One Rogue Too Many (27 page)

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Authors: Samantha Grace

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency, #General

BOOK: One Rogue Too Many
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“How short your memory is, love. Only this morning you were taking me to task for deceiving you and stealing you away from Thorne.”

She dropped her hand to her lap and frowned. She hadn’t given Sebastian any more thought beyond her initial concern. “I feel horrible for the embarrassment I’ve caused him. You and I will have each other to weather the scandal together, and I know my family will stand behind me. But the Thornes may not fare as well since this is the second scandal to touch their family.”

Anthony slowly raked his fingers through his hair, then slid his hand to the back of his neck and squeezed. “I would hate to see his family suffer more than they already have. If there was a way to spare them…”

She pulled the blanket up to her chin and snuggled against his chest. In her momentary happiness, she had forgotten about the people who would be hurt by their actions. Liz. Katie. Miss Thorne. Sebastian. Perhaps even her mother would face displeasure from lifelong friends who had traveled to London to attend a wedding that wasn’t going to happen. Yet Gabby could do nothing to stop the inevitable, even if she wanted to.

She closed her eyes as a shield against the shame she’d managed to keep at bay so far. She was the most selfish person on earth, because not even the threat to her sisters’ futures made her want to change anything.

“We should stop for the night,” she said. “My brothers aren’t chasing after us, not if they know I’m with you.”

“But if they are—”

She pushed back enough to make eye contact. “They aren’t. I know my brothers.”

His lips thinned. She thought he was going to argue, but he surprised her. “We may stop for a couple hours. Just long enough for the servants to rest.”

She laid her head against his chest again to hide her smile. Once she had him in bed, he would be fast asleep. They would be going nowhere until morning.

She was still awake when they arrived at the next coaching inn some time later. As Anthony helped her alight from the carriage, he asked his men where they were.

“Penrith, milord.”

“We’ll stop here until first light.”

“Yes, milord.”

Warmth chased away the chill as Gabby and Anthony entered the inn. The taproom rumbled with voices and the sweet yeasty smell of ale reached her nose, reminding her slightly of the breads served at home. Tankards clinked together as they were set upon the long tables overflowing with men.

A drunken fellow howled with laughter, causing Gabby to jump. Although she knew it was unreasonable to think she was the source of his amusement, she was still mortified by her disheveled state. She lowered her head and stuck close to Anthony’s side.

The innkeeper wore a bemused frown as they approached; his gnarled fingers tapped against the bar and betrayed his nervousness.

Anthony pulled a small purse from his jacket. “My wife and I would like a room above stairs.”

The man’s frown deepened and he nodded toward the packed tavern. “Many travelers stopped for the night, sir. Afraid there’s no rooms left.”

Gabby sagged against Anthony. “Is there no place we may rest? Perhaps there are other rooms available in the village?”

“No, ma’am. Least that’s the word.”

She shouldn’t have gotten her hopes up about a bath.

Anthony dug several coins from the purse and dropped them on the counter. “Is there a private dining room we may use?”

The innkeeper scooped up the money and displayed a toothless grin. “Aye. That I can provide.”

He motioned to a buxom woman across the room, then gave instructions to lead them to the dining room. Once they were alone, Anthony slumped onto a chair. In the lantern light, she could see red streaks crossing the whites of his eyes. He appeared ready to drop dead.

“Would you like to lie with your head in my lap?” she offered.

A halfhearted smile eased across his face. “Tempting, but this isn’t the time or place.”

“Suit yourself.”

The serving wench returned several moments later with a tankard of ale and pot of tea.

“We didn’t request anything,” Gabby said, certain the young woman had entered the wrong room.

“It’s from a gentleman in the tavern. He thought you both looked like you could use refreshment.”

She set the ale in front of Anthony and carefully placed the teapot on the table, along with a small dish of sugar just as Gabby liked.

“Please extend our thanks to the gentleman,” she said.

“Aye, madam.”

Anthony sipped his ale while Gabby poured a cup of tea. He grimaced and pushed the tankard aside. “I appreciate the gentleman’s hospitality, but this ale is hideous.”

“You’re welcome to share my tea.”

Before he could respond, there was a knock at the door. The innkeeper entered with a broad smile. “Bit of good tidings, I have. The gentleman who sent refreshments says he don’t need his room after all. He said I’m to give it to you.”

Anthony frowned. “Who is this generous benefactor?”

“He didn’t give a name, sir.”

Anthony was already rising from his seat. “Then take me to him so I may extend our appreciation.”

“He left the tavern. Said he had a ways to travel yet, and he didn’t want to take a room when there was a lady in need.”

“How kind,” Gabby said, genuinely surprised by the gentleman’s generosity. “I wish he’d given us a chance to thank him.”

“Please, enjoy your ale and tea,” the innkeeper said, “then Penny will show you above stairs.”

Anthony’s frown remained even after the innkeeper left.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

“No man is that generous. I want to know his scheme.”

She rolled her eyes as she dropped two sugar cubes into her cup. “There are kind strangers in this world.”

He lowered to the chair, his gaze still on the door. “Not in my world.”

Really, he was being too paranoid by half. People were kind to her all the time. He just failed to recognize the truth that most people were good at their core. “Then I’m sad for you.”

He smirked over the top of the tankard as he prepared to take another draught. “Somehow I doubt the sincerity of your sympathy.”

She stuck out her tongue, then laughed when he did.

Anthony had finished half his ale, and she had drained her teacup when the serving wench, Penny, returned to show them to their accommodations. Gabby requested a bath the moment they reached the room.

Penny bobbed her head, then bustled from the room.

With a groan, Anthony dropped on the bed. “How do you expect me to sleep when you are nude only a few feet away?”

Gabby sat on the bed beside him and brushed aside the hair covering his heavy eyes. “I don’t think that will be a problem. You look done to a cow’s thumb.”

“Men are never too tired to bed a fine wench.”

“A wench?” She playfully tugged a lock of his hair. “You’d best mean me, although I take issue with the reference.”

He placed a kiss in her palm, then grinned. “Of course I mean you, wench.”

Striking before she knew his intentions, he grabbed her around the waist and tossed her back on the bed. He was above her in a flash, his fingers tickling her ribs.

“Stop, you blackguard,” she said between laughter as she kicked and wiggled to break free.

He ceased his teasing and bent down to kiss her. When he drew back, his eyes twinkled. “I love you, Gabby. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make you happy.”

A knock sounded at the door and Anthony pushed off her. He offered her a hand up before bidding the person to enter.

Two young men carried in a tub and placed it close to the fire, then left quickly with a promise to return with buckets of water. Anthony reclined on the bed again and closed his eyes.

She rolled her shoulders and moved to the cloudy-looking glass in the corner. The embroidered hem of her beautiful gown had become splattered with mud, not that it mattered. She would never get the paint out of the skirts. Her middle ached as if her waist was encased in a corset made of dull knives. She groaned softly as she stretched.

“Corsets are a blasted nuisance. I refuse to wear it to bed.” Turning away from the mirror, she sighed. It was too bad Lizzie hadn’t planned her abduction a little better and packed a valise. She didn’t look forward to dressing in her dirty gown after her bath.

After a while, the young men returned with steamy buckets. It took several trips to fill the tub halfway, but Gabby would have been happy with less. She only needed enough to wash away the grime.

Once their task was finished and they had gone, Gabby glanced at Anthony still stretched out on the bed. His chest rose and fell with regular, deep breaths. She nibbled her bottom lip, trying to figure out how she could undress without his help. She hated to wake him, but she didn’t have much choice. Softly, she cleared her throat.

“Yes?” His voice sounded husky, but more alert than she’d expected.

“I need assistance with my gown.”

He lifted to his elbows to run his lazy gaze over her. “Perhaps the serving wench could be persuaded to help you.”

“Don’t be silly. I’m certain she is busy running for the other guests. You heard the innkeeper. They have no vacancies.” She turned her back to him. “Now, do hurry. The water is growing cold.”

With a low growl, he dragged himself from the bed. She met his disgruntled expression in the looking glass and her temper flared.

“I wouldn’t have awakened you if it wasn’t necessary.”

“I wasn’t sleeping.” He roughly tugged at the fastenings down the back of her gown.

“Well, you should be. You are as surly as a Cob.” And she should know since she’d once been assaulted by a flock of geese. “Nasty creatures.”

He finished with the fastenings and practically ripped the dress over her head, catching her hair on his ring.

“Be careful!”

“I’m not a lady’s maid, Gabby. I can’t undress you without thoughts of tossing you on the bed and taking my fill.” His eyes flamed in the looking glass. “Either I hurry or I abandon being a gentleman.”

Her heart slammed against her breastbone, and a pink flush covered her chest.

He tugged her corset strings in the same rough manner, but she didn’t dare complain again. She’d had no idea when she ordered up a bath that he would be troubled by it. She had truly thought him too tired to be tempted. Her corset fell away and she inhaled deeply.

Her petticoats crumpled to the floor. His hands settled on her hips, his touch burning through the thin chemise, and slowly the hem began to rise. Inch by inch, her bare calves were exposed. She couldn’t look away as her thighs came into view.

“Beautiful,” he murmured as her dark curls peeked below the hem.

There was a lovely tingle between her legs. She had never looked at herself without clothes, and it felt naughty and exciting. Her breasts began to ache as the fabric slid over her flat stomach marred by crimson marks from her corset. Two hard peaks formed beneath the thin garment when his thumb brushed the sensitive underside of her breast.

His heart pounded against her back.

As the bottoms of her breasts came into view, he slid his hands over the mounds so that all she could see was almost bare and Anthony touching her. His tan fingers splayed over her ivory skin were the most erotic vision she’d ever encountered.

“Someday I will sketch us like this.”

He buried his face into her neck with a low groan and kneaded her breasts. She closed her eyes and laid her head back on his shoulder as another delicious current traveled from her nipples to her core.

He slowly peeled the chemise over her head, leaving her in nothing but stockings. He pressed a kiss to her shoulder. Hot breath feathered over her skin and made her shiver. His seductive gaze traveled over her, seeming to pause on her breasts.

“You are perfection, my love.”

Her stomach pitched and there was a quick pulse between her legs. “You…” She licked her dry lips. “You would make a perfect lady’s maid.”

He smiled. “I look forward to undressing you often. Now, get in the bath before your water grows cold.” He swatted her bottom, the soft pop echoing in her ears. His withdrawal left her shaking.

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re too honorable?”

“Never,” he said with a chuckle.

She scowled as she climbed into the metal tub, but her irritation faded as soon as she sank into the warm water.

Anthony moved to the washbasin and splashed water on his face. Grabbing a towel, he rubbed it furiously before raking his fingers through his hair. “I’m going to see about something clean for you to wear after your bath. I won’t be gone long.”

He strode out the door before she could protest.


Gabby sighed and wiggled lower in the tub when Anthony closed the door behind him. She’d been so close to feeling those wonderful sensations he’d introduced her to months ago at Ellis Hall, and now
was a little on the surly side.

Honor was a horrible taskmaster. When Gabby next saw Drew, she was going to box his ears. Her brother was the last person who should be placing demands on anyone to mind their manners. He never had minded his.

She fished in the water for the sliver of soap she’d dropped, then dunked her head as best as she could in the short tub. She had just rinsed her hair when a knock sounded at the door. Her heart leapt into her throat. Anthony wouldn’t knock. What if one of the men from the taproom had wandered upstairs by mistake?

“Uh…” She snatched the towel from the stool beside the tub as she stood and hurriedly tried to dry herself. “One moment, please.”

Searching frantically for something to cover herself better, she scrambled from the water and nearly slipped in a puddle before catching herself against the side of the tub.

Another urgent knock rattled the door.

“Just one more moment,” she called. Grabbing the cloak draped over a chair, she threw it around her shoulders. She still wasn’t decent, but she was covered enough to peek through a crack in the door and send the person away.

She opened the door just a little to see who was disturbing her bath and startled. “Sebastian!”

“Let me in. We haven’t much time.” She hopped out of the way as he barged into the room. “Where are your clothes? I saw Ellis leave the inn, but he could return any moment.”

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