Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6) (12 page)

BOOK: Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6)
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Any other time, Aaron would’ve made a smartass comment, but figured those days were long past. Charlie would kick his ass in front of everyone and smile while she did it. He grinned to himself, standing and taking his plate to the kitchen.

“Lookie there, you’ve already domesticated him, Charlie,” Grace teased.

“Good job!” Kyndel added, squeezing his arm as he passed by.

“Y’all just keep it up. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve,” Aaron joked in return.

“But he’ll keep them to himself,” Charlie said in mock authority, right before busting out laughing.

All the women followed suit, still laughing when he left the room.

“I see the girls are giving you the hell you deserve,” Rory commented.

“Just wait loud mouth, your turns comin’,” Aaron responded while everyone at the table chuckled along.

The men talked amongst themselves while the late arrivals ate, but Aaron couldn’t help listening to Charlie’s conversation in the kitchen. The ladies were all telling her about how they’d met their mates, at least the stories she hadn’t already heard. Kyndel told the story of her and Rayne’s mating ceremony. Aaron was happy to hear the excitement in Charlie’s voice and had to laugh at her surprise that he was the one that planned everything…not her.

There was a lull in their conversation and then he heard Anya speak. Her voice was low and filled with trepidation, but she was a real trooper and said what she obviously thought was important. “Charlie, I want to apologize for what you saw the night of my mating ceremony. I promise I had
no idea
that was going to happen and I would do anything to take back the fear I’m sure you felt. I can’t even imagine what it was like for you.” Anya’s nervous chuckle was hard to hear but reinforced how strong she really was. “Heavens knows I wish I’d had a little advance warning. I just wanted you to know how happy I am that you accepted us and especially the butthead I’m sure is out there listening in. Surprises are pretty much the rule around here, but you get used to it, I promise, and these people are so worth the angst.”

“No worries, really. I admit to being completely freaked out and contemplating my own sanity for a few days, but it’s all good now. I totally agree with you about the surprises. I guess I have a few of my own I knew nothing dragons, but maybe a little magic. I want to thank y’all for not giving up on
. As for the butthead…I think I’ll keep him.”

The ladies all laughed, promising to share the most embarrassing story they knew about him with her. The sneaks even went so far as to tell her they were sure she would need the ammunition.

Oh, I just can’t wait.

He continued to eavesdrop, hoping to catch one of the stories, when a dinner roll hit him in the face.

“Snap out of it, Romeo. She’s fine and you don’t need to be eavesdropping. That shit will get you sleeping in the doghouse faster than anything else,” Aidan said.

“Damn sure will,” Lance agreed, and Aaron could tell he was speaking from experience.

No surprise there.

Kellan took his, Brannoc’s, and Lennox’s plate to the kitchen, surprising Aaron but apparently no one else. That man was a true enigma; one Aaron hoped he never had to figure out. Royce, Rian, and Rory trusted him and that was all Aaron needed to know. He was just damn glad the retired marine was on their side.

Brannoc spread the maps out on the freshly cleaned table, explaining as he went about the trail he’d located. It looked like if they came from the industrial park that backed up to a patch of woods behind the mountain, there was no way
would be able to see them. It appeared as if no one knew the land existed. It had taken Brannoc hacking into a government database to find the map they were looking at.

“Why couldn’t we see it on a fly over?” Lance asked.

“No clue,” Brannoc answered. “I’m guessing heavy cloaking magic, which makes me wonder what the hell they’re hiding in there. The maps don’t show any land mines or any other protection devices that we need to worry about. Royce said Kyra can null out whatever’s being used magically. We’ll be good to get in, get the bastard, and get out.”

Rayne and Lance both popped their heads up, looked into the kitchen where Jay and Sydney were playing, and sat back down when they saw the kids were out of earshot.

“It’s about time,” Aidan mumbled, examining the path Brannoc had highlighted.

Their strategy session went on for several hours during which Charlie spoke directly into his mind several times. He was glad she was using their special form of communication, especially when she told him she was going to Siobhan’s study with Kyra and the Healer to start looking for info on her birthmark and pendant.

Aaron showed her how to leave their connection open so he could listen in on their findings while also being a part of the hunt for his younger brother. It was shocking when it actually worked. Their connection was almost complete and they hadn’t been officially mated or even
for very long.

“Tell the ladies that we are able to have an open connection,”
he sent directly into her mind.

“I’m guessing that’s important…”

“Yeah. Sorry should’ve said that first, Dr. Gallagher. It appears your magic, although tiny in size, packs a wallop. That’s the only reason I know of that would make our bond so strong in such a short period of time. Not that I’m complaining in the slightest. I like having you in my head. It’s cozy in here.”

“You are absolutely incorrigible. Now pay attention to your stuff and I’ll pay attention to mine,”
she snickered.

He heard her talking to Kyra and Siobhan and went back to paying attention to the Guardsmen’s plans to capture the dickhead. Kellan and Brannoc even impressed Rayne with their complete assessment of the situation and their suggestions for a plan of action. After just a few more adjustments, they had their strategy well laid out.

Rian told them all to get some rest and meet at the Great Hall at nightfall the following evening. Rayne had already walked away and Aaron could hear him on the phone with Max, the King of the Big Cats. The werepanthers would definitely be a huge asset on this job. Not to mention, the cats wanted the traitor caught almost as bad as the dragons did. He had wreaked enough havoc for several lifetimes and was indiscriminate in the way he spread around his special brand of pain.

Tired of being away from his mate, Aaron went directly to the study to find Charlie and Kyra sitting Indian style on the floor with books stacked all around them. The girls chatted away, not noticing him until he was right beside them.

“Y’all find anything good.”

Both shook their heads, but Kyra spoke first, “Nothing yet, but I know we will. Your girl there is made up of some strong stuff. Her magic is powerful and her momma really wanted it protected. It might take us a bit, but we’ll get it figured out.”

The little witch stood, stacking the books in an order Aaron guessed made sense to her, but to him looked like a game of Jenga. She looked at Charlie and smiled, “I have had a blast with you today. Want to meet back here tomorrow after lunch? I gotta go. Big guy’s calling.” She tapped her temple.

“Sure, I’ll meet you here?” Charlie asked.

“Absolutely.” Then to Siobhan, Kyra added, “I’ll bring lunch. You hungry for anything specific?”

“Whatever you make will be fine, dear. Sleep well and give Royce a hug for me,” the older lady answered, nose stuck in her book.

“Sure will. See y’all tomorrow.” And with that, she disappeared out the door.

Squatting beside his mate, Aaron asked, “You ready to go? Or did you want to stay a while longer?”

“No, my eyes are ready for a rest. I’m ready if you are.”

Standing and helping Charlie up at the same time, Aaron said, “Thanks for everything, Siobhan.”

The Healer stood and approached, motioning for Aaron to lean down. When he did, she hugged his neck and whispered, “You got a good one there, son.”

“Yes, ma’am. I do,” he answered, returning to his normal height and pulling Charlie to his side.

She moved to Charlie and hugged her too, but spoke only when she pulled away. “You’ve got your work cut out for you with this one, but I’m sure you can handle it.”

Charlie laughed, snuggling closer. “My dad’s a retired cop, so I’m sure I can deal with whatever he dishes out.”

Siobhan’s laugh was louder and fuller than Aaron had heard in a long time. She was such a vital part of their clan and so important to so many people. He loved the times she actually let loose and had fun.

Steering his mate out the door, they quickly said goodbye to everyone. Sydney made Charlie promise to come and play with her very soon. It took longer than he wanted, but when they finally stood on the porch and closed the door behind them, Aaron sighed in relief.

“What was that for? I thought it was a great evening,” Charlie asked, looking up at him in surprise.

“It was. I just want you all to myself. We dragons are a possessive lot. Having all those men around you, even though I know most are mated and the unmated ones would never do anything, makes my dragon go nuts and I’m not far behind.” He threaded his fingers through hers and began to walk towards his Harley.

“Our bond is strong but it’s still new.
, Aidan and Grace have been together for over a year and are expecting twins and I still catch stray thoughts from him about the same thing. What can I say,” he shrugged. “We’re Alphas. I’ll do my best not to be overbearing and I know you’ll kick me if I show my ass…I’m just saying it might take a while, so be patient with me.”

Charlie laughed aloud before answering. “You got it. It will be my
to kick your ass if you get outta line.”

Unable to resist her a second longer, Aaron grabbed her up and set her sidesaddle on the seat of his motorcycle. His hands on her waist held her still while his eyes took in the beauty that was his mate. He saw the question in her eyes but loved the fact that she sat in silence waiting for him to speak or act first.

Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead, then the tip of her nose, before finally touching his lips to hers. As lightly as he could, Aaron kissed first one corner of her beautiful mouth, then the middle, then the opposite corner. Charlie let him lead the way, and when he stopped and placed his forehead to hers, they sighed in unison.

“Let’s go to my house,” he asked without really asking.

Charlie’s nod was all the affirmation he needed. She straddled the seat while he climbed on in front of her. It took less than two minutes for him to get from Siobhan’s driveway to his front door.

Not leaving anything to chance, Aaron picked her up, carried her across his front yard, and jumped onto the porch. While he was fiddling with the door, she chuckled, “You really can move fast, can’t ya?”

She laid her head against his shoulder as he threw open the door, carried her across the threshold, and immediately kicked it closed with the heel of his boot. He headed straight for the stairs, whispering all the things he wanted to do to her, and was exhilarated when the scent of her arousal filled his senses.

In his bedroom, Aaron released her legs, reveling in the feel of her body sliding down his. His pulse beat faster, his heart pounded in his chest, and his cock pushed against the zipper of his jeans. He watched her eyes adjusting to only the light from his digital clock while he held her hands.

She is just the most beautiful thing in the world.

He pushed her jacket off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor before lifting her shirt over her head. She smiled a lazy smile that said she wanted him just as much as he wanted her, but would let him set the tempo. Aaron was determined to go slow, to give her the best experience of her life.

“Just being with you makes this the best,”
she sent directly into his mind.

“Guess I let my thoughts get away from me, huh?”

“It’s all good. I kinda like knowing what’s going on up there.”

Bending at the waist, he kissed his way across her décolletage, sliding down one and then the other of her bra straps, pushing the pink silk cups down, and baring her full breasts to his hungry eyes. Resisting temptation, he reached behind her, completely removing the garment and also letting it fall to the floor. He then removed her shorts, leaving her standing in a tiny pair of baby pink panties.

Running the back of his hands across her hardened nipples, he smiled as she shivered at the contact.

“So receptive…so beautiful…”
he whispered into her mind.

“You’re teasing me, dragon man,”
she breathed, her arousal stealing her breath.

Charlie took a deep breath while he ran his hands across her stomach, along her ribs, and under her breasts. Her eyes closed as he watched her trying to regain some of her control. Grinning like the cat that ate the canary, she reached forward and grabbed the hem of his T-shirt.

Looking up through her lashes, she winked.
“It’s only fair I get to return the favor.”

He let his hands fall to his sides, loving her playful side. He laughed when she threw his shirt over her shoulder, but could barely breathe when she ran her hands across his chest before laying a chaste kiss on both of his nipples. Aaron was sure he would lose his mind. It was the sweetest sensation. He worked hard to keep from throwing her on the bed and sinking deep inside her.

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