Open For Him (BBW / Billionaire Erotic Romance) (6 page)

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Authors: Karolyn James

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Open For Him (BBW / Billionaire Erotic Romance)
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Macy sensed Derreck wanting to move away.  She didn’t care the reason, even if it meant he was going to drop his pants and have her.  She wasn’t ready for him to stop touching her.

“No,” she whispered.

Her hand moved from the top of the couch to between her legs.  She touched over her panties but held Derreck’s hand in place.

Derreck groaned and his left hand squeezed on her backside harder.

“I didn’t say you could do that,” he said.

“I don’t care,” Macy said.  “Don’t stop touching me... Derreck... I’m so close...”

“So close,” Derreck repeated with a nod.

“Please,” Macy begged.  “Please...”

“So... so... close...”

Derreck started to move his middle finger, still applying pressure to Macy’s clitoris.  As he did so, his thumb flicked at her pussy, the movements so wild and so unmatched that it sent Macy’s body into a fury.  She took her hand off Derreck’s, but didn’t have a chance to reach for the couch again.  Instead, her hand clamped down on her own leg, squeezing tight. 

She felt her leg muscles tightening and as her body’s most basic needs took control, she thrust at Derreck’s fingers, over and over, bending her knees, lifting, forcing herself back at him.  Derreck moved with her but remained in control.  He made that very clear when he had Macy at the brink of an explosive orgasm and then stopped moving his fingers.  He left them in place, causing Macy’s body to tingle in a way she never thought possible.

The sudden stop forced Macy to cry out, her voice booming in the large hotel room.

“Do you feel that?” Derreck asked.

“No... please...”

“That’s my control,” Derreck said.  “I control when you come.”


“I control when I come.”


“I chose you because your body is amazing, Macy.”

She shuddered and sighed.  Her breathing tried to calm but the ever known presence of Derreck’s fingers between her legs made it almost impossible. 

“Your curves tell stories,” Derreck said.  “I want to explore your curves and your stories... open for me, Macy.  All the way.”

“I am,” Macy cried out and thrust at him.

Her moist folds were open, her sex pulsing for Derreck.

Derreck groaned and said, “you can come now.”

With that, his fingers picked up where they left off.  In the matter of a few seconds, Macy’s entire body flooded with an orgasm that felt like it had been lingering forever.  Her breasts ached and throbbed as her sex convulsed.  Derreck’s fingers were generous, moving with Macy’s body, keeping her coming, working with her as she thrust and moaned.  His hand on her backside moved to her lower back.  As he applied pressure, it forced a more intense sexual feeling straight to Macy’s pussy. 

Derreck was a sexual genius, even with just his fingers.

The pleasure started to subside but the feeling remained as her body was far from being done.  She looked over her shoulder at Derreck again, realizing what he had just done.  He had unleashed Macy’s sexual appetite now.  This wasn’t just a quickie or just an orgasm.  This was the beginning.  The start.  The...

Derreck slid his hand back up and over Macy’s body.  His fingers smeared her own wetness along her buttocks.  That hand finally came to rest on her hip while his left hand made the same move. 

He held Macy tight, in place, and he came forward, touching his thickness to her.  Even through her soaked panties and his pants, she could feel how hard he’d become. 

“You came,” Derreck said, “and now it’s my turn.”

His hands started to move up, taking Macy’s dress too.  He started to move uncomfortably close to Macy’s hidden scars.  She wiggled her body, grinding hard against him.  She wanted him to move his hands away from her scars but also didn’t mind feeling his erection react to her touch. 

Derreck groaned and his right hand disappeared from her body.  That was the hand she needed him to move.  Relieved, but only for a second, Macy listened to the sound of Derreck unzipping his pants.  Her eyes opened wide as she tried to see his body.  He removed himself from his pants and stroked once, guiding himself right to Macy’s still wet sex.  She moaned, feeling the thickness of his tip already making its way to open her.

Macy’s grip on the couch was fierce, readying herself the best she could.

Derreck’s right hand reached down and spread Macy the best he could, leaving the rest to his throbbing erection to handle.

With a gentle thrust, Derreck began to enter Macy.

Her breath was instantly taken away.  Right where her tender walls started to feel pain, pleasure came in and took over.  Derreck finished entering Macy and then remained there, allowing himself to feel Macy’s body adjust to him.

She couldn’t adjust, there was no way.

Derreck pulled back and then came forward with more force.  The jolt of erotic pleasure made Macy moan, leading Derreck into a sensual rhythm of him increasing his movements each time he thrust at Macy. 

His hands, at first, held tight at her hips, gently pulling at Macy, wanting her to move back at him as he moved forward.  They started to work together and then Derreck’s hands moved up Macy’s body.  He remained over Macy’s dress, making Macy feel more comfortable, but she wanted his bare hands against her bare breasts. 

Derreck leaned over Macy’s thick body and his hands found their way to her breasts.  He cupped them over her dress and held on with his strong grip.  His breaths made Macy’s hair move, his warm breath flooding her neck and face.  With each hard thrust forward, he grunted, his erection feeling harder by the second as he enjoyed Macy’s body.  She was thick, deep, and so warm.  When she reached another orgasm, the pulsing was so much and so tight, that Derreck had to slow himself, letting out a small animal like growl before he started to have her again.

This time he moved back to his original position.  Both his hands pressed on her lower back, forcing her into a arched position that increased the pleasure and pressure for both of them.  The harder Derreck moved, the better it felt.  The better it felt, the more Macy cried for him, begging to feel him come.  The sex reached a lightning speed pace, the room becoming filled with the sounds of their bodies and voices colliding.

“Yes, Macy,” Derreck said, “yes...”

Macy turned her head just in time to feel Derreck’s last thrust forward.  He was as deep as ever when he started to come.  His eyes looked down locked on his and Macy’s connected bodies.  His erection throbbed, spilling himself inside her.  Macy accepted as her insides throbbed, pulling at Derreck, wanting it all.

She wanted it all.

She got it all.

Derreck finally pulled himself from Macy, and watched as the  beautiful curvy woman stood up and started to fix her dress.  He admired how she moved with a sense of elegance even though something so erotic had just happened.

As Macy stood, she didn’t dare turn around yet.  She felt her face flush as a rushing feeling came between her legs.  It was the mix of their sex and orgasms, all together, coming from her body.

By the time she did turn around, Derreck had put himself away and stood with his arms crossed. 

Macy calmed her breathing down, almost to normal, even though her heart felt otherwise.

“I had to do that,” Derreck said.  “I couldn’t stand waiting to touch you.”

“I’m not complaining,” Macy said.  “But I do have a question...”

Derreck nodded.

“Did you tell people I’m your wife?”

Derreck laughed.  “Would that matter?”

“Will you answer?”

Derreck put his hands to Macy’s wrists.  His fingertips were like butter, so smooth, dripping with something so sexual.

“Macy, people want to know everything about me.  So they talk.  And when they talk, they talk themselves into ideas and rumors.  I could care less about ideas and rumors, so I don’t respond.  By not responding, they feel they have something to keep talking about.  Do you understand?”

Macy nodded.  “But tonight...”

“It’s my version of a date,” Derreck said.  “Why take you to a restaurant and go through the bullshit of getting to know each other?  I know what I need to know for now and if there’s anything else, I’ll ask.  And you’ll tell.”

He touched Macy’s face with the back of his hand, leaving her shivering.  She wanted him again.

That same hand then moved down to Macy’s neck and around.  His fingers touched the top of the zipper on her dress.  As he started to pull, Macy moaned. 

She wanted Derreck... so bad...

Then she pictured the scars on her body.  That lead to thinking about her body.  Derreck was so strong.  So sexy.  So beautiful.  A man of perfected chiseling, created to command. 

Macy took a step back.  Derreck’s fingers slid from the zipper.

“No, that’s enough for now.”

“Enough?” Derreck asked.  “Is that what I want?”

“It’s what I want,” Macy said.  “You got what you wanted... from me...”  Macy looked down to the heels and added, “you can have those back too.  I was your date and it’s over.”

“Is that what you believe?”

“It’s what I think,” Macy said, regretting the words as they came out of her mouth.

“Well, then I guess I don’t stand a chance here, do I?”

Derreck stepped to the side and pointed to the door.

That was it?  That fast?  He wouldn’t fight for her?  Command her...?

Macy started to walk, feeling Derreck’s eyes eating her.

“You’re going to regret this,” Derreck said.  “You won’t be able to stop thinking about me.  And what I can do.  You need to stop hiding.”

Macy paused at the door and looked back at Derreck.  “You hide too.  We all hide.”

“Not from ourselves,” Derreck said and then walked towards the bathroom, out of view.

As Macy stood at the open hotel room door, she touched her side.  She couldn’t feel the scars with her fingers but her mind could.  A gut wrenching feeling hit her hard, trying to bring up memories that were long buried.

She hated Derreck Hagan for all this.

But her body... her sexual needs... well, those parts
Derreck Hagan.

And wanted more.


Macy refused to
cry, standing in front of the full length mirror that hung from the back of her bedroom door.  She choked on the tears and even made a few loud yelping noises, but they were all much better than actually admitting and falling into the trap of crying.

Crying because of herself.

Crying because of a man.

The exact reason why she wanted nothing to do with men... the game, the wait to get hurt.  And she figured that maybe one day a man wouldn't hurt her, and that would be the man she would marry.

Isn't that how the fairy tale nonsense went?

Macy had no room in her heart for more hurt.  For more doubt.  For more... scars.

Her fingers twitched as she pulled up the left side of her shirt.  She had long since ditched the dress, rolling it into a big black ball and throwing it to the back of closet.  She told herself she'd never wear it again.  She didn't need to pretend to be someone else, not for a billionaire.  Her body had gotten what it wanted but no matter what Macy said or did, her body wasn't completely satisfied.

She lifted her shirt and looked at the jagged scars.  They were ugly and misshapen, two of them crossing at the most sensitive spot.  That spot was still tingly when touched.

A few seconds of looking at the scars was a few seconds too many.

Macy let her shirt fall and she turned to her bed.  There she hoped to find peace and a place to console herself but she received nothing of the sort.  She tossed and turned, and closing her eyes only made her see Derreck.  And no matter what she did, she couldn’t stop hearing his words.

About hiding.

He was ultimately in control, whether Macy liked it or not.  For a man who came across strong and commanding, not once did he pass judgment on her.  He flirted with her, he offered a wild night, he touched her, he pleasured her.  Not once did he touch her curves with fingers that didn’t want to be touching her.  Not once did he question a thing she did or said.  Or how she looked.  Or reacted.

All Derreck wanted from Macy was the truth of her life.  To break down the wall, to open the door she hid behind, and just be... real...

Finally, Macy rolled to her back, staring at the blackness of her room. 

Then it came to her, everything in her life was hidden.

Her paintings and all the supplies were hidden in a closet.  Hell, even her full length mirror was hanging from the back of her bedroom door.  When she opened the door, it hid the mirror.



Her eyes began to close as she begged herself to get some sleep.  The morning and work would come fast.  What were the odds that a gorgeous billionaire like Derreck Hagan would want to waste another second with Macy?

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