One night in Daytona (One Night Stands #1) (2 page)

BOOK: One night in Daytona (One Night Stands #1)
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C H A P T E R   T W O



Jos pulled his Ducati crotch rocket into a biker bar on S Atlantic Avenue in Daytona Beach.  His was the only street bike in the lot.  Every other bike was a Harley or custom chopper.  At least in a place like this he wouldn’t be recognisable.  Swapping his helmet for a cap that he pulled low over his face, he sauntered over to the bar.  His eyes were the dead giveaway for most people that met him.  He could usually pull off being incognito by simply dressing casually, like he was today: faded black jeans, chunky motorbike boots, and a grey Henley.  It was a very different look to the one the public usually saw.  He always had on team clothing when he did anything official.  Hanging out in places where the Sprint Cup’s diehard fans didn’t often frequent also helped.  Biker bars were a favourite of his; the rowdy bikers, their old ladies not letting them get away with any shit, the bar flies wanting to get down and dirty with a biker to piss off their daddies, cheap drinks and good grub.  And bikers were happy to leave you be, something he desperately needed right then. 

Jos’ team manager had visited him in his trailer after he’d showered the grit and sweat from today’s disastrous race away.  The meeting didn’t go down as Jos had hoped.  That asshole of a team owner had already involved the lawyers, instructing them to draw up the paperwork terminating his contract and reporting him to NASCAR, alleging he brought the sport into disrepute for his show of violence.  If Allbright was successful, Jos could get fined or worse still, be delisted as a driver.  Did no one care that Jos didn’t throw the first punch?  Yeah, he may be bigger and stronger than the fat ol’ Texan bastard, but he was acting in self-defence, surely that meant something.  But apparently money talks and Allbright practically oozed money.  A rancher from way back, his family had massive holdings in Texas, but his wealth really skyrocketed when on one of those farms they discovered a massive oil reserve. 

Jos and Allbright couldn’t have been more different, Jos having grown up in one of the trailer parks in Oklahoma.  His folks didn’t live there anymore; Jos bought them a little cottage in a better part of town with his signing check. Even though he was well off now, he hated pompous asses who showed off their cash with every chance they got.  And Allbright? That’s exactly what Allbright did.

“JD.  Double, straight up,” he told the bartender as the beefy man stood before him.  Sliding the glass over the bar to him, Jos tipped it back, the whiskey leaving a trail of fire down his throat as he swallowed.


“Please.” Jos nodded.

“JD.  Double, on the rocks please,” a tired feminine voice uttered next to Jos in a soft southern accent.  Her accent was muted, like she hadn’t lived in the South for a long while.  Even with the obvious dejection in her voice, its warmth surrounded his body, unknotting his tense muscles and curling low in his belly.

“There you go, pretty lady.”  From the corner of his eye, Jos watched her swirl the whiskey over the ice in her glass before tipping it to her lips.  He sat in silence as she finished her drink, pushed the glass aside, and dropped her head to the timber top of the bar, banging it lightly a few times.

“You look like you’ve had as shitty a day as I have,” Jos finally spoke after she’d wiped the corners of her eyes with delicate fingertips, painted in a French manicure with gloss polish.  Her auburn hair was pulled tight in a clip, making her fair skin seem even paler.  The freckles dusting her straight nose were starting to show through her professionally made-up look. 

“You have no idea.” She sighed again, biting her quivering lip.  Jos’ attention was drawn down her profile, from her emerald green eyes to her plump, pink lips glossy from the quick swipe of her tongue.  As she stripped off her navy blue New York power suit jacket and slipped it over the back of the barstool, his gaze drifted downward to her crisp white button down shirt fitted to her ample breasts and tiny waist.  The matching navy fitted skirt left no curve to the imagination.  She had one luscious booty, and if anything awoke Jos’ libido, it was a perfectly rounded, tight ass. Jos swallowed thickly, willing his cock, which had suddenly made an appearance at the sight of a pretty girl, down.  He dragged his gaze away from her toned calves, delicate ankles, and petite feet in hot as sin peep-toe pumps, and nodded to the bartender holding up two fingers, the universal sign for two more of the same.  “Gosh darn it, I’ve worked so hard and I was finally making my way up the ladder.  Thought I’d scored the story of a lifetime when poof,” she waved her hand, “it all went up in smoke.  Now my editor and newsroom chief want to can my ass.”

“You’re a reporter?” Jos’ cock wilted.  The one thing he didn’t do was get involved with the media, not after his co-driver’s reputation was savaged by an irate reporter who he’d bedded and walked away from after one night. 

“Yeah, in politics.  Well, I was.  It seems I’ve been summoned back to Chicago tomorrow to face the music.  In all likelihood, I won’t be reporting anything as of tomorrow.  I’m Cassie by the way.” She turned to him and held out her hand for him to shake.

“Jos,” he rasped, his tongue suddenly as dry as the Bonneville Salt Flats he’d visited last year during Speed Week.  Damn, she wasn’t just pretty; she was beauty personified.  Like a mirage in the desert, an oasis that could quench a dying man’s thirst.  When her hand slipped into his, he felt the electric current running through him, knowing she had felt it too when her eyes widened in innocent shock.  His wince drew her attention to his hand and she turned it to see his bruised knuckles.

Her lips quirked up slightly as she ran her fingers lightly over the swelling. “Well, Jos, you do look like you’ve had a rough day too.”  Reaching into her glass, she plucked a melting cube of ice out of it and ran it over his knuckles gently.  “Wanna get it off your chest?”

“What?  You haven’t already heard?” he snorted.

“Why would I have heard anything about your bruised knuckles?” she asked, her brows drawing together.

“It’s gotta be all over the news by now.  I can just see the headlines: ‘Jos Farris’ fall from grace.’”

“Ah, you have a distaste for people in my line of work.” She nodded, deflating even more.

“Yeah, you could say that.  A certain sports reporter made my co-driver’s existence hell.”

“That’s good then.  I know nothing about sports.  Politics I can talk about for hours, but not sports.  What do you play?”

Jos usually had a good read of people.  He had to in his line of work.  He’d had many a ‘friend’ who, he’d realised the hard way, had simply implanted themselves into his life to leech off his celebrity status.  Assessing her curious gaze, he realised she was genuine; she had no idea who he was.  Either that, or she was a brilliant actress.  Laughing he said, “Sprint Cup.  I’m a driver.”

“Oh,” she replied, the surprise evident.  “Why are you in a biker bar?  Don’t you drive a car?  Do you ride a bike, too?”

“Slow down, angel,” he chuckled.  “Yes, I ride.  But you know, I could ask the same thing about you; a prissed-up political reporter, so clearly out of her element, in a bar like this.  What are you doing here?”

“I sit in my hotel lobby bar and I get hit on by suits.  And I’m not interested in them,” she said, trying not to make her slow perusal of him too obvious.  Jos was one fine specimen of manliness; the sort of guy that instantly sparked the desire in her. She’d come in here looking for a few quiet drinks and a casual meal so she could have an early night and be ready to head back to Chicago tomorrow and face her future head-on.  But Jos, well, she hadn’t expected to meet Mr Sex on a Stick in some biker bar in Daytona.  Muscled but not bulky, he was clearly fit.  Longish, messy hair poked out from a Dallas Cowboys’ cap and piercing brown eyes flecked with gold stared at her.  His jaw could have been carved from granite, especially with the five o’clock shadow darkening his cheeks.  But the strong angles of his face were softened by the most exquisitely shaped mouth she’d ever seen.  She caught the glint of humour in his eyes as he spoke.

“So you decided to slum it?”

“No, I wasn’t looking.” She smiled shyly.  “I just wanted a few drinks. But…” She shrugged.  This man had her captivated.  He was more handsome than any real man had the right to be, and she’d never had that flare of...something...before.  With any man.  It excited as much as it terrified her.

“Well then,” he leaned into her stool, his warm breath washing over her neck, “bottoms up, angel.  Let’s party.”  She downed another JD double without even tasting the amber liquid. Before realising what she was doing, Cassie had picked up another ice cube and ran it over the knuckles of Jos’ hand she still held.  The intensity of his gaze scorched her, making heat and a need that couldn’t be denied spread through her body until she could no longer meet his stare.  Blushing furiously, she quickly dropped the small cube in her empty glass and stood, swaying from the effect of the liquor. 

“I think I need some air.  Come with me?” 

Cassie teetered on her heels as she stepped away from the bar and pulled her jacket on.  Taking a deep breath to stop the room from spinning, she was pulled back into Jos’ strong embrace.  “Lean on me, angel.  Can’t have you fallin’, can we?” he murmured against her hair before kissing the shell of her ear.  Where there was a low level burn before his lips touched her, she was now a raging inferno, a wildfire ready to spontaneously combust. 

Jos cupped Cassie’s elbow, and with a hand on the small of her back, led her out of the bar into the parking lot.  He waited until they were away from the bright lights of the signs near the front of the bar before spinning her in his arms and pulling her against his hard body.  Running his hands down her back to the waistband of her skirt, he hooked his thumbs into it and looked down at her.  Seeing the unbridled lust in Jos’ intense stare, Cassie melted into him, knowing he wanted her as much as she wanted him.  Cassie’s arm wrapped around his neck and she tugged, pulling his mouth to hers.  His kiss was hungry, devouring her as he feasted on her, nibbling and licking her lips, his tongue duelling with hers.  He reached up and tugged the clip out of her hair, sending a mass of her auburn waves spilling onto her shoulders and part way down her back.  “Goddamn, you’re gorgeous,” he moaned as he crashed their mouths together again.

“Jos,” Cassie breathed.  “This is crazy, but I can’t stop myself.  I want you so bad.”

“Invite me back to your hotel.  Let me taste every inch of your fine, fine skin.  Let me bring you to orgasm so many times that you lose track of where one ends and the next begins.  Let me bite down just hard enough on your nipples that your pussy cries for me to fuck you.  Let me tease you and reward you all night long.”

“Gosh yes, please.  Please, Jos.  I need you.”

“Thank the good Lord.” He stepped back, separating their bodies by an inch.  When Cassie whimpered with the loss of his body against hers, he pulled her close again murmuring in her ear, “I need to get us to your hotel before I strip you down right here in this parking lot.  Where you stayin’, angel?”

“The Plaza.”

C H A P T E R  T H R E E



Jos whistled a shrill burst, waving down the closest cab. He’d barely mumbled Cassie’s hotel before he took her mouth in a fierce kiss, his hands parting her legs as his fingers trailed up her thigh-high lace-top stockings.  Feeling the lace strip on her thighs he moaned into her mouth as she clutched his Henley tightly and thrust her tongue into his mouth.  “You like that, angel?  You want me to slide my fingers into your pussy right now, flick your clit until you come?”

“Please, Jos,” she begged, her control completely gone.  She’d never reacted like this before.  Cassie’s libido was usually a slow burner.  She often needed to work up to being intimate with a man.  She’d had a few lovers, most of whom couldn’t even get her excited enough to avoid the need for lube.  She’d experienced more than one relationship ending prematurely because she couldn’t fake an orgasm to save herself, and her inability to physically respond to her partners left them feeling inadequate. For Cassie, an orgasm from foreplay was unheard of; an orgasm from penetrative sex was a myth.  Yet Jos had her senses reeling, her pussy wetter than she’d ever been, and he hadn’t even touched her there.

“Touch me, too,” he growled.  “Show me how you want me to finger fuck you so you come real hard.  Do you want it slow and deep or fast and hard?”

“I... Oh, God, I don’t know.  I just need to come.”  He slipped his fingers up to the cotton of her thong, rubbing her clit through her dampened panties.  Tugging them aside, he gathered the wetness along her slit, rubbing his fingers on her bundle of nerves.  Cassie was lost to the sensations bombarding her. The things this stranger, who she already felt like she’d known a lifetime, was doing to her and the feel of his thick denim-encased cock in her palm had pushed her into a world where only sensation existed.  She didn’t feel the cab pull up, didn’t hear the cab driver clear his throat the first time; she only became aware of her surroundings once more when Jos’ fingers reluctantly slipped out of her pussy and he handed the driver a few greenbacks as he looked genuinely embarrassed to have been caught out.


They barely made it inside the hotel room before Jos kicked the door shut and pushed her up against the back of the sofa, her back to his front.  Peeling her jacket from her shoulders, he buried his nose in her hair and breathed deeply.  “Strawberries and cream.  I thought I could smell it in the bar.  I’ll never think of it the same way again.” Kissing a trail down her throat, he started unbuttoning her blouse until she tugged it out of her skirt and yanked it apart, sending buttons flying in every direction.  “God, yes,” Jos groaned, biting down on her shoulder as his hands rubbed her hardened nipples through the cotton of her bra.  He dragged its strap off one shoulder with his teeth, his hands now slipping the soft cups down off her breasts.  Her nipples tightened even more once the cool winter air caressed her skin, his hands momentarily leaving them to unzip her skirt.  “Take it off.  I need to feel you.” The urgency in his voice was obvious.  She shucked her skirt, leaving her thong in place until Jos fell to his knees behind her, slipping it down her legs, then helping her step out of both.  “Your thigh-highs and these shoes can stay.  Hot as sin,” he murmured as he kissed up her legs and bit the soft skin of her ass, soothing the sting with soft licks.  “Damn, angel, you taste fine.  Can’t wait to taste your pussy.”  Slipping his arm between her legs, she opened to him as his fingers found her hot core, teasing her soft folds with gentle touches.  “Your skin is as soft as silk.”

“Jos, please.  More.”

Jos obliged, pushing two fingers into her tight channel and working her clit until she was writhing in ecstasy, her orgasm crashing through her as she cried out her release, shuddering in his arms.  Rising behind her, he kissed his way up her heaving back, curling over her prone form as she leant over the couch. 

“Please, Jos, I need you in me.”   Cassie had never begged a lover in her life.  She’d never come so hard before; she’d never even had the fire burning within her stoked to a smoulder.  This man, this stranger, played her like a finely tuned instrument, leaving her pleading for more, leaving her begging for his hard body moving against her, in her.

Jos couldn’t get undressed quickly enough.  His leather belt was tossed halfway across the room as he ripped it off, tugging the button fly of his jeans open and pushing them off his hips without hesitation.  Jos didn’t do underwear, could never get comfortable in it.  The only snug fit that he wanted around his cock was a beautiful woman’s pussy, mouth, or hand.  And even better still, her ass.  So when his boots got toed off, his Henley torn off his shoulders, and his jeans kicked away, he was gloriously naked, the condom already being rolled down his thick cock.  Leaning back into Cassie, he fisted his hand in her hair and turned her head, kissing her deeply as he bracketed her legs with his.  Jos squeezed her legs together as he pulled her hips back, arching her back deeply as he  positioned his cockhead at her entry. 

Cassie instinctively rocked backward trying to lodge Jos into her depths, moaning as his cock rubbed her sensitive clit.  Her breath hitched as she rocked against him again, her pussy swallowing him an inch. 

Feeling her around him, tight, wet, and hot, made Jos lose all sense of restraint, and he thrust deep into his angel’s slickness.  They cried out together as he started moving in her.  Cassie met him thrust for thrust, taking her pleasure as much as she gave back to him.  They set a frantic pace, their tongues duelling, his fingers squeezing her hip as he pounded into her.

“Jos, oh, God.  My clit, please,” she panted.  Moving his hand from her hip, he walked his fingers down her taut belly, and slicking his fingers with her juices, he rubbed her clit, alternating between slow circles and sharper pinches.  Cassie’s breathing grew ragged and the whimpers she made grew louder and longer.  Pinching her clit firmly, he rammed his cock inside her as her orgasm screamed through her like his car did when he’d set the new Daytona International Speedway lap record earlier that day. Cassie quaked and shuddered in Jos’ arms, his strong embrace holding her tight against him as he bit down on her shoulder.  He was so thick inside her that Cassie felt every pulse of his cock as he poured himself into the thin latex reserve between them.  They both shook with the intensity of their release as Cassie’s pussy continued to milk every drop of cum from his epic orgasm.

As his legs started to give way, he leaned on Cassie and pulled her over the back of the sofa with him, twisting so that he landed first.  The bevy of cushions that sat on the sofa made for a trampoline like effect, Jos bouncing straight off it, landing with a thud on the floor.  Cassie’s landing was much softer, finding the gap between the cushions stacked at each armrest.  Cassie couldn’t help but giggle at Jos’, “oomph.”

“You okay, handsome?” she asked, leaning over, her head resting on her crossed arms as she tried not to laugh at him. 

“Stay right there.  Don’t move a muscle.  I’ll be back,” he said, eying her hotly. Jos clambered up and disposed of the condom, praying he had more in his leather jacket.  Once was not going to be enough with Cassie.  Once with her wasn’t even close to being enough.   He gathered the half dozen condoms he found in his leather jacket and a warm wet cloth to wipe Cassie down with.  He hated the taste of latex and he had every intention of tasting her sweet pussy tonight.  Returning to the sofa, his eyes wandered over her prone form.  She had the perfect hourglass figure.  Curves did it for him.  Breasts that overflowed his large hands, a tiny waist that was still a little rounded showing that she wasn’t afraid to eat more than a celery stick, legs that seemed to go on forever in those thigh-highs and killer heels, and her ass.  That ass couldn’t be legal.  It was so deliciously, sinfully round and plump that he hardened just thinking about licking and biting it again.  “Shit, angel, I’m sorry, I got a little carried away before.  You’ve got beard burn all over your perfect ass and legs,” he apologised, gently running his fingertips over the reddened spots.

“That’s okay.  I can feel everywhere you’ve been.  It’s a nice tingly feeling.”  Grinning, he kissed each of her ass cheeks again and pulled her hips up a little so he could wipe away the taste of the condom.  Tossing aside the cloth, he knelt by Cassie’s side and kissed her hotly.  It didn’t take long for the need to flare in her again and Cassie found herself rolling onto her back and tugging Jos on top of her.  He willingly obliged, pushing her down into the mass of cushions as he settled between her legs.

“I want, no, I
to taste every inch of you.  I’m gonna start here,” he murmured, his hot breath washing over her ear as he nibbled her lobe as his callused fingertips made a circle around her taut nipple before gliding down her hip to her knee and growling, “down to here.  And everywhere in between.  Everywhere.”

Jos’ words were the most potent aphrodisiac. Her pussy quivered in anticipation as his fingertips glided back up her body, cupping her breasts and tweaking her nipples as he kissed, licked, and nibbled down the column of her neck, across her collar bone and down to her breasts.  He buried his face in her ample bosom and licked up the centre of her chest, making her shiver.  Her hips instinctually rocked, attempting to create friction where she needed it most.  “Slow down, angel.  I want to enjoy you.”

Embarrassed at her complete lack of self-restraint, she cooled fractionally until Jos sucked a nipple into his mouth and pinched the other.  “None of that either.  I want you just as bad.  I got a boner the size of Texas and my cock’s leakin’ everywhere.”  Letting herself relax into his touch again, he proceeded to taste every curve, fold, and line of her body without touching her in the one place she needed him to.

“Jos, please.”

“What d’ya need, angel?” He smiled against the soft skin of her inner thigh, a hair’s breath away from her needy pussy.

“Please make me come.  Please.  I’m fucking begging you.  Lick my pussy, finger fuck me.  Bite down on my clit.  Make me scream.  Please, I’m begging,” she sobbed.

“Anything for you, angel,” he breathed, a moment before descending on her like she was the air he needed to breathe.  He didn’t lick her; he devoured her.  With the perfect amount of suction, he used his lips, his chin, his teeth, and tongue to drink from her core, using his fingers to tease even more of her essence into his mouth.  When he hit her g-spot and bit down gently on her clit, flicking it with his tongue, the earth fell away from her and time stood still as she shattered in his strong arms.  She screamed his name amongst a string of incoherent sobs and shudders so hard she bucked like a bronco on her uncle’s ranch.  When she had the strength to open her eyes, she watched Jos lick his fingers, ingesting every drop of her.  “Angel, you taste like sweet, sweet nectar.  I could get addicted to your taste,” he growled between peppering soft kisses on her thighs, reddened by his stubble.  He looked up at her, his eyes full of desire and something else.  Something more.

“I don’t think I can move, but I need to taste you too.  Come up here.” She tugged on his hands.  He crawled up her body straddling her hips and leant down to kiss her gently.  Cassie grabbed Jos’ rock solid ass in her hands and tried to move his cock closer to her mouth. 

“You’re a demanding thing, aren’t you?” Jos smiled against her lips.

“Give me that cock, handsome.  I’m in the mood to give you the best blowjob you’ve ever had.”

“Confident too,” he chuckled.  Clearing his throat he sang, “These are a few of my favourite things,” as he smiled widely.  Gosh, this girl was amazing.  Feisty, passionate, unafraid to take the pleasure he offered her.  She was a sexual goddess.  And she made him laugh during sex; that was definitely a first for him. 

“Geez, I have to do everything around here.” She grinned, winking at him as she slid down the couch between his legs until she wriggled her shoulders between his knees and licked his sack from his perineum to the base of his cock.  Gripping his erection tight in her fist, she pumped him as she laved her tongue over the soft skin of his sack, taking each one of his throbbing, heavy balls in her mouth and sucking gently until he bucked in her grip.  Releasing him with a soft pop, she licked up his length, wetting his cock with her strong muscle until she found the slit, weeping copious amounts of pre-cum.  Closing her lips over his cockhead, she sucked down as much of his length as she could fit in her mouth.  He was so thick that she wished she could unhinge her jaw like the snakes on those nature documentaries she’d watched as she channel surfed during her late-night dinners.  He leaned down, resting his weight on his forearms, his ass up in the air as she urged him to pump into her mouth.  When he tapped the back of her throat, he held still until she swallowed, pulling his hips closer to her again as she opened up and deep throated him like a professional.  Gag reflex be dammed.  She couldn’t get enough of the sounds Jos was making, moans full of pained ecstasy from striving to reach climax yet hold it off as long as possible, grunts when she tugged on his sack, and audible shudders when her tongue danced around the most sensitive parts of his cock.

“Drink me down, angel. I’m gonna come hard.”  She felt him swell even more, the veins in his length becoming more pronounced before he shouted her name, shaking as he jetted stripe after stripe of salty cum down her throat.

Jos’ mind was utterly blown by the best head job he’d had by a country mile.  Cassie’s sweet, shy exterior fell away quickly, leaving a sexual virtuoso, capable of stripping his self-control with just a ‘come hither’ look.  He had her begging him before.  The only reason he hadn’t reciprocated: he’d bitten his lip until he tasted the metallic tang of his blood.  Jos had lost all coordination since coming so hard down Cassie’s throat that he’d have to check the back of her head for an exit wound.  He collapsed to the side so he didn’t crush her, falling straight off the sofa again onto his ass.  A second, “oomph,” for the night from Jos had Cassie giggling uncontrollably, the melodic sound morphing into a shriek when he reached up, as quick as a flash, and pulled her off the sofa onto his hard body.  She snuggled against him as he breathed deep, catching his breath and inhaling the sweet smell of her hair.

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