Only Vampires Cry Blood (8 page)

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Chapter Six

“Kill him.”

Arys' opinion on the new werewolf in town was fully expected. Still, I shook my head in mild amusement. He appeared to be authentically surprised that Shaz and I hadn't wiped the guy out.

I ran my pinky finger along the top of my wine glass until it began to hum. When Arys' midnight blue eyes narrowed in annoyance, I stopped and smiled at him before taking a large swallow of the deep red wine. It was my third glass already, but I felt that I had an excuse.

“I wish it was that simple.” I sat in the easy chair near the living room fireplace, facing Arys and Shaz who each sat on opposite ends of the couch across from me. “I have to think about this. I don't know if I should try to find Zoey or not.”

Arys scowled. “That one should have been dead long ago. She should have been mine.” His jaw clenched as he gazed off, out the window into the night.

I didn't have to get inside his mind to know what he was thinking. I'd told him to kill Zoey, and he'd tried. If she hadn't shifted to wolf form, he would have succeeded. She was the one that got away, and he hated that.

“Not every problem can be solved by killing someone, Arys, though I can't say that it's a bad outlook for the most part.” Another swig of wine. I was tempted to start drinking straight out of the bottle.

“You know what your problem is? Both of you?” Arys looked pointedly at Shaz and then me. “This little thing called humanity. Too much talk and fuss, not enough getting the job done and moving on.”

Shaz nodded thoughtfully, drawing my eyes to him. He'd been quiet since we sat down and told Arys about our little outing. I didn't really have a clue how he felt. He slouched in the corner of the couch, sipping a cold drink. His energy was calm, and he watched us attentively.

“You may be right about this guy,” he said to Arys. “There is nothing good about him being here.” To me he added, “We're going to have to sit down with Kylarai and Julian to discuss this, as much as I hate to even entertain that thought.”

I sat up straighter in my chair, my eyes wide. “Really? Maybe just Ky. I can't watch you and Julian kill each other.”

He rolled his eyes at me and raised his glass to his lips. “Oh come on, Lex. I think you're more likely to snap and kill him than I am. Besides, they need to know what's up.

Especially Kylarai.”

“What about everyone else?” I frowned, worried about the half dozen or so other wolves in town. Was it worth mentioning at this point?

“Don't worry about them. If they need to know, we'll tell them. For now, I doubt they're in any kind of danger.” Shaz spoke casually but with authority. The Alpha wolf was strong in him, natural, and my wolf reacted strongly to his, pressing the surface of my being as if attempting to escape the confines of my human body.

My head was starting to pound. My mind had been reeling since our encounter. “I don't want to think about it anymore. I'm starting to get a tension headache.” I drained my glass of wine and decided that maybe I'd grab the bottle after all.

Just as I pushed myself up out of the chair to head to the kitchen, Arys reached out a hand to me. Crooking his finger, he beckoned me over, patting the empty cushion between him and Shaz. That one gesture spoke louder than any words he could have said.

Abandoning my empty wine glass on the coffee table, I crossed the room and sat between them. It felt so naturally perfect, like I was whole with them on either side of me. When Arys took my hand in his, I surrendered it to him.

His skin felt cool on mine. When the telltale tingle started in the palm of my hand, I knew he was purposely calling the power. I started to pull away, but his grip tightened.

Bringing my hand to his lips, he placed small kisses on my fingertips. Then, I felt it, the surge of healing energy that he pushed into me.

It felt warm and exotic, sweeping through me like a euphoric wave. Just like that, the oncoming headache was gone.

“How do you do that?” My words came out on a lazy whisper. I was suddenly too calm to force them out any louder.

Arys smiled, a gentle tug of his lips that tickled me in private places. Our eyes met, and it was like falling under a spell. The power that he'd tapped continued to grow, and this time, I didn't fight it. It felt so much better to give in to the massive pull.

“It's just a matter of directing the energy, controlling the flow and giving it a purpose,” Arys replied. “It comes easier with time.”

His lips on my wrist created a spark that quickly began to burn. The tip of his tongue traced a moist path over my veins, and the blood rushed faster through them. With my free hand, I reached for Shaz. I turned to him, encouraged by the fire smoldering in his gaze. I ran a hand along his strong jaw, tracing his lower lip lightly with my thumb. Shaz bit it, and I smiled.

Arys' tongue delved into the soft hollow of my inner elbow, and I gasped. The heat of the sensual energy surrounding us enhanced the thrill. Touching both of them as I was, I felt like I was the link in the chain that held us all together in the heady glow of power.

Shaz kissed me hungrily, and my body temperature went through the roof.

This wasn't brand new for the three of us though it wasn't a regular occurrence either.

There have been times when I shared my attention with both men, though it has always had boundaries and limitations. I'd be lying if I said I didn't love being nestled between the two men that I adore more than anything in the world. If anything, it was the only time we all got along.

“I don't know about the two of you,” Arys murmured softly, his lips moving against my skin, “but I'm feeling especially drawn to the hot Were energy you're both giving off.

I need to feel it, to taste it.”

Shaz nibbled my lower lip, pulling back just a little. “You didn't feed tonight. I can feel it when either of you are all vamped out. Just remember, only Lex is on the menu.”

“Hey!” I protested. The taste of him on my lips was musky and sweet. I needed more. After the evening I'd just had, washing it all away in a sea of pleasurable sensations sounded good to me.

“No worries, my friend.” Arys continued to kiss his way up my arm. “I can get my fill of your spicy energy just from your reactions to her.”

If Shaz was bothered by Arys' admittance, he didn't show it. By now, he was probably used to it. He watched Arys sweep my hair away from the back of my neck and press his mouth to my sensitive flesh. I made a small sound when he grazed me with his sharp fangs, scratching the surface of my skin. If Arys hadn't fed, he'd either felt no need to or he'd purposely abstained. The latter would definitely enhance his needs on every level. His bloodlust no longer directly drove mine, but it definitely influenced mine.

A shiver ran down my spine when Arys ran his hands slowly up my back. I reached back to touch him, and he pushed my hand away, towards Shaz instead. With Arys behind me, I couldn't help but be overly aware of what he was doing. I followed his direction and turned my attention to my platinum blonde wolf.

Facing Shaz, I reached to run a hand through his short, messy locks. Silky soft, they slid through my fingers with ease. He brought his face close to mine so that we stared into one another. It was intense, and I fell into him with total abandon.

His lips were soft on mine. I opened my mouth invitingly, satisfied when his tongue slipped inside. I was struck with the urge to shift forms and run. Instead, I kissed him with a feverish desire that knew no bounds.

The passion raging through Shaz as he explored my mouth thoroughly was hot and intoxicating. It hadn't taken much to get him going. His energy was strong and commanding, the dominance of his wolf coming to the forefront. It always turned me on when his dominant side came out. Shaz could go from laid back to taking full control instantly if his instinct demanded it. Rather than me giving him control, he simply took it.

The urgency and command with which each of them touched me had me wondering if I was ready for whatever lay ahead. I was willing to find out.

When Arys slid his hands up beneath my shirt, I jumped slightly. It tickled a little.

As he continued his caress up my sides and over my stomach, a moist heat grew between my legs. His cool hands grew warmer as he fed off the growing sexual energy surrounding us. Breaking off our kiss, Shaz ran his hands down my shoulders to my wrists, gently raising my arms. Following his movements, Arys slipped my t-shirt up my body and over my head in one fluid motion.

For two men who could barely stand one another most of the time, they seemed to be able to read one another shockingly well. It both impressed and unnerved me how natural their reactions to each other were.

There was no pause or hesitation. Arys tossed my shirt aside and brought his hands back to the curve of my waist. I felt his lips on the back of my shoulder and a soft moan escaped me. Shaz' lips curled in a satisfied smile, and his eyes were all wolf. I threw my arms around his neck and nuzzled him like I would in wolf form. He lifted a strap of my white lace trim bra with a finger. Pulling it aside, he kissed his way down the side of my neck.

The touch of his predatory fangs on my skin was exhilarating. His clawed nails pressing into my arms had me ready for one or both of them to spill my blood. The need was as great as the ache to have one of them inside me.

As Shaz bit and sucked his way to the hollow of my collarbone, Arys removed his own shirt and pressed his naked chest to my back. Gently drawing my head to the side, he shifted so that he could kiss me.

Leaning back against the arm of the couch, Arys pulled me against him so that my back was arched. It gave Shaz full access to me, and he quickly took advantage of that.

Making his way to my exposed cleavage, he cupped my breasts and showered them with love. I buried my fingers in his hair when he rubbed my nipples through the lacey fabric.

Closing my eyes, I was overwhelmed by the combination of their scents. Arys broke off our kiss and returned his attention to my neck. He bit me just enough to draw the tiniest trace of blood. It didn't hurt, and I wanted it to. I needed to feel his fangs deep within my flesh.

The atmosphere was thick with power fueled by personal hungers and sensuality. It was stripping away the last of my resistance. I desperately wanted to feel them all over me, close and sweaty, a tangle of naked limbs. I craved it.

I reached for Shaz' shirt, tugging at it. He pushed my hands away so that I couldn't, and I growled. It earned me a grin and a fast but bruising kiss.

“Don't be so impatient, my love.” Arys released the clasp on my bra so that my breasts spilled free. “We have all night.”

“I can't wait much longer. The energy … it's too much.” I moaned when Shaz bent to draw one of my nipples into his mouth. The sensation of his massive fangs against my skin was heavenly as he licked and sucked the sensitive point.

Arys' fingers played in my hair as he watched Shaz worship my breasts. I squirmed on the couch between them. It didn't take much for either of these men to get me hot and bothered. Together, they turned me into a wanton vixen.

The touch of Shaz' tongue on my nipples was driving me crazy. The throb between my thighs built steadily. I was more than ready, and yet, they weren't ready to fulfill my need. It was almost enough to drive me into a frenzy. I wasn't ready to beg, yet.

I was just beginning to wonder about the couch being sturdy enough when Shaz stood up. Grasping my hands, he pulled me up with him. Arys reached for my leggings, gently pushing them down over my hips until they pooled on the floor at my feet. My thong panties were next. When I stood naked before them, I began to feel vulnerable.

Before I could tell them to hurry up and get those clothes off, Shaz picked me up in his strong arms.

“Bedroom,” he said, as if that one word explained everything. Perhaps it did.

Arys followed us, ambling slowly down the stairs to my room. I looked back at him over Shaz' shoulder.

“Get those pants off, mister. I won't be denied.”

He raised a dark eyebrow and smirked. “You're hardly in any position to be giving orders. In fact, I think you will be in whatever position we choose for you.”

“Do you promise?” I asked playfully.

We entered the bedroom, and Shaz set me in the middle of the bed. “I can guarantee it,” he replied. He stepped back out of reach and slowly began to peel his shirt off. I watched as he revealed smooth, hard abs and a chest that beckoned for my touch.

Arys came to stand at the end of the bed. He stared down at me for a long moment, flames of desire burning in his blue eyes. My breath caught when he crawled onto the bed. Nudging my legs apart, he ran his tongue around my navel in a way that was absolutely delightful. I had to concentrate on breathing to avoid holding my breath in anticipation.

My eyes were on Shaz as Arys licked a warm, moist path down my abdomen to the trim narrow patch of dark hair. From there he bit at my inner thighs, and I trembled. Shaz was gloriously nude when he approached the bed. I reached for him, and he stretched out alongside me.

I ran my hands over his hard chest, reveling in the feel of him pressed close. He nuzzled me, pressing his face to my neck. I flinched when Arys bit my thigh. His tongue soothed the sting of pain. Shaz' hands were all over me as he nipped my neck. I got the feeling that he wanted to taste my blood, which wasn't the usual for him. Likely, Arys'

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