Read One-Two Punch Online

Authors: Katie Allen

One-Two Punch (26 page)

BOOK: One-Two Punch
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“Tattletale,” she breathed, the word barely more than a hungry moan. The air from her words brushed against the tip of Ky’s cock, making him groan and thrust his hips upward. Harry spanked her again, on the other cheek this time. Driven to the edge of what she could bear, Beth swallowed the heavy length of Ky’s cock.

“Fuck,” he hissed as the suctioning heat of her mouth closed around him. His back arched and his fingers tightened in Beth’s hair, pulling her down, trying to make her take more of him. She choked a little as he bumped the back of her throat and Harry wrapped his fingers around Ky’s wrists.

“Careful,” Harry warned and Ky nodded tightly, lightening his grip. She rewarded him by relaxing her throat, swallowing another inch of him. Her fingers wrapped around the base of his cock and she began to move, sliding her lips upward until only the head remained in her mouth. Her tongue found his slit, probing it, before sliding down the back of his erection as she swallowed him whole.

Harry released Ky’s wrists. The sight of Ky’s dark cock, wet and gleaming, disappearing and reemerging from the pink circle of Beth’s eager lips must have been more than Harry could stand. Sinking his fingers into the flesh of her hips, he buried his cock into the tight, wet passage of her pussy. Beth closed her eyes at the incredible friction. Her inner walls clung to him as he pulled out and paused, leaving her hungry and frantic to be filled again.

“Do you want to fuck her now?” he asked and Ky nodded, easing Beth’s mouth free of his cock.

“Condoms?” Harry asked.

“In there,” Ky rasped, jerking his head at his partially packed bag. Crouching down, Harry dug through the duffel, tossing the clothes onto the floor as he searched.

When he finally found the box and tore it open, Beth thought she would cry from sheer relief. She tried to take the condom from Harry but he shook his head, moving to sheathe Ky’s erection himself.

“No.” Ky’s hand shot out and caught Harry’s wrist. “Touch me and it’s over.”

Harry relinquished the condom and they both watched, fascinated, as Ky rolled it on.

Catching Beth under the arms, Ky pulled her up to straddle his hips. His erection burned against her. Lifting herself up until the head of his cock was just touching her pussy lips, heat against heat, Beth looked over her shoulder at Harry.

“May I?” she asked, watching his taut face. He almost flinched at her question, his eyes burning the electric blue of the hottest fire as he visibly gathered himself enough to nod tightly. With a small sound of relief, Beth lowered her hips, impaling herself on Ky’s rock-hard erection. His head and neck curled back against the bed as she surrounded him with her suctioning heat, so tight that the pleasure flirted with pain.

Beth began to raise herself, to release his desperate cock from its welcome prison, only to bury him inside her again. Ky grasped her hips, stopping the movement.

“Please,” he gasped. “Please.” Beth didn’t know if he was begging for cessation or continuation.

“Please what?” she panted.

“I don’t know.” He gave a small, choked laugh. “All I know is that if you move an inch, I’m going to fucking explode into tiny pieces.”

“Oh.” Beth hesitated.
Exploding doesn’t sound so bad to me
, she thought, shifting a little and making Ky groan. She wanted to move, to break Ky’s control, but Harry’s touch on her back made her go still.

With a firm hand between her shoulder blades, Harry pressed Beth’s upper body down until her nipples were burning holes into Ky’s chest. She felt the wet tip of Harry’s erection asking for entrance into her ass and her blood coursed through her veins at breakneck speed.

Here it was—the daydream that was the cause of more wet panties than she could count was about to become reality.

“Okay?” Harry rasped, not sure what he would do if she said no. He wanted this,
it, felt like he would die if he couldn’t bury himself in her ass, to feel the friction of Ky’s cock moving inside her, to share the explosive moment of climax with both of his lovers.

“Please,” she begged, and, with a groan made up of relief and lust and overwhelming love, Harry pressed into her, slowly, carefully, until he and Ky filled her entirely. Harry began to move, desperately realizing that he was at the end of his tether.

He heard Ky’s shout of release as the slide of Harry’s cock, barely separated from his, drove him over the edge into ecstasy.

Harry pumped into her ass, feeling her muscles tighten as she reached her own climax, her scream coinciding with the squeezing clamp around his cock. He exploded into her, the hot, sweet pleasure multiplied a thousand times by the knowledge that the three of them were together, all feeling the same elated bliss.

In the sweaty, boneless aftermath, as they lay tangled together in peaceful languor, Beth asked, “So does this mean you’re staying?”

Harry was too spent to even laugh but heard Ky groan, “For fuck’s sake, Barbie.

Yes, I’m staying. But only if you shut up and let me sleep.”

Smiling, Beth didn’t say another word.

Chapter Fifteen

Harry woke to Beth’s mouth on him, trailing teasing nibbles across his jaw and up to his temple, curling her tongue in the curve of his ear and making him shiver. Ky’s hand rested heavily against his belly, and Harry nearly jumped out of his skin when full, soft lips brushed his ribs. The feeling of two mouths on him at one time was amazing, almost overwhelming, especially since one of the mouths belonged to beautiful Ky, who for so many years had kept him conflicted and horny and wondering.

As Beth tugged his earlobe into her mouth with a gentle suction, Ky ran his roughened palm along the underside of Harry’s stiff, swollen cock. He teased it with a light pressure, a touch that was barely there, but that still drew Harry’s balls tight and high. When Ky finally grasped his shaft, Harry nearly came from just his firm grip, rougher than Beth’s. The difference between the two hands, hard and soft, magnified Harry’s arousal, until he had to clench his teeth to prevent his eruption.

Ky swallowed his cock at the same time that Beth’s teeth closed on his nipple, as if they had rehearsed. Harry’s hips wrenched upward and his hand caught the back of Ky’s closely shorn head, holding him still as Harry drove his pulsing cock deeper into the other man’s throat. Plunging in and out of the irresistible suction, Harry felt his control fraying, the dual mouths—one eagerly slurping at his cock and the other pulling at his nipple—working at him until need and love and raw desire twisted together, dragging his release from the deepest part of him, shooting pulse after pulse of semen into Ky’s welcoming mouth. His climax seemed to last forever, until his body shuddered a final time, replete with exhaustion and wonder.

Harry felt stripped, naked and vulnerable. He kept his eyes closed as his breathing slowed and his heartbeat quieted, no longer filling his head with its urgent pound. Beth soothed his chest with gentle strokes as Ky suckled his easing cock, as if neither wanted to move away from him. Opening his eyes, Harry looked at them both, met Beth’s questioning gaze and Ky’s wary one. Ky’s mouth stilled, pulling away as he watched Harry, looking unsure about whether he was going to get a kiss or a kick in the teeth.

Curling one arm around Beth, Harry tucked her tight against him. With his other hand, he reached down and cradled the back of Ky’s skull. Ky’s eyes grew glossy. He dipped his head down and hid his face against the seam where Harry’s thigh and groin met. Harry felt the soft prickle of Ky’s couple-day scruff and massaged the head he still cupped. The vulnerable skull bones, the tight tendons of his neck, the delicate curve of the back of his ear—all were exposed by Ky’s military buzz cut.

Swallowing, Harry held his two lovers against him, overwhelmed for a moment by a panicked responsibility. These two people—these
, all of twenty-three and -four years old—were his now. His to protect, to keep safe. It had been almost inevitable, he realized, pulling Beth and Ky even closer. When he saw Ky across the gym, his belongings in hand and his longing and desperation covered by a thin sheen of pride, Harry knew that Ky was going to stay. And Beth…Harry couldn’t imagine life without Beth. It was like playing with his nephew’s Legos—he and Beth and Ky fit together—

perfectly matched pieces.

Harry locked the front door of the cleared-out gym just after eight. Closing on Saturday nights was a treat—not like the weekdays, when he had to boot out the stragglers who were trying to squeeze in a few more reps at eleven-fifteen. He took the steps to the loft two at a time, letting himself in to find Ky and Beth lounging at the kitchen island.

“Whatcha doing?” he asked idly, giving Beth and then Ky a one-armed hug and a kiss on the temple.

“Frito football,” Beth told him, flicking a chip through the open-topped square that Ky had made with his thumbs and index fingers. “Score!” she crowed, shooting her fists over her head.

Shaking his head, Harry picked up the Frito football and ate it. “You two are sad.

It’s Saturday night—why don’t we go out instead?”

“Really?” Beth asked. “Yay! We haven’t gone out in forever.”

“Okay,” Ky shrugged.

The same thought occurred to both Beth and Ky at the same time. They eyed each other for a second before bolting from their stools and sprinting to the bathroom.

“Dibs on the shower,” Beth called.

“Don’t think so,” Ky rejoined. They reached the doorway at the same time and both tried to squeeze in, jostling against each other.

“I called it!” Beth protested.

“Too bad. I’m bigger, so I get my way.”

Beth elbowed him in the stomach and used the leverage to shove herself through in front of him with a victorious “Woo!”

“Foul!” Ky accused, following her in.

Harry rolled his eyes as he leaned against the island, eating another corn chip.

“Babies,” he grumbled, albeit cheerfully. “Like a freakin’ daycare in here.” It had been almost a week since they had merged into a—what? Couple didn’t really work. A triplet? Whatever it was called, Harry was shocked by how well it was working. They had fallen into an easy intimacy, as if the three of them had always been together. He heard Beth’s laughing shriek, quickly cut off. His ears perked up at the silence, as did his cock. Popping one last Frito into his mouth, Harry pushed away from the island to make his way to the bathroom, stripping off his clothes as he went.

The open shower door framed Ky and Beth, both still half-dressed under the spray of water—Beth in her bra and panties and Ky in his jeans. Beth’s back was against the smooth wall, her wrists crossed above her head, pinned there by one of Ky’s hands. The contrast between his broad, brown hand and her pale wrists, so delicate and trapped, dried Harry’s mouth and made him swallow.

Ky’s other hand was tracing the rivulets of water down the top slopes of her breasts, dodging around her instantly peaked nipples thrusting against the sheer pink fabric of her wet bra. Beth’s mesmerized gaze followed the path of his fingers.

“When you change sides, you really do it with a vengeance,” she told him breathlessly.

“I didn’t switch,” Ky corrected her absently, following the trickles of water down her belly now. “I’m just…batting for both teams.”

“Teams?” Beth’s voice was throaty now, as distracted as Ky’s. His fingers slid against her stomach and lower, under the edge of her panties and though the curls beneath. She gasped as his middle finger pushed into her pussy, parting the tight walls with penetrating force. Her body clutched him, trying to draw him deeper.

“It’s not even that.” Ky answered the question that Beth had already forgotten she’d asked. “That makes it sound like I’m up for screwing anything that walks and I’m not really interested in anyone except you and Harry.”

She blinked, suddenly realizing something. “You’re a romantic,” she told him, a grin spreading across her face. The accusation brought an immediate scowl to Ky’s face.


Still grinning, she crowed, “You only want to have sex with people you’re in love with. You’re a closet romantic!”

“No, I’m not.” He sounded as disgusted as if she had accused him of eating bugs.

“Okay, you’re not,” she said in an overly placating tone.

“I’m not.”

She smirked at him silently.

Ky started to say something but must have realized that he had a more powerful weapon than words. As his amber eyes watched her with half-lowered lids, he twisted his finger inside her slippery depths. Beth couldn’t hold back a moan and Ky, looking unbearably smug, gave a small grin as his eyes warmed to gold at the sound.

Apparently no longer able to stand just watching, Harry stepped into the shower, pressing Ky against Beth’s front, smooshing her against the wall. Abruptly pulling his teasing finger free, Ky caught himself with both hands flat against the wall. Although she was still tingling with arousal, Beth gave a breathless laugh as she was flattened between hard tile and harder male.

“Okay, no. Until we get a bigger shower,” she paused to give Ky a futile shove,

“there will be no threesome shower time.” She wiggled around until she could squeeze out sideways. “Seriously, guys, it’s like a fricking clown car in here. Ky, your jeans are still on. Okay, that’s it.” She gave Harry a shove. “Out!” Pivoting around Ky, she maneuvered behind him and heaved.



The two men spluttered and protested but stepped out of the shower. Beth pulled the door closed with a bang, stripping off her nearly transparent bra and underwear and tossing them out over the door with a satisfied smile.
I knew I could get the shower
, she thought smugly.

“No problem.” Harry’s voice held a self-satisfied note that made Beth glance through the wavy glass suspiciously. “We’ll be just fine without you.” Pressing Ky against the wall, Harry flattened his palms on either side of Ky’s head and leaned in.

Fascinated, Beth pushed the shower door open so that she had a clear view as Harry took Ky’s mouth, kissing him hard enough to press his head back against the wall. After a startled moment, Ky responded frantically, wrapping his fingers around the back of Harry’s skull, pressing their bodies together from thigh to chest, twisting his head to plunge his tongue deep into Harry’s mouth.

BOOK: One-Two Punch
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