One Night Stand (6 page)

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Authors: Parker Kincade

BOOK: One Night Stand
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“I left you a message.” She took a deep, cleansing breath. “Jesus, I have my own shit to deal with. I’m sorry if calling you back wasn’t high on my list of priorities. You knew I was okay, whether you want to admit it or not. There’s just some stuff I’ve got to work out on my own. And I’d really appreciate it if you’d stop yelling at me, Cay.”

Caleb snorted. “What I should really do is paddle your ass.”

“I could take care of that for you,” Joe offered politely, drawing everyone’s attention.

Amanda elbowed him in the ribs. “You’re so not helping right now.”

Caleb’s eyes flashed. “Just what’ve you been doing with our little sister?”

Amanda balked as Joe maneuvered her behind him, smiling a lazy smile. “You really want me to answer that?”

Caleb growled and lunged as Alec and Brandon jumped up from the table. Joe ducked, grabbing and twisting Caleb’s arm behind his back. Once his hold was secure, he pushed Caleb’s face into the cabinets a little harder than necessary.

He pinned Brandon and Alec with a lethal stare. “Give us a minute, boys. No harm done. Mandy, would you mind getting us some glasses and that bottle of whiskey I brought along with me? I think we could all use a drink.” She stood frozen, staring at him with a mixture of incredulity and arousal. “Amanda.” The command in Joe’s voice spurred her into action.

He held onto Caleb for another minute before asking, “We good?”

“We’re good.” Caleb jerked. “Get off me.”

Caleb shoved Joe off his back and moved for the table. Offering Amanda his first real smile since he showed up tonight, Caleb quickly turned and crushed his right fist into Joe’s face.

Joe’s head was thrown to the side by the punch, but his feet stayed planted. “I see where you got your right hook, Mandy.” He rubbed his jaw, moving it back and forth as if to check for damage. “I’m gonna let that one go since she’s your baby sister and all.” He absently rubbed the scar along his stomach. “But don’t ever try that again.”

Amanda dropped the glasses she’d collected on the table with a
. She glared at the men as she swiped the whiskey off the counter.

Caleb grabbed an empty glass and toasted it up. “You had it coming. And for Christ’s sake, put on a fucking shirt.”

“So Amanda,” Alec reached for the bottle in her hand, “why don’t you sit down and tell us how Joe here became acquainted with your right hook.”

“I’m much more interested in hearing how these two know each other.” Amanda looked at Caleb before raising a challenging eyebrow toward Joe.

He glanced at Caleb before turning his full attention to her. “This scar you’re so fascinated about, Mandy?” He accepted the full shot glass Caleb handed over and tossed it back. “The one you said looked like it was meant to gut me?” He was towering over her now and she suddenly felt weak. “Your brother is the son of a bitch who gave it to me.”

Chapter 5

Amanda was drunk. Pleasantly numb. Warmth infused her chest as she listened to the brotherly camaraderie drifting from the foyer. Joe was at ease with her brothers, escorting them to the door as if he’d done it a hundred times. God, had she only known him a matter of hours? It felt so natural being with him. As though he’d always been here.

The night was a blur of arguments, liquor, and laughter. There was an easy acceptance of Joe that her brothers had never before exhibited with any of her other … well … men. She couldn’t really call Joe her
now, could she?

Your brother is the son of a bitch who gave it to me.

Special Forces. Compromised mission.

Joe saved my life.

She laid her head back against her chair, pieces of the night’s conversation swirling through her mind. She’d been surprised to find out Joe had been in the military, although in what capacity she still wasn’t clear. She smiled slightly, thinking about her brothers’ scowls when she declared that she hadn’t seen any tattoos or identifying marks on Joe’s body to give him away. Joe had laughed and told her she watched too many movies. And followed that up with another round of shots.

She knew better than to press for information, no matter how curious she may be. Caleb was tight-lipped about his time served. It seemed Joe was too.

Caleb had come home to take care of them after the death of their parents. Gone was the fun-loving and playful brother she knew. In his place was a hardened soldier, fierce in his protection of his family. Now, apparently, she owed her “one-night stand man” for Caleb’s life. It was a little surreal.

The room spun slightly under her feet as she overheard their conversation from the other room.

“We could really use someone with your, um, skill set around the site,” Brandon said.

“We’re always looking for talent. From what Caleb says, you’re the best,” Alec added.

“I’ve been out for some time. I think I’ll stick with the bar, but your offer is appreciated,” Joe replied. She imagined them clapping each other on the back and trading handshakes.

“You’re sleeping on the couch, right, Sterling?” Caleb said.

He snickered at the question. “Absolutely.”

Not bloody likely.

The sky was starting to lighten. The voices faded as the men moved toward their respective rooms. They’d all had enough to drink that she’d insisted everyone stay put for the night. Or the morning, as the case may be. Her eyes drifted shut and she waited for Joe to come and take her to bed.

She came awake to Joe’s breath against her cheek. “Come on, my drunk little slugger,” he teased, lifting her easily into his arms. She buried her face in his neck and inhaled deeply. She felt the rumble of his laughter against her side. “Did you just smell me?”

“I did. I want to remember how delicious you smell after you’re gone.” He stiffened slightly as he started up the stairs. “All dark and manly.” She traced the line of his jaw with her fingers. She might be hazy on the details, but one thing was for certain—Caleb had trusted this man with his life. Would she ever be willing to trust him with her heart? She snorted at the thought, causing Joe to give her a curious stare.
Get a grip, Amanda, he hasn’t
for your heart.

Everyone said she gave her heart too easily. Maybe they were right. She hadn’t even known Joe for twenty-four hours and already she was fantasizing about what it would be like to keep him forever. She felt a pang of regret that their time together would soon come to an end.
It’s for the best.

Her past boyfriends had bruised her pride. They’d made her question her very womanhood, but she realized now she hadn’t loved them. They’d never had the power to really hurt her. This man, though—with his good looks, quick wit, and astonishing skills in the bedroom—she just knew this man was different.
I could love him.
I could lose myself in him.
Meaning this man could crush her very soul. She wouldn’t survive it. It wasn’t a chance she could take. She’d guard her heart and enjoy him while he was here. When the time came, she’d let him go.

Joe swept her into the bedroom and she slid down his body until her feet hit the floor. She brazenly rubbed herself against his thigh and a tiny moan escaped her lips. At some point during that first bottle of Jack, she’d changed out of her robe and into her favorite yoga pants and T-shirt. The sensation of the material pressing into her aching nub was almost enough to set her off.

With a wicked gleam in her eye, she stepped back from him and slowly pulled at her T-shirt. Joe’s eyes narrowed as she revealed the bare skin of her belly. She edged the shirt up to caress the bottom curve of her breasts, and then pulled it tight against her hardened nipples. “Do you have any idea what I’m thinking?” She looked pointedly at the growing bulge in his jeans.

He watched her with great interest. “I have a pretty good idea.”

“You made me a promise.” She moistened her lips as she sat on the end of the bed. “I aim to collect.”

“Promise?” He stripped off his shirt, hardened flesh flexing with every movement.

She pouted. “You said I’d have a chance to finish you off. You wouldn’t deny me, would you?”

“You’re drunk.” He grinned foolishly and unbuttoned his jeans.

Amanda couldn’t take her eyes off his hands. Hands that had already given her more pleasure than she’d ever known. He lowered the zipper and released his cock. It bobbed against his stomach, rigid and proud. “I’m horny, that’s what I am. And maybe a little drunk.” She laughed lightly and looked up at him. “I want you in my mouth.” She glanced down at his swollen cock. “Please.”


One little word. One little word and Joe fisted his cock to stop himself from coming on the spot. This woman had him acting like a teenager the moment she got him naked. “You are a menace,” he growled. He finished stripping off his jeans. Standing naked before her, he reached out and jerked her from the bed. His mouth came down on hers before she took a breath. He teased her with his tongue, running it lightly across the fullness of her lower lip. “Open for me, baby,” he murmured against her. “Give me what I want and I’ll give you what you want.” His erection jerked against her stomach in promise. He felt her relax against him, her soft hands urgently roaming his skin. She licked and nipped at him before he took possession of her mouth. She teased the flattened disc of his nipple with her fingernail, causing his hungry male groan to fill the room.

She wanted control. It was obvious when she spun him and pushed him down onto the bed. She wore the determined look of someone with something to prove. Not to him, but to herself. He was happy to indulge her.

His cock was painfully hard. He lifted it to her in offering. “Do you see what you do to me, Mandy? How hard I am for you? How ready I am to feel the moist heat of your sweet little mouth?” He squeezed the head, causing moisture to seep from the tip. “It’s going to be so good. Fucking your mouth as you drain me. And you will drain me, won’t you, Mandy? A promise is a promise.” Her cheeks darkened with lust at his words. “You’re so beautiful when you blush. How far does that blush go?” He quirked an eyebrow as he contemplated all the tempting skin beneath her clothes.

She gave him a sultry smile as she straddled his hips. “Would you like to see?” She swayed a bit as she took off her shirt and let it drift to the floor. “Oh look.” She plucked at her nipples. “They’re blushing too.” She cupped each breast and squeezed lightly, gasping in delight at the sensation.

“Vixen,” he hissed. He held her hips and pressed against her, his cock weeping for relief. She cried out as he took a rosy nipple in his mouth. “Shh, Mandy. Your brothers,” he warned. He flicked his tongue over the beaded bud until she was rocking against him.

She shook her head and pushed hard against his chest. “You make me forget myself,” she complained as she slid down his body again. It was all he could do to remain still as she wrapped her hand around him and squeezed. “So hot. So hard.” She swiped her tongue over the tip. “So tasty.”

Joe watched with lustful fascination as she ran her tongue the length of him. Heat consumed him as her fingernails raked the sensitive skin under his balls. He threaded his fingers into her hair. “That’s so good, baby,” he encouraged. “Take me in that sweet mouth.” Her lips surrounded him, her mouth hungry and hot. Her wicked tongue teased him, flicking and lapping at the head. “Fuck.” He dropped his head to the mattress as pleasure flooded his system.

He gripped her head tighter as he rocked into her. He felt the back of her throat as she struggled to take all of him. “Your mouth is so hot, Mandy.” He continued to pump into her. Her cheeks were flushed as she worked him over with great enthusiasm. Her hungry eyes found his and he couldn’t hold on. “Mandy,” he growled as his seed blasted into her mouth. She sucked at him greedily, swallowing every last drop.

Joe shook with the force of his release. He was barely aware of the hold he’d had on her until she eased him from her mouth. He released her hair and chuckled as she swiped her tongue one last time over his tip. He collapsed back on the bed as exhaustion took over. This woman would most definitely be the death of him.


Amanda was dazed. She felt so … so feminine. And empowered.

Joe had said her name with his release. A release she had given him. Her inhibitions fell away with the knowledge she could bring him such pleasure. Extremely satisfied, she kissed her way up his smooth, muscular chest. She lay across him and placed a chaste kiss to his lips. “Any other promises you want to make me? I find I like collecting.” She nipped his neck.

His laugh was deep and husky. He tucked a stray golden curl behind her ear. “I have a promise for you, you little hellion.” A warm rush of arousal flooded her pussy at the warning in his voice. “I promise I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to fuck you until you beg me for mercy.”

She gasped, her inner muscles clamping down hard.

He rolled and stretched out beside her. “If you value these pants, you may want to get them off.”

Amanda laughed as she hurried to comply. She felt a fluttering in her stomach as she settled beside him again.

He didn’t waste any time. His fingers ran over her bare mound and he grunted in approval. “You’re so wet. You must have liked sucking me. Did you, Mandy? Did you enjoy sucking my cock?” He thrust two fingers into her hungry opening.

“Joe,” she moaned. Her body clutched at him as he slowly retreated. The slick sounds of his fingers moving through her flesh echoed in the room. She arched against his hand, trying to add pressure where she needed it. His fingers sank deep, avoiding her tender nub. She bit into her forearm to keep from calling out as he stroked the sensitive spot deep in her sex. Her spine tingled as the tension continued to build. She opened her legs farther, raising her hips off the bed. She felt his fingers moving, spreading her juices before his mouth came over her. She gasped when a finger caressed the puckered opening of her ass, lightly at first, then pressing more insistently. She twisted against the surge of pleasure that pulsated from her ass to her pussy. “Wait … Joe…” she whimpered.

She felt him press her thighs to the mattress while his sinful fingers continued to play. “Just relax, sweetheart.” Joe’s voice was gentle. A low, sensual whisper. “I won’t hurt you, Mandy. Don’t be afraid.”

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