Operation (31 page)

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Authors: Tony Ruggiero

Tags: #Fantasy, #Vampires, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Operation
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“You bastard! What do you want? You’re one of them,” she said almost hissing. “If I had a gun, I’d try and shoot you again but this time I wouldn’t fail.”

“Look,” Reese said pleadingly, “I know this is going to be hard to swallow, but they had me under their control. I had no choice but to do what they demanded until this happened,” he said as he indicated the bandage on his head. “The injury somehow blanks out their hypnotic control. It must affect a portion of the brain that is susceptible to suggestion. I’ve read about it, but didn’t think anything of it until now.”

“Why should I believe you?” she asked.

“Do you want out of that cell?” he asked.

Samantha was speechless for the moment as she appeared to not think of a reason why she would say no.

“Look,” Reese began, “I had no choice. I was their prisoner and there was no way to stop what they made me do. I’ve been their slave ever since the last operation I went on with them. They made me switch the remote control devices so it looked like they were killed. They kept me where I was to substantiate the story, that way there wouldn’t be any doubt about their deaths.”

“Then why did that vampire save you when I was going to kill you?” she asked pointedly.

“Because I’m still very valuable to them; I have access to everything they need to keep their existence a secret. They have done this through the centuries, enslaving humans to do their bidding. Why do you think we haven’t found the girls yet? It’s because they know everything we do—through me.”

“You could be lying. You’re making this all up,” she said.

“What good would that do me now? You’re going to have to believe me,” he said as he held up the key to the cell. “Your call. Do you want to stay in the cell and die or do you want to get out with me and try and salvage your vision for the future?”

She looked at the key and then back at him. She knew she didn’t have much choice and her current situation didn’t look like it would afford her any opportunity on her own. Besides, maybe he was telling the truth. It certainly explained a lot of things that had happened.

“If we can get Lieutenant Colonel Barkley out here,” Reese continued, “we can get collars on all of them while they’re still asleep, but we have to move now.”

“Open it up,” she said, “but so help me God, if you’re lying, I’ll skin you alive myself.”

Reese slid the key into the lock and turned it. The door opened and she walked out into the corridor.

“What about Mr. Smith?” she asked.

“He’s still out. We can come back later for him,” answered Reese as he indicated the direction down the corridor.

In silence, they walked back toward the main area of the underground cavern. Samantha kept an eye on Reese as they walked. She couldn’t help wonder if what he had said had been true. Had he been a prisoner all this time? It certainly explained a lot of things about the way he had acted.

“We can call General Morris and have him come out with a containment team,” she said testing to see what his response would be.

“We can, but is that really what you want?” he asked.

“What do you mean?”

Reese continued, “Lieutenant Colonel Barkley I know I can trust. General Morris, I think, has his own agenda in mind.”

“What do you know of him?” she asked.

“He’s just like General Stone. He sees this as a way to achieve his own goals whatever the cost. If he gets involved, this might turn into something other than what you want. Isn’t that why you had Stone and Scott killed?”

“They were incompetent,” she said plainly as if there were doubt about the issue. “What makes you think he has his own ideas?”

“The man has body guards for Christ sakes. Have you ever heard of that being done before? I haven’t. He doesn’t like you or the agency involvement. He has protection because he fears you and when a man of his stature fears someone, the best way to get rid of that fear is to remove it. You should realize that more than I do.”

“What are you suggesting?” she asked.

“As long as the military is involved, the chance of discovery remains high. You have the opportunity to start over and get it right this time and with more vampires.”

Samantha eyed him suspiciously, yet she liked the idea of where he was going. After all, hadn’t her original plan considered having Reese involved because of his knowledge and expertise with the creatures?

“I heard the vampires talking earlier,” Reese continued. “Morris has found the two girls and the other vampire of Dimitri’s group. They are being held at the compound. If we could somehow get them here, then you have the authority to make everything else go away.”

“Why here?” she asked.

“This place is perfect. How long has Christina lived here without being located?”

“Over sixty years,” she answered.

“We can keep all of them here and no one else will know about it. We know that the collars that I designed work. As long as they wear them we have positive control.”

“But the girls got away last time even with the collars,” she said.

“Yes, but Barkley and I questioned the med guy who made the elixir neutralizer. It is only temporary and he only gave them a small amount and what they had, they used it all up. It’ll work better than whoever came up with the idea of the explosive device because they overlooked the fact that these creatures have no living DNA. Christina could have gotten away at any time she wanted.”

She thought for a few seconds about what he was proposing. “Are you sure Barkley can be trusted?”

“Yes. He is the only one I trust and he has been in on this from the beginning. By the way, speaking of trust, I’m not too sure about your friend, Mr. Smith.”

“He is a tool,” she said without thought. “His methods are questionable but he gets things done. However, he is not a necessity to this project.”

“Well for the time being then, how about if we leave him where he is?” asked Reese.

“Get Barkley out here, get the collars on them first, and then we’ll see.”

Reese picked up the phone and made the call.


When Barkley arrived in a vehicle that included the containment equipment, both Reese and Samantha met him. Reese instructed Barkley and Samantha which boxes to take with them and then hurried back inside. They placed the equipment on the floor and then the three sat at the small table discussing how they would proceed.

“We have three of them here,” Reese said, “the toughest will be Dimitri so we do him first. The way in which we will proceed is that you two will cover me as I place the collars on them.”

“Are you sure they will stay asleep?” Samantha asked.

“They should. However, if they don’t, that is where you two come in.” He turned to Samantha, “I want you to take the backpack sprayer that is filled with the elixir and stand in a position where you could spray them if need be. It won’t take much so don’t overdo the spray. Too much and it will kill them. One full spray should be enough. Sam will back you up with the machete if he has to take their heads off.”

“I hope that is a last option,” she said.

“It is,” Reese agreed, “it’s more of an intimidation factor then anything else. I don’t think we will need it, but just in case, we’ll have it available.”

“Where is the remote control device?” she asked.

Barkley removed two of the devices from a pouch. “I’ve already tested them to ensure they work. All you need to do now is place your thumb over the pad and press the green button. This will allow the device to set to your DNA. If it senses anyone else’s DNA, it will inject the elixir.”

“Does that include our friends?” asked Reese. “Who do not have any DNA?”

“No DNA is the same as a different DNA. If the device senses the change, it will go off.”

“Good,” Reese said as he took the two remotes, he kept one for himself and gave the other to Samantha. Both of them went through the process of establishing the DNA pattern for each remote.

“Remember,” Barkley began, “now that you have activated the remotes, the green button will inject the full amount of elixir, killing the creatures; the orange button will inject a tiny amount that can be used as a reminder of the control over them.”

“Well then,” Reese began as he looked at his watch, “It’s a little past noon, so the timing doesn’t get any better then that. Are you two ready?”

“Yes,” Samantha said as she looped her arms through the backpack sprayer and hoisted it on her back.

“Good to go,” said Barkley as he hefted the machete in his hand.

“Let’s do it then,” he said and they proceeded to the sleeping chamber of Dimitri and Andre.

The male vampires had chosen one of the open areas that were arranged as sleeping quarters for twenty to thirty men. Reese surmised it was probably to hold troops who had been lucky enough to have been assigned to the underground shelter in the event of nuclear war or other catastrophic event. In the center of the room, Dimitri and Andre had chosen two cots and placed them parallel to each other about twenty feet apart.

The group approached silently and took up position on the outer edge of the cot which Dimitri slept upon. Reese held the collar in his hands at the ready as he studied how Dimitri’s head was placed. He kneeled down and looked to see if there was space enough to slide the collar underneath his head without disturbing him. He smiled at Barkley and gave him the thumbs up sign.

Reese slowly slid one end of the collar through the space between Dimitri’s head and mattress, and reached around with his other hand to grab it. With an end in each hand, Reese brought the two ends together. They locked together with a resounding metallic click that sounded thunderous in the cavernous room just as Dimitri’s eyes opened.

The vampire appeared surprised seeing Reese standing over him. He grasped Reese with both hands and tossed him effortlessly several feet away. Next his hands went to the metallic collar on his throat and he let out a thunderous howl. “No!” Dimitri screamed. “I will not allow this again!” He sat up, his hands still on the collar around his neck. Samantha and Barkley instinctively backed up in horror of the enraged creature.

Reese screamed to Samantha, “Give him a jolt to remind him!”

Samantha removed the remote and pressed the orange button. Dimitri jerked spasmodically and screamed again. Andre now awoke. Samantha turned her attention toward him and pointed the sprayer. “You move and you’ll burn in hell,” she cried.

Reese was back on his feet and moved quickly to where Andre still lay. Removing the other collar from his pouch he approached Andre with the device in the open position ready to put it on. The vampire hissed at Reese, baring his fangs in a threatening manner.

Reese spoke, “You may not give a rat’s ass about your own life, but if you make a move, Andre, she’ll kill Dimitri.”

Andre looked in the direction of Dimitri who was still writhing in pain. His aggressive demeanor changed as quickly as it had arrived. Reese slipped the collar on him and then stepped back.

“Well that was a little intense,” said Reese.

“How long will he be distracted by the pain,” Samantha asked.

“It should subside fairly quickly,” Barkley said.

“I want you to remain here,” Reese said to Andre.

“I’ll kill y-o-u,” Dimitri muttered between clenched teeth. “Te-ar you limb from limb.”

“Not today, my vampire friend,” Reese shot back. “No more hypnotic control for you, thanks to the head injury you gave me. You and Andre are to remain here,” he repeated. “We’ll be back after we pay a call on Christina.”

Reese and his group left the room.

“Are you all right?” Barkley asked Reese, “You’ve been getting beat up a lot lately.”

“That wasn’t too bad. We caught them off guard so he wasn’t as powerful as he could have been. Let’s hope Christina goes off better.”



The three approached Christina’s bedroom. Peering in from the doorway, they saw that she lay upon her bed asleep, apparently unaware of the disturbance that had taken place minutes ago with Dimitri and Andre.

“Wait a minute,” said Reese in a low whisper. We need to switch tasks for this one.”

“Why?” asked Samantha.

“Barkley and I will be more susceptible to her power because she is a woman. She might use that to her advantage to gain some time. You put the collar on her,” he said to Samantha, “and I’ll take the sprayer.” Reese handed her the collar and showed her how it was to be fastened. Then he took the backpack sprayer from her and shrugged it on.

“Ready?” he asked.

The two nodded their heads in agreement.

“Let’s go then,” he said and they entered the room.

Unlike the sparse and unadorned quarters where Dimitri and Andre had been, this room had been arranged with much more care. The three of them silently walked around furniture and other objects that impeded their path to the bed.

Samantha, with the collar in her hands and outstretched in front of her, approached one side of the bed. Reese followed behind her and Barkley took the other side. Samantha looked at Reese who nodded to proceed.

“What do you intend to do with that?” Christina said as her eyes opened and she stared at Samantha who stopped moving toward her.

“Lie still,” Reese said as he pointed the sprayer toward her.

“Why, John,” she said, “this is not very gentlemanly of you; taking advantage of a woman while she sleeps.” There was a sharp and mocking edge to her voice.

“You have never felt the effects of the elixir,” Reese said, “if you resist us, you shall.”

“I could never resist you,” she said, her voice changing into a seductive tone. “Tell me what you want and I will do it for you, John. Whatever you want, John. All you have to do is tell me. Just send her away,” she said indicating Samantha. “Once she is gone I can give you anything you want. Anything…”

“I can’t do that,” he said. “You have no power over me.”

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