One Night Stand (The Complete Story) (4 page)

BOOK: One Night Stand (The Complete Story)
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I slammed my computer closed. I should have known he was too good to be true. Why would such a wealthy, sexy guy want to take a normal college girl like me home with him? Maybe because any girl who realized who he was would steer clear of him if she had any brain cells.


Still, looking at his picture had reignited a bit of that passion I had felt the night before. It wasn’t just that he was smoking hot and had the world’s biggest and most talented cock. He had been sweet and funny, masculine and a complete gentleman.
Until he wasn’t
, I reminded myself. No, I needed to stay away and forget that last night had ever happened.


I leaned over to grab my history textbook when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. A dark shape moved slightly outside the window, just out of my view. I casually turned my head slightly, as if reaching over for another book. 


A massive man dressed in all dark clothing was waiting outside my apartment and staring in at me.  He leaned casually against his car and grinned at me as we made eye contact. I had never before seen such a menacing smile. I tried to hide my fear, but I knew what this was about.


It was too late for me to steer clear of Lorenzo Romano and I was about to pay the price for getting involved with him. The man crooked his finger and motioned for me to go outside to meet him. I squared my shoulders and nodded. This needed to end so I could go back to my life and try to forget my night with Lorenzo had ever happened.








It needed to end. Now. I nodded out the window to the man in black clothing and tried to take deep breaths to steady my racing heart. It didn’t do much good. I was the kind of girl who, despite never getting into any real trouble in my life, panicked when I heard a siren thinking I must have done something terribly wrong and the police were coming for me. I wasn’t sure how I was going to deal with some guy who looked like he might legitimately be a mafia hit man.


Why did the hot guy I spent one amazing night with have to be Lorenzo Romano, son of the biggest mob boss in the whole damn city? Just my damn luck.


I slipped into the hall and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that Ava and Riley, my wonderful but very nosy roommates were no longer lounging in the kitchen. I didn’t exactly feel like explaining how I had somehow managed to go home with the son of the most notorious mob boss in our city and now was somehow caught up in something way beyond a typical one night stand. Actually, I had no idea what I was caught up in, but I knew it couldn’t be good.


I slipped open the creaky old door to our apartment as quietly as I could and slipped out, closing it behind me. Walking through the hall and down the stairs, I felt a sense of doom come over me. I should have known Lorenzo was too good to be true. I should have known that the universe would try to even things out by counter balancing the night of the hottest sex of my life with some serious bullshit.


I walked out the front door to the building with my head held high. Whatever the hell I was mixed up in now, I was going to get untangled from it as quickly as possible.


The man, dressed stereotypically in all black, leaned against his town car with a tough facial expression that somehow conveyed his smugness. He was older, with a weathered look and a dark tan that seemed to only highlight his large, menacing look. I was pretty sure he was the type of guy who wouldn’t have any problem killing someone with his bare hands. He looked like the spitting image of an Italian mobster from some old movie.


“So, who the hell are you?” I asked with a false confidence in my voice.


“Bruno,” the man responded gruffly. His hands remained folded in front of him as he watched me approach. “I look out for the interests of the Romano family.  I like to check on anyone who gets involved with Lorenzo or his brothers. I’m sure you won’t be a problem for them, though. Yes, Miss Waterhouse?”


It didn’t sound like a question. I nodded. I didn’t even bother to ask how he knew my last name. I’m sure by now he knew my whole family history and school schedule as well.


“Look, I didn’t mean to get
with anyone in the Romano family. I didn’t know who Lorenzo was when I met him last night and I certainly won’t be seeing him again, so please just leave me alone and stay away from my apartment.”


The confidence in my voice was wavering, but I wasn’t going to let him intimidate me any further. I turned on my heel and stomped back to my building.  I wasn’t going to let some thug named
get to me. I kept on stomping, right up the stairs and into the apartment where Ava and Riley were both standing by the door.


“Who was that!?” Ava asked cautiously, tucking a rogue crimson curl behind her ear. It was pointless as the hair popped free as soon as she let go.


I considered lying or brushing off her question, but I knew her wide eyes could see right through any bullshit and I wasn’t a great actress. Plus, telling my roommates would help me to feel a little less alone in this mess.


I sunk down into the kitchen chair and put my face in my hands. Riley sat next to me and put her arm around me. I felt comforted as her long curtain of blonde hair spilled over my arm and her head rested against my shoulder. She definitely knew how to mother me when I was stressed. We liked to joke that she was our chicken soup dealer, since she had a killer recipe she would whip up in huge batches when any of us got sick.


“Well, apparently my sexy and confusing Lorenzo from last night is actually Lorenzo Romano. You know, of
Romano family,” I sighed, pulling my head up to look at my friends’ reactions.


Riley gasped. “Holy shit…he’s the mob guy’s son?”


“Yep.” My voice relayed every ounce of my dejection at the thought.


“Oh, girl. That’s crazy. So what was with the thug out there? We saw you two talking through the window.” Ava sounded worried for me, but slightly excited. I’m sure she was already turning this into a sexy soap opera in her head. I wished I could have her outlook on life. If Ava were in my position, she would take complete control and somehow turn it into something positive. I completely lacked that power.


“I guess he just wanted to warn me not to do anything to mess with the family. I mean, not that I could anyway. I don’t know anything. I just had sex with Lorenzo. It isn’t like he was spilling mob secrets to me in bed.”


“I’m sure it will all blow over,” Riley assured me. “We’ll just need to vet your hot love interests more thoroughly in the future.”


I snorted. “I would hardly call Lorenzo a love interest. He was just…a really good lay. That’s all.” 

The words rang hollow. I knew I had wanted more from him and some part of me still did. But I needed to convince myself that I had no feelings for him, even if it was a lie.
Fake it till you make it
, I repeated in my head.


I excused myself finally and went back to my small room to study, but my mind refused to stay focused on my textbooks. I leaned back in the comfortable, but squeaky desk chair and closed my eyes, trying to conjure up a perfect image of Lorenzo in my mind. I let my mind recreate the sharp edges of his face, the strong jaw and high cheekbones that highlighted the intensity of his dark eyes.  As my imagination wandered down to the deep ridges of his abs, I felt the familiar warmth in my core.


I tried to tell myself to stop, to forget about him, but my body was now in control of my mind. I was powerless and I remembered the exact way the light bounced off the tan skin covering the ripples of his abs, creating deep shadows and grooves. I remembered how they felt so strong and hard, shifting slightly under the skin as I ran my hand over them.


My hand found it’s way down my pants, my legs splayed open in the chair as I remembered moving my hand down his abs to the dark, curly hairs that trailed down to his massive cock.
Oh God. That cock.


I groaned quietly and bit my lip and I remember how hard and thick it had felt in my hand. My fingers hadn’t even touched when I wrapped them around his girth. Those same fingers now made their way into my panties.
I was already soaking. My fingers pressed into my slickness, sliding along the tight slit of my pussy. I allowed my mind to reenact the way Lorenzo had pressed me against the wall and shoved his cock deep into me. He fucked me hard, his cock stretching me with each thrust of his hips.


My fingers worked faster, rubbing up against my swollen clit as my mind replayed the way Lorenzo had worked my body. He knew exactly how to coax me to the edge, draw back, and bring me to the brink again. I replayed how it felt to sit on his lap while he bounced me on his rock-hard cock. I watched his face contort in need and pleasure as we had lost ourselves in the furious lust of our one night together. My fingers worked faster and as I remembered his cum spraying deep in my pussy, covering me in his warm, creamy seed. I came again, whimpering quietly as the pleasure shot through me.


I pulled my hands out of my pants and opened my eyes as my heart rate slowly returned to normal speed. Instead of contented satisfaction I felt…empty, unfulfilled. My own fingers couldn’t bring me the pleasure I had experienced on Lorenzo’s cock. It wasn’t the same. I didn’t think it would ever be the same again.


I was in my bathroom washing up when I heard the annoying song start playing over and over. My phone was ringing. I quickly wiped my hands dry and rushed back to my room to find my cellphone rattling on my desk. It was a blocked number.
I knew this had to be connected to Lorenzo somehow.
Maybe I should just ignore it
, I thought.  Then I remembered the look on Bruno’s face when he had given me that mild warning earlier and reached down a shaky hand to answer.




“Is this Emma Waterhouse speaking?” The voice was male, but smooth and much friendlier than Bruno. I felt slightly less concerned for my life.


“Yes, this is Emma.”


“Hello, Emma. This is detective Mike Russo. I was hoping you could stop by my office this afternoon and chat for a few minutes?”


“Why? What is about?” I already knew exactly what it was about, but I couldn’t figure out why everyone seemed to know I had spent the night with Lorenzo and why they all seemed to think it meant I was in any way involved with his family.


“I would prefer to tell you in person, but I promise that you are not in any trouble,” the detective assured me. “You don’t have to come, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could give us a few minutes of your time. The government would appreciate it.”


“Alright,” I sighed. I didn’t want to go, but I wanted to clear everything up as soon as possible so I could go back to my life and forget about Lorenzo. Maybe if everyone else left me alone about him, I could stop fantasizing about him too. Maybe, but probably not.


The detective gave me the address and I agreed to meet him there in twenty minutes. I threw back on my jeans and a simple pink tank top and grabbed my backpack filled with textbooks to bring with me in case I had any downtime at the station.


As it turned out, he met me as soon as I walked into the station. As I entered the double glass doors, an attractive young man rushed up to me.


“Detective Mike Russo,” he said, extending his hand. “Nice to meet you, Emma.”


I shook his hand firmly and looked him over. I had expected someone older, but he looked like he was still in his late twenties. I realized he must be very ambitious and good at his job to advance to detective so quickly.  He was slim, but muscular, with an easy smile and light brown hair that was cropped close to his head.


A day earlier, I would have proclaimed him “hot,” but after laying eyes on Lorenzo, every other attractive guy was now relegated to a lower level.
Damn, I’m obsessed
, I realized as I followed the detective to his office.


I was relieved it was just a normal office with a wooden desk and filing cabinets. For some reason, I had pictured being interviewed in an interrogation room like in all the television shows.


After offering me a seat and a glass of water, Detective Russo sat down across the desk from me and pushed some papers to the side.


“So, Emma,” the detective began. “I take it you have at least some idea of why I called you in?”


“This is about Lorenzo Romano, isn’t it?” I figured honesty was the best policy, especially with the cops.


The detective ran his fingers through his short hair and leaned back in his chair. He looked at me appraisingly, like he was trying to decide just what type of person I might be. I sat up a little straighter, hoping he would realize I was not the type of girl who usually got messed up in these situations.


“Yes. We’ve been investigating the Romano family for some time now. As I’m sure you know, they are involved in all sorts of underground vice and crime in this city, but we haven’t been able to pin anything serious on them yet. Recently, we’ve focused part of our investigation on the son, Lorenzo. Word is, he has some disagreements with his pop, Giovanni. We keep a tail on him since he might be the weak link. That is how our guy saw you leaving Lorenzo’s apartment this morning.”


“Look, I just want you to know that I really have nothing to do with him or his family. I just got way too drunk last night and went home with him.”


I blushed and looked down, but continued on quickly. “I’m not his girlfriend or anything and I didn’t even know who he was until I got home.”


“That’s fine, Emma,” the detective assured me.  He pushed a pad of paper and pen across the desk towards me. “I would just like you to write down anything Lorenzo said to you, and anything you noticed in his apartment. Even small, inconsequential things could be meaningful.”

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