touch the dent in his chin. Then she wanted to plant her lips against his. They were so...kissable.

“Your chariot awaits, madam. It’s a dusty truck, but it’ll get us to the pizza place.”

She headed toward him, cognizant that he was watching her. It made Juliett’s heart skip. “I’m ready.”

“You look lovely,” he stated. Then, he pulled a pink rose from his back pocket. “My momma always told me that when you take a lady out, you bring flowers. The sexy ones love them.”

She stared at the flower, and nearly wanted to weep. No one had ever done that for her.


“Thank you.”

When he handed it to her, their fingers brushed.

“I pulled off all the thorns for you. I didn’t want to see you get hurt.”

Even Avalon made gushy girl sounds.

Nate lifted a brow. Did his girl just swoon at some other guy’s romantic gesture?

It appeared she did.

Well, shit!

That didn't seem right.

“Have fun,” Avalon said, waving toward their auras. When the door closed, she grinned. “She’s going to marry him. I’ll bet money on it.”

The men just stared.

They weren’t sure if she was guessing, or if Avalon was laying down the future.

It was any body’s guess.

Nate watched his girl sit there, and she was still smiling. “What are you thinking about?” he asked.

“Just how romantic the sheriff was just now. Whether or not Juliett realizes it, she’s lucky.”

He opened his mouth.

What did that mean?

“Lucky?” he asked.

Avalon ignored him. “I’m going to make some tea,” she said, climbing off the couch.

Jagger shook his head. Their boss was smart, but when it came to seeing the obvious, he was pretty damn dumb.

Nate watched her walk away.

He had that feeling.


And it wasn’t a good one.






Outside, at the truck, he helped her up by offering Juliett his hand. He waited for her to buckle in before he closed the door. It was so hard not to stare at her. He’d admit it. He checked out her ass in those jeans. The fact that she was wearing heels made his mouth want to salivate.

Jeans meant casual, but wasn’t there some girl rule about painted toes and high heels? Didn't that make it more serious?


He wished he knew a woman to ask.

Now was a bad time to have all male friends.

What he did know was that she looked gorgeous. She’d let her wavy brown hair hang down, and Rhett almost forgot himself and touched it. Each strand looked like silk. It was hard not to think about his hand bunched in it as he kissed her.

It stole his breath.

He began praying for control.

As he hustled around the truck to the driver’s side, he couldn’t help but notice she smelled good too. “Are you wearing vanilla?” he asked.

“Yes, why?” she asked, looking a little worried. “I’m sorry if you hate it.”

He touched her arm. “Hey, I love it. In fact, it makes me hungry.”


Yeah, Rhett wanted to start at her toes and work his way up her body. At least he didn't lie. He just wasn’t hungry for food.

When he closed his door, he glanced over, his blue eyes sparkling. “I hope you enjoy the pizza. It’s the best in town. I eat it about three times a week.”

She smiled nervously.

This was hard.

She didn't know what to say or do. “I’m sure I will.”

Looking out the window, she closed her eyes. Juliett prayed that she wouldn’t make a fool out of herself. Not with Rhett.

She wanted him to like her.


She didn't know.

When this killer was caught, she was heading home, and he was staying there.

“I lied to you. I didn't want to talk about the case,” he offered, trying to make conversation. She looked freaked out, and he didn't know how to stop her panic.

He knew he was rusty at dating, and he didn't go out much, but it had to be like riding a bike…right? You treat the woman right, and you make it through the date.

“Then what did you want to talk about?” she asked.


Her lips formed a tight line.

Rhett knew he’d hit a girl landmine. “Is that okay?”


It wasn’t. She didn't want to scare him away. “Does this town have cabs?” she asked.

He navigated the road, but glanced over when she asked that question. “Why?”

“So when you ditch me at the pizza place, I can get a ride home.”

He stared over at her aghast. “What? Why would I ditch you? I picked you up, and I should drop you off. That’s how a date works. You don’t leave a girl stranded. What kind of asshole would do that?”

Oh, plenty.

Most of them were the men she had a single date with.

“Juliett, do you really think I’d do that to you?” he asked.

“It’s been known to happen. I wouldn’t bet against the odds at this point. Men find out about my life, and they bail—fast.”

That broke his heart.

She was a sweet woman. He could tell.

Pulling off the road, he turned to face her. She actually looked afraid.

“Okay, calm down. I’m not Jack the Ripper. I’m not going to jump you here in my truck. I just want to talk for a second. You seem to have the wrong idea here.”

She tried to stay calm.

Rhett could see her hands shaking, and he had to hope it wasn’t him, but that she had some maniac chasing her.

“I suck at dating. I’m going to be real honest here. I don’t do it a lot. I think the last woman I took out was Valentine’s Day last year, and it ended with me wearing my drink.”

Juliett stared at him.

“She asked me if her breasts looked big in the dress she was wearing, and I said ‘no, they look fine’,” he admitted. “Obviously, in girl world, that’s code for dump your wine on the sheriff’s lap.”

She smiled a little.

Okay, he was getting through. Honesty was going to be the best policy with her. She was skittish.

“After she left, I didn't know what the hell to think, so I opted to skip the relationship game. It’s a contact sport, and women wear some wicked heels.”

She glanced down at her shoes.

“Which, I find hot. Don’t hit me.”

She laughed. “I won’t, Sheriff.”

“Actually, it’s Rhett. That’s my title, but I have a name, and I’d love to hear it come from your lips.” He knew he had to keep her off balance. She was a thinker, and that was damn dangerous. “Are you wearing flavored lip gloss?”

She was confused. “Yes.”

“Will you be wearing it after dinner?”

“Uh, yes.”


She was staring at him like he was crazy, but at least she wasn’t looking at him like he was dangerous.

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