war against North Vietnam, not declared by U.S.
Virginia Aviation Museum (Richmond)
war crimes
War to End All Wars (World War I) water, need for
Dramesi's first experiences
Hanoi Hilton (Hoa Lo Prison)
Zoo (Cu Loc Prison)
WESTPAC (Naval Special Warfare Western Pacific Detachment)
Wheeler, W. B. (Navy SEAL) and
White Beach (Okinawa)
Wild Weasel (F-105F)
Wilson, Glenn “Red” (POW)
windblast and punching out
wing commander's name revealed to North Vietnamese
wintergreen saved by Dramesi
Wirz, Henry (Captain)
World War I (Great War, War to End All Wars)
World War II
Dramesi's youth and
punching out (ejection)
wounded, fear of being
wounds of Dramesi
wrist shackles torture
writing demands by North Vietnamese
Yankee Station
Yen Phu Prison.
Dirty Bird
Yokosuka Naval Shipyard (Japan)
Z-birds (inflatable rubber boats)
zeppelins (balloons) as military aircraft
Zoo Annex Prison
Al Meyer (POW) and
camouflaged nets made by Atterberry and Dramesi
Caucasian moving unnoticed through Asian population
cell doors
disguises for Atterberry and Dramesi
Edwin Lee Atterberry (POW ) and
electric fence at
escape by Atterberry and Dramesi
escape (“The Party”) planning
food (starvation diet)
interrogation sessions
iodine pills for darkening skin
Konrad W. Trautman (POW)
“Lake Fester,” 154
map of compound
medical care
morale boosters
opposition to escape by POWs
“outside assistance” order by Reisner
peanuts as escape food
recapture of Atterberry and Dramesi
retaliation from attempted escape
Robinson “Robbie” Reisner (POW ) and
roof (ceiling) escape
Room #6
rope torture
senior ranking officers (SROs)
torture at
Zoo (Cu Loc Prison)
air raids
Al Meyer (POW) and
“bad treatment” camp
bamboo club torture
bowing demands
communication nets
“criminal” accusations
Edwin Lee Atterberry (POW) and
electric shock torture
escape interrogation of Dramesi
fan belt torture
“Fidel” (torturer)
food (starvation diet)
George T. Coker (POW) and
Golden Key of Dramesi
heat misery at
Ho Chi Minh room
interrogation sessions
John Dramesi (POW) and
lying by Dramesi
morale boosters
personal hygiene
raised arms torture
resolve of Dramesi
rope torture
senior ranking officer (SRO)
sleep/sleep deprivation
torture at
water, need for
writing demands
Kevin Dockery
has been the armorer in the President's Guard under presidents Nixon and Ford, as well as a radio broadcaster, gunsmith, and historian. He spent time in Iraq and Kuwait during Desert Storm as what he refers to as a “corporate mercenary.” As a noted military historian, he has written a number of books detailing the history of the Navy SEALs and the lives of the men who lived that history, including
The Weapons of the Navy SEALs.
He has also written a number of firearms reference books. Currently living in southeastern Michigan, Mr. Dockery follows his hobbies of raising Rottweilers, blacksmithing, and knife- and sword-making.