One Last Sunset (The Long Ranch Series Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: One Last Sunset (The Long Ranch Series Book 1)
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She absently played with the hat he’d been wearing. “Well, I need to get going.”

“So soon? You didn’t even get lunch.”

“I’m good. Thanks again for the offer.”

“You heading out of town?” he asked as she started to walk away.

“I guess so, but I’ll be around for a few days. Maybe one day, I’ll take you up on the offer.”

“Where can I find you?”

“The Winston’s ranch. I don’t know if it has another name.”

“You from the EPA?” he asked.

“No, I’m Conrad’s daughter.”


* * * *


Savannah sat in her car with the windows down as she made out the map Darla had drawn for her on an old menu. If she got stuck in the town for a few weeks, maybe she could pick up some shifts at the Hard Root. It’s not like she wasn’t used to having a job for only a short time. And if the patrons at night were half as hot as the two guys she’d talked to today, she was sure she could work some big tips with little trouble.

“Your car will never get there if you don’t start it,” Clay said as he leaned on the top of her car and ducked his head down.

At least six two with a wide frame he was the sexiest piece of chocolate she’d seen in awhile. His short goatee let her know he did take care of himself, although she couldn’t understand how in this heat, he could be wearing jeans, cowboy boots, and a long sleeve shirt. Even with the sleeves rolled up.

“I’m just making sure I’m reading the directions right.”

“Darn, I was hoping you were waiting on me.”

“You do have a big opinion of yourself. Which stage did Freud leave you in? Oral?”

“Don’t you wish,” he goaded back. “If you want you could follow me.”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because I live on the same road as Conrad…or did before Julio killed him. I’m sorry about your loss.”

“I never knew the man, now I’m stuck cleaning up an estate. I probably should’ve just said fuck it, but I guess I at least wanted to check it out before I did.”

“What did Freud say about daddy issues?”

She felt a grin tugging at her lips again. “Aren’t you the comedian?”

“I do make women smile.”

“By walking away?”

Clay snorted. “Fine, be a bitch, it’ll get you far in life.” Clay pushed off the top of her car and started walking toward the pick-up truck Sunny was sitting in.

Damn, he had a nice walk. “You said I could follow you?” she called and he turned.

“Just to my ranch, the rest is on you.”

“I’ll take it,” she said, a bit relieved since Darla had circled Clay’s ranch on the map and it was a straight shot from his to her—Dad. It seemed like such a strange word for a man she’d never met before, but he was, she guessed. That had been more than made clear to her earlier.


“I came,” she said as she looked at the man sitting across from her. He was in a three piece suit, only his vest was leather and he wore a bolo instead of a tie. She was surprised when this was the office she’d been directed to since the Dallas one was downtown and full of suits pretending to be Wall Street on the prairie. A strip mall next to a dry cleaner wasn’t her first thought. “Where’s the rest of my money?”

“Money?” Dean Curry said as he started to shuffle papers. “I don’t think you understand what has happened with your father.”

“Not that money, the money old Gareth promised me.”

“He did say you’d want some money, but I wasn’t to disperse it until we went over the will.”

“That wasn’t the deal I made.”

“Life sucks for you then.”

“Are all lawyers assholes?”

“It comes with the degree.” He glanced up from his paperwork. “That and Conrad was a personal friend of mine and I’m not really excited to have to deal with a rude child of his.”

“Rude? I never knew he existed. Who wasn’t following Emily Post on this one?”

“Your father was killed following an illegal land issue.”

“That and fifty cents gets me what?”

“You get his land about fifteen thousand acres. There are cattle there, some outbuildings, and the house.”

“What am I going to do with a cattle ranch? The only time I ever put on cowboy boots was when I worked at a western bar for a week and a half.”

“The cattle are all set to be slaughtered due to contamination. You’ll have to cover that cost.”

Savannah balked. She knew she hadn’t won the lottery when she suddenly discovered she had a father, but damn. She wasn’t about to take on a stranger’s debts just because his swimmer won the race twenty two years ago. “I’m supposed to kill cows just for fun?” she asked.

“No, you have to have them disposed of properly. I’d say try sell them to a dog food company, but that would lead to more lawsuits later on.”

Savannah could ask why the animals needed to be killed, but what did she know from cattle? Or hell, animals in general? Much less running a whole ranch. “Do I have to go there or can I just sign papers and get it off my back?”

“Go out there, check it out. You might just like the home.”

“Wait. I have a house? That’s all mine? Free and clear?” Her apartment was one thing, but a home of her own? She’d never had anything but a car growing up. And it was still twenty four more payments before that was technically hers.

“Nothing is free and clear. Your dad had a few mortgages and no life insurance.”

“You made me come here to try to trap me with debt,” Savannah accused.

“No, I made you come here hoping you’d go out the ranch and fix up the place. I’d also like to be your legal representative against Federated Gas.”

“Who’s that?”

“The company that broke EPA regulations and destroyed your ranch.”

“Can it be saved?” Why did she bother to ask that? Stupid! It wasn’t like she could actually become a rancher.

“You remind me of your dad, just don’t make the same mistakes he did.” Dean tossed a file to her. “The ranch is in Tender Root, at the edge of the county really, but Tender Root’s the closest town. It’s beautiful.”

“Just all the cow’s milk glows in the dark.”

“They’re beef cows.”

“My point exactly. I’m not a cowgirl.”

“Go to the ranch. Meet your aunt and uncle. Spend a few days. Maybe you’ll change your mind.”

“I have no money. No job. And no interest in livestock.”

“You’re a Winston,” Dean affirmed. “It’s in your blood.”

“My last name is Georgio. I have marinara in my blood.”


Clay slowed his truck and she saw him turning into a ranch with a sign over the top.
Long Ranch
. He pulled to the side and let down his window. “You’ve got about another thirty minutes, but it’s down that road. It’s the next ranch on the right. Drive slow. It turns into gravel in about a mile.

“Sorry about earlier,” she said. If for some strange reason she ended up staying around, the last thing she needed were enemies. If only she weren’t so good at making them.

“You’ve had a handful of shocks. I’ll give you a little leeway. Just know we’re your neighbors and around here, that means we help each other.”

What a foreign concept. She looked at his deep mahogany eyes and saw…truth. Was this why Dean wanted her to come here? To meet the people and somehow decide this was the life for her? Obviously, he had no idea how stubborn and stupid she could be. Even if this place was a palace, all she could do was destroy it, like she did everything in her life.


About the Author


Michel Prince is an author who graduated with a bachelor degree in History and Political Science. Michel writes new adult and adult paranormal romance as well as contemporary romance.


With characters yelling, "It's my turn damn it!" She tries to explain to them that alas, she can only type a hundred and twenty words a minute and they will have wait their turn. She knows eventually they find their way out of her head and to her fingertips and she looks forward to sharing them with you.


When Michel can suppress the voices in her head, she can be found at a scouting event or cheering for her son in a variety of sports. She would like to thank her family for always being in her corner and especially her husband for supporting her every dream and never letting her give up.


Michel has been awarded Elite Status with Rebel Ink Press in 2013, the service award for her local RWA chapter Midwest Fiction Writers in 2013 and 2015 and is a Pro member of RWA. She lives in the Twin Cities with her husband, son, and dog Bolt. 


You can follow Michel on
or at her


Other Books by Michel Prince


The Guardian’s Heart-Book One of the Growing Strong Series

Nominated for Book of the Year 2013 By LASR

Case Thomas is always in control whether it’s on the basketball court, the lab where he works, or in his love life. He thinks he has everything all figured out. All that changes when his parents pass away during his last year of college and Case is thrown into fatherhood when he becomes temporary guardian to two adorable twin toddlers. Weeks later, exhausted and running out of time, Case must decide if he's ready to become a father to these children, or give them up and move on with what's left of his life. Then he meets Gabbie Vaulst.


Gabbie is amazing with the kids, owns her own business, and has all the right curves in all the right places. She can tell Case is attracted to her, but does he really love her or is he just settling for a surrogate Mom who can wrangle his new kids? Knowing that she's falling in love with him, she chooses to push him away until his world straightens out. Can Case prove to Gabbie, and himself, that his feelings are real? Or, is this sudden family too much for both of them to handle?


The odds, as well as members of their past who've come out of the woodwork, are against them, but when kids are involved, all bets are off. 


The Queen’s Heart-Book Two of the Growing Strong Series


At the tender age of seventeen, Mary Beth discovered the family she thought would see her through anything couldn’t accept her one mistake. Thank goodness for her best friends that stepped up to support her decision to keep her child. Seven years later together with her friends, she’s created a successful business on the verge of a large expansion.


But the desire to be accepted by her family continues to be a failure that taints all her accomplishments and has her making concessions she never thought she would.


Elias Marquez was content with his life. He definitely wasn’t looking for the vibrant redhead down the hall from him. After a chance encounter, he can’t escape the need to be in her company again. He wants to explore the possibilities and the undeniable spark her touch inspires.


Torn between trying to right the past and accepting that she can only control her own life is Mary Beth truly ready for the love Elias is prepared to offer as a future?


The Politician’s Heart-Book Three of the Growing Strong Series


Karen Schroeder made the choice to be a politician. Her local success has caught the eyes of her party and she’s suddenly thrust into the national stage. She knows how to play the game and exactly who she needs to be, even if it’s not who she really is.


Sarah Lindstrom has never questioned her feelings, even when they made her believe her girlfriend would say yes to her proposal instead of breaking up with her. When she sees Karen Schroeder campaigning, the rush of attraction is undeniable. Sarah knows she’s been wrong before, but her feelings for Karen overwhelm any apprehension for this woman who’s trapped in the closet.


As the relationship grows, Sarah learns love can be the painful when the one you love can only be herself with the door is closed. More importantly, her love of Karen could cost her everything she’s worked for. Can love bloom when hidden in the dark?


The Teacher’s Heart-Book Four in the Growing Strong Series


There's no way Amanda Butler would ever let herself get attached to anyone. Sure, sex is fun, but love is for suckers. Her parents taught her that. She has her friends, a job she loves, and lots of fun flings. Everything she thinks she wants.


Ashton Gilmore is at a crossroads when he meets Amanda. She's every thing he's ever wanted in a real relationship, but she might have too much baggage for even this hot political fixer handle.


For the past few years, the women of Growing Strong Montessori have been discovering loves they’d never thought possible. Sans one, Mandy who has spent the last few years taking one hit after another and can’t see Ashton Gilmore as anything more than a bump in the road.


Ashton has to find a way to teach Mandy that love exists, before she gives up on the concept all together.


Silly Girl


Nominated for a RONE 2014

Are professional sports just children’s games played by oversized kids?


With an all-consuming focus, Matthias Jessup has sacrificed his body in pursuit of greatness. But while he’s enjoyed the spoils of being an elite athlete, the physical punishment can only be held at bay for so long. He knows his time is running out and he will have to face his future soon.


Sylvia Kinder is obsessed with Matthias' public image. But now, that her fantasy has walked into her life, could it possibly lead to a happy ending? She worries if there's any place for her in his world, much less his heart.


Drawn to each other on a chance meeting, Matthias must look off the court and discover the real world, while Sylvia will have to find the strength of self to not become lost in a world she doesn’t understand. But those who aren’t ready for a life after the game surround Matthias and are willing to do anything to keep him on the court.


Kiss from a Rose: A Red Hot Valentine Story


Jenna Turner wasn’t looking for anything but a quick bite to eat when she met the sexy peace officer Marcus Peterson. While Jenna has always been singularly focused on her next big promotion at work, suddenly she’s distracted by alluring texts from Marcus. 


His evocative words and her naughty responses invoke emotions neither seem ready for, and luckily, neither have room in their busy lives to follow through on all their sexting.


Can two career driven people find the time to take their relationship to the next level? Or, will careers and the pressure to achieve goals cause the end to a budding love?


One Last Rodeo: A Red Hot and Boom! Story


Betsy Flynn's star is rising as she serves as the color sports reporter for the local CBS affiliate. Her focus, knowledge, and high heels have become a staple along every sideline in Minneapolis, but a rodeo has come to Minnesota and this Texas transplant will have to go back to her roots.


Five years ago, pick-up man JT Long chose his best friend’s rodeo career over the love of his life, Betsy. As JT’s rodeo shows up in Northern Minnesota, he quickly realizes his chances of winning Betsy back are getting slim as he learns he only has one last rodeo to win her heart.


*Break out the fireworks and get ready to kick off your summer with this HOT new collection of stories. One Last Rodeo is part of the Red Hot and BOOM multi-author series (stands alone for reading enjoyment)


Mask of Fire: A Red Hot Treat


Barton Nuril has attended the Harvester's Gala for more years than most. He'd given up the dream that a woman would want him for more than copulation until a dark haired beauty he dubs Fire fights to get him in bed. Even as those from his province plot to take down the establishment and all its traditions, Barton for once, is discovering love may exist


Abigail Stone knew the Rules chapter and verse. Even as others perverted their purpose, Abby stayed true and attended the Harvester's Gala to find her soul mate. Just as she feels she's found him the fates step in between omens and a battle no one could have foretold Abby is sure her choice is doomed. Will she see beyond her traditions and still stay within the rules to find love?


Can love ignite when one believes it no longer exists and the other fears the fates have doomed the union?


Shared Redemption-Book One of the Frozen Series


Former slave Nye ended his life in 1859 after losing his love. The angel Gabriel has offered Nye a chance at redemption by hunting demons as a member of the Frozen. With less than seven years left until his salvation, Nye is staying on the straight and narrow – until a woman gets caught in the crossfire during a demon hunt.


After receiving devastating news, Kiriana Kladshon moves across the country, only to get caught up in the world of The Frozen. Nye and Kiriana are pulled into an attraction neither can control. Will it be their ultimate demise or their greatest salvation?


Damarion, is leading a group of female demons on a mission. During his punishment on Earth, Damarion learns of dangers within his coven trying to stop him from returning to his love, still trapped in Hell and A love he was so sure was true...


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James Schmitt took his life to escape his pain. The offer from Gabriel for salvation gave him a chance to take responsibility for his actions, but his inner demons won’t stop tormenting him. Gabriel gave but one order—protect his partner Kiriana at any cost. And he’ll be damned if he lets anyone down ever again.


Princess LaDressa, daughter of Lucifer, has come for revenge on the woman who slew her beloved Damarion. Kiriana holds his ashes, and with them, his only chance for resurrection. One way or another, LaDressa will be united with her love.


Stolen Redemption-Book Three of the Frozen Series


Esther, Vincent, and Pivane thought they knew what side they were on.


When Esther became Frozen, she thought she'd spend the rest of her afterlife searching for salvation. She never thought she'd find it in the arms of a small town detective.


Vincent thought a small town would be just the place to bury his past. Mount Pleasant, Iowa is a sweet town on paper, the kind of town a guy could forget his feelings and live to serve and protect. He didn't count on meeting Esther and having the gates of his hearts forced open again.


With all his rivals captured or injured, Pivane is poised to finally become leader of his demon clan and make all his dreams come true. However, even his black heart can be touched by love. A love he’d have to throwaway everything for.


They thought they knew whose team they were on, but love changes everything.


Chrysalis-Book one of the Chrysalis Series


Winner of the Interracial Romance Author Expo Sweetest Romance 2015


In the annals of dysfunctional families, the Chisholm’s are working their way to the top. Drug abuse, an unwed mother with multiple fathers, and the questionable cash flow for the 'pretty one'. All this from a seemingly normal, two parent middle class family. But were the choices truly made of their free will?


Bad choices are a Chisholm family trait, one that confounds the youngest child, Ellie, who's trying to separate herself by making smart decisions. And falling for Oscar Jeffreys, the hottest guy at school, would be number one on the list of Chisholm family disasters. Yet the crazy part is it’s not a one sided attraction. Somehow, Ellie has caught Oscar Jeffreys’ eye. Sure, she could see the barriers between them. Race, age, popularity. They were at opposite ends of the spectrum. But a demon set to destroy her family? She can't see that.


Oscar provides security and acceptance Ellie never imagined she deserved. As the passion of first love grows, Ellie honestly believes she has a chance to beat the odds and live a happy, normal life. Then her world collapses around her. With the help of a guardian angel, Ellie learns of a world that has unknowingly surrounded her for years. And she'll have to find strength buried deep inside to save not only her future, but flush out and stop the demon in her midst.


Ellie will have to learn that sometimes the hardest lesson about growing up is accepting that you're worth more.


The Beam-Book Two of the Chrysalis Series


When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.-Corinthians 13:11


There comes a time in everyone’s life when they must put aside their childish ways. In the past year, Ellie Chisholm has fallen into the security of her relationship with Oscar Jeffreys, emerging with a stronger sense of herself. But now Ellie's mother has started inserting herself into Ellie’s life, treating her as if she were a child even though Ellie has begun to make very adult decisions for her future. Having finally consummated her relationship with Oscar, Ellie learns the powers inside of her stretch further than vaporizing demons.

BOOK: One Last Sunset (The Long Ranch Series Book 1)
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