Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6) (3 page)

BOOK: Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6)
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The young doctor paused and winked with a coy smile plastered on her face. “I probably shouldn’t tell you, and if any of you ever breathe a word of this I will deny it and then kick your butts…” She looked around the room with narrowed eyes in an attempt to intimidate them all before continuing. “She’s attracted to you but is resisting it, as only my stubborn bestie can do. Every time I mentioned your name, her pupils dilated and there was a catch in her breath. She’s got it bad, but has no clue what’s really going on. I explained mates and their connection, hoping it might lead her to a logical conclusion, but as I said, she’s in denial. She’s a sharp cookie, though. If she hasn’t figured it out yet, it won’t be long. Now it’s all up to you, bud.”

“See, like I said, straightforward and grovel.” Royce snickered, heading to the kitchen.

Aaron slowly nodded, completely lost in thought as he tried to figure out exactly what to say to Charlie. Sam’s next question caught his attention.

“Did you plant flowers for her?”

For the first time that he ever remembered, Aaron O’Brien felt his cheeks heat with embarrassment. He thought about denying what he’d done, but decided his brethren would hear the lie as quickly as it left his lips, so he did the only thing he could. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and answered, “Yeah, I did.”

Lance and Royce roared with laughter before yelling, “
Holy Shit
!” in unison.

When Aaron opened his eyes, both Kyra and Sam were smiling at him with dreamy looks on their faces, and if that wasn’t bad enough, the front door opened and in walked Aidan and Grace, just as Royce bellowed, “Lookie there, lover boy’s been planting posies for his lady.”

Lance slapped him on the back, laughing so hard he shook. “What’s this I hear about flowers? Say it ain’t so. The confirmed bachelor has been bitten by the love bug?”

The thought of punching his brethren in the mouth sounded good for a split second, but he knew there was no use. The cat was out of the bag. He had no choice but to deal with their crap.

“It was all I could think to do to make up for my monumental screw up. She’d been out walking while I was running for several mornings in a row. I saw her stop and look at flowers, and she seemed to like them. Saw daisies at the hardware store and I thought it might soften her up to find something waiting for her. I had plans to leave other presents and one day ‘accidently’ get caught, forcing her to talk to me.” He stopped and looked around the room, surprised they were all listening and not giving him a hard time.

“But then Rian had a lead on the asshole. We were gone for over a week and I figured…” He let his words trail off, not sure what to say, and then finished barely above a whisper, “I convinced myself it wasn’t working and that she probably thought it was all corny any way.” He shrugged, “I just didn’t go back.”

Aaron knew he sounded like a whipped pup, and for the most part, that analogy was spot on. Head bowed, mortified that he had actually let his brethren
and their mates
see his soft underbelly, he almost fell out his chair when the voice of his Commander sounded from somewhere behind him. He didn’t know Rayne had come into the house, proof he was in way over his head. They were all trained to be constantly vigilant, something that failed him when all he could think about was Charlie.

think flowers are corny, you dumbass. Now, stop making us all look like spineless wimps. Get your head out of your ass and claim your mate. Destiny waits for no man.”

“And now for the voice of reason,” Rayne’s mate, Kyndel, laughed as she made her way around her husband and handed their son to his Auntie Kyra. “You just need to talk to her. Be honest. You’re gonna have to drop all the macho shit. The little bit I’ve seen of Dr. Gallagher, and Sam can correct me if I’m wrong,” she gestured towards the other woman as she spoke, “tells me she’s not going to stand for any bullshit. She’s an intelligent woman who’s used to calling the shots. It’s up to you to compromise.”

Kyndel held up her hand, successfully halting his rebuttal and added, “Which I know is completely against your nature. You gotta suck it up, buttercup, if you want the girl.”

With that, she headed to the kitchen to join the other women who had silently exited while she spoke.

Royce was the first to recover, looking at their Commander as he spoke. “That mate of yours damn sure has a way with words.”

“That she does,” Rayne confirmed, grabbing a glass and pouring some iced tea before sitting.

Aaron had just thanked the Universe that Devon wasn’t in attendance since he’d given the most Zen of all his brethren a rash of shit like no other when Devon had found Anya. However, his prayers of thanks had come too soon. The front door burst open and in ran Sydney, Sam and Lance’s daughter. A four-foot five inch bundle of curly blonde hair with boundless energy, she was chattering a mile a minute, pulling Devon and Anya along beside her.

“Hey Aaron! I brought Dev and Anya. Is Aunt Charlie here?”

Now even the kid is kicking my ass.
Doesn’t anybody sleep in around here?

Thankfully, Sam came in and saved the day. “No, Sweetheart, Aunt Charlie’s not here. She’s at the cottage, but we can go see her tomorrow if you like.”

“Yay!” Sydney squealed as her mother ushered her into the kitchen, with Anya close behind.

Devon grabbed a bottle of water from the small refrigerator tucked in the bottom of the antique china cabinet that had been his mother’s and took a seat next to Royce. Aaron could tell from the looks he was getting that Royce was bringing the other Guardsmen up to speed through their private link. His worst fears were confirmed when Devon took a long draw off his water, leaned back in his chair, and looked Aaron right in the eye. Devon’s obnoxious grin only added to Aaron’s trepidation. When he finally spoke, Devon’s words caused the entire house to erupt in laughter. “I hate to throw your words back atcha, Bro, but…” the calmest of their Force paused, never breaking eye contact, “it seems as though your girl’s gotcha all tied up in your underwear.”

Unable to keep a straight face, Aaron laughed along, knowing he was only getting what he deserved. He’d given every single one of his brethren as much shit as he could shovel when they’d found their mates. It was only fair they return the favor. All he had to do was get it together and claim her as his own.

The razzing went on and on, but soon his brethren moved on. They ordered Chinese food for lunch since several hours were wasted discussing his love life…or lack thereof. The whole crowd hung out watching soccer games he had DVR’d until Royce came into the room with a determined look and his hands fisted at his sides. “Rian’s found another trail.”

The Guardsmen headed for the door as the older Guardsman went on, “It stops right before the mountain outside of town where we battled the wizards almost two years ago. Rian called Rory and the others to meet us there.” Looking less than pleased, he went on, “I didn’t know he was on patrol tonight.”

“He wasn’t supposed to be,” Rayne answered as they loaded into the black SUVs parked outside. His tone said there would be words between the Commander of the Golden Fire Clan and the Elder of the Blue Thunder Clan in the very near future. Aaron was glad he had no dog in that fight.

The tension continued to raise the entire trip. Aaron could feel how much every Guardsman wanted this to be the time they finally caught the traitor. The vehicles stopped and they exited without a word. Rian motioned from behind a row of oak trees far off the beaten path.

Ever the Commander, Rayne was the first to speak, using their common link to avoid detection.
“What did you find?”

“His scent ends behind the mountain on the far side of the lake. The trail is no more than a month old. Best guess is the traitor used the water to hide his tracks. Kellan found a blood trail as well. It’s Andrew’s. He’s hurt…. or was. If his dragon senses are only intermittent, he may still be healing.”

As a unit they all turned, looking at the terrain. Aaron could hear several different conversations as each man tried to determine the best way to tackle the search without alerting the traitor to their presence. Rory and the rest of his Force arrived just as Royce said,
“We need to split up into four groups. Each group takes a side and we’ll work our way up from the bottom. The little son of a bitch could be anywhere. There are at least a hundred caves and alcoves all over that monstrosity where he could be hiding. We don’t want to spook him.”

“Roy’s right,” Rory agreed. “I also think we need to have a better game plan. I know Ri was excited, but a bunch of men with knives and swords running around in broad daylight are bound to freak out even the most sane human. Let’s head back to the lair, make a plan, and come back after midnight when the rest of the world is asleep.”

Aaron watched as the vein in Rayne’s head began to bulge, a sure sign the Commander was about to lose his cool. Devon was the first to speak.
“Someone needs to stay and keep watch. If Andrew is here, we need to make sure he doesn’t wander off,”
then volunteered
, “I’ll take the far side.”

“I’ll take the east side,”
Lennox, one of Rory’s Force, said before turning and disappearing through the trees.

“I’m going west,”
Aidan responded. Then to Aaron alone, he said,
“You better go check on your lady.”

Aaron caught only the slightest glimpse of his twin’s back as he used his enhanced speed to take his post, but his chuckle was loud and clear in his mind.

was Aaron’s only response.

“South is mine,”
Kellan, another of the Blue Thunder clan, chimed in before evaporating into thin air. Aaron had heard he was what the military called a ‘ghost’. Story was the man had been on more black ops missions than any other marine. He was the one they sent to places no one else could or
go. Whenever anyone asked about the scar on his cheek, his answer was always the same, “I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.” Aaron knew Kellan meant what he said. He was a very scary dragon.

Rayne’s voice brought him back to reality.
“All right, we’ll reconvene at the Great Hall at eleven.”

Aaron glanced at his watch as he made his way back to their vehicles.
Ten hours until we’re supposed to be at the Great Hall. Is that enough time?

“I know you’re not talking to me but since you asked,”
Aidan’s laugh in his head let Aaron know he had dropped his guard again.
“Hell, yes, it’s enough time. Get your butt over there as soon as you can. Time’s wasting.”

“I hear ya,”
was all he could say. He cut their connection and shored up his mental shields for the second time in less than twenty-four hours.

The return trip was quiet, but just as tension filled as the beginning of their excursion. They pulled up in front of his house, exited the vehicles, and headed inside. Aaron was almost to the house when he noticed Rayne and Rian had stayed back by the vehicles. Luckily, it looked like they were just talking, not throwing punches.

After making sure everyone was settled in, he took a quick shower, pulled on a T-shirt and jeans, and headed out the backdoor. As he pulled away, he called out to Royce,
“I’m heading over to Charlie’s. Be back in time for the meeting.”

“Do what you gotta do. I’ll cover if need be.”


“No worries.”

He spent the ride trying to come up with something witty to say. It wasn’t until he pulled in her driveway that he realized how nervous he truly was.

It’s now or never and never is not an option;
he heard his mother’s voice repeating her favorite saying as he made his way up the walk.

What he saw made his blood run cold.

A broken clay pot, the front door was ajar, and Charlie nowhere in sight…


Restless and unable to stop thinking about all she and Sam had discussed the night before, Charlie decided she needed fresh air. Heading out for her walk, she glimpsed the daisies that had been anonymously planted. In the next three steps, the rose bush came into view and she became irritated.

Totally irrational, but I can’t help it.

One about face later she found herself in the kitchen making tea and looking through Sam’s old cookbooks. Turning pages without even seeing them, Charlie slammed the book closed, growled under her breath, and stared out the window.

Her mind was so cluttered, a mass of pictures and thoughts…all that defied reason. She couldn’t focus on any one thing for longer than a few seconds. Dragons and witches. Fate and Destiny. The Universe actually making
woman for
man. No, change that…one woman for one dragon. Hunters and wizards. It was all so confusing. There was so much more to the world then she had ever imagined. So many things that just didn’t make sense.

She picked up the notes she’d made while talking to Sam, scanned the list, and tossed it across the table. Nothing on the paper was going to turn back time and make her forget all she’d learned. It was time to stop moping….time to get a grip and accept things as they were.

Come on, girlie. Up and at ‘em. Do something constructive.

Making her way to the front porch, she took a deep breath of the fresh, crisp air, which amazingly cleared her mind. Charlie looked around and it was obvious no one had been paying attention to Sam’s potted garden. The herbs needed weeding, vines needed trimming, and
needed watered and fertilized.

Entirely focused on what she was doing along with trying
to think of Aaron for the hundredth time, the sound of footsteps pulled her from her task. Gasping, Charlie spun, bobbling the pot she was working with before dropping it anyway. Of course, then she felt like a total idiot when she realized it was only Sam’s neighbor walking his abnormally large dog.

Shaking her head at her lack of grace, Charlie shelved her ideas of a photo shoot for Better Homes and Garden and went in search of the broom and dustpan. Stopping in the kitchen for a quick drink of water, she once again heard footsteps, but chalked it up to her imagination and chuckled instead of freaking out.

With a glass in hand, she had just turned towards the faucet when the little hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Worse than that, the marks on her back tingled, something that hadn’t happened in years. Her heart raced. Her pulse pounded. She turned so quickly the glass she was holding slipped from her fingers. In the blink of an eye, the man she’d worked so hard to ignore was standing mere inches from her, saving the cup from certain death.

As Aaron stood to his full height of at least six feet four inches, his cerulean eyes held her captive. Tiny wrinkles at the corners of his eyes assured her she would find him grinning if she looked down at his very kissable mouth.

Staring deep into his eyes, Charlie sighed. She’d forgotten how ruggedly handsome he really was.

No one would
accuse Aaron O’Brien of being pretty. His skin seemed to hold a permanent tan, showing just a few signs of years being outside in the sun and wind. No matter what time of day she saw him, he always had a five ‘o’clock shadow, stubble she knew first hand, that tickled when it touched her cheek.

His shoulders were broad, his waist trim, and her fingers tingled with the need to touch his chest as she’d done the night of their kiss. The longer they stood staring at one another the stronger the tingles in her back became, almost like cold chills running up and down her spine. 

Somehow, his wonderful scent had slipped her mind. Standing this close, his scent filled her senses. It was as crisp as a winter morning after a fresh snowfall and made her think all sorts of thoughts that were better left tucked away.

Aaron was lethal. He was the epitome of ‘sex on a stick’. The one man that could tie her in knots.

The tickle in her back reached an all-time high at the same time she realized he had no business in Sam’s home, and more importantly, no business mere inches from her. Taking a step back, Charlie narrowed her eyes, pursed her lips, and slammed her fists onto her hips.

The best defense is a good offense.

“What are you doing here? You scared the hell outta me!”

His grin faltered for a split second before he cocked his hip against the counter and resumed his usual devil may care appearance. But, she had seen a crack in his veneer. One she would use someday. Then he spoke, derailing her thoughts.

“I stopped by to…” He cleared his throat, the mesmerizing effect of his deep raspy voice lingering.

When he began again, his tone had softened and Charlie felt herself sway. Holding fast, she focused on his words instead of his voice. “I came to apologize… and explain. But then I saw the broken pot and the opened door and thought something had happened.”

“Sam took care of that,” was her retort, but it lacked the force she intended.

He was worried about me? Steady girl. Don’t let him get the best of you…again.

“I know she did, but
owe you an apology.”

“Okay. You could’ve done that over the phone.”

“I tried several times but you ignored my calls.”

Knows that trick, does he?

“Yeah, well, there
such a thing as voicemail. Besides, I needed some time. It’s not every day you see a real live dragon.”

Aaron snorted and she immediately got the joke. Her attempt at hiding her smile was poor at best, so she gave up.

“Well, I guess it does happen every day for
. Does it? I mean, I can ask that, right?”

His snort turned into loud laughter. It was the first time she’d seen him really let go, except for their kiss. If possible, he was even sexier.

Asshole is gonna be the death of me.

The glance he gave her through his impossibly thick eyelashes made her think he had heard her thoughts.

Now, I’ve really lost it.

Before she could think further, he answered. “Yes, you can ask me anything. And no, it doesn’t happen every day…but it can.”

She nodded, trying to decide if she should hear what he had to say or throw him out on his butt.

Curiosity won.

“Anything, huh?”


“What does it feel like to fly?” Charlie blurted out. Her cheeks heated and she thanked the Lord that Aaron chose to ignore her embarrassment.

He moved towards the table, holding out a chair and motioning for her to have a seat. When she sat, he took the chair adjacent to her before answering. “It’s one of the best things about being a dragon. Most think it’s being big and regal, or breathing fire, but flying is like no other feeling on earth. It is freedom, power, and it is life affirming. When I’m soaring across the skies it gives me perspective, helps me think….makes me see my place in the world.”

“Breathing fire?” she whispered, interrupting what he was about to say.

“Yeah, probably should’ve saved that for later,” he ran his hand down his face and blew out a long breath. “But it’s a fact…we
breathe fire. Most of the things you’ve read in fairy tales are true.” He paused then quickly added, “Except about us being the bad guys. That’s bullshit! The hunters and wizards made that up so people would rat them out. No dragon ever held a princess hostage in a tower, or attacked a city they weren’t battling. Truth be told, when dragons were just dragons, not shifters, they fought alongside knights to keep the King’s peace. They were the good guys.”

This has to be the weirdest conversation I’ve ever had.

No matter her internal conversation, Charlie could feel the pride in his words. Being a dragon was important to him. It was
he was and he loved it. Not many people could say that about themselves. Her respect for the most annoying man on the planet grew exponentially.

“What else would you like to know?” he interrupted her thoughts.

She thought for a moment and decided to ask what she really wanted to know. “Sam said each of you has a marking of their dragon, kinda like a tattoo…” Nodding his head and standing before she finished, he fisted the hem of his T-shirt and was suddenly shirtless.

Charlie sat in stunned silence. Not only was the dragon that covered most of his torso awe-inspiring, the man standing before her was absolutely breathtaking. The beast’s head rested on the top of his right shoulder, the body and wings spread across his chest and abdomen, leaving the tail to wrap around his left hip. Of their own accord, her fingertips touched the tip of the dragon’s wing sitting right above the waistband of his jeans. An electric current shot up her arm, through her body, and landed squarely in her womb.

She jerked her hand away and squeezed her thighs together. Their eyes met. She knew by the way his pupils dilated, he felt it too.

Tentatively, never breaking eye contact, she let her fingers touch his dragon. Once again, she felt the spark, but this time was prepared. Her fingers traced the underside of the beast’s wings, moving upward until she had to stand to continue her exploration. The dragon seemed to come alive as her fingers traced the intricate design of a beast she thought only lived in children’s fantasies.

Charlie knew from her discussion with Sam that Aaron’s dragon was silver, but she’d never imagined the tattoo on his skin would be so literal in its depiction. The afternoon sun danced over the glittering scales as it shone through the kitchen window.

Reaching the beast’s massive body, she laid her hand flat against Aaron’s chest, gently sweeping the length of its back and onto his neck. She felt the intricate design ripple against her palm. The electricity she felt at first contact grew between them the longer her hands caressed his body. Normally, Charlie resorted to her clinical expertise and logic to deal with situations that defied explanation, but standing face to face with a fairy tale come true her imagination took over.

She saw the majestic warrior soaring across a deep blue sky, wings unfurled, head held high, basking in the glory of being alive. There would be sheer power resonating through his body. This beast knew he was at the top of the food chain, but had the dignity not to lord it over others. He was the epitome of nobility, a true master among the others.

The definition of the corded muscles in the dragon’s neck was another testament of his tremendous strength. She chuckled that the position of Aaron’s marking had her touching the back of the dragon’s neck while lightly grazing the man’s neck. His quick intake of air drew her eyes to his mouth. She watched longingly as just the tip of his tongue wet his bottom lip.

Acting on instinct alone, Charlie rose to her toes, leaned in, and laid butterfly kisses along his lip, following the path his tongue had taken. With her palms flat against his chest for support, she felt the thundering of his heart that mirrored her own. Unable to resist the man that filled her every thought, she sealed her lips to his, reveling in the feeling of completion that filled her.

Aaron groaned deep in his throat, the vibration teasing her hardened nipples as they pressed against his chest. She felt the warmth of his hands on her waist only a second before she was lifted in the air, spun around, and gently placed on the counter with him standing between her thighs.

Charlie tried to pull back and gather her wits, but Aaron would have none of it. He growled and pulled her tightly to his chest. Slammed his mouth to hers and demanded entry. Unable to do anything but follow where he led, she opened completely.

Her fingers dug into his shoulders. Her legs wrapped around his waist. His erection bumped against her excited clit, making her curse the denim that separated their bodies. Their hips moved in tandem, driving them higher. Aaron’s fingers slid under her ass, lifted her against his body, and he began walking towards the living room.

The sound of his cowboy boots striking hardwood told her they had reached the hallway and the little voice in the back of her head screamed, “
Take me to bed or lose me forever
.” Goose was nowhere around, but Aaron could fly and that was all that mattered.

His mouth left hers; nibbling along her jaw and kissing the little spot behind her ear that he somehow knew would drive her wild. She gulped air, trying to clear her mind, but all she could do was feel. Goose bumps rose all over her body at his whisper at her ear, “Which door is your room?”

“I’m upstairs, but the guestroom is the door on the right,” she breathed, finding even that a difficult question to answer with her mind lost in the sensual haze the man she was presently wrapped around created.

Their forward motion stopped and Aaron’s hands moved across her ass and under her shirt. His hands on her bare skin unleashed a flood of sensations and emotions so strong Charlie was sure she would spontaneously combust. He skimmed her ribs, massaging as he went, until his thumbs rubbed the sides of her breasts, and then moved to gently tease the tips of her peaked nipples.

Charlie arched her back, threw back her head, and moaned. The markings on her back continued to tingle. Nothing had ever felt as good as his hands on her body did in that moment.

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