One Night (3 page)

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Authors: Emma King

BOOK: One Night
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“I’m glad you like what you see,” I replied, my hand moving between us until I was holding him in my hand. I gripped his penis firmly and waited for him to lift his head and look at me. One look in his eyes said I had him right on the edge. “Let’s go,” I said for the second time that night.

I hadn’t even noticed, but in the process of undressing, William had tossed a condom onto the bed and now he reached for it. He tore open the wrapper and expertly rolled it on. “Remember when you asked me earlier what kind of guy I am?” he said, allowing himself to press against me but not actually penetrate.

“Yeah,” I gasped, feeling slightly desperate. William had me on the edge, too, and he knew it.

“Well I’m about to show you.” And with that, he was inside me. All the way.

The first thrust was powerful and mind-blowing. It had been a long time for me, and it took me a second to catch up to him. His rhythm was steady and unwavering,
and I quickly found my pace. William’s hand never stopped exploring my body and his eyes never left mine. He was a passionate and attentive lover, and it was both unnerving and exhilarating. I found myself anxiously meeting every thrust of his body, and at just the right moment, the slightest shift of our bodies allowed him to press against me in just the right way and I climaxed just as he found his release. His body jerked and I shuddered beneath him, letting out a cry of pleasure.

As the aftershocks rolled through our bodies, William stayed inside me. He brushed my sex hair away from my face and kissed me gently. When he finally pulled out, I could feel emptiness creeping back into my body. Fortunately, he didn’t go far. He
laid next to me and pulled me against his body. As I tucked my head against his chest, I listened to his strong heartbeat as it slowed down to a more normal pace. After what was possibly the best sex of my life, I was exhausted and William seemed to feel the same way.

“Stay with me tonight?” he murmured pleadingly.

I pressed my lips to his chest, just over his heart, and then settled in more comfortably against him. “I don’t think I could stand right now even if I wanted to.”

William laughed and stroked my hair. “Good night, Livy.”

“Good night, William. Sweet dreams.”





I lay with my eyes closed for several minutes after I woke up. Only when I was certain that William wasn’t lying next to me did I finally open them. The awkward thing about one-night stands isn’t so much about the night. It’s about the morning after. It’s much harder to face your impulsive choices in the stark light of day.

The sheets next to me were rumpled but empty. I could hear William moving around in the other room, and his voice carried through the half-opened bedroom door. He was on the phone again, likely closing important deals. At some point I should’ve probably asked him exactly what he did for a living. I wrapped the sheet around my body and began searching for my clothes. I found them neatly folded on the dresser, with a note on top of them.

Breakfast and coffee in the next room. Please join me.

It was such a typical William thing to do. Then again, I didn’t really know William so I wasn’t sure if it was typical or if William was just playing some idealized version of himself. I slipped on my underwear but thought better of putting on my wrinkled dress. William’s dress shirt hung on the back of the door, so I slipped it on and buttoned a couple of buttons. It was long enough that it came to mid-thigh on me. I
rolled up the sleeves and took a quick look in the mirror. What I saw was less than impressive.

I wiped away the raccoon eyes ca
used by sleeping in my wedding makeup and used my fingers to comb out my hair. The result was less than perfect, but it was good enough to get me through morning-after breakfast and coffee.

William was still on the phone, standing in front of the windows and wearing nothing but his boxer briefs. The sun was still rising and it cast a warm glow on his body that made him look even better than I remembered. It didn’t seem fair that he could look so amazing this morning while I looked like I had been hit by a truck. A very weird part of me wanted to sneak up behind William and wrap my arms around him. I was positive that if I actually did that, William would call security and have me taken away. I reached for the coffee instead.

I either hadn’t made enough noise to draw his attention, or William was pretending I wasn’t there. Either way, I enjoyed the freedom to watch him while I munched on a bagel. I could tell from the tense set of his shoulders that it was a serious conversation.

“That’s not going to work for me. What about the next week?” William started to pace and his profile revealed that his jaw was clenched. He had a very nice profile, I decided. I poured another cup of coffee. “This is ridiculous. Why would you think I would agree to that?”

William whirled on his heel and began pacing in the other direction. This time, his eyes found me and he stopped in mid-stride. “Hang on,” he said into the phone. He put the phone on mute and came over to me.

“I’m sorry about this. It will just be a few more minutes.”

“Don’t mind me,” I said with a gracious smile as I looked at the plentiful spread of food before us. “I’m good here.”

William smiled tightly and he dropped a kiss onto my forehead. “I’ll make it quick,” he promised. He headed to the bedroom and didn’t begin talking again until the door was shut.

After eating a couple of strawberries, I grew restless and decided to nose around the room a bit. William’s wallet lay on the coffee table and I couldn’t resist. I checked to make sure the bedroom door was still shut, and then I opened the wallet. His Illinois license confirmed that his name was William J. Connor. He was 6’2”, and 180lbs of pure muscle. His address was in the swanky part of Chicago, not surprisingly.

An organ donor.” It figured. Everything else about him was so perfect, it made sense he would be equally perfect in death.

A couple of credit cards, a gym membership, and about five hundred dollars in cash completed everything William carried around with him on a daily basis. I was not exactly surprised
by what I found, but I was glad I hadn’t found pictures of a wife and kids. I tossed the wallet down and resumed my snooping. I found a bag on the floor next to the couch and peeked inside.

“I leave you alone for five minutes,” William scolded me. I hadn’t heard him return, but I didn’t apologize.

“A stuffed alligator? Is there something you should tell me? Do you have a furry fetish?” I smiled sweetly at him and he returned my smile easily.

“After last night, I think you would know if I had a fetish.” William gestured to the bag while I blushed. “My niece has a thing for alligators.”

“Your niece?” I shook my head in disbelief. The man not only knew what his niece was into, but he also took the time to buy her a gift. “Figures.”

William was lost. “I’m sorry?”

“Never mind.” I waved away his confusion. “I just haven’t had enough coffee yet.”

“You drank half a pot in about fifteen minutes.” William titled his head at me. “Is there something
should tell
? Are you an addict?”

“I am, actually.” I frowned. “I tend to indulge in things that aren’t good for me.”

“Is that what happened last night?” William moved closer to me and I responded in kind.

I waited until we were only inches apart before answering. “That depends. Are you bad for me?” I placed a hand on his chest and felt his heart jump beneath my touch.

William took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I could never be bad for you,” he said, closing his eyes. “But I think you could be very bad for me.”

“Should I go then?” I asked, already knowing what his answer would be.

William kept his eyes closed and shook his head slowly. He was attempting to restrain himself, but I could tell he was about to fail. When he finally opened his eyes, the defeat was obvious. “Stay,” he whispered.

“I have some time before I have to catch my flight,” I said, letting my hand trail from William’s chest down his ripped abdominal muscles. “What did you have in mind for us?”

William had recomposed himself and the familiar teasing smile had returned. “I thought maybe I could show you the shower.”

“The s
hower? Sounds promising.”

His smile grew. “I think you’ll be quite impressed.”

Yet again, William was right. This wasn’t a normal shower.

“This isn’t a shower,” I said, after taking it in. “This is a sex room.”

“A what?” William laughed.

“This is a room designed for sex. And it just happens to have water.” I pointed to the crisp, glass
shower door that left nothing to the imagination, and the many different showerheads. It was big enough for at least six people to shower at the same time.

William laughed again and stepped behind me, sliding one arm around my waist, not so differently from what I had pictured doing to him earlier. His chin nestled into the crook of my neck as he said, “There’s only one way to find out if you’re right.”

I could feel his warm breath on my skin, and his hand had already slipped inside my- rather, his- shirt. He spun me around and pressed his lips to mine. “Get in. I’ll join you in a second.”

His hands slipped away and I wanted to pull him back to me. “Where are you going?”

“To gather essentials,” he said with a wink.

“Oh. Good call.” William didn’t leave anything to chance, which I appreciated. I
quickly removed my clothes. After stepping into the shower, it took several seconds to figure out how to turn on the water but when I did, it was glorious. Water poured from every conceivable corner of the shower. Some of it was gentle, while other areas of water pulsed with force. I moaned with pleasure. A girl could get used to a shower like this.

William was gone longer than I had expected, so I helped myself to some shampoo and began to lather my hair. I had an old Led Zeppelin song stuck in my head for some reason, and I began to sing it softly as I rinsed the shampoo from my hair.

“I wouldn’t have taken you for a Zeppelin girl,” William said.

My eyes had been closed to keep from getting shampoo in them but they flew open at the sound of his voice. He was s
tanding before me in the shower in all his naked glory, and I drank it in.

“I’m full of surprises,” I said. I turned my back to him to adjust the water temperature. It had gotten significantly hotter in the shower since William’s arrival. “You were gone a while. You didn’t run into any problems gathering essentials, did you?”

William pressed behind me again, and this time when his arm circled me, his hand moved lower. “No problems. I just had to take another quick call.”

“You’re very popular. People can’t get enough of you.” I clenched in surprise as William’s hand slid between my legs. I could feel him responding in return as he pushed against my back.

“I hope that’s the case,” he said with his lips pressed to my shoulder. His other hand found my left breast and he caressed it gently. I began to relax against him and that’s when he pushed his finger inside of me. I gasped with pleasure. He began to move it slowly, sliding it in and out. Soon he slipped another finger inside as well and picked up speed. I reached behind me and groped until I found his penis, already hard and ready.

As William continued to pulse in and out of me with his fingers, I matched his rhythm with my hands. It was a bit of a contortionist act on my part, but based on his
groans of pleasure, it was working. Just as I was about to reach climax, William’s hand dropped away.

It took me by surprise and I let go of him as well. For a second, I couldn’t feel him against me anymore and then he spun me around so that I was facing him. “I want to see you,” he said. In those brief seconds he had retrieved a condom and put it in place.

I nodded to let him know that I was ready, more than ready, and he lifted me off the ground, pinning me to the shower wall. The walls were made of granite, and were slippery when wet. But then again, so were we. It took a second for us to find our balance but once we did, William didn’t waste any time. I cried out as he entered me, relishing the feeling of him deep inside my body. Last night we had gone slow, taking time to enjoy the feeling of our bodies working together. This morning was different.

Not only were we facing
a precarious slippery situation that could ruin the moment at any second, we had also had a taste of what we were in for and now we wanted it again, as quickly as possible.

William struggled
to find his footing while holding me to the wall. I felt helpless until I realized there was a small ledge, about ten inches off the ground, running the length of the shower. It was likely there to keep the water from cascading onto the bathroom floor, but it served a dual purpose of being a perfect shower-sex perch. My feet found it and held firm, allowing William to concentrate on more important things than keeping me in place.

We dispensed with the foreplay and titillation and concentrated only on the grand finale. We were both more urgent this time, William in his powerful thrusting and me clutching him desperately close to my body. I came first this time, letting out a startled yell
of delight and William came just seconds later, moaning my name as he finished.

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