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Authors: Kyra Dune

Oracle (13 page)

BOOK: Oracle
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“The way
you look after Edward? Is he your son?” Charles knew it was likely overbold of
him to ask, but he was curious as well as desperate to talk of anything other
than his own personal family matters.

people think so,” Victor said. “Even Robert did. But no, Edward is not mine.
the pity. He is a bright, capable, honest sort of
boy and any man should be honored to call him son. Sadly, his father doesn’t
feel the same. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors concerning my brother’s many

nobles have such rumors spread of them.”

“Yes, but
for most nobles it isn’t true. Or at least, I hope it isn’t.” He lifted his
wine glass. “In Armand’s case it’s very true. If you ever have occasion to come
by the manor again, take a good, long look at the younger servants. You’ll find
a number of them share some of Edward’s features. I’ve been cleaning up after
my brother’s messes for a long time.”

“But you
seem to pay Edward special favors.”

Victor said. “I won’t deny he has become my favorite. So much so I have
seriously considered doing as Robert would have done and naming my nephew my

don’t think you might wait?” Charles asked. “You could still father a son of
your own.”

“I think
not. In the past I considered taking a wife solely for the sake of an heir, but
my brother has supplied me with my pick, so why bother? I enjoy my life as it
is and see no need for bringing a woman into it.”

suppose if I win the throne I’ll be expected to marry quickly.” Charles made a
face at the idea. “At least I’m already betrothed, so I don’t have to concern
myself over stepping on anyone’s fragile egos by refusing their daughters.”

look so overjoyed about it.”

sighed. “Lady Madeline is a lovely woman. Pretty and not entirely lacking when
it comes to brains, she’ll make a fine queen I’m sure. But in all truth, I only
proposed because I seem to be reaching an age when a nobleman is expected to
settle in with a family. I respect you for your bravery in refusing to follow
such societal pressures.”

pressure you’ve felt as future Duke of
be infinitely greater once you’re king,” Victor said. “I don’t envy you in the
least. But you have earned my respect as well, for doing something you so
obviously have no wish to do in order to protect your sister. You remind me of
your mother. She carried the same sense of familial responsibility.”

“You were
close with my mother?” Try as he might, Charles could not remember Victor ever
visiting them in
. But then, his mother had
died when he was very young.

as close as I was with Robert. I might have married her myself had she not
fallen in love with your father. But, it was for the best things worked out as
they did. Though their marriage was sadly brief, it was wonderfully happy.
Anyone who ever saw them together could see as much.”

funny how things turn out sometimes, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it
is,” Victor said. “I think of when Robert was crowned and how many noblemen
clamored for him to wed their daughter. Had he not chosen Miranda and then
followed her death by marrying her little sister, we would not be here now.
It’s a pity he couldn’t have married Jana back then.”

Charles drummed his fingers along the armrest. “How long do you suppose it will
take the High Priest to make his choice?”

chuckled. “He’ll make no decision tonight, I can tell you that much. It was
almost three months after
death before
Robert was crowned.”

months?” Charles groaned. “If Richard and I have to live under the same roof
for so long,
may kill
. Every time I see his face all I can
think of is what he plans to do to my sister and all I want is to run my sword
through his guts. I’m not normally a violent man, but in his case I could make
an exception.”

understand the feeling,” Victor said. “But hopefully it will not take so long
in this case.
made the same mistake as Robert
when it came to waiting too long to formally announce his heir, but the delay
came more from a certain Lady’s son who claimed to be sired by
. It couldn’t be proven, of course, but the High
Priest had to do his duty in strenuously investigating the claim.”

nodded. He tried to ease himself back in the seat and calm his mind. But a
moment later found himself on his feet pacing once more. Calm and ease simply
were not possible with his life in such a turmoil.

work for her and drive yourself to
illness if you don’t settle,” Victor said.

“I know,
but I have never been good at waiting. And considering what we’re waiting for,
I don’t see how you can be so calm.” He lowered his voice even though they were
alone. “If the Cataclysm occurs we’ll have far more to worry over than who
claims the throne.”

“I remain
calm by focusing my energies on what I
do rather than what I
He poured himself another glass of wine. “I c
do one thing about the
Cataclysm, but I
exert my every will in seeing Richard and
pay something for murdering their father. Justice
for Robert is the only thing which concerns me at the moment.”

didn’t surprise Charles in the least. He’d known from the start why Victor was
so keen on him being king. Let him call it justice if he liked. In truth, it was
vengeance plain and simple. But Charles didn’t mind being an instrument of
revenge if it meant protecting his sister.

The door
burst open and Edward came running into the room. He skidded to a stop when he
saw Charles and Victor there. “Oops. I figured you’d be at dinner.”

what?” Victor’s tone was mildly chiding.

cheeks colored. “Begging your pardon, but I thought you and Lord Charles would
be to dinner by now.” He spoke the words slowly and with great care.

“And is that
a good excuse for you to be running about the castle like a common street

sir.” Edward lowered his gaze to the floor. “I suppose I might have got myself
a little worked up.”

A smile
tugged at the corner of Victor’s lips. “What have you been up to that’s put you
in such a state?”

“I was
down to the stables to have a look at the horses. They got a...” He paused. “I
mean, they have a mare who recently foaled. Prettiest little black stallion
I’ve ever seen.”

felt rather sorry for the boy, seeing how he was struggling so with the more
proper turn of phrase. “Fond of horses, are you?”

lifted his head. “Oh yes sir, your Lordship.” His dark eyes sparkled.
“Nothing’s better than a good horse. And this one comes from strong stock, I
can tell. He’d make a fine breeder.”

“Do you
suppose we should look into buying him?” Victor asked.

sir.” Edward shifted his feet. “He’d be a good addition to your stables.”

nodded. “Then I shall see about it once our other business here is concluded.
Now go and wash up. You’ll be dining with the servants tonight. Lord Charles
and I were invited to sit with the queen.”

sir.” Edward walked more sedately into the washroom.

followed the boy with his gaze until he was out of sight. “Have you told him
yet about your decision to name him your heir?”

Victor said. “I’ve been too worried about the weight it will lay on his young
shoulders. Not to mention the friction it may cause with his siblings. I’d
hoped to wait a few more years.”

Charles turned to face him. “I mean no disrespect, but have you learned nothing
from my current situation? If you should die in the morning, what would become
of Edward and his siblings? Would your Duchy not be passed on to one of
Armand’s legitimate sons if you make no proclamation otherwise?”

expression grew thoughtful. “I suppose they would. But I can’t do a thing about
it now. Once you’re king, I’ll make the announcement.”

Charles said, though really he was thinking the last thing he needed was to
have yet another person’s future depending on him becoming king.















getting worried.” Lauren stood by the fireplace rocking Mica in her arms while
Silas slept nearby in his cradle. “It’s been three days with no word. Sean has
never done anything like this before.”

“I’m sure
he’s fine.” Only Cole wasn’t sure at all. For Sean to go off this way without
word to him was strange. If it were something to do with the rebellion it only
made good sense Sean would keep it from his wife, but why hide it from him?

glanced over at him. “If you knew something, you would tell me. Wouldn’t you?”

course.” Another lie. It was for her own good she knew nothing of what they
were about, but she was still family and it set poorly with Cole to lie to
family. He joined her by the fireplace.

“Sean is
smart and capable,” he said. “He can take care of himself. Whatever is going
on, I’m sure he has a good reason for being away.”

“I know.
But...” She sighed. “I have this feeling he’s gotten himself caught up in
something dangerous.”

“Something dangerous?” Cole’s heart jumped. Had she discovered the
truth? “What do you mean?”

She shook
her head. “I don’t know. His bird comes and goes more often than ever. I know
she carries massages. At first I thought maybe he was” her cheeks colored as
she lowered her gaze from Cole’s “having an affair. But such thoughts didn’t
last long. I know Sean would never. But if it’s not a mistress, then what? I’m
so afraid. What would I do if something happened to him? How would I raise my
boys alone?”

is going to happen to him,” Cole said. “And even if it did, which it won’t, you
don’t ever have to worry about raising these boys by yourself. You always have

smiled. “You have no idea how much I appreciate hearing you say as much. My
boys are lucky to have you for an uncle.”

“I’m the
lucky one.” He held out his arms. “Let me rock Mica awhile. You look

you.” When she passed the baby over
fussed a bit
at first, but quickly settled into the crook of Cole’s arm. Lauren smiled.
“You’re so good with the boys. It’s long past the time when you should be
having children of your own.”

“First I
would need a woman,” Cole said. “I can’t seem to find one. At least, not one
who’ll have me.”

“Ah, I
see.” Lauren leaned against the wall with her arms crossed. “I went to the
Guild House to see Kat, but
said she was out on
a job with Jesse. I wondered if that was why you seemed sad lately.”

and Manny are with them.” It was hard to take her pitying look, though he knew
she meant well. “Kat asked me to go, but I said no. I have too much
responsibility here.”

shook her head. “You should have gone. Much as I appreciate all you do for me and
the boys, I don’t want some sense of duty to us to affect your life.”

wouldn’t have changed anything.”

could have told her how you feel,” Lauren said.

“And ruin
our friendship? Never. Telling her would do no more good than following her
around like a lost puppy. She will never see me as I see her.”

have to be blind.”

“She is.”
He carried Mica to the cradle and laid him down beside his twin. “Blind with
love for another man. I only wish Jesse could be everything she needs him to
be. Happiness is all I want for her. Even if she must find it without me.”

“Well, I
to be happy.” Lauren laid her hand on his arm. “I want you to
have what Sean and I have. Someone to spend the rest of your life with. Seeing
you so alone bothers me. You deserve better.”

Cole laid
his hand over hers and smiled. “I have no intention of pining my life away over
Kat, if that’s what you’re worried about. Nothing will ever come of these
feelings I have for her, I know that. Someday I’ll find a woman to love who
will love me in return. Until then, I can be content with what love I do have.
The love of my family.”

“You are
so sweet,” Lauren said. “I’m glad my boys have a man in their life who’s not
afraid to show affection. You can help them understand why their father is so

“What if
they turn out exactly like him?” Cole said. “Can you imagine three
, stomping about all broody and repressed? It’ll make
for a quiet house.”

laughed. “Too quiet. I wouldn’t mind the boys having some of their father’s
better qualities, but I surely hope they don’t grow to take after him in that

As if
they conjured him up simply by speaking of him, Sean came striding through the
door. Lauren started toward him, an uncertain smile on her lips, but he brushed
past as if he hadn’t even seen her. She cast an anxious look at Cole.

He patted
her arm. “Stay here. I’ll talk to him.” Cole followed his brother down the
short hall to the bedroom he shared with his wife. “Where were you? You had
Lauren worried sick.”

BOOK: Oracle
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