Operation Minotaur (Monstrous Matchmaker Book 5) (3 page)

BOOK: Operation Minotaur (Monstrous Matchmaker Book 5)
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Chapter Six


Closing the picnic basket tightly, Akakios looked up and
caught Liz’s wide-eyed stare. Her breathing had accelerated, he noticed. Her
nipples peaked beneath her thin top.

She looked scared and excited as he stood at his full
height and offered her his hand.

Blowing out a breath through his nostrils—the sound
startling the pretty wolf and making her jump—Akakios took her by the shoulders
and turned her until she was facing away from the house where Ari and her mate
were cozied up.

“Run, little wolf,” he said, his voice deeper than it
had been just moments before. “Run and see if you can get away.”

She stood poised with her back to him for a long moment,
trembling with nerves and arousal. Then she took off, her lithe body flashing
into the trees, barely making a sound.

Akakios let her get ahead. He’d spent much of his life
chasing mortals—to keep them away, to keep them from telling what they knew, to
flat-out keep them—and he knew tricks the lovely wolf could never conceive of.

She might have the senses of a wolf, but he had the
cunning of a minotaur.

Muscles quivering with suppressed excitement, Akakios
waited until the slight sounds she made had faded before following. Her trail
called to him. It whispered lush promises of pleasure and release.

Lips curled in a dark smile, he tracked her.

Liz was wily. She backtracked a time or two, hoping to
throw him off. The false trails didn’t fool him, however, and he kept on,
closing the gap between them with steady confidence.

When he got close enough he could hear her panting
breaths, he let out a rough snort and sent her scrambling off again. He liked
that. He liked having her on the run.

Her scent saturated the air, leading him on. She was
less careful in her haste and he could hear her now. Twigs snapped underfoot as
she ran. Her breathing was overly loud to his sensitized ears.

The last woman he’d chased had been Ari and she’d banked
on being caught. She’d wanted it.

Liz wanted it too, although for different reasons. Ari
had wanted him to herd her to the exit, show her the way out of the labyrinth.
Liz wanted the joy of the chase.

It exhilarated him to know that.

He sped up, closing the distance between them with ease.
Startled golden eyes met his when she glanced over her shoulder and she darted
to the left.

Not willing to let his prey escape, Akakios bellowed and
pumped his legs harder.

The she-wolf slowed, a wild sound coming from her
throat, and turned to meet him. There was no aggression in her stance. Her
flushed cheeks and trembling form captivated him. He saw her brace herself for
the impact and pulled up, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his
chest to cradle her close.

“Mine,” he rumbled.

She was his. His prize. His softness. His reason for
finding pleasure in this world again.

Amazingly, Liz nodded and tucked her head under his
chin, the warm puffs of her breath against his chest, making his cock stir. He
shifted and rubbed himself against her to make sure she felt it.

Body stilling, Liz raised her head and met his eyes.
Hers were clouded with lust and that damnable shyness. He found he liked the
division within her. The want and hesitation rolled into one.

He’d be glad to help her overcome her shyness. He’d
teach her that no request she could make of him would cause him to ridicule her
or turn away.

Small hands pushed at him and Akakios reluctantly let
her stand on her own. He watched her, ready for her to bolt again, but she only
sank her teeth into her swollen lower lip and brought her shaking hands to the
bottom of her shirt.

His attention sharpened. He could hear her ragged
breathing, the too-fast beat of her heart. More than that, he could smell
her—warm wolf and arousal—and it made him as close to feral as he’d been in a
long time.

She drew her shirt up in increments. The flat plane of
her stomach made his balls ache. Her pert, unencumbered breasts caused his
shaft to swell until he had to tug his loincloth off for some relief.

Her attention fully captured by his cock, she froze,
shirt balled in her hands, breasts bared. Wide, excited eyes studied him and
her nipples hardened as she took him all in.

“Can I touch you?” she asked, her voice soft and
melodious in the silence.

She could damn well do anything she wanted. Akakios
grunted an affirmative and held his breath when her shaking hands reached out
to feather over his skin.

Next to her, he felt like a brute. His cock looked huge
against her delicate hands. Her fingers, when she wrapped them around him,
didn’t meet.

He was big and brawny, and he feared hurting the sweet,
trusting wolf handling him so gently.

Then she looked up at him and her hand tightened. The
soft touch grew firmer, the circle of her fingers applying the type of pressure
he craved.

“Can I… is this all right?”

Beyond words, he nodded and watched her fist work down
his heavy shaft. When she reached his balls, she butted her knuckles against
the heavy sac and smiled.

That was the look he’d been waiting for. That sweet,
dreamy smile lit up the world around them.

It made him want more.

She stroked him lazily, her fist bumping his balls when
she reached his wide base, tightening to the point of pleasurable pain against
the head. Her pace was so slow Akakios wondered if he’d die of anticipation.

Or maybe his beastly side would take over before then
and he’d show her the stamina his kind was known for.

As if she knew the thoughts going through his mind,
Liz’s hand sped up. She was panting, her fist working him to a frenzy.

He should warn her, he thought dimly. He was close and
he didn’t want to ruin her clothes when he spilled.

Which was…holy gods… now.

A rough, lowing moan wrenched out of him and his cock
twitched mightily before great gouts of his seed coated her hand. She kept
stroking him, milking his release until he was drained.

When his mind cleared enough he could focus again,
Akakios found his hands clamped onto Liz’s shoulders, her pale hair like
strands of honey against his skin.

She was staring at him, lips parted and eyes shining,
her hand still loosely fisted around his softened cock.

The shyness that had all but crippled her earlier was
nowhere to be seen. She looked at him and didn’t look away when he stared back.

“Thank you,” he rumbled.

She blinked and dropped her chin.

Damn. He hadn’t meant to make her self-conscious.

She surprised him, however, when she released his cock
and brought her come-covered fingers to her mouth. The sweet, pink tongue that
flicked out to taste his spend caused his vaunted supernatural recovery time to
kick into high gear.

He hardened and Liz’s breathing accelerated again.

“I want you, little wolf. Will you allow me to lie with
you?” His voice was bass-deep and echoed off the trees.

Liz shuddered and nodded, eyes still focused below his

There were so many things he wanted to do to her. He
wanted to feast on the nectar between her thighs. He wanted to work his cock
into her depths and feel her wrapped around him. He wanted to chase her again
and take her in the most primitive way when he caught her.

His fingers were thick and clumsy as he worked the
button on her jeans free. He sent a brief thank you out into the universe that
Ari had schooled him in buttons and zippers. She’d claimed he’d need this
knowledge some day and she’d been right.

Free of her jeans, Liz glanced at him through her
lashes. Those golden eyes peering up at him with such sweet innocence
threatened his control.

When she got down on her hands and knees, her naked body
glowing in the muted light of the forest, he felt his control falter even more.

A glance over her shoulder, teeth digging into her lip,
as she arched her back, offering him the sweetest of prizes after his hunt.

All his humanity fled in the face of that bounty. His
beastly side wanted what she was offering and had no intention of waiting.

A quick probe between her thighs told him she was
dripping with arousal. He slid his thick shaft along her slit, coating his cock
in her honey, bumping her clit and wringing a breathless noise from her.

Then he was there, against her entrance, her body
looking far too delicate to take him in.

He tried to pull back. He tried to go slow, but his
beastly side wasn’t about to stop unless his little wolf demanded it.

Watching as his blunt head worked its way into her
depths was the single most pleasurable thing he’d ever experienced. Her body
flowered around him, opening up and letting him in with sweet suction and heat.

She was making those whimpering pleasure noises he found
himself growing addicted to, so he kept going. Deeper, his cock disappearing
into her welcoming heat until he was buried to the hilt.

He was big—his minotaur heritage hadn’t been fucking
around when he was made—but she took him in with ease. Her pussy was a hot vise
around him. Her thighs trembled against his.

He wanted to feel her come. He wanted her internal
muscles to clamp down and hold on tight.

Blanketing her, Akakios sought her slippery clit. Juices
poured over his fingers as he teased the stiffened nub. Her legs shook and her
back arched even further.


He knew. She was close. He hadn’t started fucking her
yet and she was about to go off.

He moved his finger faster. Her internal muscles pulsed
and more wetness coated his hand. Then she was coming, screaming with the

His ears rang and he rejoiced in it.

His quiet little wolf wasn’t shy when it came to sharing
her pleasure. Every supernatural in the area would know what they’d just done.

And they weren’t done yet.

As his beautiful wolf slumped against the ground,
Akakios took a good grip on her hips and began to move. Liz moaned and weakly
thrust back against him.

It was sweet how she wanted more.

He gave it to her.

Angling his hips, Akakios made sure his prodigious girth
butted against the wonderful place inside her that made her writhe. Ahh, yes.
There. She choked out a half-scream every time he hit it. The way she tightened
around him made him speed up and hammer that little spot.

His own release was getting close. As much as he longed
to draw it out, his balls felt tight and the base of his spine tingled with his
incipient orgasm.

His little wolf didn’t seem to mind the punishing pace
he set. She moaned and clenched beneath him, her body desperately trying to
hold him in every time he drew back.

Growling words in a language no longer known by man,
Akakios felt the first violent pulses of his wolf’s orgasm. Her channel clamped
down on his plundering cock and made him fight for every inch he claimed.

It was glorious, and it triggered his own release, his
come pumping out of him in hard jets.

It took ages for the moaning beauty beneath him to slow
and stop writhing. Even then, her passage would clench down every so often,
wringing another moment of pleasure from him.

Reluctantly withdrawing from the warm haven of her body,
Akakios carefully rolled Liz over and checked to make sure she was undamaged.
Her pussy looked swollen and tender, she had bruises on her hips from his grip,
and the sweet peaks of her breast were chafed from scraping against the ground.

But she wasn’t hurt.

If anything, she looked sated with pleasure.



Her cheeks were flushed from her orgasms, and she could
barely open her eyes and focus on him, but she was looking at him. And the
lovely smile gracing her mouth was one of a woman who’d been well cared for.

“You are well, little wolf?” he rumbled.

Her sweet smile deepened, flashing him a glimpse of a
dimple in her right cheek. “I feel amazing.”

The throaty purr was nowhere near the hesitant whisper
she’d used earlier. It filled his heart with joy to know he’d relaxed her to
that extent. He could spend years devoted to making sure she was well


“I have a great wish to do this again.” He kept his eyes
on hers to make sure he could correctly interpret any fleeting expressions that
crossed her face.

The flash of her dimple again caused his heart to speed
up. “I think I would like that.”

Then she shocked him by propping herself up on an elbow
and tugging him down until they were nose to nose. His gold ring momentarily
distracted her and she raised a gentle hand to touch it. Akakios waited,
wondering what she had in mind.

The gentle kiss she laid on his wide mouth filled him
with quiet joy.

When she lay back, she drew him down with her, and
Akakios knew he’d do anything in his power to keep this wolf happy.

She’d taken a worn out, tired minotaur and given him
reason to live. He’d devote the rest of his long days to making sure she felt

He’d make it his mission to see that she went to bed
every night sated. She would never feel alone. She’d know she always had
someone to turn to.

He’d have to thank Ari for being the persistent nymph
she was.

She’d bullied him into coming here and it had been the
best thing for him.

It was early yet, but he felt the connection between him
and Liz like a brand on his heart. This little wolf was his. He would do
anything for her.

Rolling so she was balanced on his wide chest, Akakios
set about proving just that.



Ari’s adventures
continue in book 6 of the Monstrous Matchmaker series…

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Operation Minotaur!
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discover Ari and her monstrous friends. Want to catch up on Ari’s first contact
with the supernatural?
Monstrous Tales: The
Complete Series
is out now!

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Continue reading to see what you’ll find in book 6 of
Monstrous Matchmaker

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