One Night with Sole Regret 07 Tease Me (10 page)

Read One Night with Sole Regret 07 Tease Me Online

Authors: Olivia Cunning

Tags: #music, #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: One Night with Sole Regret 07 Tease Me
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“Madison,” he said. He’d meant it to be chastisement for making him delirious with lust, but the word came out as a tormented groan. “What are you doing?”

“Wearing my leather,” she said and shrugged into her new jacket. Not bothering to zip the garment, she reached for a discarded cowboy boot and began to tug it on.

He couldn’t help but stare open-mouthed at the inner curves of her breasts, exposed for his delight between the open edges of the jacket. She stomped into her second boot and stood, sweeping both hands beneath her mass of golden-brown curls to pull her hair free of her jacket. The movement gave him a glimpse of her rosy nipples and sent his tenuous grasp on self-control into a tailspin.

In an instant he had her pressed up against the back of the door, his mouth on hers, hands filled with her soft breasts, thigh lodged firmly between her legs and his painfully hard cock ground against her hip. He was far too aroused to stop her when her fingers began to unfasten his fly. Too excited to protest when her soft, gentle hands tugged his cock free of his pants. Too close to exploding to do anything but groan as she slid down the door to her knees and brought the head of his cock to her lips. She held the shaft in both hands as she kissed and sucked and licked the over-sensitized head. He burrowed his hands in her hair, concentrating hard on not moving, on not ramming his cock down her throat and fucking her face. His fingers dug into her scalp, and he cried out as she took him into the warm recesses of her mouth. She pulled him deep, then deeper still, until his cockhead was lodge in the back of her throat. She sucked hard as she pulled slowly away.

He groaned, his balls full to bursting. He wouldn’t last long, and he was too excited to care. When his cock popped free of her mouth, she grasped it in her hand, her thumb massaging the tip gently. He looked down at her, on her knees at his feet with his cock inches from her sweet lips, and his balls tightened in expectation.

She grinned deviously and tucked his cock back into his pants before rapidly closing his fly.

“You aren’t the only one who knows how to tease,” she said.

She climbed to her feet and zipped her jacket, stopping just below her breasts so that the soft globes were pressed up and together with their tips barely covered, presenting him with the most mind-boggling, cock-teasing cleavage he’d ever encountered.

Oh fuck, he was in trouble.

Chapter Seven

A warm, wet something tugged at Madison’s nipple and pulled her from a fretful sleep. Her fingers tangled in Adam’s hair and held his mouth to her eager breast. He stroked her quivering belly, fingers trailing lower until all she could think about was how cruel he was for keeping her in this perpetual state of arousal all night and not giving her the release she so desperately needed. She held in her sighs of pleasure, tensed her muscles so her writhing didn’t give her away. She’d never been turned on enough to come simply by having her nipple sucked and her tummy stroked, but she was almost there. Just a little more stimulation and she could finally let go of all the sexual tension driving her crazy.

Her body betrayed her by shuddering involuntarily, and Adam lifted his head. He smiled at her, stroking her hair from her face. They’d made a pact not to give themselves release and though she couldn’t deny she wanted to lock herself in the bathroom and take matters into her own hands, she knew he was setting her up for something spectacular and she didn’t want to ruin his surprise. Besides, she knew he was hurting for fulfillment as much as she was. He wasn’t withholding her peak to be cruel; he was doing it to make what came later all the more exciting. It had taken her hours of pleading and coaxing the night before for her to arrive at this conclusion, and the man had maintained his agenda without succumbing to his own desire. But if he slipped up this morning and finally gave her the release she craved, she wouldn’t complain. Hell, she’d probably cry in relief.

“Did you sleep well?” he asked. A devious glint sparked in his steel-gray eyes.

“Not especially,” she said. “Some guy kept disturbing my rest.”

“That wasn’t very nice,” he said. “How did he disturb your rest?”

“His favorite tactic was to kiss my pink flesh.”

“Such as your lips?” he murmured before brushing a gentle kiss against her lips.

“Sometimes,” she admitted. “But he seemed more interested in my southerly parts.”

He rose to straddle her thighs, leaning forward to take her breasts in either hand. He massaged her nipples until they pebbled beneath his thumbs, straining for further attention. “Are you talking about this pink flesh?” he asked, pinching her nipples and drawing a gasp from her.

“Yes, those, but he went into the Deep South,” she said breathlessly, “and set up camp.”

Perhaps he’d reconsidered his intention to tease her mercilessly and was finally ready to take her. She lifted her head to gaze down between her breasts, and her heart thudded wildly in appreciation of the sight of his stone-hard cock. He released one breast to take his length in his hand and rubbed its tip into the cleft between her swollen lips. She squirmed, trying to spread her legs, but they were immobilized beneath his thighs.

“He kissed you here?” he asked, a fabricated look of concern on his handsome face. “While you were trying to sleep?”

“He did,” she said, clinging to the bedclothes so her hands didn’t get too grabby. She wanted to toss him on his back and ride that long, thick cock of his for hours. “But that wasn’t the worst of it.”

“I honestly don’t know how it could get any worse.”

“He put some tingly lube on my butt and rubbed me there until I thought surely he was going to take me in the ass, and then he rolled over and fell asleep.”

Adam looked highly affronted. “That bastard!”

She snorted on a laugh.

“Did you disobey him and clean it off?”

She shook her head. “No, but it stopped tingling after a while.”

“So it didn’t keep you awake all night thinking about being taken from behind?”

“Not all night,” she admitted. “But it’s still slippery and wet back there, which is pretty distracting.”

“Ah, poor thing,” he said with a wicked grin. “I’m surprised you got any sleep at all.”

So was she, to be honest. “How did
sleep?” she asked.

“Quite well between dreaming about eating pussy and sucking on tits all night.”

“You sure you were dreaming?”

“I must have been, because I woke up horny.”

“I think we should do something about that,” she said, releasing the sheet she was gripping and reaching for the cock resting against her shaved mound.

He caught her wrist. “I think we should head out and explore the city. New Orleans is one of my favorite places. I’d like to share it with you.”

“We should probably stay in bed all day,” she said. “I’m sure to embarrass you by dry humping your leg in public at some point today.”

He laughed. “That wouldn’t embarrass me in the least. But if we stay in bed all day, I won’t make it until tonight. I’ll have to have you.”

“Now I really don’t want to get out of this bed,” she said.

“Suit yourself,” he said and leaned over to kiss her lips. He then climbed from the bed and tossed open the light-blocking curtains.

Silhouetted by the morning sunshine, he stretched his arms over his head, lengthening his back and drawing her eyes to his firm ass, trim waist, and broad shoulders. He truly was a beautiful man. She groaned in torment, her hand sneaking between her thighs, because she couldn’t take the lack of fulfillment for another moment.

He glanced at her over his shoulder and caught her doing exactly what she’d promised she wouldn’t.

He turned, and her mouth watered at the sight of his stiff cock. That was what she really wanted. Not her own hand. It wasn’t a satisfactory substitute by any stretch of the imagination.

“Adam,” she whispered.

He crossed his arms over his well-cut chest, his toned abs tight, as if he’d just been doing crunches. “I guess I’ll watch you get yourself off before I head out for the day,” he said. “Carry on.”

“But I want you,” she insisted, massaging her clit in slow circles, which made her dripping wet but wouldn’t get her off. She really did want him to take her to nirvana. It wasn’t half so spectacular when she took herself there.

“Are you finished?” he asked. “I’ll call Tony and tell him you don’t want to be the guest of honor at the club tonight after all.”

Her hand went still. “Guest of honor?”

“Yeah. Why do you think I’ve been working so hard to prepare you for this? But he’ll understand. I warned him in advance that you’re not very adventurous. And he said he had confidence in my ability engage in acts neither of us thought we were capable of. I guess his faith was misplaced.”

She knew he was manipulating her to get her to behave a certain way, but as a horny-as-fuck and intensely curious woman, she didn’t care.

“I can be adventurous.”

“Prove it.”


“Don’t wear any panties under your skirt today.”

Her pussy twitched at the very idea. “Why? Are you going to fuck me up against the wall in some secluded alley?” She certainly hoped so.

“Not today,” he said. “But I am going to keep that pussy needy and wet all day.”

“Then I’d better put in a tampon.”

He scowled. “You aren’t supposed to start your period, are you?”

She shook her head. “As wet as you make my pussy, I’ll have cum dripping down the insides of my thighs if I don’t have on panties to stop it.”

She was trying to get a rise out of him—and admittedly his cock was still fully risen—but he only nodded. “Good. I like it that way.”

He turned and headed for the bathroom. Either he trusted her not to break her promise or he’d left his phone in there and would call Tony immediately and cancel their appearance in the club. Then she eyed his phone on the nightstand and smiled. He trusted her. That was a big deal for him.

She wasn’t sure if she’d be able to take his teasing all day, but she did want to see what had him so willing to delay their gratification. She heard the shower kick on and an instant later Adam’s loud yelp. She leapt from the bed and stumbled into the bathroom to find him shivering under a stream of water.

“Are you okay? Why did you yell?”

“I wasn’t prepared for a cold shower to be so fucking cold,” he said, his crooked grin doing fluttery things to her heart.

“I should probably join you in there.”

He yanked the shower curtain closed. “Oh no you don’t. If you join me, I’ll never get my dick soft enough to fit into my pants.”

She grinned. Now there was a challenge she was up for.

Her attempts to get him worked up were successful, but only furthered her own delicious misery. By the time they made it out of the hotel room, it was well after ten and they’d both decided it was best if she wore panties. A chastity belt would have served them even better.

“We’re doing the tourist thing in the French Quarter,” Adam informed her.

She couldn’t help but be disappointed when they climbed into a taxi.

“We aren’t taking the bike today?” she asked. The powerful machine had already grown on her, and she’d been looking forward to pressing herself up against Adam’s firm backside while they explored the city. And all that vibration between her thighs . . . She squirmed uncomfortably in her seat.

“Not with you in a skirt.”

“I could change into my leather.”

He released a breathy half laugh. “I have zero chance of success if you put those leather pants back on.”

“Success at what?”

“Keeping my dick in my pants.”

“Strange thing to aspire to,” she said and slid her hand across his thigh to rest between his legs. She didn’t touch any of his private parts, but by the way he tensed and squirmed, anyone would think she was giving him one hell of a blowjob in the back of the cab.

The driver dropped them off near Jackson Square and while she gravitated toward the stark white cathedral with towers that were tipped with spired black roofs that looked like something out of a Disney-princess movie, Adam tugged her toward a crowded café with a green and white awning.

“You can’t visit the French Quarter without getting an order of beignets and a café au lait from Café du Monde,” Adam said.


“They’re good. Trust me.”

“I do trust you.”

He smiled and kissed her. She couldn’t help but notice a few heads turning. She told herself it was because Adam was undeniably sexy, not because as a couple they appeared to be mismatched. She wondered if they would have gotten the same stares if she’d donned her new leather.

As they walked past the outdoor seating area, a couple rose from their table near the railing. Without hesitation, Adam wrapped his hands around Madison’s waist and lifted her over the wrought-iron fencing to stand next to the vacant table.

“Hold our seats. I’ll go order from the counter.”

He kissed her and then hurried toward the entrance, which had a line. People waiting for tables, she presumed. She glanced around to see if anyone had seen Adam’s disregard for protocol. Yep, more staring. Blushing, she scooped her skirt beneath her thighs and sat at the prime table he’d snagged, absorbing the ambience of the locale. The sweet scent of fried confections teased her nostrils and made her belly growl. It reminded her of funnel cakes at the fair, and she smiled nostalgically. She’d spent a lot of time at fairs and rodeos in her teens, and she always splurged on funnel cakes—sometimes sharing them with her sister, sometimes eating one all by herself. She doubted that ben-gays, or whatever Adam had called them, were anything like her favorite county fair treats. They were French, after all.

Madison could just see one of the spires of the cathedral on the far side of the park-like square across the street. She hoped Adam was up for exploring the building. She loved architecture. She couldn’t remember ever telling him that. They spent most of their time together in the bedroom, and as much as she enjoyed every moment spent exploring his body, it might be nice to discover other interests they had in common. Did he like old buildings? She knew he drew animals in ink and charcoal—did that mean he liked nature? There was still so much she wanted to learn about him, but she knew as soon as he reappeared, her hormones would kick into high gear and her thoughts would wind up straight in the gutter. As usual.

Nearby, a musician played a low, haunting melody on the saxophone. Blues was not a type of music she listened to, but she couldn’t deny that the sound tugged at her soul. She watched a horse pulling a buggy trot by, admiring the graceful stride of the beautiful animal. She needed to find some time to ride Ginger. She supposed that now that she was jobless, she’d have plenty of time to exercise her trusty mare. Elbow on the sticky table, she rested her chin on her fist and frowned. She still couldn’t figure out how Joanna had found out about her relationship with Adam. Adam hadn’t been to the office for several months. He’d finished his year-long probation and because he’d stayed out of trouble, he was no longer required to go to counseling. Had Joanna been sitting on the information about Madison’s affair for that long? It seemed strange her relationship with Adam would become an issue now and not when the two of them had first taken their liaison to a deeper level. Thinking about having sex with Adam in her office had Madison crossing her legs. Damn, that had been hot. Even hotter than New Orleans in June. Not that central Texas was much cooler, but the humidity here was liable to give her heatstroke. She turned her face toward the gentle breeze coming in from the gulf and closed her eyes to relish the mild cooling sensation.

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