One Whisper Away

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Authors: Emma Wildes

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More Praise for the Novels of Emma Wildes
“A luxurious and sensual read. Both deliciously wicked and tenderly romantic. . . . I didn’t want it to end!”

New York Times
bestselling author Celeste Bradley
“This wickedly exciting romance will draw you in and take hold of your heart.”

USA Today
bestselling author Elizabeth Boyle
“Regency fans will thrill to this superbly sensual tale of an icy widow and two decadent rakes. . . . Balancing deliciously erotic encounters with compelling romantic tension and populating a convincing historical setting with a strong cast of well-developed characters, prolific romance author Wildes provides a spectacular and skillfully handled story that stands head and shoulders above the average historical romance.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)
“Wickedly delicious and daring, Wildes’s tale tantalizes with an erotic fantasy that is also a well-crafted Regency romance. She delivers a page-turner that captures the era, the mores, and the scandalous behavior that lurks beneath the surface.”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars, top pick)
“Emma Wildes has thoroughly enchanted e-book readers with her emotionally charged story lines. . . . [A] gem of an author . . . Ms. Wildes tells this story with plenty of compassion, humor, and even a bit of suspense to keep readers riveted to each scandalous scene—and everything in between.”
—Romance Junkies
“Of all the authors I’ve read, I believe Emma Wildes to be my hands-down favorite. . . . Ms. Wildes has once again shown her ability to present new variations of romance in all of its infinite forms. Be prepared to feel your passions grow as you read the beautifully written love scenes.”
—Just Erotic Romance Reviews (5 stars)
“Emma Wildes has an amazing flair for taking what could be considered controversial subject matter and turning it into a beautiful love story that has the reader cheering for the characters. . . . It is a truly rare and remarkable talent.”
“Unique, masterfully written, and engaging story lines coupled with fascinating characters are what every reader can expect from Emma Wildes. For fans of historical and Regency romance, look no further. Ms. Wildes possesses a beautiful, flowing writing style that transports her readers to another time as the sights and sounds come to life around them. My expectations are exceeded every time I read one of her books!”
—TwoLips Reviews
“Chock-full of mysteries, torrid romances, unforgettable characters . . . delightfully fun and wicked.”
—Romance Junkies
“Emma Wildes is a rising star who writes incredible historical romance.”
—Fallen Angel Reviews
“Ms. Wildes has penned an excellent novel that is sure to be a favorite for many years to come . . . deserves no less than a Perfect 10!”
—Romance Reviews Today
“[A] delightful, delicious, and sexy tale that readers will adore.”
—Goodreads (JERR Gold Star Award)
“Inventive and well-written, with fabulous love scenes and characters worth reading about.”
—All About Romance
Also by Emma Wildes
The Notorious Bachelors
Our Wicked Mistake
His Sinful Secret
My Lord Scandal
Seducing the Highlander
Lessons from a Scarlet Lady
An Indecent Proposition
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eISBN : 978-1-101-51456-6
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For my cousin Douglas.
You are one of the nicest people I know.
I never embark on this journey alone, and I appreciate the efforts of all the people who help me get from the first page to the last. Thanks again to my agent, the fabulous Barbara Poelle, my wonderful editor, Laura Cifelli, and also Jesse Feldman, who is always on her “A” game.
I’d like to also mention Judie Aitken, who is not only a talented author, but who steered me in the right direction when I mentioned I had a somewhat unusual hero for this story.
Chapter 1
t was a perfectly enjoyable evening until the
Lady Cecily Francis smiled graciously at the young man escorting her off the floor, accepted a glass of champagne from a passing footman with a tray, and excused herself, pleading the need to sit down for a few minutes. Her feet were starting to hurt, as she’d been steadily engaged for every dance.
was a more appropriate way to put it, and while she was flattered at all the attention, she was not embracing her first season with a high level of enthusiasm.
Cecily thought the ballroom too crowded, the din of hundreds of conversations much too loud, and the air too close. But, as it had been pointed out to her time and again by well-meaning aunts, cousins, and various other members of the family, including her father, a young woman did not snare a husband by languishing in the country.
She spotted her sister standing and chatting with a group of young ladies and made her way toward them, not a particularly easy task in the milling throng. When she was only a few feet away, a small disaster occurred in the form of a rather foxed gentleman telling a story that included a wide gesture with one arm, which unfortunately jostled Cecily’s elbow and resulted in a slosh of champagne across her chest. The culprit was oblivious, even when she made an inarticulate sound of dismay. This was the first time she’d worn this gown and blue silk and champagne were not a good mixture. Several droplets trickled between her breasts.
“Allow me.”
Glancing up, she looked into the darkest eyes she had ever seen, belonging to a tall man tugging a linen handkerchief from his coat pocket. She recognized him at once, for all of the
haut ton
was whispering over the arrival of Jonathan Bourne, the new Earl of Augustine—partly because of his exotic background and partly due to his striking looks.
“Thank you,” she said gratefully, though she was a bit off balance at having the full attention of London’s current most notorious and eligible—no one denied the Bourne fortune—earl.
Except he didn’t hand her the snowy white square. Instead he leaned forward and, in the middle of a fashionable crush in a London ballroom, audaciously wiped away the untimely spill himself.
Startled, Cecily felt the brush of the fine material across her throat and the upper swells of her breasts, the gesture almost an intimate caress. It was as if he’d touched her without the benefit of the thin piece of linen between her damp skin and his long fingers, and she could not help it, she blushed, the heat rising into her cheeks.
“You are welcome.” He tucked the handkerchief away, his expression amused.
A very shocked part of her could not believe he’d just done something so outrageous in front of witnesses, and another wayward part of her was fascinated by the impact of his male beauty. He was sinfully dark, from his sleek ebony hair, currently constrained fashionably in a queue, to those seductive eyes, to his bronze skin. His unusual coloring aside, his bone structure was finely modeled—arched brows, straight nose, slightly square chin . . . and his lower lip a bit fuller, giving his mouth a sensual cast.
He looked foreign and his accent confirmed it.
The quirk of his smile told her he had a very good idea of his impact on her also, not quite arrogant but certainly full of male self-assurance.
That sort of flagrant masculinity was not an English trait, as if the well-cut coat and fitted breeches were part of a disguise. It didn’t matter that his cravat was perfectly tied and secured with a glittering diamond stickpin, or that his boots were obviously custom-made and polished to a high sheen.
Somehow he still managed to give the impression that he was . . . untamed. Exotic. Perhaps even
despite all the trappings of gentility.
Then he made matters worse by leaning forward, close enough that his breath was warm against her ear. “You have turned a very delicious shade of pink, my lady. But console yourself with the knowledge I would much rather have licked it off, so my handkerchief was actually a polite choice.” He paused at her slight gasp over that audacious comment. Then he executed a formal bow. “Good evening.”
He turned and walked away, past the gaping onlookers as if he didn’t even see them.
In contrast, Cecily was all too conscious of the avid stares, among them her sister’s. Only a few feet away in the small circle of her friends, Eleanor had an expression of scandalized censure on her face.
Surely it was best to act as if the brief moment hadn’t happened? Cecily joined the now-silent group. “Such a crush,” she said brightly, but she knew her cheeks were still flame bright.
Eleanor, however, was not quite as willing to ignore what had just happened. “I wasn’t aware you knew Lord Augustine,” she said pointedly. Two years older, Eleanor was in her second season, her first having been marked by her refusal of several offers of marriage and not exactly a success otherwise either. Her older sister was a great deal more voluptuous than Cecily, her hair an entirely different shade, though there was a family resemblance. This evening she wore a pretty yellow gown, her dark blond hair twisted into an elegant chignon.

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